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All these 1080p/60fps PS4/Xbone announcements feel so unreal


keyboard + mouse control
120hz (give it a try if you haven't already)
ultra high AA or 2560x1600+ resolution
free online (for most games I would assume)


Junior Member
It's a nice step, but not even that much of a luxury considering how long the life-span of a console is and how fast PC caches up (if it has any catching up to do)


Nvidia and AMD are going to have a real hard time justifying graphics cards more expensive than consoles if you get 1080 with solid fps on consoles

PC will still have better image quality and 4k resolution may start becoming viable towards the end of the gen.


keyboard + mouse control
120hz (give it a try if you haven't already)
ultra high AA or 2560x1600+ resolution
free online (for most games I would assume)

All well and good, but as a primarily PC gamer myself (on a projector no less), we are certainly reaching a point of diminishing returns here. I guess we'll see what compromises, if any, had to be made to achive the visual performance these devs have been. Otherwise, I can see a situation where I go solely console this gen.


As a 95% PC player, I'd say welcome back guys and hope this becomes standard.

I'm playing Dragon's Dogma right now and I want to kill myself.
This is somewhat tangential, but is BF4 confirmed to run at 1080p on Xbone/PS4?

I know that it's going to run at 60 fps, but I recall reading a few articles last month that talked about the game only running at 720p.
Don't get used to it.

This is pretty much just for launch games that are basically generation-straddling titles that are coming out on 360/PS3. They then give the next-gen version a slight visual bump and emphasize framerate instead of detail. This will end once the hardware transition is done.
There are games that are far out like Halo that will be true next-gen that have been announced at 60 fps.

Well it boils down to preference in KB/mouse and cheaper games and free online service and the ability to advance your system when you're ready to. Graphically pc will always be on top with more graphical options for max visual quality.

What needs to be understood here is before people start saying *no need for pc* we need to see if and how many cut backs are made to multiplatform games to achieve 60fps and a res of 1080p. I know BF4 will be 60fps and 1080p on consoles but what has been gimped to do so?

And for people who enjoy the best visuals possible there's always the option for 2560x1660 which I believe the next gpus won't have a problem with handling.

There's a lot of advantages to console gaming, too. Having everything under one umbrella to make a unified experience is pretty awesome. I've got Steam, Origin, Uplay, Battle.net, and several individual clients like LoL and Path of Exile I manage on my PC. With a console it's all under one roof.

You can also resell console games and make back a lot of money. $5-10 Steam sales for big games are way, way after release unless the game is a mega bomb. New games still cost MSRP unless GMG has a coupon code going and that particular game is available on their site. You can buy a $50-60 console game that releases today and resell it for $40-50 in a week or two on eBay. You can't do that on PC. That's one of the biggest reasons I've switched over. It's going to save me a ton of money over the course of the gen because I mainly only buy new releases.

Then there's the convenience factor which is unmatched. Then there's console exclusive things like the Share button that makes streaming/uploading vids incredibly intuitive and easy. Or what about Suspend/Resume, that sounds awesome. There's advantages and disadvantages to both platforms.


To those asking:

Yes, Battlefield 4 was confirmed to be 1080p at 60fps on next gen consoles in today's MP livestream by Patrick Bach. There are a few people who confirmed it in the GAF thread about the stream.


It might be far-fetched, but I hope 60fps as the standard means that more games will do what CoDBLOPS2 did with 3D. 2D in 60fps full-resolution, and 3D in 30fps full-resolution. The main thing that holds 3D back this gen is that so many games just turn into blurry messes when they lower the resolution.


Don't worry, we'll be getting 30fps and sub 1080p as soon as cross-gen is over and devs try to squeeze the hardware for everything it's worth. The assets will be mind blowing, yes, but it will be 30fps and possibly as low as 720p at times.
You also might see people complain that a 30fps sequel doesn't feel right, even if they don't know what a framerate is. Traditional fighting games are stuck with 60fps partly because of that.

Yep, but I think people already did that, a lot of developers just haven't seemed to realize the importance of fluid gameplay. Either that, or for sequels developers may feel forced to update things like textures, lightning, etc. because they're under a lot of pressure for them not to look the same as their previous games.

I honestly think youtube needs to have a 60fps standard these days, I feel like that could actually have something to do with it. I can understand why IQ has been more marketable than frame rate up to this point.
Rayman Legends, Smash, Zelda Wind Waker (probably 30 FPS though), Bayo 2, Mario Kart, Sonic Lost World, Mario 3D World, most likely CoD: Ghosts since BLOPS II was...

Zelda: WW is 30fps, probably since the original was also. Everything else is 60fps.


Rayman Legends, Smash, Zelda Wind Waker (probably 30 FPS though), Bayo 2, Mario Kart, Sonic Lost World, Mario 3D World, most likely CoD: Ghosts since BLOPS II was...

Im sure you're wrong after Wind Waker.

Edit: Unless this a 60fps list only.

