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Aonuma Reveals: No Left Handed Mode for Zelda Wii


One of the only Zelda games I've never beaten. Some people love it, some hate it -- weird. If I'm not mistaken, it had a proper overworld at least, right? Hopefully that's a good sign for Skyward Sword. I'll be pissed if we're stuck on fucking tracks again.


Ahahahaha!!! Stealing Dolphin screengrabs

Smiles and Cries said:
I wonder if that leaves Aonuma open to direct OoT Remake - please add new areas
Check the OOT remake thread, they are making changes to the game not just cosmetically, things will be changed around


Minish Cap is awesome, colorful and whismical. Tight level design and great pacing. And a great economy. It's no Link's Awakening but YES!!
I don't think this news should be given too much weight. To say "This guy directed Minish Cap, therefore Skyward Sword will be a lot like Minish Cap" is to significantly over state his importance, I think. As someone said, Miyamoto and Aonuma will still have final say and, of course, the overall team is significantly different. To pretend that this will sway the game significantly in one direction or another is over reacting as far as I'm concerned. But Zelda threads will be zelda threads so hey.
It's interesting because people say "all you have to do is switch it." But in reality, it's really hard. You have to change all the models -- you have to make two of everything. So really you're making two complete games, one left-handed version and one right-handed version. We just can't do that. For Twilight Princess, what we did was just create a mirror -- we flipped everything. And if that worked I guess we could do it that way, but again having to create two games is not something we want to do. We just hope that people will play it right-handed.

Initial reaction: Fuck you Aonuma, fuck you Miyamoto and fuck you Nintendo.

Secondary reaction: then flip the fucking worlds again for this game. I don't care.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I wonder if that leaves Aonuma open to direct OoT Remake - please add new areas

Aonuma is a producer. He has been a producer. He is the manager of Group 3. He shouldnt be the one directing the games.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
We've talked about remixing Ocarina of Time for a long time, saying "should we remake Ocarina of Time for Wii?" And, to be honest, I said no. I didn't want to just re-release it on a different platform -- I wanted to have a specific reason to remake Ocarina of Time. I didn't want to just make a port. And so I was waiting for something to come along that would not only help us to retell the story, but improve upon it. Making it different, more unique in its own way. Now, with 3D, we're able to take the environments of Hyrule and add depth -- giving them a more expansive feeling, a more immersive feeling. In addition to that, now that we have the 3D we can looking forward to new ways to implement 3D into the gameplay and make it fresh and new. And we also have the motion sensors that are built-in to the Nintendo 3DS. So we're looking at quite a few ways to make the gameplay more immersive, more natural, more accessible. So again, not just a port -- but a retelling of the tale using new technologies to reinvent it.

I truly hope they decide to add in new dungeons and side quests.
Couldn't the "No Left Handed Mode" be in parentheses in the thread title? Don't want to question a mod but I still think knowing the director is important.
I think all the left handed Nintendo gamers should rise up and vote with their wallets by not purchasing Zelda.

I wonder if Nintendo would notice the loss of $20.
Boney said:
Dragona must be pissed. :(

Depressed more like. This game is going for extreme precision in motion controls, and I'm not going to be able to enjoy playing it.

This will be the first Zelda game I won't buy, and can't play.
Why can't they do this? Can't they just flip the game across the y-axis? I'm not an expert, but I don't think that is too complicated...


Is it really necessary to make adjustments to the entire game? Can't they just create an alternate Link for left handed players?


cosmicblizzard said:
Couldn't the "No Left Handed Mode" be in parentheses in the thread title? Don't want to question a mod but I still think knowing the director is important.

You shall be judged.


With the 3DS and new Zelda, Nintendo has obviously forsaken left-handers.

That said I usually use the Wiimote in my right hand for Nunchuk games.
Is it really that big of a deal? I'm right handed, but I can whack off with my left hand just fine- that really isn't any different than playing a Wii game.

Unless I'm missing something totally obvious.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
markot said:
Thats pretty lame of them.... dont they just need to flip Link >_<?
Not enough, because the game is still built around the player character holding a sword in his right hand. Especially in this game, where direction of the swipes and position of the sword matter more than ever.
Still no excuse for not adding a mirror mode for lefties.


