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Bish's Official GTA IV Thread of Comparisons and Ignoring the OP at One's Peril

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Deus Ex Machina said:
You mean just like your fud .gifs?
His tree of doom is still there, and he just today posted GIFs of PS3 ver. also having the hospital popup. Popup is still there in the game, I don't think his GIFs were any kind of fud.
Marconelly said:
His tree of doom is still there, and he just today posted GIFs of PS3 ver. also having the hospital popup. Popup is still there in the game, I don't think his GIFs were any kind of fud.
I have to disagree - the tree-o-doom was not from the retail build or from a retail 360... it was fud
commariodore64 said:
I have to disagree - the tree-o-doom was not from the retail build or from a retail 360... it was fud
it's still there. you have to approach it specifically, but it still happens. but then the ps3 has pop up on other things.
Gary Whitta said:
I thought the graphical comparison of two versions of a game which are in every meaningful way identical would not be able to support a thread this long. But then I remembered what forum this was. I think this is my favorite shot so far:


LOL, just about says it all.

Sharp Kerbs!
I have weighed the 360 game instruction booklet at 6g. Can someone please confirm the PS3 instruction booklet weight? It looks like the 360 version uses some type of multi-color printing process. Perhaps 4 color. Thanks!
andrewfee said:
Here's an example of the terrible audio compression on the 360. It's just after Niko gets into the car in the intro:

http://sr-388.net/misc/GTA4 360 Audio.m4a Please don't hotlink this or download it if you're not actually interested in comparing the two – it's about 8 MB.

Can anyone say how that compares to the PS3? I'd prefer to get a digital recording of the audio to compare myself though really, audio can be quite subjective.
is it just me or does Nico sound more compressed than his brother? until Nico started talking, i wasn't sure what you were trying to demonstrate.


commariodore64 said:
I have weighed the 360 game instruction booklet at 6g. Can someone please confirm the PS3 instruction booklet weight? It looks like the 360 version uses some type of multi-color printing process. Perhaps 4 color. Thanks!
I don't see how you're contributing to this thread. Some of us asked for comparisons of the audio, it certainly impacts the GTA experience.

Thanks andrewfee. Don't know what to say about the quality. I can hear the artifacting but I'm listening to this on headphones via the crappy sound card on my work computer. It sounds worse than I remember my PS3 audio on my surround sound system... but then it would, considering the differences in audio hardware. I'll try to compare with headphones later.
Evlar said:
I don't see how you're contributing to this thread. Some of us asked for comparisons of the audio, it certainly impacts the GTA experience.

Thanks andrewfee. Don't know what to say about the quality. I can hear the artifacting but I'm listening to this on headphones via the crappy sound card on my work computer. It sounds worse than I remember my PS3 audio on my surround sound system... but then it would, considering the differences in audio hardware. I'll try to compare with headphones later.
Seriously - mp4 is NOT LOSSLESS.... my point is how miniscule these comparisons are getting now....

does anyone have the weight on the PS3 instruction booklet?


y'all should be ashamed
andrewfee said:
Here's an example of the terrible audio compression on the 360. It's just after Niko gets into the car in the intro:

http://sr-388.net/misc/GTA4 360 Audio.m4a Please don't hotlink this or download it if you're not actually interested in comparing the two – it's about 8 MB.

Can anyone say how that compares to the PS3? I'd prefer to get a digital recording of the audio to compare myself though really, audio can be quite subjective.

