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Are you happy with the "visual identity" adopted by modern Final Fantasy?

They fit well with the style and graphics. Are they realistic, no. But then again the name of the game is final fantasy. Hence why male models and female models are able to save the world :)


The visual identity of FF14 is really nice and I love XV's modern approach - especially after the weird sci-fi approach of terrible fashion design that was FFXIII.

I'm not just into the Nomura's FF character designs.

Although I loved his stuff in TWEWY.

Yoshida has been amazing for ages, though.


"As the series' last game on the PlayStation, Sakaguchi envisioned a "reflection" on the older titles of the series. Leading up to its release, Sakaguchi called Final Fantasy IX his favorite Final Fantasy game as "it's closest to [his] ideal view of what Final Fantasy should be"

We need another main FF that is also a "reflection on the older titles of the series".
A pause in trying to come up with the next Cloud would be most welcome.


I remember reading an interview with Nomura years ago where he said he draws a lot of his ideas for his designs from Japanese fashion, and it shows. Most of his characters look they'd rather go to a hair stylist than save the world. Don't get me wrong though, I think Nomura is a good artist and I actually like some of his more conservative designs, but in general I think it's just a bit too much for me.
I am sorry but when I play FINAL FANTASY, I don't sit there and say "well that's not a realistic hairstyle" or "oh this guy is too perfect looking".

It's a fantasy game. It's supposed to provide escapism from what we call "real life". So no I don't see a problem with the designs. They're stylish. Are we going to complain about how Dante looked in the original DMC1 and 3? How about we complain about how almost every character in Persona is symetrical and perfect. It's a unique Japanese style just like how bald marines/space marines with lots of tattoos and scars to show they're battle hardened is a western style of art.

I don't see it as a problem. It's just a bunch of people who don't like that style asking Japan to be... well less like themselves.
Agreed PsychoNinja.

Ah I see. Should of have read it more carefully then.

I personally don't see what's wrong with the current art direction to FF.

Be it Amano, Nomura, or Yoshida, they each bring their own style to FF and I personally enjoy them all.

This. I love the designs that Nomura has been doing as well as the cool looking worlds they've designed, it's in other areas they need to get back to greatness.

Also FFXV's style looks fantastic.


"As the series' last game on the PlayStation, Sakaguchi envisioned a "reflection" on the older titles of the series. Leading up to its release, Sakaguchi called Final Fantasy IX his favorite Final Fantasy game as "it's closest to [his] ideal view of what Final Fantasy should be"

We need another main FF that is also a "reflection on the older titles of the series".
A pause in trying to come up with the next Cloud would be most welcome.

A mediocre FF that with the slowest, boring battles ever? No thanks, good thing this guy is out of the company. I'll take another XIII instead of a IX.
Ah I see. Should of have read it more carefully then.

I personally don't see what's wrong with the current art direction to FF.

Be it Amano, Nomura, or Yoshida, they each bring their own style to FF and I personally enjoy them all.
Agreed, personally I don't have a problem with Nomura's "cliche" designs although I might be biased.




I like the main guys look and maybe the guy on our far right. The others not so much.


XV is an improvement in this regard. I'd still like them to branch out and try different artstyles though, ala Zelda.


A mediocre FF that with the slowest, boring battles ever? No thanks, good thing this guy is out of the company. I'll take another XIII instead of a IX.

uh, okay.
First time I hear someone say that

edit: What does the battle system of IX have to do with my complaint that they keep revisiting similar styles over and over though?


My favorite style is that of FFIX. The characters still had a lot going on in terms of ... flair, but they also had a lot of character.

A mediocre FF that with the slowest, boring battles ever? No thanks, good thing this guy is out of the company. I'll take another XIII instead of a IX.

Yes, truly FFIX is the mediocre one here.


Excuse me for mostly choosing main characters to point out a trend in SE's designs?
And yes, I'm aware that villains and certain supporting characters are given the liberty to not be designed as androgynous mannequins


You cherry picked your examples to make a point which isn't true. Why would you now be upset that you've been called out on it?
I'm not sure what definiton of "modern" is being used here... but FFX was released over a decade ago. I would've been 10 when it released. I don't think of video games which released when I was 10 as "modern", especially since the form has a short history. It's interesting to think that I had to go back just to play FFVI and FFVII, and to this day am one of few in my peer group to have done so - they're treated as positively ancient by almost everyone I know (even older people who are familiar with them). Online it's like they released yesterday.

I think there is a point to be made about how online games discussion views the medium's past. There's a kind of presumed familiarity with it, but not in the sense that a group of film buffs might have an encylopedic knowledge of a particular director, country or genre - rather as if everything surrounding titles can be ignored (time, people, market, circumstance etc.) and they can be brought up as comparators in any scenario. It interests me.


