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Captain Earth |OT| Can you feel the soul of mecha anime in your BONES?

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Episode 16


This entire episode screams "start of the next plot arc". There are lots of scenes like that, where characters are just gathering and talking about how things have "finally fallen into place" for the "next phase" and so on. The narrative is really traditional, but I don't mind. It's nice to see more mechs showing up too. The action this week wasn't all that impressive though, even with a really cool new Engine design. I think Puck is my favorite character on the show now, lol.

Andrew J.

Episode 15

We're shifting to a new status quo, in case the last episode didn't make it obvious. Frankly, it's about time. And even though this new status quo resembles the original, the greater variety of combatants on both sides should keep it from feeling stale until we hit endgame, I hope.

The rest of the show is more or less predictable...except for Puck. We have no idea what his endgame is, and I'm excited to see how he screws up the plans of the other factions.


Episode 17

Looks like the "next phase" of the story here is just going to be Salty Dog trying to mess with them while the Planetary Gears continue to really suck at any sort of coordination or planning for their attacks. I love how only after failing for 17 episodes, did it finally dawned upon them that maybe they should wait and attack all at once. Roflmao. The preview for next week's episode looks pretty different from what we've seen so far, so that might be a nice break. I'm glad they're getting back to Earth again, because the ground battles have all been way better than the space battles so far, and honestly I like the design of the Ordinaries way more than the full Engines too.

Btw, if we take away the OP/ED and the long ass repeat footage of the launch and gattai sequences this week, there were less than 19 minutes of actual new footage. They sure are stretching this out! :p
Well each time they had an escuse for not attacking at once.
-The device was broken
-There was only one device
-There were looking for their allies !
-They didn't have enough energy.

At least now they can attack at once.

And yeah the groud battles were far more intresting than the space battles so far.

Andrew J.

Episode 19

Will Akari be taking over Flare, then?

When this gets adapted for SRW they'll have to give Hana Spirit Commands that work for both a robot and a battleship, it looks like.


My main problem with the events from this week's episode is that they'd have a lot more meaning if they had actually spent some amount of time on Daichi and Hana's relationship and character development.

This show's biggest fault is that it's really trying to spread itself too thin.


Yeah I can't say I care much about the relationships in the show. What drives the entertainment for me is how it's basically a by-the-books mecha show with clear arcs, monster-of-the-week stuff, some plot developments here and there, and cool effects. It's easy to consume as light weekend entertainment.

In terms of dramatic narrative, the show doesn't really do a good job with tension or suspense, since both the Planetary Gears and Salty Dog come off as really incompetent, plus it seems clear that no one will ever really die in the show, and the good guys can't lose ever or the show will immediately end. Oh well.

The Blume looks pretty cool though. :p


Episode 21

That ending was unbelievably cheesy, but it's about what I've come to expect from the show at this point. Though it probably wouldn't have been quite as bad if
they hadn't felt the need to namedrop the "Captain Earth" title again

I still can't believe just how poorly structured the overall story is, even if the individual arcs/episodes themselves work okay.


I was going to post impressions of the overall Salty Dog arc because I thought it would end in this episode, but NOPE, looks like they're still getting in the way next week. Loool. This is a really boring arc, with last week's character stuff being the main highlight in it so far. This week was also really poorly outsourced too. The mecha stuff looked pretty awful. Oh well, at least that short scene of the Planetary Gears talking over lunch was pretty damn funny!

Andrew J.

Episode 22

Tension-building episode, as everyone takes the final steps to setting their plans into motion on a crash-course. Next week looks like a fairly standard trapped-in-a-dream segment, but I'm honestly more interested in seeing how the Planetary Gears spend their last hours.


I almost feel like I'm now watching this show more out of obligation to myself to see it through than because I actually like it anymore. It's just been dragging on and on even with the finale coming up.


Okay I guess the Salty Dog thing is finally over? Maybe? It has to be right? The Garm wasn't destroyed though. It would be really dumb if it teleported too and showed up in the final battle.

Yeah. I dunno. The entire second half of the series has been pretty weak. The main characters are fun to have around, the content every week feels kinda like junk food where it's easily consumed, but nothing is really memorable or special about it. Not much to say I guess.
I thought this episode was pretty good, better than last weeks. Ive liked this second half more than the first, felt more serious and focused (though still some parts were weak).

In any case I wish there were next episode spoilers, just want to know how they resolve the ending event.
Episode 18
Well i had those episodes on hold for a while and maybe it's the right time to watch them.

So it's time for the midsummer knights to go back to earth .
First daichi , you're not a hero but you sure act like one, not that i'm complaining.
Second hana , Some characterisation was there .. and it's ok to see her seek new things.

However , this episode didn't have remotely enough magical girls.

This episode mark the first time where puck didn't lie, for once i believe he genuily doesn't understand a woman heart, this is 100%garanteed to bit him in the future. I'm an expert so i know , angry woman actions cannot be predicted, even if you're a EXTRA ADAVANCED AI.


And ? think it's not enough to save the world ?
As for the ark faction, well that plan was alright..judging by the end of the episode i believe this is a multi layered trap , so i won't comment much yeton said trap effectiveness. But still , to capture, confront 3 mechs powered by infinite energy , you're sending unmanned tanks and drones ? Notsureifserious.jpg
Episode 19

So this is the second part of the landing operation and of the salty dogs plan to get Hana.