The audio on the PS3 sounds good, running HDMI sound. I can't say it sounds like that clip, but the compression on the 360, based on that sample, isn't as bad as other games like RE4.
commariodore64 said:
Seriously - mp4 is NOT LOSSLESS.... my point is how miniscule these comparisons are getting now....

does anyone have the weight on the PS3 instruction booklet?
this is the comparison thread. for comparing things about GTA4.

it does not say it is specifically limited to graphics. we can compare anything about the game in this thread. features... netcode... stability... anything. so long as we do it politely and without resorting to system wars level nonsense.

a number of us enjoy these threads. i have personally not yet bought the game, getting it later tonight, and i own both systems. it is good for me to be able to see any and all differences between both versions to weight that into my decisions on whether or not i stick with the 360 version i have preordered.

if that upsets 360 or ps3 fanboys... i don't care. this isn't the thread for them. we had that yesterday. it was highly entertaining, but useless for multiplatform owners.
plagiarize said:
this is the comparison thread. for comparing things about GTA4.

it does not say it is specifically limited to graphics. we can compare anything about the game in this thread. features... netcode... stability... anything. so long as we do it politely and without resorting to system wars level nonsense.

a number of us enjoy these threads. i have personally not yet bought the game, getting it later tonight, and i own both systems. it is good for me to be able to see any and all differences between both versions to weight that into my decisions on whether or not i stick with the 360 version i have preordered.

if that upsets 360 or ps3 fanboys... i don't care. this isn't the thread for them. we had that yesterday. it was highly entertaining, but useless for multiplatform owners.

True - but graphics can be easily distinguished in grabs - audio can't... what process was used to record the audio from this clip? what is the bit rate used to create the clip? what is the compression used (mp4 can use many different types)? It's petty - imho.

Also - i was under the impression that jokey-jokes and sarcasm where a requirement on gaf... did I come too late?

And for the record I'm a PSWii60 owner - NOT a fanboy...
commariodore64 said:
True - but graphics can be easily distinguished in grabs - audio can't... what process was used to record the audio from this clip? what is the bit rate used to create the clip? what is the compression used (mp4 can use many different types)? It's petty - imho.

Also - i was under the impression that jokey-jokes and sarcasm where a requirement on gaf... did I come too late?
yeah. we had over 100 pages of that yesterday. fun, but now locked, thread... and as a result this thread is stickied and stoic.


I have a question.

I have the PS3 version and played last night for an hour. I tweaked the display settings to get what I thought was an optimum picture. The graphics were impressive but there was a definate blur to all things.

So I'm finishing up my session and I move towards the screen and WHOA! All of a sudden at a distance of about two feet from the screen everything pops into this higher level of clarity. The game had all of the warmth but much less of the blur.

So then, like some kind of tool - I admit, I'm slowly walking back and forth, watch the screen literally pop in and out of this sharper state. I then play for another fifteen minutes up close to the TV just to see if this sharper image is persistant, and it is. I have never seen this effect in a game before. Everything prior seems to look just as good six feet away as two.

Perhaps it was beers and fatigue but I bring it to you guys anyway. What - if anything - could that be? Anyone have a clue because I've never experienced such a thing?
plagiarize said:
yeah. we had over 100 pages of that yesterday. fun, but now locked, thread... and as a result this thread is stickied and stoic.
Yes - i was there it was quite fun.
However, you missed the 'non funny' parts of my posts - how can you objectively compare audio without raw sources?
commariodore64 said:
Yes - i was there it was quite fun.
However, you missed the 'non funny' parts of my posts - how can you objectively compare audio without raw sources?
well, we aren't comparing anything yet because we only have one source.

but to my ears the music isn't nearly as compressed and as the voice work. recording methods couldn't selectively achieve that.

it isn't terrible compression, but it is audible.
plagiarize said:
well, we aren't comparing anything yet because we only have one source.

but to my ears the music isn't nearly as compressed and as the voice work. recording methods couldn't selectively achieve that.

it isn't terrible compression, but it is audible.
But it's also not possibly a fair assessment without raw (or close to raw) files.
In fact - it very well may be a result of the recording process or mics/mixing used in the studio sessions... there is no context at this point...
commariodore64 said:
Agreed - unless you are speaking of the Laundromat guy in the lower right of this screen...

I'd just like to point out that unless you have this game you aren't getting a proper idea of what is going on with the lighting.

Did you know that for that very same scene where Niko's Cousin Roman answers the call from Vlad that the yellow tint that you are referring to as a sign of more lighting or the examples of Niko's face that you used also happen on the 360 version of the game? There is a color difference, but it also happens.

