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Bioshock (not the sequel) coming to PS3? Edit: Confirmed, Fall 08

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Y2Kev said:
So who is doing the port?

IMO Stranglehold runs well on PS3. :\
So does Bourne Conspiracy. What recent UE3 games don't run well on PS3?

Actually, I don't think BioS was ever fully switched to UE3 engine.


chubigans said:
Bioshock PS3:


If Bioshock PS3 was entirely made of cosplay, it would definitely be a day 1 purchase for me. :lol
WOW I am excited for this since I only have aPS3. It looks cool, but I am concerned that it may be repetitive. I watched my friend play on his 360, and it looked good, but it felt like you were always in teh same area.... Ill still check it out though
DCharlie said:
safebet, i like how you are accusing people of apparantly doing something that you seem to have done last year :

Bioshock not worth buying....

... which was previously an AAA title and how DARE MS use those to tie us to shoddy hardware.

also - i note you complain about the lenght of the game, yet your profile shows you havent finished it....


infact... you didnt even get to the twist (you lack that achievement) so... err... why exactly would you want to comment on Bioshock?


I fucking love Gamertags and the ability to browse them online.


If the port is solid, I'm in :D I played it the first time on 360 and I loved it. PS3 owners should really give this game a chance. The first ten minutes alone had more atmosphere than other full games out there. I think you won't be disappointed...


atomico said:
Uncharted was originally developed for PS3. I meant PC/360 ---> PS3 ports, e.g. Lost Planet, Orange Box...

I know. I was just kidding around. Hopefully, 2K is working with the same spec of UE that Epic used on UTIII, which is still the best implementation of UE on the PS3 to date...


FirewalkR said:
Must. Resist. Urge. To. Quote. Tag.
Quote the gods damned tag all you want. I played it on the 360 and voiced my opinion about it when it was 360/PC exclusive. Go look in my post history if you care; this isn't some stupid bloody partisan thing.


inthezone said:

Seriously Ive been waiting too long for this shit to happen. When I loaded up GAF I thought "will this be the day Bioshock PS3 is confirmed?" :D :D

:lol Are you shitting me?


Comics, serious business!
Awesome. Enjoy guys! Hopefully you'll get KB/M and full widescreen too. My only complaint with 360 Bioshock was the FOV quirk. It really messed with my head. Other than, brilliant game.


y'all should be ashamed
DevilWillcry said:
PS3 version looks photo realistic!
but look at those jaggies

Hah, I'm so glad I don't have to worry about shoddy ports anymore. I can't wait for this baby to come out. :D


Luckyman said:
Maybe this will be the second UE3 game to run well on PS3.
It's not UE3, it's a modified UE2.5.

atomico said:
cool. I always wanted to play Bioshock... but I just can't picture the ps3 port of such a graphically complex game being good (hope I'm wrong, though)
It's mostly in the art rather than doing a lot of tech stuff. There was a lot of overhead on the 360 version (which you'll see if you disable V-Sync) so I'd expect a fairly smooth 30fps on PS3.
DevilWillcry said:
What about Dead Rising?
what about it? given that Lost Planet came out later, and has already been ported, i'd imagine that Capcom could absolutely port Dead Rising if they wanted to.

they might not think it financially worth the effort though... who knows.

i'm not saying that every third party exclusive WILL get ported, just pointing out that the only time they don't get ported is when the publisher doesn't think it worth doing by the time the exclusivity agreement expires... not because of some exclusivity agreement that never expires.

as for performance...

I shouldn't worry. lots of overhead as others have pointed out. UT3 should have gotten the UE engine into great shape... and am i crazy for thinking that Stranglehold on PS3 was pretty much identical to the 360 version?


Nice. I played it on 360 and I'm happy for you that it comes out on another plattform. Maybe it will be the definitve version if they add some stuff.

Definitely one of the best games '07.


chubigans said:
Hah, I'm so glad I don't have to worry about shoddy ports anymore. I can't wait for this baby to come out. :D
You don't own a 360? You seem to spend a lot of time in 360 threads.


chubigans said:
How can I ever trust devs now. :(

He might not have been lying. If there really was secret PS3 development going on it would have been out by now. If it's due in Fall 08, they could easily have started PS3 development this year. That quote is from Aug 07. :p


y'all should be ashamed
pswii60 said:
You don't own a 360? You seem to spend a lot of time in 360 threads.

I used to own a 360, that's probably why (last thread I remember posting in was the Banjo thread, and any time a PDZ thread pops up. :p )

duckroll said:
He might not have been lying. If there really was secret PS3 development going on it would have been out by now. If it's due in Fall 08, they could easily have started PS3 development this year. That quote is from Aug 07. :p

Ah, makes sense.
chubigans said:
I used to own a 360, that's probably why (last thread I remember posting in was the Banjo thread, and any time a PDZ thread pops up. :p )

I don't understand this. You're a gamer. Why get rid of a system and limit your game choices. This behavior is absolutely bizarre to me.
Teetris said:
Really hope Sony is helping with this game like they did with UTIII.

They shouldn't have their developers helping out on what'll be a year old port by the time it's released. It'd be a waste of time ofr them.


Good news for PS3 owners - one of the Top 5 shooters released in 2007.

Hopefully it'll help everyone to get over the Haze disappointment.

