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Battlestar Galactica Official Final Season Thread

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bachikarn said:
It was okay. Kind of like the first episode of Lost this season. Seems to be setting up whats going to happen for the rest of the season, but not too much actually happened.

This. Mainly because it's true: writing my review (Feel free to peruse or ignore as you wish), it was the first thing that popped to mind.

Both shows had the same problem: they ended on HUGE revelations, and fans spent the better part of 8 months analyzing them, and then the premiere shows up and...we already figured everything out. It all played out as if we could have written it: all of the things that will prove most interesting won't come out until next week, just like how things didn't open up until Faraday landed on Lost. Just as we couldn't have predicted who Faraday was, we couldn't have known the Cylon side of this story.

Loved a few moments, but it all felt more lifeless than it should have. Liked Baltar's section, even with the clear impracticality of the harem, if only because it wasn't as ruined by over-analyzing.


I have stayed out of these threads to avoid spoilers. Now that I've watched the episode, I must say that I thought it was pretty good. Other episodes in the series like "Unfinished Business" had nothing "happen" but were among the most brilliant.

This one, between the uncertainty of what's going to happen with Starbuck, Baltar's apparent faith-healing, Adama's doubts about following the president's plans, the brand new mystery ship. All the stuff is very engaging. The battle at the beginning looked awesome too. I was psyched to see the new season and after the first episode I feel like it was worth the wait.
CajoleJuice said:
Yeah, the opening was fucking incredible. I just hope they didn't blow half the season's CG budget on it.

Most of Season 3's budget was blown on location shooting on New Caprica and the battle in Exodus Pt.2 which included mixing CGI centurions, Vipers and a falling Battlestar with live action footage. I don't think we have anything to worry about yet.


Got it recorded to DVD tonight,I keep watching that space battle and wooo its just insane.

I thought overall the show was great. The space battle alone was epic enough for me.
Anders and that cylon face to face just gave me the creeps,very well done.

I liked how the 4 were trying to come to grips with what they are. I don't expect an epic 10 star episode when I sit back and watch each time,I just want to be entertained with my fist in the air howling at times. I got that,job well done tonight.

And again Balter is a pimp. The guy scores more than anyone,even in the worst situations the guy gets some.

Next weeks preview was so a cock tease. Centurions mowing down their elite brothers and sisters - wow.
I thought it was great, although I was just watching it for fun, and not with a critics eye. I'm definitely along for the ride.

Does anyone else turn away during the opening credits of each episode? I hate seeing little snippets of scenes that I'm gonna be watching in the next hour anyways.

Phobophile said:
So, hot cult bitches? I'd so have my own cult if I could get hot cultists.
Seriously. Every single one of them was hot, and the only other guys there were in the background and not really visible :lol
Revengeance said:
Does anyone else turn away during the opening credits of each episode? I hate seeing little snippets of scenes that I'm gonna be watching in the next hour anyways.
*raises hand* I never watch 'em.

Good stuff tonight - the space battle was fun and they really got the ball rolling for the new season. The Anders bit was intriguing - he communicated with the raider and I'm wondering how that all shakes out from the cylon perspective. Why did they bug out? Some sort of innate programming or are they actually aware that one of the final five has appeared? Also, I found it surprising that he knew what was going on since he was able to describe the incident to the other three afterwards. Somewhat different from the sleeper cell angle that we had with Boomer.


Revengeance said:
Does anyone else turn away during the opening credits of each episode? I hate seeing little snippets of scenes that I'm gonna be watching in the next hour anyways.

I never watch previews in general. I tend to think they give away too much, especially the previews used for BSG and Dexter.
Revengeance said:
Does anyone else turn away during the opening credits of each episode? I hate seeing little snippets of scenes that I'm gonna be watching in the next hour anyways.
I always watch the little preview part...then I jump up and yell "Holy Frak" and run and tell my Mom "holy crap holy crap holy crap" for about a minute. Then I go sit back down and usually the commercials are over :D Makes those 3 or 4 minutes go by so much faster.

Anyways I liked the episode. Definitely lots of build up but I'm ok with it. Loved the Ander's and raider bit. Crazy lady with the pipe...not so much. God is love, not mercilessly killing other people.


Revengeance said:
Does anyone else turn away during the opening credits of each episode? I hate seeing little snippets of scenes that I'm gonna be watching in the next hour anyways.

Every single time.

