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CNN Money :Sony's PS3 A Sinking Ship: Sales Plummet


shagg_187 said:
Then I'm sure when you made a jump from DVD to blu-ray/HD-DVD, you saw the difference cause I see a big difference.
I saw the difference at 32 inch, going from DVD to HD-DVD. But then, I was looking for it.


Crystal Bearer
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I think Sony should go back on their word and just take the HDD and WiFi out of the PS3 so they can get the price under $299 as soon as possible. Let people come up with their own memory/internet solutions and get their own version of the "arcade" out there.

Blah blah blah some developers get pissed off or some games won't work. In the end, it helps their bottom line and their install base.

They can't take out the HDD. And wifi is probably cheap since it's in everything these days.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
"2. The PS3's big bonus is its ability to double as a Blu-Ray player. Too bad no one seems to care about hi-def DVDs. The differences between Blu-Ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50"."

I only have a cheap 26" HDTV and HD content is massively better than SD content, I have 16 HD DVDs and they all look spectacular, so this guy is either blind or an idiot.

That aside, the elephant is still in the room, PS3 sales FELL YOY in November, and the single biggest issue is price, SCE may not be able to cut the price of the PS3, but when the 360 is available at half the price it will continue to dominate the "HD" console market.


Articles like this reinforce Sony's big problem; if you are going to have a premium-priced system, you have to convey a sense of added value to the average consumer. The fact that some jackass at Time is whining about the 'mediocre' content of the PS3 is obnoxious, but still, PS3-exclusive IP just doesn't seem to take hold in the mind of the average consumer. Why is that?

Seriously, why are LBP, MGS, Motorstorm, etc., all not more broadly recognized by consumers? Aside from price as a the main barrier to entry, I think this just shows how shitty Sony's marketing has been with the PS3. When I speak to casual gamer friends, they generally have awareness of 360 and Nintendo IP, but almost no awareness of PS3 IP.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I think Sony should go back on their word and just take the HDD and WiFi out of the PS3 so they can get the price under $299 as soon as possible. Let people come up with their own memory/internet solutions and get their own version of the "arcade" out there.

Blah blah blah some developers get pissed off or some games won't work. In the end, it helps their bottom line and their install base.

Whoa, not HDD.


lawblob said:
Articles like this reinforce Sony's big problem; if you are going to have a premium-priced system, you have to convey a sense of added value to the average consumer. The fact that some tool at Time is whining about the 'mediocre' content of the PS3 just reinforces that for some reason, PS3-exclusive IP just doesn't seem to take hold in the mind of the average consumer.

Exactly. It's very easy to shoot the messenger, but the real issue is why there's a message in the first place.


lawblob said:
Seriously, why are LBP, MGS, Motorstorm, etc., all not more broadly recognized by consumers?

A lot of you guys seem to be forgetting the 40-90 dollar Upscaling DVD players being made now.

Why the hell would a person buy a Blu Ray player when they go into Best Buy and the guy in the DVD sections tells them that a DVD player at the fraction of the price can make the DVDs they already have look better?

I know personally, I'm not buying a Blu-Ray player until they massively drop in price and the Blu-Rays aren't a ridiculous price to rent at Blockbuster. I bought a 1080p Upscaling DVD player for my 42" and I couldn't be happier.
lawblob said:
Seriously, why are LBP, MGS, Motorstorm, etc., all not more broadly recognized by consumers? Aside from price as a the main barrier to entry, I think this just shows how shitty Sony's marketing has been with the PS3.
When I talk to consumers, they almost never say the reason they want to buy a PS3 is some exclusive title. They typically cite wanting to play multiplat titles like Call of Duty, GH, GTA, etc. What turns many of them off from the 360 is having to pay to play online. Sony should better advertise that playing games online is free. This resonates with a lot of gamers.


Psychotext said:
It's largely irrelevant... but on anything sub 46" (at my usual seating distance) I don't see a massive difference between upscaled DVD and HD.

And how many average people upscale their DVD's?

