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Anyone worried about DriveClub?


Neo Member
Well forza has drivertard ai which sounds way better than rubber band ai and it also has 23 other cars on screen

it's not necessarily an either/or choice with rubberband ai and drivatar. having matched brake points or aggression tendencies or whatever drivatar is for, does not exclude making the ai drive faster than normally possible on straights.


Understandable really. This thing is launching in just over a months and we still haven't seen any real decent footage of Driveclub, Killzone or BF4, etc.
It's really getting annoying and damn time that we'll get some quality footage out there that shows more than the one track/vertical slice that have been demo'd over and over again.

Pretty much. Really annoying.

I think we've seen plenty of Killzone footage. Single and Multiplayer.

Driveclub has been drip fed but we've seen improvements and we're meant to be getting more footage soon.

I don't know why you automatically think he's bullshitting.

I'm a PS fan and I don't like Killzone, GoW, LittleBigPlanet and InFamous.

I think he's talking about 23 cars on track for forza and rubber band AI


Junior Member
I'm pretty confident it will successfully scratch that 'pretty next-gen racing' itch, and since I don't plan to quit PS+ anytime soon, a version hopefully long enough to satisfy me will be free. The game looks pretty and the driving looks solid.
My worry is that the game doesn't seem that fun.

I was hyped as hell for Motorstorm, but I really don't care about a racer with nothing special except pretty graphics.

I loved the heck out of the Motorstorm series, but this doesn't even seem to have the pretty graphics...it just doesn't wow me at all. Maybe it will look better in person.

I'm not 'worried' about the game per se, I've just kind of written it off. I have PS+ so I'll be able to check it out anyway.


Personally, I'd like another MotorStorm from those guys instead of this. It's a much more unique franchise. If I wanted a realistic racing simulator, I'd much rather go for GT6 or wait for GT7.


I was way more impressed with MotorStorm at the PS3 launch.

I've been saying this since E3. I don't know why Driveclub exists. It's a game nobody asked for. I truly hope Sony dumps the franchise after this game and just tells Evolution to go make a crazy arcade racer.

Kinda have to agree with this too. Driveclub just isn't doing it for me and I'm a big racing fan.

Jack cw

I've been saying this since E3. I don't know why Driveclub exists. It's a game nobody asked for.

Nobody asked for PGR3 either but it was THE xblive game at launch. The first game many people experienced online gaming on 360 at launch. Driveclub has potential too. It has this social component with its clubs and that is the reason why this is also on PS+. To get people into PS4 multiplayer. It is the first racer since Forza 3 that got my attention...
People who want an arcade racer have a better option in NFS: Rivals.

I've been saying this since E3. I don't know why Driveclub exists. It's a game nobody asked for. I truly hope Sony dumps the franchise after this game and just tells Evolution to go make a crazy arcade racer.
Nfs hant been good in a while and this new one is 30 fps...plus it was made for the cod generation. Cops, sparks explosions everywhere. Dc looks like a gentlemans racer

Dc has potential imo. I want to see this potential and not time trials


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I'm guessing that Evo probably feels pretty comfortable with the position they've been given as almost a pack-in game that they don't really feel the need to make a hard sell in the weeks leading up to the launch. They're probably building their marketing around a sales model that puts more emphasis on the long tail than it does on the day 1 sale. There'll be enough people grabbing just the PS+ version of the game under their existing subscriptions and sharing out videos and screenshots from that to do plenty of implicit marketing for them. I think that's a dynamic that no one has fully accounted for yet in this new console cycle.


All they have shown so far is time trials...so yeah you are right. Not a single race video that shows us the ai etc...
Well, the amount of whining we get from an incomplete game having some aliasing on the rear spoiler of a car is just ridiculous, the Internet would probably explode of all the complaining if they showed footage of multiple cars that all have aliasing.


People who want an arcade racer have a better option in NFS: Rivals.

I've been saying this since E3. I don't know why Driveclub exists. It's a game nobody asked for. I truly hope Sony dumps the franchise after this game and just tells Evolution to go make a crazy arcade racer.
Seems like it fills that 'PGR' niche on the Sony side. Not super arcade, but far from a sim. Pretty visuals, pretty simplistic and forgiving physics, etc.

Not my type of game whatsoever, but I think it could do alright.