Would it really work that incorrectly if you held it with your left hand? Obviously Link would still be using his right and left, so you'd have to do some mental mirroring, but I'd really like to try it lefty and see just how unplayable it becomes.

Still, lot of lefty hate from Nintendo this year. What'd we do to them?


I don't think you need to be super coordinated with your non-dominant hand to do most of the stuff. Aiming with the bow and stuff might suck more than swordplay though.


Dragona Akehi said:
Depressed more like. This game is going for extreme precision in motion controls, and I'm not going to be able to enjoy playing it.

This will be the first Zelda game I won't buy, and can't play.

Mirroring is not hard technical wise, I guess they will do that (yes, I know it's not ideal but it´s better than the alternative).
comedy bomb said:
Is it really that big of a deal? I'm right handed, but I can whack off with my left hand just fine- that really isn't any different than playing a Wii game.

Unless I'm missing something totally obvious.

Yeah but people whack off with their non-dominant hand because they're holding the mouse with the other one.
I don't get it. I just loaded up TP and played with the Wiimote in my left hand, and the only problem was that I kept trying to Z-target with the B button. I had no problem with the sword or anything.
Acosta said:
Mirroring is not hard technical wise, I guess they will do that (yes, I know it's not ideal but it´s better than the alternative).

Aonuma just said they won't. He said he "hopes people play it right-handed". That's pretty insulting, for a company touting it's ability to be "accessible to the mainstream".


force push the doodoo rock
Formless said:
I don't think you need to be super coordinated with your non-dominant hand to do most of the stuff. Aiming with the bow and stuff might suck more than swordplay though.

You really don't. Dragona acts like she lost her arm in the war or something. All your doing is flailing around and turning your wrist, requires very little dexterity. There might be awkwardness at first when holding the controller, but it goes away.

Edit: I can get behind the whole 3DS slider thing, but this isn't really a big deal.


lol they already did the flipping with TP. why can't they do it again and just as an option (hidden in the option menu so it doesn't confuse everyone else)

i would actually play though the game both ways if that option existed.
Smiles and Cries said:
I wonder if that leaves Aonuma open to direct OoT Remake - please add new areas
I remember seeing something about him being bitter about the boots / water temple and how he would have the opportunity to make it right... can't remember which interview but it's from E3.


Dragona Akehi said:
Aonuma just said they won't. He said he "hopes people play it right-handed". That's pretty insulting, for a company touting it's ability to be "accessible to the mainstream".
Well, the mainstream is mainly right handed ^.~

Id start petitions and what nots. Well, I would if I was a lefty...


EmCeeGramr said:
I don't get it. I just loaded up TP and played with the Wiimote in my left hand, and the only problem was that I kept trying to Z-target with the B button. I had no problem with the sword or anything.

waggle => button input is quite different from real motion control.


Get Inside Her!
Serious question: why can't you just hold the remote in your left hand. What functionality in the game here falls apart if you just switch hands. Thinking about the motions in this game... I have got to be missing something here. It seems to me like they'd all work regardless of which hand you have the Remote in. It's not like the remote knows which side the Nunchuck is on.


Well, they said it was like a '3d mouse' and most lefties buy lefty mouses to mouse around with. Id hate to have to use a mouse with my left hand, so I think its silly for the option not to be there. (If it requires some level of precision and whatnots)


umm... I can make all the nessisary movements with my left arm with no problem. I don't understand how this is a big deal. guess I'm just an ignorant (but adept) righty?


Dragona Akehi said:
Aonuma just said they won't. He said he "hopes people play it right-handed". That's pretty insulting, for a company touting it's ability to be "accessible to the mainstream".
Your insulted because a video game won't have a mode you like? Haha.


Congradulations to everyone who can play several minutes of TP left-handed; you can adapt. You're normal and friggin' happy. Now you can all go tell the guy with no feet to pull up his socks.

Next interview: It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Osuwari said:
waggle => button input is quite different from real motion control.
It's not hard to make horizontal, vertical, diagonal, in/out motions with my nondominant hand. I really doubt that there will be super small windows of directional opportunity for you to slash at. Aiming could be annoying though.
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