The scene towards the beginning where
Tigh is shown putting a bullet through Adama's head point-blank was jaw-dropping, even if it was a cop-out
. I'm already fiending for the next episode.


ugh. this show perplexes me. they get in a fight with the cylons, the cylons can destroy them at any moment, but choose to let them live. so the humans then decide to spend the rest of the time fleeing? what's the worst that could happen? the cylons deciding to not kill them again?

i'm all for suspenion of disbelief, but a show must follow the logic it creates for itself. space battle and baltar jesus were cool. the scene with he and the eager worshiper was just awesome. 6 thinks he found redemption at the sight of a dying child, i think he found God with two handfulls of lovin'

why you guys spoiler tagging stuff from the new episode? only un-aired material r spoilarz
squicken said:
ugh. this show perplexes me. they get in a fight with the cylons, the cylons can destroy them at any moment, but choose to let them live. so the humans then decide to spend the rest of the time fleeing? what's the worst that could happen? the cylons deciding to not kill them again?

i'm all for suspenion of disbelief, but a show must follow the logic it creates for itself. space battle and baltar jesus were cool. the scene with he and the eager worshiper was just awesome. 6 thinks he found redemption at the sight of a dying child, i think he found God with two handfulls of lovin'

why you guys spoiler tagging stuff from the new episode? only un-aired material r spoilarz
The Cylons want to get to Earth, and the Galatica is their only lead, im guessing it wouldn't be very helpful if destroyed. Their objective was either to get Kara on board, or to make contact with Anders.


PillowKnight said:
The Cylons want to get to Earth. Their objective was either to get Kara on board, or to make contact with Anders.

but the human leadship doesn't know that. all they know is that the cylons could've killed them but didn't.
squicken said:
but the human leadship doesn't know that. all they know is that the cylons could've killed them but didn't.
Well, they could end up leading the Cylons to their final haven. Even then, put yourself in their situation, you have two options ;
1) Hang out by the Cylon battleships while they shoot missiles at your fleet.
2) Run away.


There are a number of explanations, though getting Hera back would ultimately be a goal in the attack, outright destroying humanity (or all of the RTF save for a crippled Galactica that they could than board and take all data from for the path to Earth and Hera) was probably their goal. If anything they discovered Anders by mistake, when the Drone turned around to fire on Anders it recognized him as one of the Final Five... prompting the Cylons to withdraw and strategize, due to the fact that the final five Cylons (or at least one of them) are on board the RTF.

Awesome Ep.
Great episode. (I'll throw that out there, we need a better consesus.)

But yeah, it definitely felt more like set up more than anything, but it was good set up so I aint complaining. Both the beginning and the ending blew me away though.

I particularly loved the continuity shout outs, they should do those more often.

Oh! and no Callie and very little Helo! Always a plus.


I enjoyed it because it's Battlestar Galactica but it was very, very predictable. They really didn't have enough time to tackle anything really interesting because we were just wrapping up all the stuff that happened in last year's finale.

Can't wait for next week, though, looks amazing. :D


The Anders/Cylon Raider scene was great, great stuff. Was he re-programmed? Was he simply discovered? I think the latter--the Cylons didn't know of the final 5 and scanning Anders confirmed it.

I can't reconcile a logical explanation for Kara's return without believing her a Cylon. It makes no sense to me in any other regard. Seems to me she got all Cylon-y when she incapacitated those guards in less then 10 seconds; when she had a very specific thing she wanted to do--meet the Prez and change her mind.

What Kara describes as her trip does have elements of time-travel though--the discrepancy in time, lack of recollection, the fact that they can't find anything on their (present day) map. Kara only remembers breaching the storm, blacking out, and waking up seeing Earth. Same with her return.


(this pic also reminds me of the "zoom-out" at the end of the Season 3 finale where they show where they are relative to Earth)

Still, the much easier (and too obvious) explanation is that she's a Cylon sent back with a sweetheart story in order to sucker everyone.

But even that doesn't jibe--the Cylons could have blown everyone away and instead pulled back upon discovering Anders. There was no need for an extended game of deception right up to that point though.

If Kara is in cahoots, it is unwittingly and it is with someone or something we haven't seen yet.



A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
bob_arctor said:
I can't reconcile a logical explanation for Kara's return without believing her a Cylon. It makes no sense to me in any other regard. Seems to me she got all Cylon-y when she incapacitated those guards in less then 10 seconds; when she had a very specific thing she wanted to do--meet the Prez and change her mind.

Nope, she's just fucking hardcore. How many times did she kill her Cylon captor when she was held captive on New Caprica?


Phobophile said:
Nope, she's just fucking hardcore. How many times did she kill her Cylon captor when she was held captive on New Caprica?

:lol That's exactly what my wife said! Well, she used "badass" and not "hardcore". I also loved what she told Anders--that if he turned out to be Cylon, she'd put a bullet between his eyes.



bob_arctor said:
If Kara is in cahoots, it is unwittingly and it is with someone or something we haven't seen yet.