People who want an arcade racer have a better option in NFS: Rivals.
NFS Rivals looks meh and they aren't even similar arcade racers. I don't want to have shit like cops in my arcade racer. Drive Club fills that void much better than NFS. Not to even mention I have much more confidence in Evolution delivering a great arcade racer after all they've done in the past (Motorstorms were great, as were their WRC games) than whatever studio is handling Need For Speed nowadays, especially after they got some of the talent from Bizzare after they went down (who did some of the most fun arcade racers in PGRs & Blur).


I'm already a PS+ subscriber, so it is a nice bonus when I get home with the PS4, so I can't say I'm too worried.

If it turns out to be a dud, I'll be more upset Evolution spent as much time as they did with DC, when we could have had next-gen Motorstorm instead.
I don't even understand why people even come into topics about Driveclub if they are going to recommend NFS!!!

Do they watch the videos of DC and think "you know what this game needs, turbo boosts, police chases, sparks, and oncoming traffic! ... I better go on GAF and tell everyone interested in Driveclub to buy the better alternative!!"


Does anyone know if DC will feature urban tracks/ environments. DC's lighting is awesome, would love to see that plus day/night transition in a city.


Yeah, I was excited for it at the reveal, but I am not interested in 30fps racers this gen.

e: NFS is also 30fps

I don't even know what the fuck is the point anymore.
Uh, no thanks, this open world arcade racer fetish needs to die asap. All those games fucking suck.

It's one reason why i'm having problems getting excited about Rivals. Hot Pursuit was open-world in the end as you did have a free drive mode, but it really seemed like Criterion made a bunch of tracks on their own and then figured out how to piece them together to form an open world. And the actual races were always raced in a pre-defined space with specific cars, so it really just felt like a standard track. The layouts felt much more well thought out than in Most Wanted where it just seemed like your typical open-world racer. That's the big issue that I have when going open-world. The world just doesn't lend itself to fun racing and the "fun", if you want to call it that, comes from the chaos of trying to make it to wherever the finish line is.

So i'll always prefer well thought out tracks over an open-worlds when it comes to racer.
I honestly can't sleep at night for worrying about Driveclub. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat and shaking.. Other times it's just insomnia. I've tried telling my friends and family but nobody understands how bad the anti aliasing was in that alpha footage. Or the lack of cars. Why won't anyone take me seriously? Won't somebody think about Driveclub!

Seriously though, I'll save my concerns until an actual review. I didn't base my PS4 Pre order on this title, frankly I'd be surprised if anyone did. If it's great, great. If it's not there will be other games to play. This is not an established franchise that I'm invested in, it's a new IP. Thems the shakes.


Gold Member
It's a launch title. Launch titles are rushed like crazy to get them out the door in time. We won't know what's in there until it's on the shelf. They are probably pulling 20 hour days to get it wrapped up.

This is why you don't see titles like Gran Turismo 6 at launch. Too much is in flux.
I'm not too worried. I think the game looks great for a launch game but the lack of any actual people races involving the online (beta, testing, in-house, etc ... ) is a bit strange. I mean, this game comes out in a month and is heavily aimed as a social/online racer but there's been no videos of other racers oustide of ghosts.

My #1 concern for any racer and will be the reason I either buy or don't buy any of them is wheel support. I'm not dropping another $500 on a wheel for a very long time. I'll just drop the genre altogether or get a bigger monitor and setup my PC for it.


Mainly free on Day 1 from PS+ which everyone buying a PS4 gets for 2 weeks.

Personally I found the handling to be a bit twitchy when I played it at EG, but then I was driving a rwd SLK track job, so no real surprises it was spinning when I tried going all NGS/GTA and flooring the throttle at every given opportunity.


Worried about what? A launch day racing game maybe turning out mediocre? No, I'm not worried about that. I will forget about this game 6 months from now whether it's good or bad. Perhaps harsh, but true. It's a launch game and will be summarily eclipsed by many other games down the road, including (potentially) Driveclub 2.


Well, the amount of whining we get from an incomplete game having some aliasing on the rear spoiler of a car is just ridiculous, the Internet would probably explode of all the complaining if they showed footage of multiple cars that all have aliasing.

People who want an arcade racer have a better option in NFS: Rivals.

I've been saying this since E3. I don't know why Driveclub exists. It's a game nobody asked for. I truly hope Sony dumps the franchise after this game and just tells Evolution to go make a crazy arcade racer.
This post sums up the outright trolling so many Driveclub threads have descended into.

Driveclub isn't a second tier annualised franchise that's churned out with little thought or passion, it's a AAA Sony 1st party title.

Evolution are one of the top studios in the industry, with talent that's worked on pretty much every major driving title of the last decade.