As a matter of fact in the cutscene where Niko just arrives at his cousin's house on the 360 version you will see a multitude of different lights dancing around Niko's face. As another quick example in the opening where Roman came to pick Niko up and you see Roman standing behind the car you saw how the red lights from the back of the car affected Niko's clothes?

That is pretty much what took place inside of Roman's house only it was yellow not just when he was lying down on the bed, but as he was speaking on the phone with vlad as well. In the videos posted you actually miss that sort of thing, but I can assure you 100% that very same yellow light that you saw show up on Roman's shirt as he was speaking to Vlad is also in the 360 version. I know this for a fact because I actually started a brand new game on my more known gamertag since some buddies were saying they didn't see me online playing.

There may be color differences, but the same lighting interactions you are seeing in the ps3 version of the game are also present in the 360 version.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
commariodore64 said:
Seriously - mp4 is NOT LOSSLESS.... my point is how miniscule these comparisons are getting now....
he saved this as lossless m4a file, you can press ctrl+I in quicktime and see it listed as such.

And yeah, the voices sounds pretty ringy in this clip.
CowboyAstronaut said:
I'd just like to point out that unless you have this game you aren't getting a proper idea of what is going on with the lighting.

Did you know that for that very same scene where Niko's Cousin Roman answers the call from Vlad that the yellow tint that you are referring to as a sign of more lighting or the examples of Niko's face that you used also happen on the 360 version of the game? There is a color difference, but it also happens.

As a matter of fact in the cutscene where Niko just arrives at his cousin's house on the 360 version you will see a multitude of different lights dancing around Niko's face. As another quick example in the opening where Roman came to pick Niko up and you see Roman standing behind the car you saw how the red lights from the back of the car affected Niko's clothes?

That is pretty much what took place inside of Roman's house only it was yellow not just when he was lying down on the bed, but as he was speaking on the phone with vlad as well. In the videos posted you actually miss that sort of thing, but I can assure you 100% that very same yellow light that you saw show up on Roman's shirt as he was speaking to Vlad is also in the 360 version. I know this for a fact because I actually started a brand new game on my more known gamertag since some buddies were saying they didn't see me online playing.

There may be color differences, but the same lighting interactions you are seeing in the ps3 version of the game are also present in the 360 version.

My apology - the laundromat guy is a joke. I was unaware sarcasm ended earlier today.
Marconelly said:
I know, but in his case it is.

Apple Lossless, Stereo 48000kHz

He said it was a digital stereo recording.
but he could have recorded it with a bad mic with a paper bag on it as a low bit rate mp3 and then transferred that to a lossless m4a.

you never know man!

ah. i see my lampooning was pre-empted with the real thing.
commariodore64 said:
My apology - the laundromat guy is a joke. I was unaware sarcasm ended earlier today.

My fault, sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not people are serious sometimes. I wasn't attempting to insult you or anything was just saying that certain things that may not show in dot50's videos people will see to be in the 360 version of the game just not the same color.

Also I'm finding that with this game, more than any other it's better to just come closer to the screen. Cause if your room has too much light.. man i tell ya sometimes you can't see a damn thing lol.
plagiarize said:
but he could have recorded it with a bad mic with a paper bag on it as a low bit rate mp3 and then transferred that to a lossless m4a.

you never know man!

ah. i see my lampooning was pre-empted with the real thing.
STOP IT! No sarcasm in this stoic thread - it's just not warranted on gaf...


is anyone having a flicker problem at the top of the loading presentation screens on the 360?
I have also found that the PS3 version still has the fuzzy edges on the PS3 shadows but because it runs at 640p they are not as noticable but I have also noticed some screen tear on the 360 version.
And why oh why does the PS3 version not use the analogue face buttons for accelerating and braking on the classic controls?
All being said I find the 360 version smoother and sharper.


andrewfee said:
Dyno, I'm not sure what was happening for you, but I will say that if you're adjusting the in-game display settings, don't touch the brightness control – it'll completely blow out bright areas turning them white. Personally, I'd recommend you adjust your TV's controls to get a picture you like rather than the game.

