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Are you happy with the "visual identity" adopted by modern Final Fantasy?


Let me rant for a bit:

I'm tired of FF's girly men. I'm tired of the way Japan flaunts flamboyancy and at the same time ignores the existence of homosexuality. I'm sick of the way FF treats love and sexual attraction the way a fourteen-year-old would: as if it is the most embarrassing thing in the world.
Wow, way to be a hypocrite. First you criticize girly men (which is not a problem at all in the FF series, there are no or hardly any girly male characters), then you criticize them for not accepting homosexuality. Why can't you accept less masculine men in the same way you have gays? Why is a feminine male character automatically a bad thing? Vaan was actually a good character outside of him not having too much to do with the overall story (he's optimistic, has ambitious dreams of his own he's fighting to make a reality, he cares about people around him and fights for what he believes in). Just because he isn't super-masculine, ignorant people like you hate him.

I hate Square-Enix's leadership. I hate the way they know exactly what FF fans want and yet they refuse to give it to them.
Lol, please. You are not the one to decide what FF fans wants when you don't get what you want throw these silly tantrums that make no sense.

I hate their focus on mobile platforms.
You might hate it, but it's just wise business. Mobile platforms ARE big and they aren't going anywhere because mobile phones themselves aren't going anywhere. People will always have phones and games have become a bigger part of them. It would be idiotic to ignore them and it's just silly of you to hate Square Enix for catering to a growing demographic. I don't like mobile games either, but I don't hate SQEX for chasing that money because handhelds are almost dead and console games are bringing in diminishing returns.

I hate the way Square begs for game design advice when they are supposed to be the designers.
Again, you are being so contradicting. Do you want Square Enix to listen to fans or do you not want them to listen to fans? Pick a side instead of arguing both sides incoherently. Yeah, they should be the designers, but they don't exist in a vacuum and if people are not happy about what they've designed, WHY SHOULD THEY NOT LISTEN TO FANS ABOUT WHAT THEY DO LIKE AND WANT TO SEE IN GAMES? No artist or designer should be above fan input and if fans don't like what they do, of course they should try to listen to what the fans are disgruntled about.

Besides, where are they "begging for game design advice"? I haven't seen any questionnares about game design in regards to Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Hearts III, their next two big games. They didn't beg for any game design advice for Lightning Returns either and it's looking fantastic, especially from a gameplay POV. FFXIV was heavily beta tested, sure, but that's just natural for MMOs and doubly so in case of XIV 2.0 after what they designed in XIV 1.0 was so hated.

I hate the tropes. I'm done with the peppy girl character. I'm done with the cool badass main character. I'm tired of the government being evil.
FFs are not the only games that have tropes, nor are they even the most cliched ones. XIII has some pretty horrible writing, but your main characters are basically seen as the enemies of humanity by a majority of humankind. Games don't often put you in that kind of position.

And complaining about "cool" main characters is stupid when about 99,9999% of games have them. Games need to sell and having a loser or an average joe as the main character simply doesn't drive sales. The only games that can kind of pull off a loser main character are (usually humorous) point 'n click games.

Maybe FF15 will magically save everything--but you know what else I'm tired of? The undying hope that Square will get its shit together when they haven't had a clue for more than twelve years now. How long are you going to wait? 20 years? 30?
Oh fucking Please. Square Enix has had their shit mostly together for that 12 years. They ran into some developmental problems earlier this gen which threw them off their game (on home consoles) but other than that Square Enix has developed some of Square's/Enix's best games within the last few years (though, granted, also one of the worst with XIV). You are a sad old fan who is unwilling to give anything new a chance that absolutely no one should listen to with your incoherrent rants. You're like one of those ignorant people who claim everything was so much better in the 50s or something when that's unarguably not true.

You are exactly the kind of fan they SHOULDN'T listen to. You obviously haven't played any games they have made in the last 5 years and no matter what they do, you obviously aren't going to buy their future games no matter how good they are, so why should they listen to you?

Beauty over substance is Square's new motto, meaning their recent projects are devoid of interest for people like me: people who went through puberty long ago and aren't moved by the exploitation of women.
My dear god you cannot be serious with any of this. Beauty over substance is far from being Square's new motto. They are making games that push the hardware, so sure, their games do put a lot of emphasis on looking good, but even then they are trying to offer people something new & exciting all the time. They don't always succeed perfectly (XIII) or at all (XIV), but that doesn't make their way a bad one just as long they try to improve themselves like they have been with XIII-2, Lightning Returns & XIV 2.0.

And they hardly "exploit women." Their games have plenty of strong female characters that aren't all about dat ass or bewbz.