The latest day/night video, and select screenshots, clearly demonstrate Driveclub is a step above rival launch racers, from a graphical perspective at least. Reports are that the handling is reminiscent of PGR, which is the right side of realism Evolution should be aiming for.

It winds me up no end when folk go on about Driveclub (or any racer with a realistic twist), been "boring". These games are made for car enthusiasts, we care about the car list, the minute details, and we welcome the fact Evolution are locating the tracks in realistic, natural locations, the kind you see in any number of car review shows, like Top Gear and Evo magazine.

The NFS's and Motorstorm's of this world are designed for an entirely different demographic of gamer, the kind who tend not to enjoy racers, hence they feel nothing like driving an actual vehicle.

Evolution have already stated the track line-up will feature all manner of styles, with some being regular tracks, others being point to point, some will be short, others stretching for many miles. The day/night feature will add a whole new dimension, and effectively double the track milage, a drive in pitch dark is completely different from a day drive.

The fact little is known about Driveclub is appealing, given I have total faith in the devs. Right now, I can tell you 99% of what GT6 & Forza will deliver, that's just the nature of the genre, neither title has actually been demoed beyond the odd track or trailer.

I have little doubt DriveClub will be a big hit, putting it on PS+ was a smart move, the install base will immediately be huge, which will play into the social aspect and drive full game upgrades & DLC. Even when GT7 arrives, Driveclub will retain its own community, it offers something different to full sims.


I'm not too worried. I think the game looks great for a launch game but the lack of any actual people races involving the online (beta, testing, in-house, etc ... ) is a bit strange. I mean, this game comes out in a month and is heavily aimed as a social/online racer but there's been no videos of other racers oustide of ghosts.
We've seen trailers of races with more than one car.


The NFS's and Motorstorm's of this world are designed for an entirely different demographic of gamer, the kind who tend not to enjoy racers, hence they feel nothing like driving an actual vehicle.

Eww don't put motorstorm in the same group as NFS. The last 2 NFS's have been unbelievably poor. At least in motorstorm each vehicle type handles completely differently. In the last 2 nfs each car handles virtually the same. They just feel as if they have different weight, top speed an accelerations stats.

Agree with the rest though
I think it will be a solid game, but not the kind of racer I really need. A Motorstorm would have been a better showcase title and more fun. I'll probably settle for the PS+ version of this.


Ordered with Killzone for launch but may change to something else if footage doesn't improve, would help if they managed 60fps.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
The NFS's and Motorstorm's of this world are designed for an entirely different demographic of gamer, the kind who tend not to enjoy racers, hence they feel nothing like driving an actual vehicle.

But they are racers, just not anal ones. The people who play them want to race without the dull car-enthusiast dickery. Horses for courses.


Sony drove several good studios to death with low budget games. Starhawk, Twisted Metal, Wipeout.. I have a feeling this is a low budget game designed for PS+. It doesnt have the production values or budget of GT series. I wish they had spent enough money and time to make it a good one. It is going to be like Ridge Racer Vita or the top down Motor Storm they released last year.. two tracks and three cars free with whole of DLC non-sense


Yes it does according to Rushy

Are you sure? Though I do think there would be city tracks, I haven't come across a direct confirmation yet. Do you have a link?

In any case, I'm not worried about DriveClub. They have said head to head videos will be coming soon. So I will take it that videos will be coming soon. Many launch games, except multiplats from ubisoft and ea have been extremely light on gameplay videos. That's ok, in my opinion. People tweak the hell out of this stuff till the last minute, especially Evo.

Besides, in DriveClub's particular case, it is free on PS+ for those who want to give it a try. You can always decide to upgrade to the full version if you like it. So why should we worry? The only people who need to worry about it, if it's not close to completion, are the devs.
Nobody asked for PGR3 either but it was THE xblive game at launch. The first game many people experienced online gaming on 360 at launch. Driveclub has potential too. It has this social component with its clubs and that is the reason why this is also on PS+. To get people into PS4 multiplayer. It is the first racer since Forza 3 that got my attention...

Seems like it fills that 'PGR' niche on the Sony side. Not super arcade, but far from a sim. Pretty visuals, pretty simplistic and forgiving physics, etc.

Not my type of game whatsoever, but I think it could do alright.

PGR3 at the launch of the 360 was quite remarkable for a number of reasons. First it had the whole "Gotham TV" angle, which was completely unique at the time. The game looked amazing for a launch title. It was truly a leap beyond the previous gen.

