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Bates Motel Season 3 |OT| Til Death (Mondays 9/8pm Central)

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I love this show. That ending was excellent. I can't wait to see what happens when Norma gets back and how they deal with the body.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Nice swerve casting Karina Logue only to kill her immediately. Wouldn't be surprised if she shows up as a hallucination however.

I was cracking up at the hilariously over-the-top county hospital.

Norma continues to be a hot mess.
The premiere was decent, but I was kind of hoping for more. I like this show a decent amount, but not as much as I did during Season 1 and 2.


Junior Member
Is their really no |OT| for season 4 because that's sad. This is a really really good show and one of the few tv shows that keep me entertained. Season 4 is starting off awesomely to. More people really need to check this show out :)


Season 4 is really good, and it's mostly because it's finally starting to feel like it should.

Season 4 has been a real return to form for me. While I liked S2 and 3 well enough I am finding this one to have a much better focus overall. I really dug the mental hospital arc and how it delved into Norman's psyche. And seeing Norma living away from Norman and the marriage plot has been enjoyable as well. Makes me sad there is no season 4 OT because this is as good as it's ever been imo.

Nice catch about the peephole. I haven't seen Psycho in a ages and really should see again since I've gotten so invested in the TV series character.


Wow, this show is tense. As Norman gets worse and worse, I am having a harder time watching it. I mean that in a good way if possible.


Just caught up on the most recent episode. This season is exactly what I've wanted out of this show. It's so hard to watch but in the best way possible. Anytime Norman and Alex are alone I'm going to be worried for Alex. I feel he's not long for this world.


Just caught up on the most recent episode. This season is exactly what I've wanted out of this show. It's so hard to watch but in the best way possible. Anytime Norman and Alex are alone I'm going to be worried for Alex. I feel he's not long for this world.
Between Norman and the DEA, I think Alex is in huge trouble. I'm not sure which one is going to take him out first though.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This season has found the show re-energized. It's been quite strong. I wonder if they're planning on the 5th season being the end, and so they know their endgame and the specific path to it.

Ditching most of the drug trade stuff has helped give more time and focus to Norman and Norma as well.


What the fuck at tonight's episode :( Was actually crying quite a bit as the episode closed. Haven't had a good tv-induced cry in a while.

Yet she is also the character you can totally kill off and still have as a full regular on the show. ~Mother~ 24/7.

There's always a chance she's revived, but...she looked pretty dead. Her lips were going blue.

Damnit Norman. :(


Yeah, that was tough to watch, but beautifully handled. I think most people assumed
it would've happened during one of his blackouts. The note from Norma is a nice little coincidence that will help Norman sell it as a suicide, I'm sure.


Neo Member
I stopped watching near the end of season 2. I was pretty enthralled by the first season, and Psycho is one of my all-time favourite horror films, but I just felt very underwhelmed by the progression in the second season. I guess I was expecting it to be a little more like a thriller than a drama. Does it pick back up in the third season?


I stopped watching near the end of season 2. I was pretty enthralled by the first season, and Psycho is one of my all-time favourite horror films, but I just felt very underwhelmed by the progression in the second season. I guess I was expecting it to be a little more like a thriller than a drama. Does it pick back up in the third season?

Season 3 is ok but season 4 has been tense for pretty much the whole season. It always feels like something could go wrong at anytime.
Looking at how small this thread is, it appears like nobody here watches this show, which is a shame. In any case, damn - didn't expect to see what happened at the end of tonight's show! Last season wasn't the best but this season has been hitting absolutely all cylinders. Gonna be interesting to see how the season finale wraps it up. Last I read, there will be a season 5, which will be the final season. If true, I'm curious to see where they take this show. But if they were to end the the show with this season, I think they've done a very good job of explaining how Norman came to become what he eventually becomes.

Also, I really like how they crafted the backstory behind Norman and Norma. In the end, you develop great empathy for both of these characters and it just ends up being a very tragic story because both characters have good hearts, but become what they become because of external factors out of their control.
Just finished the latest episode, God damn what a bastard
I always figured Norma would be his final victim so this was quite the shock. Poor Alex though, he is such a great guy and yet he basically lost everything that day between Norma and the attempted DEA sting

This has been a great season, I think this show is on my list of best shows nobody I know watches, along with person of interest.
Yikes that really hit hard....I cried. Gotta say that I loved the montage set to Mr Sandman. But jesus that was just all around brutal, and then having Alex breaking down like that. Great performances all around.

It's amazing how a prequel to a Hitchcock movie ends up being one of my favorite dramas on TV. Way better than it has any right to be.


I have this season sitting on my DVR, just need to get around to watching it.

I'm avoiding all the spoilers above but really hoping that Norman starts going full psycho this season, it's time.


Ending of the latest episode had me surprisingly emotional, damn that final scene was captured beautifully & was also really uncomfortable/hard to watch. This season has been amazing all the way through, definitely seems like the next season will be the shows' last.