DCharlie said:
safebet, i like how you are accusing people of apparantly doing something that you seem to have done last year :

Bioshock not worth buying....

... which was previously an AAA title and how DARE MS use those to tie us to shoddy hardware.

also - i note you complain about the lenght of the game, yet your profile shows you havent finished it....


infact... you didnt even get to the twist (you lack that achievement) so... err... why exactly would you want to comment on Bioshock?

holy shit :lol


Great news indeed. From what I've heard they will include all patches and downloadable content and it will have graphical enhancements over the 360 version.


y'all should be ashamed
dammitmattt said:
I don't understand this. You're a gamer. Why get rid of a system and limit your game choices. This behavior is absolutely bizarre to me.

PS3 launch got to me. I do plan on picking up a 360 again once the indie content starts flowing this holiday.


dammitmattt said:
I don't understand this. You're a gamer. Why get rid of a system and limit your game choices. This behavior is absolutely bizarre to me.

I believe his system RRODed and he didn't want to bother with it anymore.

edit: Please reply, Chubigans!!


DCharlie said:
safebet, i like how you are accusing people of apparantly doing something that you seem to have done last year :

Bioshock not worth buying....

... which was previously an AAA title and how DARE MS use those to tie us to shoddy hardware.

also - i note you complain about the lenght of the game, yet your profile shows you havent finished it....


infact... you didnt even get to the twist (you lack that achievement) so... err... why exactly would you want to comment on Bioshock?


LMAO!!! Goodness gracious DC lol

Anyways.. TOLD YA SO!!.. i knew it would hit...


The Amiga Brotherhood
The game is pretty good, but not OMFG best game evah good. It has its moments, but the whole cant die thing kinda killed any suspense I would have for the game. Its rıght up there with Uncharted of games that are overrated on this board. But that is my opinion, I suppose there will be a lot of people who will think this game is the second comming or something when they play this on the PS3.


y'all should be ashamed
SRG01 said:
I believe his system RRODed and he didn't want to bother with it anymore.

edit: Please reply, Chubigans!!

Actually my system was flawless and I ridiculed those of having RROD's as something they must have done. Oh, those days were golden.

Jim said:
Maybe they farmed it out to Mad Doc Software :p

I love this meme. :lol


chubigans said:
Actually my system was flawless and I ridiculed those of having RROD's as something they must have done. Oh, those days were golden.

I love this meme. :lol

Mine died three times, and I treated it like it was made of solid gold. That's precisely why I'm in this thread, and looking forward to this port, actually. One of my favorites from 07, and I'd like to replay it. Luckily I was able to sell my used SE on Amazon 100 bucks though! Woo! People really like that little action figure.
chubigans said:
Bwahaha! But RIP Surfer Girl? Is she gone?

"She" claims to have actually had a statement to make with the blog.

As the final entries name Quality of Life issues, it's pretty obvious "she" is / was a disgruntled developer, rather than a journo trying to circumvent NDA's.

That last bit was actually suggested in this thread:

We (journos) can't say nothing until a blogger "steal" some pictures and post an update... this happening too often these days! Bioshock coming on ps3 in september/october.

Which is kinda sad if this is an actual media practice.

Still, a good title to be added to the collection of PS3-only owners (a dying breed?), as the rest of us can get to playing the games of 2008. Pun fully intended.

But SS2 is the actual classic, Bioshock is an almost carbon copy of the SS2 mechanics but with more polish on one end but also more casual and in a way nearly broken on the other. It is still the kind of "must absolute have played" polish that any self-respecting gamer cannot ignore though.

Safe Bet

DCharlie said:
safebet, i like how you are accusing people of apparantly doing something that you seem to have done last year :

Bioshock not worth buying....

... which was previously an AAA title and how DARE MS use those to tie us to shoddy hardware.

also - i note you complain about the lenght of the game, yet your profile shows you havent finished it....


infact... you didnt even get to the twist (you lack that achievement) so... err... why exactly would you want to comment on Bioshock?

My anonymity destroyed I am forced to respond.

The reason I posted what I did in this thread is because, I felt Bioshock was overrated from Day One and not worth the $60 I paid for it.

However I was drowned out by chorus of "da greatest game eva!!!" statements so I can't help but take some small pleasure in reminding people what the vast majority of GAF had to say about the game when it was still an exclusive.

I only got about 3/4 of the way through the game before my 360 broke (my second one) and I have yet to hook the new 360 up (my third one) to the TV.

I will eventually so I can finish Halo 3 and Bioshock.

Also, if I complained about length I was getting my information from accepted reports of the game's length, not personal experience.

I hope that clears some things up.


RamzaIsCool said:
The game is pretty good, but not OMFG best game evah good. It has its moments, but the whole cant die thing kinda killed any suspense I would have for the game. Its rght up there with Uncharted of games that are overrated on this board. But that is my opinion, I suppose there will be a lot of people who will think this game is the second comming or something when they play this on the PS3.

+1 SALE.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Um, this is great news... will buy.
Where's the link to official confirmation?

Also, Bioshock IMO is one of the scariest games ever. I've played it on 360 and couldn't clock in more than 2 hours for my fear of loneliness and underwater and being lost in the middle of the sea all combined :/

My bro has finished it though...
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