Thanks, I'll give that a try. It was the weirdest thing; to be happy with the graphics while on my couch but then to be wowed by them sitting cross legged in front of the TV. That's never happened before.

I hope to get those clear shots FROM and vantage of six feet back. Will try it your way tonight and report back.
andrewfee said:
360 set to digital stereo, audio options in the game set to stereo, volumes at default. (1 below max for both)
Toslink > 3.5mm Optical adapter into MacBook Pro.
Quicktime Pro audio recording, quality set to ‘device native.’
Cut & Saved the file. (no compression)
Opened in iTunes, converted to Apple Lossless to get the size down a bit without losing quality.

As far as I know that's pretty much going to be a bit-perfect copy of it. That's why it's an 8mb file for about 40 seconds of audio.
You used a Mac!?

Seriously though - that's the backing needed - although i do notice that the PS3 & 360 optical output varies in volume quite a bit on my setup - might be a factor in a direct compare... Thanks!


andrewfee said:
360 set to digital stereo, audio options in the game set to stereo, volumes at default. (1 below max for both)
Toslink > 3.5mm Optical adapter into MacBook Pro.
Quicktime Pro audio recording, quality set to ‘device native.’
Cut & Saved the file. (no compression)
Opened in iTunes, converted to Apple Lossless to get the size down a bit without losing quality.

As far as I know that's pretty much going to be a bit-perfect copy of it. That's why it's an 8mb file for about 40 seconds of audio.
I may be able to follow a very similar process for grabbing PS3 audio (Toslink > 3.5mm adapter to mac mini, don't have QTPro though, I'll have to find something equivalent). Won't happen until late tonight though.


So i'm noticing some severe framedrops during "daytime" in the game. Riding around in vehicles drops the framerate to an annoying level. Any indications of this happening with you guys?


Gold Member
when you watch TV there are 3 view levels for PS3 and only 2 for 360 ! other than that they look and sound exactly the same to me

i own both versions


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Framerate isn't so hot thus far on PS3, but from what I can tell, it seems about the same on 360. It's still better than the older GTA games and certainly MUCH better than Saints Row.

The visuals are absolutely fantastic, however. The game feels so much better than it ever did before. The core concepts are the same, but the visuals and massively overhauled controls finally deliver the kind of experience R* originally intended. The sense of scale is fantastic. Image quality isn't bad, but it could be better. That said, those IGN captures that were floating around yesterday are dead on. That's exactly how the game looks on my Kuro (actually, things are more vibrant in person, but the image quality is the same).

At least the game hasn't crashed yet!

when you watch TV there are 3 view levels for PS3 and only 2 for 360 ! other than that they look and sound exactly the same to me

i own both versions
Is the framerate similarly unstable on 360? I mean, it's not really LOW, it just feels as if can't hold 30 fps. It's always dipping slightly below (similar to previous games, but not quite as severe).


I know there is a lot going on in this game. But going from Burnout Paradise to this is a pretty steep drop :) I wish there was a way to just turn of the dithered shadowing because they look horrible. Otherwise, having a blast up until this point.


dark10x said:
Framerate isn't so hot thus far on PS3, but from what I can tell, it seems about the same on 360. It's still better than the older GTA games and certainly MUCH better than Saints Row.

I was going to post something about Saints Row, it has horrible frame rates, GTA4 seems much better.

I agree on the abrupt visuals when you pop it in compared to other open world games like Crackdown or Burnout. I suspect they are more impressive when you get into the game and see more of the scale. I still don't see how reviewers can justify a 10/10 on graphics.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dark10x said:
That said, those IGN captures that were floating around yesterday are dead on. That's exactly how the game looks on my Kuro (actually, things are more vibrant in person, but the image quality is the same).
Best news I heard all day. Those captures really looked so great, and it was amusing to see even some guy on B3D questioning if they're bullshots.

Are you seeing any dithered shadows?