And yes, you are just SO MUCH BETTER than all other FF fans because you hate girly men and don't like a costume changing in games.


I hate the way the world looks in XIII, too much sci-fi and not enough fantasy.
Over half of the game takes place in here:
(dat too-much-scifi)

and plenty of the locales inside Cocoon aren't that scifi-ish, but lush forests and the like (and even if some are, they look awesome. see: Nautilus)


Amano vs. Nomura. Obviously Amano win's, but at the same time the visual design of Amano's work has always been 2D sprite based games. I did like most of Yoshida's FFXII design's (excluding Vaan).

I mean complaining about the design of modern Final Fantasies when all 3D Final Fantasies except XI,XII and XIV (2 being online) had character designs by Tetsuya Nomura is just silly. You don't like his art style, understandable, but you don't have really anything final fantasy to compare it to.

I don't think Nomura's art is bad, but maybe it's because it's what I'm used to. I also don't think Nomura's art is any more effeminate than Amano's I actually think it's less. I'm not saying Amano's Art is bad, I actually love his art style. Does Amano's Final Fantasy designs* look better than Nomura's? I personally don't think so, but eh. It's all a matter of taste.

*Don't know if this is his art work or just fan re-imagining.


Oops just saw all the character's in the op and thought you were just complaining about the character designs. I'm with you in setting and atmosphere. I'd prefer a non futuristic Final Fantasy or something with a mix of both like Final Fantasy XIV.

def sim

I saw that too and had the same thought. They had the same hair!

Yeah, definitely, though it really only isn't that, though. I'm fine with androgyny, anime inspired hairstyles or whatever else the series has always been, but now I'm associating these characters with a shady and depressing sub-culture that I would rather not have to. As a whole, I dislike the design. That and the suits they wear are an ostentatious mess.

I'm referring to the newest set of characters for XV, by the way. I have not seen enough of the last few games to say otherwise.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I'm not fond of the direction FF characters have been heading concerning age, personality and looks (younger, dumber, angstier and carbon copies of each other) roughly after VI/VII (although I like FFXII's art) but FF has bigger problems. Can't say I'm enthousiastic about the boys of FFXV but if the story, exploration and combat is better then XIII I'm game.
I hate the way the world looks in XIII, too much sci-fi and not enough fantasy.

Sci-fi is fantasy, bro. Unless you can tell me with a straight face that you went to school in a floating city today, literally said "good morning, please let me in" to the school's doors, then learned about how you live in a Dyson sphere where outside of the world exists a giant robot that eats animals and shits them out to make other animals


haha this Alvarez guy, I'm not a FF fan in the slightest, but your posts are fucking awful made up bullshit, give it a rest.


I'm not fond of the direction FF characters have been heading concerning age, personality and looks (younger, dumber, angstier and carbon copies of each other) roughly after VI/VII (although I like FFXII's art) but FF has bigger problems. Can't say I'm enthousiastic about the boys of FFXV but if the story, exploration and combat is better then XIII I'm game.

I don't think that will be particularly hard to achieve. :p
I think Nomura is great when he does more "earthly" designs. Like, "normal clothing", but when he dabs into fantasy wardrobes things get weird.

I think the Versus designs look great, but FFXIII's for example we could live without.
I like the Nomura stuff, I think the people attempting to work within his style at SE, handling secondary characters, or the outfits in XIII-2/LR are hacks, but the actual Nomura stuff looks good to me, for the most part. I remember thinking it was funny that XIII-2 had a DLC outfit designed by a pop star, and it outclassed all the others for Serah:


But that's part of my problem. Everybody in Final Fantasy games looks like they're dressed for a fashion show runway. They all have perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect everything, almost to the point of self-parody. They aren't clothes, or armor, they're costumes. Unrealistically opulent costumes. It's like if Justin Bieber or some other flash in the pan pop-culture icon was just "a normal person" that went on to save the world from Anti-God.

It feels hollow and on some level a little sleazy, to me. Like, ugh, nobody dresses like that unless they have more money than sense and don't need to worry about function.

Maybe that'd be fine for one or two games, but we've had more than a decade of characters that dress like this, and it's even started to apply retroactively to older characters as they updated their visual aesthetics to match recent games.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
Honestly, I'm just numb to them.

Final Fantasy has always had pretty boys and perfect girls. Amano, while a great artist, is in no way better than Nomura as a character designer. He ramps up the femininity of his men up to 11, plus they all look the freaking same. They either have blonde or white hair, the same face he uses for everything, plus artwork depicting the same character has tons of inconsistencies with the characters clothing and clothing patterns, showing he doesn't really care about the design as much as the art. He did change it up with FFIX though, which is something I'm grateful for.