And that's beside the point because the guy didn't say a thing about upscaling.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
shagg_187 said:
Then I'm sure when you made a jump from DVD to blu-ray/HD-DVD, you saw the difference cause I see a big difference.

Certainly. But my wife cannot. And is mildly enraged when I buy or preferentially rent Blu Rays.


I don't know why anyone would still fight the whole MGS4 exclusivity thing.

First of all, yes, right now it IS exclusive, but sony will not pay much to keep it that way. It's not in there interests or strategy for this generation. If they cared about third party exclusives, they would have bought them, that's for sure.

All of their money is going into their first party studios so they can build them and their franchises into blockbuster hits and by doing so, they can ensure the future of their consoles will be full of franchises that are great, and have no choice but to stay exclusive. If Killzone can be a breakout hit like Gears was, or if Infamous becomes the next hit IP, (I'm just pulling names out of my ass, it's just for exemplary reasons) they control the exclusivity of it and thus, don't put themselves into a situation like this generation. Imagine Gran Turismo 5 going multiplatform?

It's a shitty short term proposition, but if it works out, is in actuality, a very effective long-term strategy.

So will MGS4 stay exclusive forever? That's not for me to say, but it's not in Sony's business to plan to keep it that way because if it was, GTA4, FF13 and Tekken 6 would probably be exclusive.

On-Topic: The article sucks. Seriously. We needed this article to tell us PS3 sales were floundering? We already know, and we know it's because of the price and because owning two HD consoles is redundant. If Sony gets the hyped exclusives of 09,10,11 and so on, people who are bored of their 360, or want something new will switch.

I don't care what the console sells, that's Sony's responsibility, as long as I get my God of War 3, all will be well in the world.


Wait, is it now the contention that the PS3 is not selling b/c MS pays off journalists to bad mouth Sony? Really?

Damn you to hell, che!


Sony's pricing/packaging strategy has been totally retarded this year. First they start off really well by dropping the price to $399 and releasing an 80gig MGS4 bundle. Thats an 80gb system with ps2 bc, card readers, and a game. It sells really well because it's a good value, and people recognize it. Then what do they decide to do? Release an 80gb model with no ps2 bc, no card readers, and most of all, no GAME, and they decide to go into the holidays with this bundle? Seriously Sony? You're going to make the holiday bundle LESS of a value than the model you were providing at the beginning of the year? And you expect people to still consider it a good deal? Bra-fucking-vo!
Zoe said:
And that's beside the point because the guy didn't say a thing about upscaling.
I wasn't replying to the article... I was replying to the person who was talking about what a big difference they saw.
lawblob said:
Articles like this reinforce Sony's big problem; if you are going to have a premium-priced system, you have to convey a sense of added value to the average consumer. The fact that some jackass at Time is whining about the 'mediocre' content of the PS3 is obnoxious, but still, PS3-exclusive IP just doesn't seem to take hold in the mind of the average consumer. Why is that?

Seriously, why are LBP, MGS, Motorstorm, etc., all not more broadly recognized by consumers? Aside from price as a the main barrier to entry, I think this just shows how shitty Sony's marketing has been with the PS3. When I speak to casual gamer friends, they generally have awareness of 360 and Nintendo IP, but almost no awareness of PS3 IP.

Their marketing does suck really bad. They already have added value in the ps3. They just don't advertise it. Blu ray, hard drive, wireless, free online, and exclusive games. Their latest batch of commercials looked cool, but I couldn't even tell what they were showing a lot of the time, and I even knew what games to look for. How on earth does someone who doesn't know about R2, LBP, uncharted, or MS figure out what the hell he just watched?

And they should put that ps2 chip back. I don't think the Uncharted bundle is selling nearly as well as the MGS4 bundle did.


Slayer-33 said:
You won't make me look foolish fortunately, only an idiot would assume that MGS 4 wont be ported one way or another to 360, all I made is an assumption. One that will most likely HAPPEN, people can make that conclusion based on other factors. When you see Ace Combat, DMC, Tekken 6, & Final Fantasy, franchises synonymous with the Sony brand being ported to 360 you can make an educated guess and assume MGS 4 will be ported to 360.