Driveclub has shown me absolutely nothing to get excited about. It has "clubs" you can join with your friends. Okaaay. Evolution initially described it as a "team racing game". Guess what? I've never once heard anyone say they want a team based racing game. That type of a thing is usually a mode in the multiplayer for a racer. Not the concept for an entire game.

This post sums up the outright trolling so many Driveclub threads have descended into.

Are you suggesting I'm trolling in a Driveclub thread that was created because of concerns people have with Driveclub?

You're welcome to have all the optimism you want about this game, but don't get upset because others don't share it.
Nope. Game looks fun, and PS+ version will essentially eliminate any real risk of me spending money on something that might not be great.

Evo know how to make a good racer, so they have the benefit of the doubt from me for the time being.


PGR3 at the launch of the 360 was quite remarkable for a number of reasons. First it had the whole "Gotham TV" angle, which was completely unique at the time. The game looked amazing for a launch title. It was truly a leap beyond the previous gen.

Driveclub has shown me absolutely nothing to get excited about. It has "clubs" you can join with your friends. Okaaay. Evolution initially described it as a "team racing game". Guess what? I've never once heard anyone say they want a team based racing game. That type of a thing is usually a mode in the multiplayer for a racer. Not the concept for an entire game.

Are you suggesting I'm trolling in a Driveclub thread that was created because of concerns people have with Driveclub?

You're welcome to have all the optimism you want about this game, but don't get upset because others don't share it.

I welcome your pessimism. People like you make sure the thread remains balanced. But how about staying on topic? This is about the state of readiness of the game. Make your comments for or against it. Not about whether you find the concept impressive or not. That's not the point of this thread.


Evolution have a good track record. Not sure there is a great deal to be concerned about. footage may be somewhat lacking but I'm sure they will be ramping up previews in the next few weeks when the game is done. Plus, it's free.


There's nothing to be worried about because I don't have to buy it to play it. If it sucks, don't buy it. If it's awesome, spend the extra money and get the full version.


I'm pretty optimistic on Driveclub but it's definitely true that they've been far too quiet and we haven't seen races with full girds or much of how the single player or player customizations will work.

At the same time even the Forza thread seemed starved for info last I checked, and that's an established franchise. Meanwhile Killzone SF, which is looking like one of the most polished launch games by far, also has barely shown anything of its single player. Concerns for Driveclub are real, but I feel starved for launch game info in general.


Neo Member
Just hasn't been on my radar but that is more to do with the fact most racing games leave me cold nowadays.

Really is amazing how I'll be able to try it out on Plus though.
We havent seen a single gameplay video showing more than one car on screen.
I am guessing the game is 30 fps? They were aiming for 60 fps....
How big are the tracks?
What is the structure of the game?
Have they fixed the graphical problems yet?

This has to be one of the worst hyped racers yet. Evolution keeps showing old builds at events and people keep saying how it looks like GT6. Even though Motorstorm had a poor start (cg trailers and awful looking early builds) the game had transformed into a great looking racer by TGS 2006. Fastforward to TGS 2013, we saw the gamescom build again.

Should Sony delay this game?

Why are you worried? Seriously worried? It sounds like drama for the sake of being dramatic.

Try it on Plus, if you like it, upgrade to the full version at a discounted price. If you don't like it, you saved money. This is one of the only next gen exclusives you can try before buying. You should be worried that other games won't have demos at launch.

Also, for the game to have a version that's free for Plus users shows me Sony and Evolution are extremely confident in the game. That says a lot. Don't be worried, you are the winner here, you have nothing to lose....


Not really. The only issue I really have with the game is that the UI elements are so fucking big and take up a lot of the screen. Also some of the stuff they put on the track to designate a certain sections seems to be a bit too much, which it was a bit more transparent. Outside of that, I think the game will turn out well. I just hope there are plenty of environments.


looks ok, but I really want a good looking motorstorm. They did great things on ps3 with all the physics and stuff. But imagine a motorstorm that actually surpassed that original target render. With a proper first person view.


I keep pestering Rushy on twitter to no avail lol!!

Sure they are crazy busy right now though, this game will be at least a solid 80%+ (imo)
A good launch title set-up for a sequel that will blow us away.

Even if they have to rush it out they have said that the game will be far different from release later down the line. Plenty of tweaking and adding features (EG Weather is coming post launch apparently). Expect patches ;)

I would think Rushy will at least read this and send them into action (Expect new media very soon!)
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