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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

Finally, its Rave's time ;_;


Top of the page: Batman and Robin Eternal continues to be all sorts of fun.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
The prodigal son has returned.
Seriously man this place was unbearable without you.
Preach to us about Seaguy, my man.
Preach it

Seaguy is great AND Cam Stewart didn't write it. It's like everything everybody ever wanted in a comic!
Nice OT, Tyrant. Still a ComicGAF OT, but you put your own spin and some Christmas stuff in it, well done!

Read Secret Wars: Spider-Verse and The Valiant yesterday. Wanted more Web Warriors and Spider-Verse has the same cast. I enjoyed it mostly, the art was rough in some places and I'm still wary of Mike Costa after his awful Transformers run. It got me hyped for more Web Warriors, so it did its' job.

The Valiant was bloody excellent, and I'm probably going to order the Deluxe Edition now. I need that Paolo Rivera art in glorious OHC format. Probably going to check out Bloodshot Reborn, I never really read his old series since I figured him to be a Punisher knockoff, but he was hilarious in places here.
Sejic has probably been hurt a lot by not having any really notable Big 2 work under his belt. Many of the really successful creators for Image earned a lot of attention doing work for Marvel and DC, even those that got their start elsewhere. Yes, he has his interior work on Top Cow books and the very short Rat Queens stay, but none of that gets the attention of the big Image books or the Big 2 books and none of that was as a writer. Sunstone does OK but it's pretty clear that a decent chunk of its readership is not the normal comic buying public so it's not carrying over well to his other work regardless of quality.
Sejic has probably been hurt a lot by not having any really notable Big 2 work under his belt. Many of the really successful creators for Image earned a lot of attention doing work for Marvel and DC, even those that got their start elsewhere. Yes, he has his interior work on Top Cow books and the very short Rat Queens stay, but none of that gets the attention of the big Image books or the Big 2 books and none of that was as a writer. Sunstone does OK but it's pretty clear that a decent chunk of its readership is not the normal comic buying public so it's not carrying over well to his other work regardless of quality.

What would he even do at Marvel or DC, though?

I guess he could always do a more lighthearted book, maybe guest on A-Force or something.
What would he even do at Marvel or DC, though?

I guess he could always do a more lighthearted book, maybe guest on A-Force or something.

I'm not saying there's an obvious book for him from them, just that not having had one certainly hasn't helped his sails in any way.
Stick him on... I dunno, a team book with a generally upbeat tone and some relationship drama. Young Justice, that would work.

That might require DC to acknowledge that the Young Justice cartoon existed (unless you're talking about the Peter David comic from the 90s). I don't feel that would go well for them.

I'm not saying there's an obvious book for him from them, just that not having had one certainly hasn't helped his sails in any way.

That's fair enough.
(Re)reading Throne of Atlantis now... I'd forgotten how much I like Orm's characterization here vs. his other, more cliche'd "evil half brother desires throne" appearances.

That might require DC to acknowledge that the Young Justice cartoon existed (unless you're talking about the Peter David comic from the 90s). I don't feel that would go well for them.

That's fair enough.

I mean reboot the team :p Sort of as a sister/brother organization to the Titans.

Actually, Titans would be a not-terrible fit, but that's a little more high profile.


Sejic has probably been hurt a lot by not having any really notable Big 2 work under his belt. Many of the really successful creators for Image earned a lot of attention doing work for Marvel and DC, even those that got their start elsewhere. Yes, he has his interior work on Top Cow books and the very short Rat Queens stay, but none of that gets the attention of the big Image books or the Big 2 books and none of that was as a writer. Sunstone does OK but it's pretty clear that a decent chunk of its readership is not the normal comic buying public so it's not carrying over well to his other work regardless of quality.

He has done work on Harley Quinn and did the Ivy story in Secret origins he also is doing the Arkham Knight Genesis covers. Perfect fit would have been the Ivy mini series.

Leaving Rat Queens probably didn't help either

But I do agree
Okay, after it came out that Just Cause 3 on PS4 has framerate issues, I can't decide whether or not to pick up my pre-order. I'll leave it to ComicGAF to decide.
Okay, after it came out that Just Cause 3 on PS4 has framerate issues, I can't decide whether or not to pick up my pre-order. I'll leave it to ComicGAF to decide.