Kojima might have said that MGS 4 will never come to 360 at one point but fortunately he doesn't have the final word, Konami and the shareholders do.

Makes sense doesn't it?

In that case I guess Gears 2, Halo 3, Star Ocean 4, Tales of Vesperia, and Fable 2 are not exclusive, since they're coming to PS3 and PC sooner or later.
lawblob said:
Articles like this reinforce Sony's big problem; if you are going to have a premium-priced system, you have to convey a sense of added value to the average consumer. The fact that some jackass at Time is whining about the 'mediocre' content of the PS3 is obnoxious, but still, PS3-exclusive IP just doesn't seem to take hold in the mind of the average consumer. Why is that?

Seriously, why are LBP, MGS, Motorstorm, etc., all not more broadly recognized by consumers? Aside from price as a the main barrier to entry, I think this just shows how shitty Sony's marketing has been with the PS3. When I speak to casual gamer friends, they generally have awareness of 360 and Nintendo IP, but almost no awareness of PS3 IP.



DeaconKnowledge said:
I know personally, I'm not buying a Blu-Ray player until they massively drop in price and the Blu-Rays aren't a ridiculous price to rent at Blockbuster. I bought a 1080p Upscaling DVD player for my 42" and I couldn't be happier.

I've never set my foot in Blockbuster ever so I am curious how much do they charge for Blu Ray movie rental? Netflix only charges $1 extra a month and I can't be happier with their service.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
RadarScope1 said:
Exactly. The guy didn't say there wasn't a difference, he's saying Joe Average Wal-Mart doesn't see it and doesn't really care to spend $400 to get it.

Fucking Joe Wal-Mart still has trouble buying dvd's that are not full-screen, so he can see the "whole picture" and not have to look at those black bars taking up his 27 inches of valuable 4:3 viewing real estate.

The bigger thing that this guy missed out on is that Sony still sells hundreds of thousands of PS2's each month, a stream of revenue that Microsoft abandoned when it moved to the 360. Sony also has a nice handheld division that Microsoft doesn't have. When you combine the sales from the 3 systems Sony has in the marketplace, they sold over 1,000,000 new systems in November. Microsoft sold 836,000.


Zoe said:
And how many average people upscale their DVD's?

And that's beside the point because the guy didn't say a thing about upscaling.

Everyone with a HDTV does. Your HDTV will upscale the DVDs to its native resolution.

Zero Hero

Hammerhai said:
And the problem for Sony isn't the recession, it's the PS3. Microsoft (MSFT) put up respectable numbers with its Xbox 360, selling 836,000 units vs 777,000 in November 2007. And Nintendo's (NTDOY) Wii continues to dominate the market, more than doubling sales from 981,000 to 2.04 million.

So why is the PS3 flopping so badly?

1. It's the most expensive console on the market, $150 - $200 more than its rivals. Even if you believe the video game industry is "recession-proof" (it isn't), a tanking economy makes consumers more price-conscious.


Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
lawblob said:
Seriously, why are LBP, MGS, Motorstorm, etc., all not more broadly recognized by consumers? Aside from price as a the main barrier to entry, I think this just shows how shitty Sony's marketing has been with the PS3.
Mindshare is all important, this year has seen exclusives like MGS4, Resistance 2, LBP, MS2 GT5P yet SCE (And especially in the UK SCEE) have completely made a hash of marketing the PS3.

The PS3 is a fucking fantastic console, it really is, we (As hardened gamers at GAF) know this and thus accept the entry price as acceptable, value for money wise the PS3 still beats the Xbox 360, the general public? Not a chance, and it is all due to poor marketing.

Higher end products can sell shedloads (See the iPhone for an expensive, overpriced device that still sells like mad) if people perceive it to be worth it, in the PS3s case, Sony haven't conveyed successfully to the general public that the PS3 is worth the extra cash compared to the Xbox 360, hence the slipping sales figures.