Its like a series staple for everything to be pretty. I would. however, like them to change it up. Why do all heroes have to perfect? Why can't we an untraditional "ugly" character as a main lead? This is what bothers me about Japan. It's like they can't accept anything even remotely unattractive, even if said character is better developed, and has a better personality than generic "I fight for my friends" pretty boy no.1000,0000,0000,0000. Aren't they tired of the same old shit, time after time?

I mean, it says a lot when we missed out on Basch as the main lead just so they could satisfy Japan with fucking Vaan.

Hell, if I had my way, I'd ditch Nomura as a character designer and keep him solely around as a developer and ideas man, because that's where he truly shines imo, use Amano for the promotional art, and let Yoshida be head character designer on every installment. We'd get stuff like this -

Which honestly should have satisfied both Western and Japanese fans. God knows why they though to replace him as lead. He's "manly" enough for the more mature audience, and "handsome" enough for the silly fan girls who judge everything on looks.

But like I said, I'll take the current visuals as they are. I've had over 13 years of them after all, and anythings better than the shitty moe anime aesthetic JRPGs are going for nowadays. Just make them slightly more realistic in the personality department, make them less one-note, and give them flaws. Make them more relatable, because god knows anyone who could relate to Snow in XIII.


Nowadays, there's no room for that, you see the anime just taking place in front of you, I think if you ran most JRPG cut-scenes next to a similar styled anime you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference outside of the fact one is a video game and one isn't.

Honestly, in-game FF isn't very animey at all any more. It feels like jdrama and looks like jpop/hostess-boys.
A game like valkyria chronicles is animey, and such a glorious game it is.


Not happy in the slightest. I want single player FF's to look like FFXI and FFXIV, those seem to be the only ones that even know what FF is supposed to be like visually.

When I say "not happy", I'm mostly talking about FFVII, VIII, X and XIII and from what it looks like, XV. IX and XII were fine visually.
I'm talking about the "exotic" (nonsensical) futuristic settings and designs they keep cranking out, and mostly the teen anime look with dumb hair styles given to every single character since 7, excluding FF9 (<3) and maybe to some extent, FF12.
Seems like Square-Enix has made it clear that this is what Final Fantasy will look like for quite some time.... and honestly, I've been sick of it for years :(











Is this a HUGE turn off for anyone else? Its like the design department at SE has a teenage girl making the calls.
Those stupid hairstyles.....and those effeminate faces, they ALL look the SAME!! :/

Yes, Leo DiCaprio in Titanic and Backstreet Boys were huge in the 90s. But christ SquareEnix...
I was going to post images and art from pre FF7 era and FF9, but I think everyone can spot the difference.
The sense of magic and mystery surrounding every new FF world seems to have been replaced by convoluted art styles and boy/girlband characters with uh.... "overly emotive" cliché japanese personalities that one has to put up with rather than enjoy.

Is this type of setting and narrative more popular than the sword and sorcery stuff they did in FF9? Why not switch between both styles? Cuz I'm looking at FF15 and... here we go again :/

Yes, I like it and it helps with Final Fantasy's identity. I much rather see this any day of the week than IMO, than the boring and generic medieval themes, setting, enemies and characters that plague so many RPG's. So many RPG's look the same to me. Orcs, elves, knights, castles, horses, wizards, etc.
Not really, I think FF designs are at their best when it's more fantasy like and less modern.

Though some of their modern approaches, like the PS1 era were very well done.
Nope, I loathe their current character design. Part of the reason why I'm not clamoring for a Chrono Trigger remake.

lolwat. Akira Toriyama's current character design is fine. It's actually better than it used to. He's getting away from the DBZ clones and his colors and shading are much improved.




But that's part of my problem. Everybody in Final Fantasy games looks like they're dressed for a fashion show runway. They all have perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect everything, almost to the point of self-parody. They aren't clothes, or armor, they're costumes. Unrealistically opulent costumes. It's like if Justin Bieber or some other flash in the pan pop-culture icon was just "a normal person" that went on to save the world from Anti-God.

It feels hollow and on some level a little sleazy, to me. Like, ugh, nobody dresses like that unless they have more money than sense and don't need to worry about function.

Maybe that'd be fine for one or two games, but we've had more than a decade of characters that dress like this, and it's even started to apply retroactively to older characters as they updated their visual aesthetics to match recent games.
Opulence is the perfect word, and I think it can be both good, and bad. Regards to Serah, I was just mocking the fact that a random pop star has better taste than people who's job it is to design a character (of course, just in my opinion). Personally, I like Lightning's outfit, it's a clever twist on the military design and the 'tit-curtain' trend. It's functional, but aesthetically pleasing.