I changed my mind about it. That always online stuff they put in is infuriating just to watch, let alone deal with in-game. Shame, because I really enjoyed Mad Max. I think I'll wait for a Steam sale.
I changed my mind about it. That always online stuff they put in is infuriating just to watch, let alone deal with in-game. Shame, because I really enjoyed Mad Max. I think I'll wait for a Steam sale.

Mad Max was a lot of fun. This one, I'm not so optimistic about. Even gameplay things like having to use in-game currency for unlocks instead of chaos.


That Platinum Thread reminded me that I wanted to dive into Turtle Comics.
Back then in August.

Just jump on in, the IDW stuff is awesome! (And I'm totally secretly hoping that Platinum stuff somehow miraculously draws from it...)

Also, I have read some Valiant for the first time. Bloodshot volume 1 was decent, nothing mindblowing and the jokes jammed in there were pretty forced, but it was solid enough that I enjoyed it. Shadowman volume 1 on the other hand, was... not good. Just thoroughly uninteresting. I still do have first volumes of Quantum & Woody and Archer & Armstrong to try, though. What's the layout of how many trades there are in the Valiant universe and what's recommended, again?
I changed my mind about it. That always online stuff they put in is infuriating just to watch, let alone deal with in-game. Shame, because I really enjoyed Mad Max. I think I'll wait for a Steam sale.

Mad Max was a lot of fun. This one, I'm not so optimistic about. Even gameplay things like having to use in-game currency for unlocks instead of chaos.

I'm just getting around to playing Mad Max now, funnily enough. It really is pretty fun.


Just jump on in, the IDW stuff is awesome! (And I'm totally secretly hoping that Platinum stuff somehow miraculously draws from it...)

Also, I have read some Valiant for the first time. Bloodshot volume 1 was decent, nothing mindblowing and the jokes jammed in there were pretty forced, but it was solid enough that I enjoyed it. Shadowman volume 1 on the other hand, was... not good. Just thoroughly uninteresting. I still do have first volumes of Quantum & Woody and Archer & Armstrong to try, though. What's the layout of how many trades there are in the Valiant universe and what's recommended, again?

Basically you read the two worst trades first.

Shadowman doesn't really get much better tbh, though Bloodshot does.

Quantum and Woody and Archer and Armstrong (Q&W especially) are reasonably standalone, at least at this point, so it doesn't matter which you read first. You don't really have to worry about intermingling until Unity trade 1, which is during XO Manowar trade 3, IIRC. Maybe 4.

(Valiant really cocked up collecting Unity and XO there IMO. It's a narrative crossover, and neither book makes sense without the other, and you have to flip back and forth between the trades too).
People talking about Valiant? Glorious day!

Shadowman is just kind of middling. Some cool concepts, otherwise not great. #0 and #10, however, are fantastic on their own. Bloodshot's first series is alright. Not very thoughtful. As Mindwipe mentioned, not a great representation of the talent at Valiant.

Also, XO and Unity cross over during vol 5 and 1, respectively. You'll have to jump back and forth to get the whole picture.
Just jump on in, the IDW stuff is awesome! (And I'm totally secretly hoping that Platinum stuff somehow miraculously draws from it...)

Also, I have read some Valiant for the first time. Bloodshot volume 1 was decent, nothing mindblowing and the jokes jammed in there were pretty forced, but it was solid enough that I enjoyed it. Shadowman volume 1 on the other hand, was... not good. Just thoroughly uninteresting. I still do have first volumes of Quantum & Woody and Archer & Armstrong to try, though. What's the layout of how many trades there are in the Valiant universe and what's recommended, again?

Shadowman is certainly one of the weaker offerings they've had, if not weakest. Both Q&W and A&A are worth reading

(Valiant really cocked up collecting Unity and XO there IMO. It's a narrative crossover, and neither book makes sense without the other, and you have to flip back and forth between the trades too).

This is fixed in the second X-O OHC, but yeah it would be a pain with trades or in singles.


Just jump on in, the IDW stuff is awesome! (And I'm totally secretly hoping that Platinum stuff somehow miraculously draws from it...)

I am more interested in the Indie-Stuff, everything that came later is a little bit hard to keep track for me.
goddamn this untranslated español is testing the limits my basic ass spanish

Luckily its drawn by Marcos Martin so you can still get a feel for what's happening just through his grasp of visual storytelling.

Good comic, Macros Martin is the star of course. The last 12 or so pages are particulary good,
with a standout time lapse sequence where the middle time of day gets closer as the two characters we've been following get closer in proximity. And then of course the BKV hook ending that that gives a new(old) meaning to "aliens".