You cherry picked your examples to make a point which isn't true. Why would you now be upset that you've been called out on it?

lol they're main characters, you don't cherry pick what is put in your lap. The fact you think you're calling him out for being selective is absurd, next you'll say someone is being selective for picking Link out as an example for artwork in Legend of Zelda, please do go on.


Junior Member
Yes FF main characters are effeminate. No I don't really care.

That said, new renders for the most effeminate characters in FF XV, Noctis and Prompto, don't make them seem that effeminate.

Yeah they still have long hair but their faces don't like feminine anymore.

And as stated there's a lot of variety in the designs and not all characters are effeminate. Cor and the other guy (Noctis' uncle?) look pretty boss:


Dr. Buni

I have nothing against the current visual identity of the series, but I prefer the more "gothic" style of older Final Fantasies. Mainly 4 and 6.

I appreciate effeminate male characters, btw, though some diversity is always nice to have.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I have lots of problems with modern Final Fantasies, and only one of them is visual.

Costumes! Costumes everywhere!


I don't really think the visual identity is a problem for Final Fantasy really.

I absolutely hated the design of Vaan from FFXII but that didn't prevent the game from being by far my favorite of the modern Final Fantasy games.

And the problem with FFXIV was definitely not the graphics or visual design.......


Yes FF main characters are effeminate. No I don't really care.

That said, new renders for the most effeminate characters in FF XV, Noctis and Prompto, don't make them seem that effeminate.

Yeah they still have long hair but their faces don't like feminine anymore.

And as stated there's a lot of variety in the designs and not all characters are effeminate. Cor and the other guy (Noctis' uncle?) look pretty boss:

Prompto's design sure changed a lot since the first trailers. It used to look like a very healthy, happy-go lucky guy. And in that particular new render it looks like an addict who could kill you in your sleep.


You cherry picked your examples to make a point which isn't true. Why would you now be upset that you've been called out on it?

So you are telling me that my conclusion that there is a very distinct visual style surrounding most modern FF games is false?
That revisioned Squall, revisioned Zack, Cloud, Tidus, Vaan, Snow, Noel, Noctis (just to name a few) share no similarities?

If you want something more akin to the older titles, play Bravely Default

Oh I have my eyes dead set on that one!


And my issue is not with this style. Its with how overused it is.
Its in everything FF related nowadays.


uh, okay.
First time I hear someone say that

edit: What does the battle system of IX have to do with my complaint that they keep revisiting similar styles over and over though?

As far as complaints about FFIX go, slow battles is one that a lot of people seem to agree on. You're right about it being irrelevant to the discussion though.


Oh I have my eyes dead set on that one!

Oh me too. I was close to importing it when I thought it wasn't comming towards the West, but thank God someone knocked some sense into Nintendo and they decided to localize it.
2014 seems a long way though :(

It's a fantasy game

This needs to be repeated.

It's a fantasy game. I don't expect to play with realistic characters.
The main guys just sport hairstyles that are really "in" in Asia, especially among Japanese and Korean stars. I personally like it, being into Asian media. I prefer them to buzz cuts and bald people anyway. And Asian people in general have finer faces than people in the West, so it's not surprising to see them model their characters as such. Just different ethnic features and cultural tastes. Embrace them!

That said, if you look past just the main heroes of each title, the rest of the cast offers nice variety, from Barret to Balthier to Vanille... If anything, I quite like the different flavours that FF casts bring.


I'm happy with it as I really like the looks of the past few titles going back to XI.

I would really like to see a cyberpunk FF one day though; that's my dream.


Oh me too. I was close to importing it when I thought it wasn't comming towards the West, but thank God someone knocked some sense into Nintendo and they decided to localize it.
2014 seems a long way though :(

Getting it this year in PALand. 6th December release :D


It's all about indifference to me. Like, it wont exactly put me off from playing but it also wont get me to continue playing either. I think the bigger problem is the personality they give the characters.

Lighting has the feel of a robot and all the boys do have that "emo" thing going for them.


13 was a mistep in character design...enemy and world though was top notch...XV looks great considering its much more grounded


I love Yoshida's work (and the influences of the FF11 design staff, whose names slip me), but Nomura's stuff isn't shabby either. If you're gonna save the world, why not do it in style?


never was a huge fan of nomura's sci fi stuff. viii was okay i guess, but i prefer ix's more general-appeal style and xii's more lotr-fantasy style over the other stuff.


I absolutely hate Nomura's art, it's one of the reasons why the series clash with me so much these days.

I'm talking about the "exotic" (nonsensical) futuristic settings and designs they keep cranking out, and mostly the teen anime look with dumb hair styles given to every single character since 7, excluding FF9 (<3) and maybe to some extent, FF12.

The original character designs in FFVII were fine imo.
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