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Black Mesa Source still not out, still no date, still no discussion in this thread

I sent an email to the project lead a few days ago. I CAN CONFIRM ITS STILL ALIVE AND WELL.

Here is the email

Subject: Re: Black Mesa Source Alive or Dead?
From: "Carlos Montero" <cman2k@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, February 28, 2012 12:55 pm
To: "ryan@ryanreedymusic.com" <ryan@ryanreedymusic.com>
Cc: "carlosmontero3d@gmail.com" <carlosmontero3d@gmail.com>
Priority: Normal
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Still Alive. We are working our butts off man. Keep the faith, it will payoff!


On Feb 27, 2012, at 10:48 PM, "ryan@ryanreedymusic.com"
<ryan@ryanreedymusic.com> wrote:

> Hey Carlos
> Ryan Reedy here from Winston Salem, NC. Just a huge fan of the series and
> your work on Black Mesa Source. My only question is. Is Black Mesa Source
> alive or dead? Im not sure if you can answer it but I would very much
> appreciate it. Thanks so much man. Hope all is well.


You go into any dead mod's forums and ask if it's still alive you'll be told everything's hunky-dory. It ain't coming out.


I can not believe anyone is working their butt off for this mod. I imagine everyone is convinced everyone else in the team is working their butt off, though.


This thread was started 14 months ago.

This isn't an anti-necromancy post, I'm just pointing out where the discussion was 14 months ago, and where we are now.





gave away the keys to the kingdom.
This thread was started 14 months ago.

This isn't an anti-necromancy post, I'm just pointing out where the discussion was 14 months ago, and where we are now.




I'd be less cynical if the team members kept the community abreast of the game's development to some extent, but the Twitter account created for this very purpose has been inactive for over two years.


There was some art uploaded to the wiki in November last year. Funny how the uploads before that were in February 2011 and then way before.


I'd be less cynical if the team members kept the community abreast of the game's development to some extent, but the Twitter account created for this very purpose has been inactive for over two years.
And they have the funny tendency to get extremely pissed with people asking for some status update, apparently. Which isn't exactly reassuring.


It all makes sense now. HL3 will start right after the ending of HL2:EP 2.

A headcrab will overtake Freeman out of nowhere, and HL3 will be a dream - Black Mesa Source - Freeman's last moments of human life.

At the end of the dream, Alyx spares Gordon's life at the last moment, and saves him from the headcrab with the game ending just five minutes after the events of HL2:EP2

C'mon - You know Ubisoft would do it!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
No "official" media releases, you mean. Pay attention and you'll note some of their coders post WIP videos in places...

Some of which were posted as recently as two months ago!

I strongly doubt the upload dates reflect the age of the content. Anyway, I'm aware that contributors have posted their own content outside of the site, however there can be no safe assumptions that what the individual team members - current or otherwise - post outside of the BMS banner is in fact recently-developed content. (Although, having said that, if the team were to lift the lid on a new official media release tomorrow, I'd be equally cynical.)


Really Really Exciting Member!
Which one will come out first, Black Mesa Source or Half-Life 2 Episode 3/Half-Life 3?
What I don't get is they set a date for "before 2011". How could have been off by THAT much?

Maybe that was an attempt to motivate the team with a deadline. Or maybe a bunch of them jumped ship before that and the development screeched to a halt.

I don't believe it's ever coming out. The weird thing is, I'm not sure I would care that much if it did. I would download and play it for sure, but the idea just doesn't excite me as much anymore. The best thing about it would be getting my friends who never played the original game to experience it.

Which one will come out first, Black Mesa Source or Half-Life 2 Episode 3/Half-Life 3?

I'm tempted to say "Episode 3/HL3, of course!" But I even doubt that's coming sometimes.
The fact there hasn't been a "media release" since November 2008 says everything.

Good lord, its been that long? I use to check their site almost every other day hoping for news, and then I just stopped. There is no way anyone is "working their butts off" because if that was the case, this mod would have been released nearly 2 YEARS AGO.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm tempted to say "Episode 3/HL3, of course!" But I even doubt that's coming sometimes.

Well, Valve will be attending E3 this year, and their booked space is a private meeting room. Why would it be private when the only two games we know they're working on - CS:GO and Dota 2 - have been in public beta for months? Hmm? ;)


Well, Valve will be attenting E3 this year, and their booked space is a private meeting room. Why would it be private when the only two games we know they're working on - CS:GO and Dota 2 - have been in public beta for months? Hmm? ;) Something currently unannounced this way comes...
That could be anything, I refuse to get into full giddy overdrive until I know. We still have a second Portal 2 DLC to get yet, it could even just be that.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
That could be anything, I refuse to get into full giddy overdrive until I know. We still have a second Portal 2 DLC to get yet, it could even just be that.

I suspect the DLC will be released to coincide with the first anniversary of Portal 2's release; Peer Review was released six months after the game proper, and April is six months on from October.


I suspect the DLC will be released to coincide with the first anniversary of Portal 2's release; Peer Review was released six months after the game proper, and April is six months on from October.
It would be nice if that were the case yeah.