Now I'm really interested to see where they go with show - Norman's gonna be completely unhinged.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I was totally not expecting this to happen this episode. The tension had me focused on the dangers to
Alex, but not Norma. That was a very well executed twist where the season has been building tension up to this point the whole time but then completely flips the expectation of it.
Finally watched S4 finale. Oh man that was hard to watch. It was an amazing finale but goddamn did it make me on edge from all the tension. I was kinda worn out by the end and loved it! They really made me get that feeling of things spiraling out of control.

-that call from Dylan made me sad
-that awkward funeral ceremony and then having Romero show up was crazy. I dug his confrontation at the hospital too.
-digging up Norma and that creepy as fuck scene where he's talking to her and her dead eyes are open (nightmare fuel)
-I liked how the weird guy who fixed the window showed up at the end and had a chat with Norman

So yeah, overall the best season of the show since the first. Even if the series had ended on this episode I think they have done a fine job in setting up the Norman we know from Psycho. Excited to see things go off the rails for the final season.


^^^Agree with everything said up there, this has really been the best (and most tragic) season of Bates Motel yet. Vera Farmiga & Freddie Highmore deserve Emmy's. I'm super interested to see where the story goes next year. I would hope that the dangling plot thread with Emma's Mom gets returned to and I also wonder what will be the ultimate fate of Sheriff Romero.


Old Member
Just caught up with the finale.

Man, I know it's not going to happen, but I'd love to see season 5 just be Romero on a ten-episode rampage, ending with him just obliterating Norman.
When Norman sat with Norma playing the piano, I was really bracing for the horror image of the reality of the situation (Norman at the piano by himself in a cold room with a dead Norma on the couch) but they didn't deliver. Oh well. I did get some hilarious Romero out of that finale though I'm sad that there may not be any more hilarious Norma / Norman interactions next season. The Norma of Norman's vision isn't nearly as funny in her line delivery / exaggerated acting. The last great comedy scene between those two may very well be that Christmas tree farm.

Was everyone aware that the episode where they went to the Christmas tree farm and later had their first family dinner (Norma, Norman and Romero) was written by Freddie Highmore? This kid's got talent. Jesus.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Bumping this since there wasn't a thread for the 4th season. I just finished watching the 3rd season on Netflix, so I just glanced over the posts in this last page.

This show is such a pleasure to watch, even if it can get meandering with some plot lines. Any Twin Peaks fan should give it a try, it goes hard for that mix of strange and campy that was a big part of what made TP unique (which is intentional since Cuse has openly said that they "ripped off" TP).

I think I'll watch the 4th season outside of Netflix, 3rd one took too long to show up there (in my country at least).
I've been watching the fourth season slowly, off of my PVR. I got behind, and have prioritized other things, watching an episode here and there.

Maybe it's not the best idea. This hasn't been a great season so far, though. It's decent, but nothing special.

I think I have four episodes left.
Glad to see some love for this show. It is my favorite show on television right now, and this coming from a huge fan of "Psycho" and most of Alfred Hitchcock's movies. I originally wrote this show off, but I am glad I gave it another chance. It is a true gem, in particular pretty much every scene with both Norma and Norman. Here is my original post from the season one thread expressing my initial disappointments:

I got my hopes up when the show started with a Cary Grant movie (thinking it would be a 40ish setting), but they were quickly dashed when I saw the iPhone. Having an iPhone would have solved a lot of issues in "Psycho"

Just goes to show you to give second chances. Freddie Highmore has been killing it.
Just finished Season 4. I watched it slowly...far too slowly.

I didn't expect what happened to happen, but it made sense. Things are certainly getting crazier.

The season, as a whole, was quite solid. Not the show's best, though.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I'm all for a POC Marion Crane but:

I'd never think it would be Rihanna.

I didn't expect them to even have the character in the show. I always thought the show would end with her car arriving at the hotel or something, and that we'd never get a clear view of her face.

Interesting news though. Cuse said this:

However, Cuse hastened to add that viewers shouldn’t expect a blow-by-blow recreation of the 1960 movie. “We will be colliding with certain events in the narrative of the film,” he said, “but it would be boring to just recreate Psycho.”

I'm glad they're not aiming to do that. Trying to recreate those scenes in the show would be a pretty uninspired thing to do.
Season 5 (the final season) begins on February 20th.

Here's a new 3 minute trailer, of sorts.

Here's a synopsis of the season:

Season five of ”Bates Motel" picks up almost two years later and finds Norman (Freddie Highmore), a grown man now, living a double life. Publicly he's a happy and well-adjusted member of the White Pine Bay community, but at home Norman struggles; his violent blackouts continue to increase as ‘Mother' (Vera Farmiga) threatens to take over his mind completely.
Meanwhile, Dylan Massett (Max Thierot) and Emma Decody (Olivia Cooke), since leaving White Pine Bay, have been living their lives blissfully unaware of Norma's death and Norman's full on descent into psychosis. Unfortunately, for them, they will soon find themselves drawn back into Norman's insanity, while a vengeful Alex Romero (Nestor Carbonell), who is currently incarcerated for a perjury, hungers for a chance to destroy his stepson and avenge the murder of his one true love, Norma Bates.

Also, in case you forgot:
Rihanna co-stars as Marion Crane, who was played by Janet Leigh in Alfred Hitchcock‘s Psycho.
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