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Captain Earth |OT| Can you feel the soul of mecha anime in your BONES?

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Pretty light episode this week. The boomerang stuff was pretty great, and I'm glad most of the dialogue was between the kids. I think they have quite a bit of chemistry together. The adults on the other hand... well... they can keep punching the wall for all I care. Lol. Looks like next week we'll be getting to the climax of the first segment of the series. Hoping for some really nice mecha action! :D

Andrew J.

Say what you will about Star Driver's devotion to formula, but it least it gave us a cool robot fight in every episode. Captain Earth has been kind of stingy on that front.
About episode 6:

Glory to the boomerang !

Also , can we get the creepy guy out of the picture for good ? i'm tired of seieng this creepy guy.
Still the info dump in this episode was alright , make things in perspective.


Episode 7

Yes, yes, YES. That was absolutely fantastic. Now the adventure really begins!

The fact that they were able to deliver that
"From now on, you are Captain Earth!"
line so straightforwardly was awesome and hilarious at the same time.

Link Man

Captain Earth 7

~Of Melons and Aliens Hanging Around Uranus~

Oh hey, we've got some mecha action in our giant robot anime!

And it looks like we might finally be getting into the meat of the show starting next episode, so that's good!


How are people still having issues with the terminology? They've essentially spelled everything out.

People keep bringing this up yet the show has gone to great lengths to make everything clear.

Link Man

So yeah, this show is a metaphor sexual maturation. Daichi wants to show everybody his "boomerang". When the Earth Engine goes into battle, it "expands". The Kiltgangs are powered by libido, and thus their aim of draining humanity's sex drive makes them antagonists. There's a ton of fanservice and talk of melons in the latest episode.

It's all getting to be a bit too much.


Episode 7

Finally, some mecha action again! I really liked the lens perspective stuff during the watermelon scene. Now that the introductory stuff have finally gotten out of the way, I guess we can expect the scope of the series to.... expand!! Sorry, bad joke. :(
Watxhed the first two episodes and can't remember anything other than that it has ridiculous names, does it get better???
I wasn't too impressed by the first episodes either, but this show has been growing on me and I quite like it now. I'd say I began to care about the main characters after the third episode, so maybe you should give it a last chance.
Watxhed the first two episodes and can't remember anything other than that it has ridiculous names, does it get better???

Outside of Hana and Akari pretty much existing to sell figures and doujins, it's decent. There's a lot of slow infodump/"gotta make sure the otakus keep tuning in" moments, but when the action starts, it really explodes


Episode 8

Another fun episode. Though I do admit I got confused a bit,
what exactly was that timer counting down for? They said something about it charging energy, and the Knights didn't want it to hit zero.

Also there's apparently important backstory information that's only the manga adaptation or something? I hate when shows do that...

Link Man

Captain Earth 8

Well, it's convenient that all the designer children have outrageously-colored hair.

Nice job on resisting provocation, Daichi!


Oh hell yes!


Episode 8


I really enjoyed this week's episode. Much more than last week's even. It's clearly the start of the new arc, and they're not wasting any time at all. The characters seem more interesting, the villains look to be moving in an exciting direction, and both the character drama and the action was handled really well here. If they're going to stay on Earth for the next bunch of episodes and have battles with Machine Goodfellows instead, I'll be really happy, since the fights already look so much cooler than the space ones. Mmmm. :)

Probably the best episode so far!

Andrew J.

Episode 8

Another fun episode. Though I do admit I got confused a bit,
what exactly was that timer counting down for? They said something about it charging energy, and the Knights didn't want it to hit zero.

Zimbalt summoning his Kiltgang form above the Earth.


Zimbalt summoning his Kiltgang form above the Earth.
Ah. So basically
those pods always take time to charge up, but because Moco and Amara were using them from inside the Macbeth building before, they had plenty of time to charge them safely so we just didn't see it
. Or something along those lines, I guess.


Captain Earth-8
YO DAMN at those sakuga cuts. Somebody finally putting in dat animation work. Just look at that slow-mo. The storyboarding and animation for this was so much better than the space fights before-hand.

Looks like the show is finally picking up. It seems that now all the background stuff is out of the way, the show can hopefully narrow its focus down and really try to deliver. I'm praying they keep up this level of animation for the Earth fights. So good.

Andrew J.