If we look at the more directly opulent Nomura designs...


I don't know the exact details, but Noctis is a prince. He should have a beautifully tailored suit and a two hundred dollar hair cut.

Squall was another interesting one. He had three outfits (maybe more?), two formal ones, relating to his job as a member of SeeD, which evoked the pomp of a wealthy organization, fit for formal dances and the like...
But his personal preference was for a more functional outfit:

It's a game by game thing, depending on how the character's context justifies their attire. I don't think it's the attire itself which is at fault.


I know after so many pages its probably been said already but a lot of those games in the OP aren't "modern" anymore. FFVII, VIII, X...those are old school now.


No, nobody's happy about what the series is now.

Speak for yourself. I'm ok with current FF but I always have been.

I'm kind of sad at some of these suggestions at making FF look like either early 90s anime or look like 70s - 80s Western fantasy. Not trying to say anything is wrong with those, I like them, but I like the visual style Nomura and other artists at Square has for the series and wouldn't change that for the world son.


As long as it has a waif with plastic skin wearing a designer jacket and doing vacuous poses for 40 hours I'm in for a penny in for a pound.


I'm one of the few whose favorite 3D version of Final Fantasy (aesthetically, world building) was the box office bomb Spirits Within:

Visually, I have nothing against the series. I love it, in fact.

It's hard to describe the sense of FF's visual because the series covers everything from a grounded fantasy setting ala Ivalice, all the way to the sci-fi style fantasy in X, XIII, but I've always thought that FF had the dose of 'high-fantasy' style it injects across all the FF titles that make it very appealing to me.

As for the character design, I like it. It's definitely very Japanese, with its fanciful gears, pop idol look to them, but as a fan of Japanese mediums, I like it. It also happens to be distinctive, because regardless of how Japanese it is, very few games actually use it, so FF has a distinct look to them. Besides, it's been that way since Final Fantasy VII, the only difference is that next-gen gaming has made it more apparent compared to the old-school polygons.

Despite the flaws of the Lightning saga ( which I still find to be enjoyable overall, so meh to the haters ), FF imo, still holds itself well as far as visual identity goes. I do feel that it needs to tighten up some parts of it, and build a more coherent universe and world-pieces within the games ( FFXIII is kinda weak at this, it doesn't create a sense of world as good as prior titles ), and bring back the magic of older FF titles, where you really feel like you're part of a grand epic journey spanning the world.

Tldr; I'm happy about its 'visual identity', though there's a lot of room for improvement on many other parts of FF.
Speak for yourself. I'm ok with current FF but I always have been.

I'm kind of sad at some of these suggestions at making FF look like either early 90s anime or look like 70s - 80s Western fantasy. Not trying to say anything is wrong with those, I like them, but I like the visual style Nomura and other artists at Square has for the series and wouldn't change that for the world son.

Indeed, nostalgia is a cancer and would prevent the series from growing


I'm one of the few whose favorite 3D version of Final Fantasy (aesthetically, world building) was the box office bomb Spirits Within:

When I watched it a couple of years ago, I was pretty shocked.

It's exactly where Gears got basically everything. SE invented Western dudebro.


I don't think people really mean effeminate as much as they mean these characters look like they were designed to appeal to teenage girls/young women... like something akin to the Twilight of rpgs. I remember Nomura saying with FF8 he did the art to cater more to women and he ran with that trend ever since.

What nomura said is that he hates ugly characters, he doesn't want any ugly people in his games so he designs everyone to be handsome.


Neo Member
I'm beginning to wish there was a way to filter out any Final Fantasy thread on GAF.

People are obviously entitled to their opinions, but reading the same "I hate modern Final Fantasy's because..." topic is just really boring. If you don't like the series, don't play it. I understand that it may have been a beacon of all things good back in the day for you, but as you've evolved and changed, so has the series.

In response to the question, I do like the visual identity of the series, both past and present. While I can understand that not everyone likes it, you have to remember that that's the case with any aesthetic choice.


Junior Member
Unfortunately i don't think we'll be able to explore most of this place.

In between the "openness" of Lightning Returns (a sign that Square as a company knows what players really want in terms of exploration) and all the details we have come to know about Versus XIII/XV including the trailers, yes, we will be able to.


When I saw this pic, I moaned a little bit too. Same old, same old. I don't see much creativity here at all. Boring characters. I'll forgive and forget, though, if the game and gameplay is excellent.
I don't see how they are boring and I'll say one thing again: that CGI art makes the characters look way more tacky & cliched (kind of like how a lot of American movies are so lol-worthy when they've got a shot of characters kind of like that with the US flag in the background), but from what we've seen in trailers, they don't really give as much of a boy pop group vibe in the actual game.

