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Are you happy with the "visual identity" adopted by modern Final Fantasy?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Lots of the main characters I find look cheesy as hell but the supporting cast can look pretty alright.


Auron is pretty much the perfect example of a non pretty FF character. Doesn't hurt that he's also a badass as well.


Auron is pretty much the perfect example of a non pretty FF character. Doesn't hurt that he's also a badass as well.

Also don't forget:



i dont like the design, either. But I think the main problem is that the design of the characters is the starting point for the games, and the background stories of the chars develop from this design and thus also the story. So, more simply put: char design -> char stories -> story (-> world design).

Final Fantasy has a lot of problems and I think one of the starting points is the char design, yes. However, never really thinking about the general game design (like generic quests, villages, places, switching from world map to fighting scene etc.) should be top on the list of things the developers have to improve on.


I like Dissidia's look and artwork, but it doesn't seem like we'll be seeing any new entries in that series anytime soon.



Could be worse. But I already want to punch Noctis. The fuck is he wearing?

YES. In setting and style anyway

What's wrong with what Noctis is wearing? A T-shirt and a jacket? I see people walk around with that style all the time. Hell I dong something like that on every once in a while. It's a popular style for males in Japan and NA.

Also great job on trying to chose selective photos as to not show any characters imperfections especially Galdiolus and Cor with all his scars and imperfections.

So what is this? A FFXV hate thread or a Nomura hate thread? Both?

bob page


I loved the design in FF12 and everything since has been a giant step backward. It's like they go out of their way to add as much cheesy, cringe-worthy shit as they can.
In the end is not that the are effeminate, because there nothing wrong with it, but that they share about the same bone structure. The all look similar no matter how many tattoos, scars, or facial hair you throw on them. It all looks like it was pasted on top of an actor. Nevertheless, it wold be cool if they used prosthetic too. No everyone has to have the same nose and chin.


An blind dancing ho



Could be worse. But I already want to punch Noctis. The fuck is he wearing?

YES. In setting and style anyway[/QUOTE]

did they changed his original outfit completely or is this just another one he'll wear in the game? I liked the old one.
I don't mind the XV style. It's a bit drab looking but stylistically more consistent than whatever XIII was. I still prefer Yoshida's style over Nomura's and would love if he got a big role on XVI.


I like Dissidia's look and artwork, but it doesn't seem like we'll be seeing any new entries in that series anytime soon.

It's a shame Squeenix decided to abandon a lot of wonderful FF spinoffs (Dissidia, Crystal Chronicles, etc)

When the Vita picks up maybe we will see another Dissidia title God willing.

But yeah, art work for Dissidia was fantastic


Get those dead fish eye characters out of my FF.

I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, since I also LOVE Amano's designs.

But it's funny to see people complaining about how Nomura "brought the effeminate male characters to Final Fantasy", and how they want Amano back....


As opposed to the gritty manly men ala Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock Infinite, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Gears of War, Call of Duty, God of War, Metal Gear, Batman, ad infinitum?

I'm not happy with the "visual identity" of the protagonist adopted by the majority of games.
I haven't played a (main/numbered/whatever) Final Fantasy game since the awful vomit that was VII (except IX, which is indeed <3), so I would be squarely in the "unhappy" camp.


In the end is not that the are effeminate, because there nothing wrong with it, but that they share about the same bone structure. The all look the similar no matter how many tattoos, scars, or facial hair you throw on them. It all looks like it was pasted on to of an actor. nevertheless, it wold be cool if they used prosthetic too. No everyone has to have the same nose and chin.

That seems to be an issue with a large number of Japanese manga and game artists. They draw the same basic male and female faces (maybe with child, young adult, and old adult variants) for everyone and use hair/clothing to differentiate between characters.

All of these FF characters look similar because they are all drawn by Nomura. Might as well complain about the sameness in every Dragon Quest character.
When they're translated to 3D they look like this



Yeah, I'm not a fan of Amano style outside the paintings. Making it 3d adds too many things that were not there originally. What I like of Amano is that they are too tall, or too thin, or seemingly anatomically distorted in a way or another, and that gets lost when they become anatomically correct and 3d. I think they are sort of rigid because of it.


Just to be clear, I never said anything about wanting Amano's art perfectly translated into 3D.