Ah. So basically
those pods always take time to charge up, but because Moco and Amara were using them from inside the Macbeth building before, they had plenty of time to charge them safely so we just didn't see it
. Or something along those lines, I guess.


Also, something that wasn't stated expressly but must be true:
Since Moco and Amara had access to the other Machine Goodfellows but couldn't use them, each one must be biometrically locked to one of the designer children.

Andrew J.

Episode 09

Wow, Akari is surprisingly hardcore.

Hope Teppei gets over this funk next episode, it's already getting tiresome.


Episode 9

Yup, I'm really digging the new direction for the show. Silly hijinx in different parts of Japan as they travel around chasing the Designer Children, urban battle of the week with mechs that have different properties, etc. I love the way they ended the fight. As usual, the facial expressions on the characters really seal the deal on most of the gags. Mmmm.


Not many watching this show, huh?

Can't say I am surprised. Really generic mecha show but somehow quite compelling. Guess the formula just kinda works. Animation is nice though.


Episode 10

Speed demon chick - check
More awesome Akari faces - check
Sexual tension - check
Character action - check
Underwater battle - check
Teppei doing something finally - check
Awesome effects and explosions - check

Mmmmmm. I really like the improvement in episodic format since ep7. It's "generic", but it's also so much fun to watch. :)


This show is definitely "generic" but I wouldn't necessarily call that a bad thing. It's been hitting all the right notes for me.


So like where are all these awakened Gears going anyway? Seems like they should be helping out more instead of just Pink and Blue.

Should also mention how fucking ridiculous Daichi's skills are. Motherfucker is a hand to hand fighter(although he was dumb enough to get into melee range).


But he totally did something before. Unless you're using the fact that it was technically "Albion" who saved Daichi's ass in episode 3 as a loophole.

I mean since he started whining about being useless in the new story arc. He's a nice guy, and its good to see him finally have a shot at doing something again!

So like where are all these awakened Gears going anyway? Seems like they should be helping out more instead of just Pink and Blue.

Should also mention how fucking ridiculous Daichi's skills are. Motherfucker is a hand to hand fighter(although he was dumb enough to get into melee range).

They're sitting around waiting for their Machine Goodfellows to be repaired I think. Same with Pink and Blue. Maybe since the other two have actual day jobs, they're busy?


I watched first couple of eps after seeing it recommended by Horrible Subs. Was seriously underwhelmed. Same old scenarios and characters. Does it get better?

Link Man

I watched first couple of eps after seeing it recommended by Horrible Subs. Was seriously underwhelmed. Same old scenarios and characters. Does it get better?

I found it to be a bit dull and dropped it around episode 9. But give it a shot, you might like it.
10th episode was a bit dull on the action side but I really liked their team interactions and such. Captain Daichi and the things he has to deal with even making the team decision was more interesting than the action stuff somehow.


Episode 11

A nice break from the format of the last few episodes, and they've started to explain a bit of the background for what's going on. Some other interesting developments this week.
I was really surprised that the scientist got killed off so quickly, expected her to play a role for a bit longer.

Also, Akari is still the master of reaction faces.


Episode 11

I wasn't expecting them to actually have so much backstory here. That really fills the gaps in terms of what happened in the past leading up to the events today. The running theme of adults making use of children continues. I have my suspicions on what's going on though.
If Robin is Puck, then it seems he's playing everyone behind their backs, including the Planetary Gears. I wonder if the later plot elements will be about the idea of how an AI with actual consciousness could desire what the Planetary Gears prove is possible - becoming an actual lifeform while remaining an immortal digital entity. After all, the scientist here also desired what they had, except from a human perspective of transferring her consciousness into another avatar to remain young forever.

Next week - BOY'S BATTLEFIELD! Where's DTL?! Lol. :D


Junior Member
Episode 11

A nice break from the format of the last few episodes, and they've started to explain a bit of the background for what's going on. Some other interesting developments this week.
I was really surprised that the scientist got killed off so quickly, expected her to play a role for a bit longer.

Also, Akari is still the master of reaction faces.

I agree 100%, also Akari best girl


Episode 12

Joji Nakata as the head of the yazuka family? Niiiiice. Baku has some pretty sweet moves in the ring too. Hopefully he'll be able to translate those into exciting mecha punches next week. Immortal yakuzas? Illegal slave trade? Another missed opportunity for the Planetary Gears? I like how things haven't exactly been going right for them since last week. There are definitely other players in this game, it'll be interesting to see where it eventually leads to.