There's more then two singular entities in the BSG universe, head Six, and head Balter clearly have their own agenda, as it relates to God, or what have you.. we don't know much if anything about this entity, but I figure Kara's re-emergence is linked to it.


GAF's Bob Woodward
bob_arctor said:
The Anders/Cylon Raider scene was great, great stuff. Was he re-programmed? Was he simply discovered? I think the latter--the Cylons didn't know of the final 5 and scanning Anders confirmed it.

I think he might have unwittingly sent orders to the raider, not the other way around. And that's why the Cylons pulled off.


gofreak said:
I think he might have unwittingly sent orders to the raider, not the other way around. And that's why the Cylons pulled off.

!! Didn't even consider that. Good shit. Totally plausible as well. Perhaps that's a hint of the coming Cylon civil war?


GAF's Bob Woodward
bob_arctor said:
!! Didn't even consider that. Good shit. Totally plausible as well. Perhaps that's a hint of the coming Cylon civil war?

Yeah, more than just the order to pull off, he could have sent..messages to incite friction among the Cylons. Enter alternate Six, the unboxing of Danna etc.

Well, it's just a guess anyway. If he sent some kind of disruptive code or virus or something, it could explain how an alternate, new kind of Six arise (i.e. the code gets into the ressurection baths and makes a new kind of Six?)

edit - it could have a wider meaning too. These Cylons - Anders among them - evolving to rebel against THEIR creators, i.e. the Cylons themselves. Anders et al are so confused about their loyalties now. They don't want to be Cylons. Maybe programming cylons to believe they are human has lead to such trauma that it evolves a new breed of cylon that..hates the cylons. Playing psychological games with humans in dangerous. Maybe it'll turn out to be dangerous for the Cylons too, and the tricks they played on their own kind in the war effort against the humans.

Maybe in his order to the Raider, he included the 'evolved' dissenting code so that it will spread to other Cylons.

edit 2 - uff, the more i think along this track, the more I think I see where this will go in the end, and how they'll neatly resolve everything, and finish the story properly...well..maybe.


gofreak said:
Yeah, more than just the order to pull off, he could have sent..messages to incite friction among the Cylons. Enter alternate Six, the unboxing of Danna etc.

Well, it's just a guess anyway. If he sent some kind of disruptive code or virus or something, it could explain how an alternate, new kind of Six arise (i.e. the code gets into the ressurection baths and makes a new kind of Six?)

edit - it could have a wider meaning too. These Cylons - Anders among them - evolving to rebel against THEIR creators, i.e. the Cylons themselves. Anders et al are so confused about their loyalties now. They don't want to be Cylons. Maybe programming cylons to believe they are human has lead to such trauma that it evolves a new breed of cylon that..hates the cylons. Playing psychological games with humans in dangerous. Maybe it'll turn out to be dangerous for the Cylons too, and the tricks they played on their own kind in the war effort against the humans.

Maybe in his order to the Raider, he included the 'evolved' dissenting code so that it will spread to other Cylons.

edit 2 - uff, the more i think along this track, the more I think I see where this will go in the end, and how they'll neatly resolve everything, and finish the story properly...well..maybe.

I'm digging it. Also, remember how Chief was champion of the little people with his workers strike in Season 3. Same concept applies to the old Centurions who are being lobotomized and used. Of course, none of this explains what the hell happened to Kara.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Wait, since Chief is a Cylon - what about his kid? Does they whole Cylon child thing only involve the females?


GAF's Bob Woodward
DY_nasty said:
Wait, since Chief is a Cylon - what about his kid? Does they whole Cylon child thing only involve the females?

I think Cally got her rocks off with one of the nuggets down there.

Seriously, though, good question..

Here's a fuller speculation of where I think this is going to go..spoilered in case it comes true! :p

As above, in a twist of the origins of the war, some cylons start to turn against their own masters - the cylons themselves. The dissent spreads from Anders, and also via Six (more later). They will, ultimately, make a complete sacrifice and kill themselves and as many other cylons - possibly all. Why? Because they will come to believe that this is what God wants. Religious ferver will push them to that action. They'll believe they've been led astray. They have become too human and have begun to empathise with the humans, heck some think they ARE human, they love them even (Anders-Starbuck, Six-Balthar) and it will be their belief that they have to help the humans. They'll believe this is what God wants. It'll be a last ditch action..they'll try to convince the others, but ultimately their only recourse will be to destroy themselves.

