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Blue Dragon (Xbox360) Pre-TGS Hype thread + Possible release date

The Lost Odyssey stuff is impressive but after seeing both of 'em I gotta say that I find Blue Dragon much more appealing. It just looks fun.

Now if they could just get rid of that boss music....


Chili Con Carnage!
to be fair to LO we've only seen the opening battle, its like watching someone fighting a rat in Oblivion and saying it doesnt look as fun as a ninja gaiden boss battle....thats not a very good analogy but you get the point.


Ghost said:
to be fair to LO we've only seen the opening battle, its like watching someone fighting a rat in Oblivion and saying it doesnt look as fun as a ninja gaiden boss battle....thats not a very good analogy but you get the point.
actully. when i had fight with that rat. i figured the game is boring and i stopped playing.

but then again. i am not fan of oblivion at all [ saw friends playing it etc ]


Looking good. I was a little scared when they started going all FF8 and only whipping out Guardian Forces doing massive damage. The boss battle changed that though, looks like the, I don't know what to call them, Stands? Espers? whatever. Anyways they actually do more then just hit so that was a relief. Love the DBZ rock music during the boss battle, hope they keep that. Looks like I will have to get my own 360 when this comes out over here.
Soul4ger said:
YOu mean, like... The gameplay, visually, is breathtaking, right? 'Cause if you're talking about the actual battle system, then I agree.. In a "it's so boring, I died, and stopped breathing, thus it took my breath" kind of way.

The final battle system is not included in the demo. :)


Chrono Trigger 2 with new characters is that you? Man that game gives off a Chrono Trigger feel to me. If that Japanese doesnt embrace these games you will know its only because its on the 360. At this point the 360 seems to have more and better RPG's than the PS3.


i still can't see what's amazing about this game (well, apart from the fact it's a jrpg for the x360) but maybe that's because i hate Toryiama's chardes.
But they did nail the claymation look they were going for right.
Morbid Angel said:
The final battle system is not included in the demo. :)

You're thinking of Lost Odyssey. There's been no indication that there's anything they've been hiding about the Battle System (although coverage hinted at a Job System).
I'm not huge on RPGs, but this looks utterly amazing. I LOVE how the battles play out. The picture-in-picture thing is so awesome; it really makes the turn based gameplay feel more real time to me...I can't even explain it

WOW. If that game doesn't blow away at least 100,000 people in Japan, it's a crime
PhoenixDark said:
I'm not huge on RPGs, but this looks utterly amazing. I LOVE how the battles play out. The picture-in-picture thing is so awesome; it really makes the turn based gameplay feel more real time to me...I can't even explain it

WOW. If that game doesn't blow away at least 100,000 people in Japan, it's a crime

Totally! I love love love the battle "arena", the PIP, even the layout and the branching. Just looks like such sweet 16:9 RPG awesomeness.


PhoenixDark said:
I'm not huge on RPGs, but this looks utterly amazing. I LOVE how the battles play out. The picture-in-picture thing is so awesome; it really makes the turn based gameplay feel more real time to me...I can't even explain it

WOW. If that game doesn't blow away at least 100,000 people in Japan, it's a crime
I agree. I've been down on JRPGS for years but these games, including FF12, are revving mah in-gins!
That trailer (not gameplay) is so juicy. When they burst through the clouds in that airship? Chills. And MARUMARO!!! Best voice for the best character.


Finally watched Blim's videos. Looks really nice and gonna be lots of fun. A few nitpicks though:

-The screen tearing during the big magic attacks is really disappointing. When the dragon smashes down Ice/Fire it tears like mad and it's hard to even see what' going on. I wish they'd just allow slowdown during those attacks instead. It's not like slowdown would effect the gameplay.

-There's a pretty distinct visual drop between the CGs and the in-game. The outside of battle in-game stuff looks about on par with Enchant some better, some worse. But the battles look totally fantastic with great looking enemies and excellent animation.

-Loading could be better. I hope at this pont they're just optimizing so the loading will improve. Every rpg on X360 so far has had absolute zero load times, so just seeing "now loading" return is kinda ;_; I thought it was gone from rpgs permanently at this point ;_;

-Voice acting was a surprise. Thought they'd go the DQ route.

Also it's kinda odd seeing so much CG FMV in BD and LO; it's like PS1 FF days all over again. I wonder if all the people who complained about FF having so many FMVs will be shouting the same complaints against the Mistwalker titles. I prefer all real-time cutscnees like Trusty Bell because it keeps the game looking consistent through-out, but that's just my cup of tea and I'm sure others will love the non-stop CG.
Bebpo said:
Finally watched Blim's videos. Looks really nice and gonna be lots of fun. A few nitpicks though:

-The screen tearing during the big magic attacks is really disappointing. When the dragon smashes down Ice/Fire it tears like mad and it's hard to even see what' going on. I wish they'd just allow slowdown during those attacks instead. It's not like slowdown would effect the gameplay.