Also, they are trying to root XV in reality a bit, so yeah, a prince doesn't have talking cats and goofy knights as his companions, but they look like what somewhat stylized Japanese prince and his close friends & protector(s) could look like in real life in this modern age. I'm more interested in personalities and so far they've done okay with it (the interaction between child Noctis & the King was fun, even if the King looks pretty mundane in comparison to a lot of other Kings/rulers in the series). And hopefully it'll result in Nojima writing some more realistic drama between these characters than the usual FF stuff. I get a kind of "mix of Matsuno & Nomura" vibe from FFXV and I find that a good thing (there's politics, betrayal and war, but also more personal relationships between friends & family members).

Of course them battling in those Rhoen (Roen?) designed clothes isn't omg realistic but bleh, it's a game.


When I watched it a couple of years ago, I was pretty shocked.

It's exactly where Gears got basically everything. SE invented Western dudebro.

And they made it look so good too instead of going overboard with the brown and grey

I think Mass Effect also borrowed a lot. Miranda Lawson looks like Spirit Within's female lead but maybe I'm reading too much into it


Not happy with the character design. The tech demo looked much more interesting to me than what's in Final Fantasy 15
I love the 'don't like it, don't play it attitude' what if we do enjoy the series but want to see it improve or evolve? I Agree with those who think nomura is terrible. Does that really mean I should just play another series? Because I dislike 1 or 2 aspects? Get over yourself. Every other aspect of the series changes and evolves but for some reason that dinosaur nomura is still around calling the shots with his bullshit prettyboy focus tested mediocrity. It's time for a change


Sci-fi is fantasy, bro.

Science-fiction and fantasy are two different styles, genres, schools of thought. Very famous writers have defined either genre. They require very different kinds of research to write correctly. Isaac Asimov =/= J.R. Tolkien...completely different worlds.

You could have asked Isaac Asimov about his science-fiction and he could have made it sound like it can actually happen, or like it's future about to happen.

J.R. Tolkien had entire worlds in his mind, with more words than the Bible, completely made up but a world that you can jump into and exist within.

Final Fantasy has become thematically repetitive but inconsistent fantasy lore with barely credible but cool-looking science-fiction tacked on.


I love the 'don't like it, don't play it attitude' what if we do enjoy the series but want to see it improve or evolve? I Agree with those who think nomura is terrible. Does that really mean I should just play another series? Because I dislike 1 or 2 aspects? Get over yourself. Every other aspect of the series changes and evolves but for some reason that dinosaur nomura is still around calling the shots with his bullshit prettyboy focus tested mediocrity. It's time for a change
Nomura's directing a Final Fantasy for the first time, and he's directing KH3, SE's other big release for the next couple of years.

Nomura basically is SE. At a certain point, you're howling at the moon.
I think FF IV and XIII have the best character and world designs. IV is like the most ethereal fairytale world ever and XIII's character designs are pretty damn iconic by now, whether you like it or not. Lightning and Fang being my favorites.

I've never finished a single FF game. But I'm hyped for XV, I like the designs a lot. Also the last gameplay trailer for Lightning Returns looked like it'd be a game I would enjoy.


I don't see how they are boring and I'll say one thing again: that CGI art makes the characters look way more tacky & cliched (kind of like how a lot of American movies are so lol-worthy when they've got a shot of characters kind of like that with the US flag in the background), but from what we've seen in trailers, they don't really give as much of a boy pop group vibe in the actual game.

They are boring to me because they look just like regular dudes (well, regular corny-dressed dudes walking off of a movie set or a Japanese music video). I mean, nothing about that pic makes me wonder or be amazed or curious. Show me Red XIII, Barrett, Cait Sith...show me that magic and make me go "what in the world is going on here?" Show me color and creativity and different shapes and fantasy.

Also, they are trying to root XV in reality a bit, .

Like every Final Fantasy after Final Fantasy 9. Yeah, I know. It was cool for the first 3 years, but it's been the same 10 years after that and looks like it will keep up this way for another decade.

I'm just...bored.

...but again, I've seen pictures and videos of FFXV gameplay and if it's really that good, I'll deal with it.

(It's probably a lot easier to make life-like, reality-looking games in these days of higher graphical expectation. I don't want to bring up the tired mantra of "FF7 remake" but just imagine if that game was remade with today's graphical power...it would be such a challenge but it would look extraordinary and both cartoony yet realistic, completely FANTAStic)
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