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Around 60% of PS4 owners also have a PS Vita

Sony also says that one in three PS Vita owners have bought a PlayStation 4. That's pretty impressive when you consider that Sony has sold around 7.5 million Vitas to date, which means around 2.5 million people own both a PS Vita and a PS4.

Hmmm I find that hard to believe seeing as it's not out in Japan. They're talking US sales, surely? Otherwise it would also mean the majority of PS4 owners also own a Vita.... edit: it even says that in the article. edit: it's the title of the thread too! I look silly now, but I still find it hard to believe. Why wouldn't Sony just say that instead of a journalist calculating it themselves?


As one of these dual owners I'd tell them not to bother with cross-platform features other than cross-buy and cross-save where it's possible.

I didn't buy a PS4 to use it with my Vita. I wouldn't have bought a Vita to use it with my PS4. I bought them for what they offer themselves, and don't see any value out of gimmicky synergist ideas.

Cross play works fine, I guess. Just not sure why I'd ever want to use it instead of my 50' flat screen. If I'm going to play in bed... I already bought the Vita itself for that. That's the point of it.

Shows how many early adopters are either tech fans or Sony diehards, though.


I suppose it's not really surprising that early adopters tend to be fans of the brand and own their products.
It is pretty great, but quick question to everyone saying they tried it locally and over the internet, isn't ps4 remote play only done over wifi?

Or am I just reading different words meaning the same thing?

You can remote play via adhoc wireless network, your home wifi, or the internet. As in, you can remote play when you are 3000 miles away. You might experience some lag though.


You can remote play via adhoc wireless network, your home wifi, or the internet. As in, you can remote play when you are 3000 miles away. You might experience some lag though.

Thanks for the clarification. So what is the best way to experience Remote Play? I assume adhoc wireless?


I personally wouldn't have bought a PS4 if not for the Vita.

Also, yes that 60% figure is likely to change as I can't really see the Vita surpassing 15 million units over it's lifetime. (if that)
I didn't used all the data available, but people where wondering in the PSN thread about worlwide Vita sales and I put this:

This lacks some data from 2012 but it could be used as a "minimum". Adding 600.000 units more in the last half of 2012 (minus US BF 2012) isn't too unrealistic. I used Parcher because even if his deductions are quite shitty, he has access to some data that we lack.

Fantastic info, thanks.


I'm thinking of buying a Vita soon, as a PS4 owner with plus is there a way to peg the PS plus games for vita now so when I buy it I can just download them all at once?


I'm not convinced that looking at the tech-buying habits of early adopters two months after launch and applying to the other expected 95% of future PS4 buyers when considering future plans is a good way to look at things.

That percentage isn't going to go up. Still, that doesn't mean it isn't interesting. The Vita is a great bit of kit and anything that encourages Sony to push more support it's way is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.


I'm thinking of buying a Vita soon, as a PS4 owner with plus is there a way to peg the PS plus games for vita now so when I buy it I can just download them all at once?

The Sony Entertainment Network store. Just add the free Vita games to your cart and checkout.


But...but...the Vita is dead...

I've said it many times before, the remote play functionality and Playstation Now could really give new life to the Vita. it's a great hand held. I play it more than any other system in my house. The indie selection is excellent and PS+ makes it fantastic. Controls are great, the screen is beautiful, and the sleep mode / instant resume is superb.


The back touchpad isn't the best for remote play, but boy does it work. I've played KZ SF online with remote play, over WiFi, while another ps4 in the house was playing in the same game, and our internet isn't even that good. Truly an incredible technology.


Still holding out for a vita with all 4 triggers on top, to match control parity of a ds3/4.

Till then, no thanks.


I like this is phrased on gamasutra. People are going to run with it and make some false assumption around it.

It might be helpful how many VITA owner purchased VITA after PS4 was released. It is nice that 1 in 3 VITA bought a PS4 and 60% PS4 owners have VITA. However, if PS4 release didn't spike VITA ownership, Sony will run out of VITA owners to sell PS4 to.

Also, is the 7.5 million VITA sold number official?

Nope. There are alot of assumptionmaths in the OP.


Proud to be one of them Vit4bros lol.

Have only tried local remote play and it was pretty good (Don't Starve on Vita is a match made in heaven), also tried some Resogun and I will try AC4 once I get a hang of it.

Greatest handheld ever made, I tell you!


The PS4 + PS plus + Vita synergy is basically gamings very reductive version of the Macbook + iCloud + iPhone. There is great synergy there between the service/products.


thanks for the laugh
But...but...the Vita is dead...

I've said it many times before, the remote play functionality and Playstation Now could really give new life to the Vita. it's a great hand held. I play it more than any other system in my house. The indie selection is excellent and PS+ makes it fantastic. Controls are great, the screen is beautiful, and the sleep mode / instant resume is superb.

people aren't buying vitas to go with their PS4s - or atleast, very few people are. otherwise we'd see a corresponding rise in vita sales.

all this tells us is that the majority of the PS4's consumer base so far are those who would buy even the most unpopular of sony consoles.


I have yet to try remote play. Not terribly interested in playing ps4 games on it.

I play Wii U and PS4 more offscreen than on for many games. I hope that once Vita production costs decrease further, they'll be able to create a cheaper (~$100) version centered around remote play.


people aren't buying vitas to go with their PS4s - or atleast, very few people are. otherwise we'd see a corresponding rise in vita sales.

all this tells us is that the majority of the PS4's consumer base so far are those who would buy even the most unpopular of sony consoles.

Yeah. Vita i still a terrible failure. A lot of the PS4s sold have been to Sony's most loyal fanbase, which makes total sense.


Gold Member
I wonder how they count cases like mine, where we have 2 PS4s in the house and only 1 Vita.


thanks for the laugh
Yeah. Vita i still a terrible failure. A lot of the PS4s sold have been to Sony's most loyal fanbase, which makes total sense.

sony don't necessarily want people whose last console was a vita, they want people whose last console was a wii or a PS2.
sony don't necessarily want people whose last console was a vita, they want people whose last console was a wii or a PS2.

Not sure what you mean? Sony would want all consumers they can get their hands on, Vita consumers doubly so as the attach rate for that console is surprisingly good
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