-There's a pretty distinct visual drop between the CGs and the in-game. The outside of battle in-game stuff looks about on par with Enchant some better, some worse. But the battles look totally fantastic with great looking enemies and excellent animation.

-Loading could be better. I hope at this pont they're just optimizing so the loading will improve. Every rpg on X360 so far has had absolute zero load times, so just seeing "now loading" return is kinda ;_; I thought it was gone from rpgs permanently at this point ;_;

-Voice acting was a surprise. Thought they'd go the DQ route.

Also it's kinda odd seeing so much CG FMV in BD and LO; it's like PS1 FF days all over again. I wonder if all the people who complained about FF having so many FMVs will be shouting the same complaints against the Mistwalker titles. I prefer all real-time cutscnees like Trusty Bell because it keeps the game looking consistent through-out, but that's just my cup of tea and I'm sure others will love the non-stop CG.

I didn't notice any CGI outside of the ending sequence with the parachutes. Everything else looked in engine.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I didn't notice any CGI outside of the ending sequence with the parachutes. Everything else looked in engine.

@_@ Take off your xbot glasses please.

Realtime in dungeon until they run into the boss room -> CG of them talking and the evil guy taking off in a plane -> change to realtime boss guy saying something -> battle -> CG of them talking and the ship appearing -> realtime walking to the ship -> CG of them taking off and CG cutscenes follow on the 2nd video -> Realtime cutscene on top of the ship with the pirate girl and guy (you see screen tearing) -> then when they parachute off it's back to CG


I liked it. Since I'm a long-time JRPG fan, I look forward to playing it. I'm all for CG as long as there are no long pauses in transitioning from one to another.
Bebpo said:
Also it's kinda odd seeing so much CG FMV in BD and LO; it's like PS1 FF days all over again. I wonder if all the people who complained about FF having so many FMVs will be shouting the same complaints against the Mistwalker titles. I prefer all real-time cutscnees like Trusty Bell because it keeps the game looking consistent through-out, but that's just my cup of tea and I'm sure others will love the non-stop CG.

100% agree. I'm hoping/guessing Infinite Undiscovery will be going the real-time cutscenes route as well.

i've gotta say after seeing gamplay for both Mistwalker titles, i'm far more interested in Blue Dragon than LO and it was the complete opposite before hand. I've extremely skeptical of Blue Dragon so far but this has definitely turned my head.

qcf x2

The boss battle music was awesome, the hero's battle cries were in synch with the song. Was that a one time thing? Would be kinda awesome if the battle music was dynamic, and changed according to the situation and your attack selection.
Bebpo said:
Finally watched Blim's videos. Looks really nice and gonna be lots of fun. A few nitpicks though:.

Those are reallllly nit-picky. Except I have to disagree with Enchanted Arms' statement. Come on, that area itself looked dull; it's not like we're going to be "WOW!!"ed with him going across a hall thing. I'm sure there are plenty of more impressive locations, like the screenshot with that holy-crap-that's-sweet river. The battles, however, look about 10 times better than Enchanted Arms. That boss at the end? Holy ****, impressive.

Honestly looks fantastic.

The boss music was the best part!

I sincerely doubt that was the actual boss battle theme. It might be an extra "pumped up" music for that particular fight or enemy, but no way that's in every boss battle.

The regular battle music is pretty solid, though.
Bebpo said:
@_@ Take off your xbot glasses please.

Realtime in dungeon until they run into the boss room -> CG of them talking and the evil guy taking off in a plane -> change to realtime boss guy saying something -> battle -> CG of them talking and the ship appearing -> realtime walking to the ship -> CG of them taking off and CG cutscenes follow on the 2nd video -> Realtime cutscene on top of the ship with the pirate girl and guy (you see screen tearing) -> then when they parachute off it's back to CG

Jeez louise dude. It's not X-Bot glasses, the models just looked identitical in the sequence with the evil guy taking off and with the boss starting the evil guy's plane. There's honestly no discernable difference I could notice. They looked like they had the same polygonal edges and whatnot. It was seamless to me.

You don't have to be a jerk about it, I wasn't saying OMFG BEST GRAFIX EVER YOU NITWIT WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR EYEZ JACKHOLE.


Bebpo said:
@_@ Take off your xbot glasses please.