Maybe, maybe not.

But if took 12 damn years for Duke, I will give this some more time.
That was from a full-fledged studio(s!). This one is championed by a dumbass team lead and a team full of people with varying degrees of talent that have even come out to say that shit has gone downhill a while ago.
I remember thinking "oh this is gonna be awesome" 6 years ago

now I think "lol this shit dead"

What was the drama that came out of their forums around when hurricane katrina occurred?


I'm still laughing at the people who are dumb enough to wait to experience HL1 first through this mod.

For real.

Even if the developers somehow finished it, there's just no way that the enemy behavior will be the same.

waiting for inferior version in the name of nicer shaders and ragdoll physics, basically

this image was uploaded 10 days on the wiki!

is it a sign that the game is coming out.. :O!!



I'm still laughing at the people who are dumb enough to wait to experience HL1 first through this mod.
They also think that this mod will be high quality like a commerical release. There are very few mods that ever get near that level of quality nowadays. The only mod I can think of that is near commerical level quality is MWLL. Black Mesa will not be anywhere close to being that polished. The people that made some of the best looking parts (train ride) are long gone.
I'm still laughing at the people who are dumb enough to wait to experience HL1 first through this mod.

I was 10 years late to playing hl1 and, as some people here have pieced together, I'm not an easy sell, but hl1 is one of my favorite games. Why does it not age poorly? Because it's minimalistic in every way and is successful at that. Unlike most PC classics out there that are a job to get through and too complicated for their own good and were not aware of how silly they were being at the time, hl1 is the only good example I can think of at the moment of a fps platformer that works as a fps platformer. The entire time I felt like a rat in a maze and at no time did I think "man, the graphics are in the way of the gameplay" because they weren't. They accomplished an idea that was accomplishable at the time it was made, which is something that is hard to say about games that came out during the dawn of 3d gaming, or even today.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I was 10 years late to playing hl1 and, as some people here have pieced together, I'm not an easy sell, but hl1 is one of my favorite games. Why does it not age poorly? Because it's minimalistic in every way and is successful at that. Unlike most PC classics out there that are a job to get through and too complicated for their own good and were not aware of how silly they were being at the time, hl1 is the only good example I can think of at the moment of a fps platformer that works as a fps platformer. The entire time I felt like a rat in a maze and at no time did I think "man, the graphics are in the way of the gameplay" because they weren't. They accomplished an idea that was accomplishable at the time it was made, which is something that is hard to say about games that came out during the dawn of 3d gaming, or even today.

Well put.
Given that it's just a few guys working on this, it doesn't particularly surprise me that it is taking so long...or perhaps never coming out at all. If I tried to remake a game in my sparetime, it would take 20 years. Or more. There's just too much else going on.

Valve should've hired these guys or bought their work or something. It would've come out a lot sooner if there was a monetary incentive to do it (AFAIK, this was to be a free release).


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
It took Valve 5 years to make Half-Life with far more primitive assets with a full team working full time.

This won't get finished till sometime after Half Life 4 comes out.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It took Valve 5 years to make Half-Life with far more primitive assets with a full team working full time.

This won't get finished till sometime after Half Life 4 comes out.

But Valve was formed in 1996 and released Half-Life in November 1998.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Given that it's just a few guys working on this, it doesn't particularly surprise me that it is taking so long...or perhaps never coming out at all. If I tried to remake a game in my sparetime, it would take 20 years. Or more. There's just too much else going on.

Valve should've hired these guys or bought their work or something. It would've come out a lot sooner if there was a monetary incentive to do it (AFAIK, this was to be a free release).

I believe this was the goal from the outset - start an ambitious mod and work on it until Valve notices and snaps up the team. But, unfortunately, aiming for a job at Valve via a remake of one of Valve's own games is the exact opposite of what one should do. "Look at us, we're decidedly creatively bankrupt!" isn't exactly a selling point.

Yes but for every one human year, Valve experiences two years. Which means that Valve time is actually double human time...

It must be all the money that disrupts the time-space continuum as it exists within Valve HQ.
And they have the funny tendency to get extremely pissed with people asking for some status update, apparently. Which isn't exactly reassuring.

You know what, I fucking hate when community projects end up like this, stuck in development limbo, and the people behind the project won't just come out and tell the truth. You ask, "hey can we at least see a small smidge of what you're working on? Don't have to be a demo release or anything, but maybe just an outline of things as they stand atm, a screenshot, a screenshot of some random lines of code?" "FUCKING NOPE, BITCH, ASKING FOR THINGS?! HOW DARE you." "Why?" "We must protect the INTEGRITY of our CREATIVE WORKS." Worst offenders are these guys and the ones behind Project 64 and ZSNES, touting the same "it's done when it's done" bullshit when your project's had nary a screenshot in the last decade. When you set out to announce a project publicly and then don't do anything about it for years on end, don't get pissed off when people ask what's up and you give some tired company line.

[/rage vent]
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