Then Wind Waker is probably wrong.


Really? That's awesome. Which are confirmed?


Bayonetta 2
Mario 3D World
Wonderful 101
Sonic Lost World
Mario Kart 8
Pikmin 3
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Super Smash Bros.

Wind Waker is only 30 FPS, but also 1080p, I believe. No word on "X" yet.
I'd actually prefer maximized graphics at 1080 and 30 for consoles. I'm one of those weirdos where 60 fps isn't a big deal.
I'm the same way.

Outside of FPS and fighting games I don't care about the difference in fluidity between 30fps and 60fps. I can easily tell the difference between the two, but in most cases it doesn't matter to me.

Also, dropping frames from 60 fps is much more jarring than dropping them at 30.


There's been some nice little bits here and there running at 1080p60 at the tail end of this gen - PlayStation All Stars, Rayman Origins - but as a largely console-only games, I'm hyped for the move up from 720 to 1080 as the default.

Dario ff


Bayonetta 2
Mario 3D World
Wonderful 101
Sonic Lost World
Mario Kart 8
Pikmin 3
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Super Smash Bros.

Out of all of those, Smash is the only one confirmed to be 1080p/60 FPS (not sure about Pikmin 3). The rest are all 720p. All the direct feed shots are 720p, some of them without any AA, like MK8.
I'm skeptical that it'll keep up throughout the generation, but it's a nice surprise.

I'm also totally fine with Nintendo sticking with simpler graphics if it means solid IQ/framerate for Wii U games. Although I wonder why they seem to be struggling so much with HD development when they're not making as huge of a leap graphically.

What about the people that dislike that angular look? Where are they to go?




Bayonetta 2
Mario 3D World
Wonderful 101
Sonic Lost World
Mario Kart 8
Pikmin 3
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Super Smash Bros.

Wind Waker is only 30 FPS, but also 1080p, I believe. No word on "X" yet.

He said confirmed, not pulled out your ass.


I do. So that I can play an FPS shooter properly(KBM). Aim assist? NO THANK YOU SIR.

Think this is the biggest barrier i have with consoles, almost all 3rd person or 1st person shooting without KB/M after playing almost 20 years PC gaming. I will still get PS4 but it will be hard playing all my favorite open world games.


I too was surprised. Especially at Battlefield 4 being 1080p/60fps on consoles. But then again I dunno if people realize just how hold and out of date the 360/ps3 are.

Still going to get mutli plats on my PC though. My triple monitor setup is still something that consoles cannot provide at the moment.
keyboard + mouse control
120hz (give it a try if you haven't already)
ultra high AA or 2560x1600+ resolution
free online (for most games I would assume)

* 99% of keyboards and mice don't have input/pressure sensitivity.
(However, I do highly prefer MMO's and competitive FPS play on PC because of the keyboard and mouse)
* Ghosting & Response Time will still be inferior to a 60hz CRT. But really, that doesn't have anything to do with consoles vs pc gaming and more to do with display tech. I prefer my pc games connected to my HD CRT at 60hz or my CRT monitor at 85hz over a 600hz Plasma any day.

The other two points I can't argue with, but at least with PS+ you get 18 free games per year and 2GB of cloud storage.

In my mind, there are good points to playing games on a PC and on a console. I think it just depends on too many factors to pick one or the other as superior.

Why not have both .gif


I'd actually prefer maximized graphics at 1080 and 30 for consoles. I'm one of those weirdos where 60 fps isn't a big deal.

Me too. 30fps looks more cinematic to me. It's like the difference between a soap opera and a hollywood film - for some reason the lower frame rates are reserved for the higher budget movies and that's the way it's always been...so I guess that translates into games somewhat for me personally. IMO games look more fake or plastic when the framerate is higher.


It won't last long. Eventually they'll start hitting the performance wall and the developers will seek to make their game's screenshots look better by sacrificing the framerate. Then we'll be right back to 30 fps.
Still too much 30fps out there, especially from heavyweights like Killzone and Destiny. Most of the 1080p60 stuff is cross-gen. I imagine that Killzone is going to be lauded to its graphical fidelity... 30fps will come back. Give it a few years.

I wish that MS/Sony had mandated 1080p/60/vsync for every game. =(
Me too. 30fps looks more cinematic to me. It's like the difference between a soap opera and a hollywood film - for some reason the lower frame rates are reserved for the higher budget movies and that's the way it's always been...so I guess that translates into games somewhat for me personally. IMO games look more fake or plastic when the framerate is higher.

ah look, here's one.

those expectations are formed by association. if you see lots of high budget / high production value stuff at 60, this association will disappear.


Gold Member
A lot of developers probably saw diminishing returns and just thought, "fuck it, just make it 60fps, the graphics aren't worth it".

Once BF and AC go 60fps on consoles it will be hard to convince people to go back to 30fps version of these games.

I still expect mostly 30fps, but if they can get a smooth 60fps then great.
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