Realtime in dungeon until they run into the boss room -> CG of them talking and the evil guy taking off in a plane -> change to realtime boss guy saying something -> battle -> CG of them talking and the ship appearing -> realtime walking to the ship -> CG of them taking off and CG cutscenes follow on the 2nd video -> Realtime cutscene on top of the ship with the pirate girl and guy (you see screen tearing) -> then when they parachute off it's back to CG

Sorry, but you're nuts. You can hardly tell the difference between any of the stuff shown. In fact, were it not some hiccups here and there during the actual combats the game would be near damn flawless graphically.


Bebpo said:
Finally watched Blim's videos. Looks really nice and gonna be lots of fun. A few nitpicks though:

-The screen tearing during the big magic attacks is really disappointing. When the dragon smashes down Ice/Fire it tears like mad and it's hard to even see what' going on. I wish they'd just allow slowdown during those attacks instead. It's not like slowdown would effect the gameplay.

-There's a pretty distinct visual drop between the CGs and the in-game. The outside of battle in-game stuff looks about on par with Enchant some better, some worse. But the battles look totally fantastic with great looking enemies and excellent animation.

-Loading could be better. I hope at this pont they're just optimizing so the loading will improve. Every rpg on X360 so far has had absolute zero load times, so just seeing "now loading" return is kinda ;_; I thought it was gone from rpgs permanently at this point ;_;

-Voice acting was a surprise. Thought they'd go the DQ route.

Also it's kinda odd seeing so much CG FMV in BD and LO; it's like PS1 FF days all over again. I wonder if all the people who complained about FF having so many FMVs will be shouting the same complaints against the Mistwalker titles. I prefer all real-time cutscnees like Trusty Bell because it keeps the game looking consistent through-out, but that's just my cup of tea and I'm sure others will love the non-stop CG.
Pretty much agree with all your points, though I've just gotta add that I really wish they hadn't used Toriyama, though I understand why they did for the market. I really dislike his designs. Jury's out on the music as well, seems overly quirky; I'd like a nice orchestral score instead. I think the loading is down to optimization, as I recall Sakaguchi mentioning that's all they had left to do for BD.

The picture-in-picture is awesome, and it really livens up the battles. Hard to see how indepth the battle system is, so I'll wait for showfloor impressions in that regard. Otherwise, the game looks really nice, and the clean and ultra crisp visuals further whet my appetite for next RPG goodness.

qcf x2

I know there's a lotta hate for Chrono Cross here, but I swear that scene with the dock and the little canoe reminded me of Guldove (Korcha's island).

BTW this game's graphics make me yearn for Square to remake CT.
LevelNth said:
Jury's out on the music as well, seems overly quirky; I'd like a nice orchestral score instead.

I think he said he's intending for Lost Odyssey to be the big epic orchestra whammy music, while Blue Dragon is more fun whimsical and more electronic than LO's orchestra. Or something like that. I thought the battle music was pretty good, though I was "eh" with no music for the actual area......I hate places with no music.
Also, the GameVideos versions are pretty much the most definitive that I've seen that don't require a torrent. The YouTube versions don't let you see any of the In-Game giveaways at all.

Download the larger versions of all of them in Quicktime and enjoy.


Fredrik said:
Oblivion has the worst loading times since games were on cassette tapes

I was only counting Jrpgs, but you're right about that.

JMPovoa said:
Sorry, but you're nuts. You can hardly tell the difference between any of the stuff shown. In fact, were it not some hiccups here and there during the actual combats the game would be near damn flawless graphically.




Obviously the CG uses the in-game art assets, but the CG features CG-level lighting and a few other effects that give it the clay animation look. The in-game looks good, but it doesn't have that same smooth round look. Also the CG has more detailed facial expressions.


Bebpo said:
I was only counting Jrpgs, but you're right about that.




Obviously the CG uses the in-game art assets, but the CG features CG-level lighting and a few other effects that give it the clay animation look. The in-game looks good, but it doesn't have that same smooth round look. Also the CG has more detailed facial expressions.
How can you complain about that. Hell the RT stuff in some ways looks better than the CG. Check out the belt around the due in green and how the shirt looks depressed because of it. Sheesh.


PhatSaqs said:
How can you complain about that. Hell the RT stuff in some ways looks better than the CG. Check out the belt around the due in green and how the shirt looks depressed because of it. Sheesh.

Honestly the game looks great. I'm just expressing my surprise that there is so much CG usage in the game.


Bebpo said:



Obviously the CG uses the in-game art assets, but the CG features CG-level lighting and a few other effects that give it the clay animation look. The in-game looks good, but it doesn't have that same smooth round look. Also the CG has more detailed facial expressions.

Even though you're right in that there are differences between both events it still doesn't mean that both aren't realtime. Looking back in time, the same stuff happened for example in Final Fantasy X. Some parts were CG (incredible looking), some were really good realtime cutscene stuff with characters having much more detail than the actual fights (with noticeably less detail than the realtime cutscenes)
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