My personal favorite was the style presented in Final Fantasy XII, the characters were alright but the world as a whole was beautiful to look at. I have no problem with the current direction, on face value the games might seem to be superficially gravitating towards an anime-cg hybrid look but every game has a distinct feel to it. I don't know if we'll ever see a more stylistic approach with the series, a lot of different art styles seem to get pushed to their spin-offs or other franchises.

I hope that they don't try to adopt Amano's art style at a more accurate level though. His artwork is not something I've ever really liked, especially his works with the Final Fantasy series.


I'd like to see Squeenix branch out, maybe something more in the visual style of Yakuza - semi-realistic, gritty, etc. Lose the j-pop in space look, its been done enough.


Way to cherry pick your examples OP.

Look at me guys, I can cherry pick too!

Excuse me for mostly choosing main characters to point out a trend in SE's designs?
And yes, I'm aware that villains and certain supporting characters are given the liberty to not be designed as androgynous mannequins

So what is this? A FFXV hate thread or a Nomura hate thread? Both?



I'd like to see Squeenix branch out, maybe something more in the visual style of Yakuza - semi-realistic, gritty, etc. Lose the j-pop in space look, its been done enough.

Part of the problem with the Final Fantasy series in particular is the fact that the mainline games have to push merchandise, as well as the game itself. Flamboyant characters are more marketable than regular looking people. JPop-esque looks also appeal to the game's primary fanbase (Japanese teenagers, the same ones who consume JPop in general).


hate it personally.

It is not that i hate characters being different. I hate that their hair is completely unrealistic like it was created via hairstylist for 4hours.

As of Squall. Squall is not from new bad design. Every character in FF8 had normal hair and rather normal looking clothes. Irvine was supposed to be kind of like cowboyish dude (shotgun coat, hat etc)

Squall hair was just long but it wasn't overly stylized.
The shitty design started after they created new cloud look. After that each character looks out of place.

Simply almost every new character from new design looks like he just walked out out of fashion mag. Normally it wouldn't be a problem but part of delivering good characters look is need to make them believable.
That seems to be an issue with a large number of Japanese manga and game artists. They draw the same basic male and female faces (maybe with child, young adult, and old adult variants) for everyone and use hair/clothing to differentiate between characters.

All of these FF characters look similar because they are all drawn by Nomura. Might as well complain about the sameness in every Dragon Quest character.

It really doesn't bother me that much outside of old men who loos like a young actors with make up (CorvoSol's post is a good example of what I'm talking about). I don't think that's the case for DD, although all men of a same age, and women as well, do look the same outside for color palette swap.


Nomura is the worst thing to happen to the series. So no.

However, I love Yoshida's designs with the online games and FFXII.


Not really no. I'm not fond of the K/J-Pop, Shibuya, Paris Fashion Week reject character designs but the world design stuff is fine. I prefer the pure fantasy stuff from the older games and the MMOs. XIV is the best looking Final Fantasy game in a while.


Would love to see the single player games have the design style of ffxiv. Really like that artwork post a few posts above.

def sim

I recently watched a documentary on host clubs and realized that's the look Square seems to be going for with these games. It's not an appealing design.


surprised to see a lot of dismay towards Amano

dude is a top notch artist & his works is very distinct and filled with personality & flavor

There's no actual dismay against Amano, just pointing out that complaining about Nomura's effeminate designs while praising Amano is ridiculous. I bet most people here like Amano's designs, including me.


There's no actual dismay against Amano, just pointing out that complaining about Nomura's effeminate designs while praising Amano is ridiculous. I bet most people here like Amano's designs, including me.

Ah I see. Should of have read it more carefully then.

I personally don't see what's wrong with the current art direction to FF.

Be it Amano, Nomura, or Yoshida, they each bring their own style to FF and I personally enjoy them all.



Could be worse. But I already want to punch Noctis. The fuck is he wearing?

Clothes.He is wearing clothes, if clothes are causing you that much peril there might be other issues at hand.

Anyways I am happy.

Namura is a beast.


Crystal Bearer
The visual identity of FF14 is really nice and I love XV's modern approach - especially after the weird sci-fi approach of terrible fashion design that was FFXIII. Although Nomura is going a bit overboard with the Roen stuff compared to what was shown when the game was still Versus XIII...
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