Man, I dont dare to post this in any official thread, but its really hard for me to watch that 50 second footage of Batman Vs Superman and dont laugh, because it looks so ridicolus dark and serious, almost like someone wanted to make a parody of Miller Batman book.

I am aware, that those soldiers most likely make sense in the movie and why Supes looks like Batman stole him the last donut, but boy, this scene is laughable.

And I hate that I cant post this outside of this community without getting a war started.

But Bats in the trenchcoat looked cool. Reminded me of that Damian Batman Books.


Luckily its drawn by Marcos Martin so you can still get a feel for what's happening just through his grasp of visual storytelling.

Good comic, Macros Martin is the star of course. The last 12 or so pages are particulary good,
with a standout time lapse sequence where the middle time of day gets closer as the two characters we've been following get closer in proximity. And then of course the BKV hook ending that that gives a new(old) meaning to "aliens".

Yeah, we learn a lot about each character in that time lapse. Marcos Martin remains ridiculously good, etc etc. I didn't read this on a tablet but he's really good in this and Private Eye at designing pages specifically for landscape computer screens which is an interesting choice.

also I hope that if neither character actually speaks the other's language that BKV won't go for alien ~universal translator~ tech stuff and really pushes the conceit, though I also worry it could come across as really annoying
Man, I dont dare to post this in any official thread, but its really hard for me to watch that 50 second footage of Batman Vs Superman and dont laugh, because it looks so ridicolus dark and serious, almost like someone wanted to make a parody of Miller Batman book.

I am aware, that those soldiers most likely make sense in the movie and why Supes looks like Batman stole him the last donut, but boy, this scene is laughable.

And I hate that I cant post this outside of this community without getting a war started.

But Bats in the trenchcoat looked cool. Reminded me of that Damian Batman Books.

A lot of it is marketing, they're playing up that batman vs superman angle because it generates interest in why these two iconic heroes are fighting. It's pretty common for trailers to do a darker, more epic take. I thought the civil war trailer was pretty dark, same with IM3 & the mandarin and especially AoU with Ultron's creepy voice over.

Anyways, yeah there is a lot of defensive overreactions and a couple of routine shitposters (on both "sides"). Teasers don't do much for me, regardless of what it is. Excited for the trailer tomorrow though. I'm already sold on the movie visually, I just want to hear more dialogue which I thought was the weakness with Man of Steel. So far they've limited it to just voice clips taken out of context.


I am more interested in the Indie-Stuff, everything that came later is a little bit hard to keep track for me.

I do like the classic indie stuff collected in the Ultimate Editions, though it's definitely VERY indie and probably not for everyone.

If it's hard keeping track of the later stuff, IDW is great and self contained in continuity (IE it pulls from other stuff, but you absolutely don't need to know anything going in), and this collection line (with one out and another coming in like February) should be a nice way to have everything that keeps it simple, so you don't have to worry where non-numbered trades slot in or anything.

(But yeah, I really, really love me some TMNT, haha!)

And thanks to everyone else on the Valiant talk. Glad to hear the Shadowman is absolutely not indicative of the quality of the line. I'm sure I'll keep pecking at it bit by bit, maybe grab a series here and another there as I catch up.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I do like the classic indie stuff collected in the Ultimate Editions, though it's definitely VERY indie and probably not for everyone.

If it's hard keeping track of the later stuff, IDW is great and self contained in continuity (IE it pulls from other stuff, but you absolutely don't need to know anything going in), and this collection line (with one out and another coming in like February) should be a nice way to have everything that keeps it simple, so you don't have to worry where non-numbered trades slot in or anything.

(But yeah, I really, really love me some TMNT, haha!)

And thanks to everyone else on the Valiant talk. Glad to hear the Shadowman is absolutely not indicative of the quality of the line. I'm sure I'll keep pecking at it bit by bit, maybe grab a series here and another there as I catch up.

I just started the IDW TMNT a while back and yeah it's great for new readers. 6 issues in and loving it.
Cho is the Hulk? When did this happen? Why?

One of two possibilities:

Refocusing to target a younger audience and promote diversity

Or because somebody somewhere was like "I really want to see the Hulk with the Worst Haircut. How do we facilitate that?"


One of two possibilities:

Refocusing to target a younger audience and promote diversity

Or because somebody somewhere was like "I really want to see the Hulk with the Worst Haircut. How do we facilitate that?"
By the looks of it, I wouldn't be surprised if it was both.
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