At least the game hasn't crashed yet!
Which console revision do you have?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
dark10x said:
Is the framerate similarly unstable on 360? I mean, it's not really LOW, it just feels as if can't hold 30 fps. It's always dipping slightly below (similar to previous games, but not quite as severe).

I don't detect too much of an unstable frame rate, but I haven't pushed it that far like in a high speed chase or whatever.
I did the getaway from the card game but that was it

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dark10x said:
Framerate isn't so hot thus far on PS3, but from what I can tell, it seems about the same on 360. It's still better than the older GTA games and certainly MUCH better than Saints Row.
From what TTP told me, but he's IMO too picky about this, he's not too happy about framerate on PS3 ver. either, but he said it's not any better on X360, in fact he felt it was a tinge worse at times even.

beermonkey@tehbias said:
He has a launch system.
OK, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for when I get back home.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Marconelly said:
Best news I heard all day. Those captures really looked so great, and it was amusing to see even some guy on B3D questioning if they're bullshots.

Are you seeing any dithered shadows?

Which console revision do you have?
Yeah, it looks just like those shots. I'd imagine it would look worse on a 1080p LCD, however, but I'm very pleased with how it looks on my display. The game has a very unique appearance (almost CG-like, though still a bit jaggy). The shadows look awesome, in my opinion. The only time they've caught my eye is when they were impressing me. It really gives the world a lot of depth. Saints Row used realtime shadows for all objects as well, but that game had a very flat appearance. The shadows here seem full of depth. They ARE very soft around the edges, however, but I think that looks better than hard shadows. Other effects are killer as well. Really nice motion blur, fantastic depth of field, truly outstanding animation (light years beyond any other similar game and nearly on par with the best of the best).

Still, the framerate is pretty shitty. Some segments run fine while others are pretty low. Again, it's better than Saints Row (much much better), but I'm disappointed regardless. I'll have to check out the 360 version sometime for comparison sake.

I do really enjoy driving in first person. It looks and feels incredible (unlike previous GTA games). The motion used on the camera along with the physics and the fantastic viewpoint give it an almost surreal feeling. It also alleviates some of the problems incurred by a lower framerate.

I can't stress how much different this game feels. In comparison, the other GTA games made your character feel disproportionately large. The city SEEMED fairly big, but the sense of scale was way off. GTAIV really gives the impression of playing in a real environment this time. You could take any city block and use it as a small playing field in an action adventure game or something. I also felt that previous characters controlled as if they had no weight to them. Niko feels very solid while simply moving through the world and it adds a LOT to the game.

I must say that it feels entirely different (and better) than any other free roaming game. The framerate is my only complaint, but I can live with it.

Also, still no crashes yet and I'm using a near-launch PS3 (60gb).


The IQ in this game is horrible how the hell did it get a 10 for graphics...I don't see how they spent 100million on this and it looks this bad...sorry for my rant but does anyone else feel this way? Iam seeing alot of jaggies, especially when you look in the distance is the 360 version better?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
2real4tv said:
The IQ in this game is horrible how the hell did it get a 10 for graphics...I don't see how they spent 100million on this and it looks this bad...sorry for my rant but does anyone else feel this way? Iam seeing alot of jaggies, especially when you look in the distance is the 360 version better?
Yes, it is jaggy, but that alone does not ruin the otherwise impressive visuals. You have to consider what this game is doing before passing judgment.


2real4tv said:
The IQ in this game is horrible how the hell did it get a 10 for graphics...I don't see how they spent 100million on this and it looks this bad...sorry for my rant but does anyone else feel this way? Iam seeing alot of jaggies, especially when you look in the distance is the 360 version better?

what kind of TV are you using?



I have a 360 and PS3.

I called Circuit City and they have some copies for both.

360 version is sharper, but more texture pop-in and of course that weird dithering effect.

PS3 version has more vibrant color, but not as detailed it seems, no dithering effect though (yes I know it's not true HD but it's damn close and it's upscaling anyway). Also load times are better.

I don't know which copy to get. Help me, GAF.
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