Having seen the full plan of the ark faction it was ..kinda dull ? Ok , the magical girl paralized all their crafts for more than a hour but i expected a little more effort to get what is essentially a KEY piece of their plan to escape.
Still this episode, like the last served as a glorious hana mutou develloppement arc and the result is favorable. Nothing was really learned other than the fact that "Captain" is now the KEY ( as if that wasn't even more obvious given that he is so far the only one that could output enough to power-up the final weapon ) but hey, captain ! No pressure, ok ?


if only you could have hacked that robot ... not enough magic power i guess ?
Magical girl did wonders, again but i wish she could have done more. i know i know the main dish in this episode was the pursuit ... but still . Well maybe i should get my expectations in check.

Puck learns that he was being dumped, for such a AI that could manipulate humans and killt-gangs , making such a mistake is really surprising. I still think that it's going to cost him a lot.

As for the ark faction, can we really get rid of this ASAP ?
You're in a isolated room , discussing your secrets plans and ..you need THIS FORM OF COMMUNICATION ?
How does this work ? The gal is on a helicopter FLYING , and how can she hear what's being said over such a primitive method? i know i know it's anime ..but i can't take them sériously because of this.i really can't.
Captain earth ... 21!

This episode was more packed than i would have expected. and that's cool because i expected a lot !

The right kind of idol in a mecha show.
Idols are cool , idols are also scary .. Captain earth doesn't change from this formula.
It's a shame that she didn't activate her god mode..but it would have been too much for such an episode.

So hana is kidnapped ( again ) , the team is forced to deal with the imminent treat first while the whole possibility of the operation summer could fall..nice premise , good execution.


A boosted plasmagun is obviously....
... a Gun that boost energy to create a giant plasma beam ?
OK this is good. this is great i don't mind the design of the gun much since it's not an extension of the robot BUT more than a coupling with it.

Nice deus-ex machina for some bullsh*t drama. The answer daichi gave was more like it.
I really like this show. And It's not just because Daichi's boomerang fills my libido until I orgone energy. It's because this show's pacing is fucked beyond belief and that makes it unpredictable. Also, I think this show would be better if it was just about the livlasters and no robots or space fighting was involved. Like, Imagine episode 2 when he shot that control tower, but the whole show was on that scale and it was just about the mystery of the summonable space guns.


Honestly at this point I've got nothing positive left to say, so for my current feelings towards this show I'll just use this gif from the last Bones show that let me down this hard.

25 end

Awful final arc to a half of a show that was actually entertaining and fun. If it had stayed boys flirting with other than the ending would have no doubt been better. Best episode was when they were in the desert place facing off against machines as they wanted to reach Australia or so. I also loved the AU episode this season too, it was really thoughtful. Additionally the whole thing to entangle link and Daichi accepting the captain mentality was great too. I guess overall I liked many aspects to it. Its just the plot just felt like it collapsed at the run to the ending.

Puck was just a terrible entity. 7/10.

Random thoughts on episode 25

- LOL at the Planetary Gears being all like "BTW guys, what's the meaning of life anyway?" while they are destroyed one by one.

- The "reversed" expansion sequence when the Earth Engine dived into Robin Goodfellow was a nice touch.

- I liked how Hana fired at Puck's cube before Daichi. The damsel in distress from the first episodes has come a long way.

- Something I would have loved to see post-credits: Amara at Macbeth Enterprises, pointing his gun at Masaki Kube, while the original Puck is freaking out about the time bomb Amara has set in his room.

Random thoughts on the show

- Even though Puck's plot twist was predictable, it somewhat felt like an ass pull to me. After all, we hadn't seen him doing anything concrete since he took the body of Masaki Kube. We saw him flirting with his secretaries, drinking wine, replying to his mails... and then BAM! FINAL BOSS!

- Akari was criminally underused during the last arc. In the blue corner: the most talented hacker in the world. In the red corner: the most sosphiticated artificial intelligence ever created. And... nothing happens? Why haven't these two been pitted against each other at some point during the final arc?

- And Teppei? He just became "the Amazing Emergency Shield Boy".

- With some serious trimming, it could have been a nice 12 or 13 episodes show (did anyone actually enjoy most of the Salty Doge stuff?)

- In the end, the story was much simpler than the first episodes could have led us to believe. They really blew their load during the first arc in that regard! For example, take a look at the Livlasters: we learned very soon that they were (supposedly) alien life forms... and that's still pretty much all we know about them after 25 episodes! I'm not saying eveything has to be explained in great details, but some backstory would have been nice. How did the Planetary Gears come into contact with them? Have they fought "Neotenies" earlier in other galaxies? And what about that Blume ship? Did they build it? Did they find it? How is it related to the Livlasters?
But no, instead of that, we've got "Oh no, Salty Doge has made an even bigger weapon! Let's waste another episode fighting it!"
So did
Daichi and Hana die, or were they saved by the mysterious unexplained Blue Girl? And what did the Kiltgangs do after their ego blocks were destroyed? Amnesty? Prison? And what about the Blume's shell falling to Earth and libido bursting?
AND WHY DID THEY EXPLAIN NOTHING. I swear to god I was expecting another episode where they just play wrap-up.
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