There were hints of this kind of dissent as the humans got to New Caprica..but now, the dissenting Cylons will know that they can't risk letting the Cylons stick around, since they know what happened last time.

This would mean..the humans get to earth, relatively safe and sound. It would resolve the question of the Cylons.

It would resolve some other questions too:

The final five are literally the final five - there will be no more cylon models because the cylons will destroy themselves.

Hera's importance - she is the future of the cylons, because she's the only one who can survive whatever mechanism the dissenting cylons use to destroy themselves and the rest. She represents the cylon's future as a part of surviving humanity. Maybe Cally's baby too, but the Cylons don't know about her. This is why she's so important, she literally will be the only trace of Cylon left (I guess..).

Balthar and Six - Balthar was indeed part of God's plan. Six fell in love with him. Her (conflicted) empathy with humanity has been visible from the start (the baby in the first episode, sparing it...her comments on Caprica, almost sympathetic to the humans). Balthar's role was, to make her fall in love with humanity, effectively. This, I'm figuring, makes her model vulnerable to Ander's 'virus' and made her the best candidate for "evolution", and to lead the dissent on the ground, amongst the cylons, with the help of D'anna who was perhaps getting close to 'God's truth' herself before Cavel boxed her (hence her "i'm so sorry" moment to one of the final five?).

There are many other threads to tie up and I'm not sure if they'd all fit in..but that's my best guess now. They get to earth, the cylons disappear through dissent and self destruction, but of course, it's bittersweet because Tigh, Tyrrel, Anders etc. are dead. Along with whoever the final Cylon is (presumably someone very key, who'll make the whole thing even more bittersweet).


Yet another brilliant episode to the best show on television right now.

Lee's speech to Adama about Zak and whether if he turned out to be a cylon would really matter in the end was just exquisite. It's clear foreshadowing of what I think will be a major theme this season, and yet another reason how well this show transcends its science fiction underpinnings to become something wholly more.

This show really deserves to be watched by so many more people. It's just a shame so many have trouble getting past the name and the setting.
Frenck said:
Some rampant speculation:

I believe that Lampkin is the final cylon. The missing person at the table would sit next to Lee and as we all know Lampkin is Lee's new father figure or at least mentor. He mentioned that he was in love with a woman for 10 years and that their relationship simply ended (in an unknown but probably tragic way). I think that the woman might have been the by now boxed D'anna, probably sent to spy on Joseph Adama as a sleeper agent. Lampkin apparently was an apprentice of Adama.

The only thing I really can't wrap my mind around is the time scale. D'anna must've been around for a really long time before the attack on the colonies and she definately isn't one of the final five, but then again, we don't know for how long the colonies have been infiltrated by non-final five cylon agents.

Why D'anna? She apologized for something when she saw the final cylon model and she didn't spend significant time with anyone in the fleet or do something so horrible that would justify an apology, especially if you consider that cylons and humans are mortal enemies. She must've done a very horrible thing to that person.

Like spending 10 years with him just to disappear without a trace after her mission was accomplished.

Pheww, so is it bullshit or am I onto something? :D

Biers was more than likely apologizing to Anders. Remember, she insulted him a good deal and tried to kill him back on Caprica. She would have were it not for Caprica Six and Boomer. It makes perfect sense that she'd be shocked and feel sorry when she discovered that one of the mythical Final Five was someone she'd previously derided and attempted to murder.

In fact, it was knowing Anders was the one person she had a real reason to beg forgiveness from that made me think he'd turn out to be a cylon. And he did. :D


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Man, I just watched the episode. It was incredible.

The Opening battle sequence was insanely intense. I'm digging the [spoilier]Starbuck Plot[/spoiler] right now, but I don't know if I like the
thing going on. We'll see. I trust the writers.

My theory about the whole
Anders and Cylon retreat:
-The signal to activate four of the final five was knowingly activated either by the Final Cylon or the Cylon fleet.
-The Four emit some kind of signal that alerts the Cylons that they are aware. That's how Six sensed them, that's how the Cylon Raider knew.
-Once they found Anders, the Cylons retreated, knowing that the four have activated, and have infiltrated the ship. The Cylons want to find Earth, so they didn't kill the fleet.
Pudding Tame said:
Most of Season 3's budget was blown on location shooting on New Caprica and the battle in Exodus Pt.2 which included mixing CGI centurions, Vipers and a falling Battlestar with live action footage. I don't think we have anything to worry about yet.
Ok, cool.

I'm trying to find a good shot of PIMP JESUS BALTAR.



These are more of the "Jesus" part, I guess.


Subconscious Brolonging
The Baltar Jesus stuff is just too great. If they go where I think they're going with it, I will love this show forever and ever.
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