The problem for SCE now, is that it may be too late to convice the consumer base that PS3 is worth the money, especially during the recession, leaving them with 2 very painful options:

1: Leave the price as it is as long as possible, and ride the storm with at least a modest profit on hardware sales (PS3 HAS to be profitable per unit by now, if not...fuck), while accepting that hardware sales will be severely affected during the coming months, or...
2: Drop the price, right now, have the shift ripped from your backs on hardware sales, and hope that software carries you through and long term, it pays off.

I wouldn't want to be a SCE exec right now.
TheExodu5 said:
In that case I guess Gears 2, Halo 3, Star Ocean 4, Tales of Vesperia, and Fable 2 are not exclusive, since they're coming to PS3 and PC sooner or later.
You may want to change the and between PS3 and PC to or, as Halo 3, Fable 2, and Gears 2 aint going near a PS3...ever.


DrPirate said:
On-Topic: The article sucks. Seriously. We needed this article to tell us PS3 sales were floundering? We already know

Yeah. You'd imagine that one of America's biggest news networks would think twice before posting news that the few thousand people who regularly post on GAF already know about. The way they carry on, anyone would think they have a broader audience of millions of people from all walks of life.


Neo Member
EktorPR said:
The fact that

-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
-Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
-Resistance 1 & 2
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-wipEout HD
-Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
-PixelJunk Monsters & Eden

are all incredible pieces of software and exclusive to the PS3 should mean that the console does have a respectable games lineup.

Pfft, "mediocre" :lol

Not many games on that list are mainstream hits. They may be good games but if I can recall correctly, only MGS4 put great numbers.


tekumseh said:
The bigger thing that this guy missed out on is that Sony still sells hundreds of thousands of PS2's each month, a stream of revenue that Microsoft abandoned when it moved to the 360. Sony also has a nice handheld division that Microsoft doesn't have. When you combine the sales from the 3 systems Sony has in the marketplace, they sold over 1,000,000 new systems in November. Microsoft sold 836,000.

yay go playstation family.

tekumseh said:
Sony also has a nice handheld division that Microsoft doesn't have. When you combine the sales from the 3 systems Sony has in the marketplace, they sold over 1,000,000 new systems in November. Microsoft sold 836,000.

Oh, I don't think we want to get into that do we?


Call me back when I'm finished playing LBP, R2, MS2:pR, Persona 4, Valkyria Chronicles, then I'll comment on this article.

mediocre game my ass


adizzy615 said:
Not many games on that list are mainstream hits. They may be good games but if I can recall correctly, only MGS4 put great numbers.

LBP has probably hit 1m by now, and I know for a fact Resistance 1 sold like 3m so....ya.


Stop It said:
You may want to change the and between PS3 and PC to or, as Halo 3, Fable 2, and Gears 2 aint going near a PS3...ever.

Well I meant or. I don't want to add a filthy edit tag to my post. :lol

Wasn't trying to discredit 360 exclusivity, just his post. Timed exclusivity is all that matters when it comes to system sellers, which is what we're talking about here in the first place. I doubt timed exclusives like Bioshock didn't sell any PS3s when they hit. It would have, however, sold 360s and PC hardware.


Uncle said:
Just about everyone with an HDTV and DVDs?

I was assuming he was talking about true upscaling via a player. Don't most HDTV's treat 480p content like shit?

Burai said:
Yeah. You'd imagine that one of America's biggest news networks would think twice before posting news that the few thousand people who regularly post on GAF already know about. The way they carry on, anyone would think they have a broader audience of millions of people from all walks of life.

They certainly could have chosen a better article or *gasp* used one of their own writers to write an informed piece.


tekumseh said:
When you combine the sales from the 3 systems Sony has in the marketplace, they sold over 1,000,000 new systems in November. Microsoft sold 836,000.

Agree PSP and PS2 has been life support for PS3 that long.