I wonder how the yakuza family is tied to Macbeth. There has to be a link, since the scientist who worked with Macbeth initially to perform the experiments with Setsuna managed to get a hold of two of the designer's children after the fallout, and the Asanoda family somehow ended up with another two - one at the casino and one here in the underground ring. It seems the idol is the only one with an actual "normal" life, lol. They're really hitting people over the head hard with the "adults abusing children" theme throughout this arc. It's pretty funny seeing the adults get owned though!
Yeah, the story is getting interesting!
And that "Goodnight, Captain" scene was cute.

I have my suspicions on what's going on though.
If Robin is Puck, then it seems he's playing everyone behind their backs, including the Planetary Gears. I wonder if the later plot elements will be about the idea of how an AI with actual consciousness could desire what the Planetary Gears prove is possible - becoming an actual lifeform while remaining an immortal digital entity. After all, the scientist here also desired what they had, except from a human perspective of transferring her consciousness into another avatar to remain young forever.
That makes sense, I bet you're right.

I wonder how the yakuza family is tied to Macbeth. There has to be a link
The plot thickens!

They're really hitting people over the head hard with the "adults abusing children" theme throughout this arc. It's pretty funny seeing the adults get owned though!
The plot Dickens!


Episode 13

Baku's human moves > Bugbear's mecha moves. A decent second half to the previous episode, nothing particularly special though. I like seeing training scenes though. Makes the setting a bit more believable.


Episode 13

I did appreciate that
at least Baku's reason for joining the Gears was more than just "now that my bad guy memories are back, time to destroy the Earth"


They've announced the new opening and ending songs for the second half of the series:


OP: "TOKYO Dreamer" by NICO Touches the Walls
ED: "The Glory Days" by Tia

The new OP isnt really good sadly for Nico Touches the Walls as it comes across as really dull and boring, but that new ED, the style and colouring is gorgeous, and the scenes are so good for the season as well as capturing part of the background idea of the show, and then that part with Daichi throwing his shirt off. Tia is amazing and ryo(supercell) penned yet another amazing song. More power unto them.

Mixed on the plot for considering the previous episodes
just felt like huge abrupt change for the character, Hana, to now be all sad, emotional, and depressed. Though at least Blume Orgone beam was activated.


I'm pretty disappointed with the Nico Touches The Walls OP too. I really liked their ED for the first half of Haikyu, and this is a huge step down. Just not very good musically. The animation was pretty great though, and a step up from the first OP. The ED is a Suzuki solo, and it's amazing as usual for his works. Reminds me a lot of his Soul Eater EDs, and way better than his Star Driver EDs.

As for the episode, I guess it was okay. Not too lewd for a beach vacation episode, and while the "situation" in the episode was taken care of in a really offhand sort of way, it does have strong implications for where the show can go next with regards to the characters. Hopefully the next few episodes start to move forward since all the Planetary Gears have been introduced and Hana is starting to reveal more about herself.
The Nico Touches the Wall OP does feel like a step down from Haikyuu!! especially now two episodes into this Captain Earth segment. The OP is great both visually and sound in both the first part with the game looking portion for the mechas and then the daichi throwing his shirt off and beach fun times. love it.


I think the anime feels much stronger this second half so far, with Hana finally being a competent character everything feels like its really finally ready to move forward instead of dawdling around.
the one person leader finally revealing that hes been under control and now possessed was a plot point I was waiting for to be addressed, though how it was done surprised me.

I wish the anime was daring enough to spice up the kiss scenes, theyve done girl girl and boy girl...


Episode 15

Yay, we're back to mech action again! Too bad Hana couldn't run away with Setsuna and have fun times for a few episodes. Looks like things are heating up. New Engine mech next week, all the Planetary Gears assembled, Puck has made his big play. We're likely homing in to the climax of the current arc in the next couple of episodes.

Puck's laughing scene was too over the top for me. I ended up laughing by the end too, for all the wrong reasons. The kiss scene(s) was pretty neat in how it was presented though, with the various different plotlines coming to a conclusion.
Well, Hana surely took a level in badass.
Next step for puck:
get one of those fancy cubes that make you immortal. For the final battle, I see the Midsummer Knights teaming with some Planetary Gears against MechaGodPuck (who absorbed the powers of the other Gears).
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