Sony needs to fire who's in charge of their marketing, people barely know about their IP's. They dropped the ball with LBP by not releasing any merchandising or starting any pre-hype outside the internet. Nintendo's IP"s are this succesfull because back in the NES days Mario's face was on all kinds of products. Cereal, Mcdonalds, merchandising etc. There's Wii and DS product placement on all kinds of TV shows.

Microsoft did the same with the HALO franchise. Their advertising was so good that I bought HALO 3 allthough I didn't care about the series at all and I'm still shocked that I actually got it at launch.(Writing Halo in caps, is something that the marketing burned into my mind as well)

Starting an expensive marketing campaign for a new IP is a big investment, but it pays off when millions of 'fans' are ready toe buy the sequel. You'd think that after both PS1 and PS2, Sony knows how to market consoles and games.
H_Prestige said:
I don't think the Uncharted bundle is selling nearly as well as the MGS4 bundle did.
Understatement of the Year

The MGS4 bundle was wildly popular. This bundle has been a massive flop. It's the SKU nobody asked for. Expect the bundle's price to be significantly reduced after the holidays because of retailers have stacks of this "limited bundle" left unsold.


tekumseh said:
The bigger thing that this guy missed out on is that Sony still sells hundreds of thousands of PS2's each month, a stream of revenue that Microsoft abandoned when it moved to the 360. Sony also has a nice handheld division that Microsoft doesn't have. When you combine the sales from the 3 systems Sony has in the marketplace, they sold over 1,000,000 new systems in November. Microsoft sold 836,000.
And yet 360's software revenues are higher than Playstation family's revenues. What a disastrous mistake Microsoft made.


Burai said:
Yeah. You'd imagine that one of America's biggest news networks would think twice before posting news that the few thousand people who regularly post on GAF already know about. The way they carry on, anyone would think they have a broader audience of millions of people from all walks of life.

Yeah I worded that bad.

I mean there shouldn't be a thread about it here. There's no point. This could have been pasted in one of the other PS3 iz fail threads.


Gaborn said:
Seriously, the people arguing about this are the same type that would turn their nose up at a burger at some fast food joint because it's not free range high quality beef that costs $5 a pound. Saying there is a difference in quality does not justify the cost to most consumers, if it does to you then great, but that doesn't mean consumers that disagree are wrong.

It's not about there not being a difference, it's about the mainstream consumer not really caring about it.

Also, I've never heard of Silicon Valley insider, but the tone of the article is rather unprofessional. Or just brutally honest because people on CNNmoney don't give a shit about fanboy feelings, I don't really know which.


Zoe said:
I was assuming he was talking about true upscaling via a player. Don't most HDTV's treat 480p content like shit?

Even cheap upscaling DVD players treat the 480i source material like shit. They de-interlace horribly, and leave plenty of scaling artifacts. You need an Oppo or a PS3 to get in the realm of good DVD quality...but of course, at that price point, Blu-Ray players are fairly cost effective. Most people just don't give a shit though...I'm always amazed how my mom can't tell the difference.
Stop It said:
Higher end products can sell shedloads (See the iPhone for an expensive, overpriced device that still sells like mad) if people perceive it to be worth it, in the PS3s case, Sony haven't conveyed successfully to the general public that the PS3 is worth the extra cash compared to the Xbox 360, hence the slipping sales figures.

The problem for SCE now, is that it may be too late to convice the consumer base that PS3 is worth the money, especially during the recession, leaving them with 2 very painful options:

1: Leave the price as it is as long as possible, and ride the storm with at least a modest profit on hardware sales (PS3 HAS to be profitable per unit by now, if not...fuck)

First the iPhone example would be closer to the mark if iPhones could only call other iPhones or something. It's pretty well set in stone that the PS3 isn't going to be getting more than a very few 3rd party exclusives from now on. That's why it's hard to imagine an "expensive" and "exclusive" console really making any sense.

I hate to break it to you but the rising Yen has probably pushed the PS3 pretty far from the break even point in the US. Last I remember the $500 was breaking even. Even it might be in the red now.
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