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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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The thought of more Six-gun Gorilla from Spurrier and Stokely has me giddy. Please make it so.

SGG speculation:
I'm gonna assume then that since Spurrier may be cooking up plans for another volume, the titular gorilla will survive the finale. I don't see Blue surviving, but I hope the gorilla does.
Image Comics is having a Black Friday sale, 50% off all digital comics all weekend. I bought Pretty Deadly 2 and liked it a lot more than issue one. I think it's worth reading if you were on the fence about the series after the first issue.


I finally cracked and bought the Wonder Woman bombshells statue from tfaw.com, while I was there I also preordered the Harey Quinn one and the Bruce Timm B&W Harley (I know some people here wanted that one and it's $64 there)

I love the wonder woman ant lucia art more than I'll ever love the statue though. I really love the pin up style to be fair.



So, I just came back to comic books after a long hiatus and first I had to catch up on Spidey... ASM# 700 - WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK!!!! Seriously Marvel, what was the point? I guess I'll avoid the new Spidey altogether and pick it up again when "he" is back, because, obviously, he will be back, it's a matter of time. I wonder what else Marvel has in store for me...


So, I just came back to comic books after a long hiatus and first I had to catch up on Spidey... ASM# 700 - WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK!!!! Seriously Marvel, what was the point? I guess I'll avoid the new Spidey altogether and pick it up again when "he" is back, because, obviously, he will be back, it's a matter of time. I wonder what else Marvel has in store for me...

The story is dumb if you take it as if it's not going to end. Rather try reading superior knowing that SpOck is going to go down in flames from his consistent stupidity.


Does maths and stuff
So, I just came back to comic books after a long hiatus and first I had to catch up on Spidey... ASM# 700 - WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK!!!! Seriously Marvel, what was the point? I guess I'll avoid the new Spidey altogether and pick it up again when "he" is back, because, obviously, he will be back, it's a matter of time. I wonder what else Marvel has in store for me...

Superior is actually pretty good with doc. 20+ issues in and now I actually don't want petey back.
So, I just came back to comic books after a long hiatus and first I had to catch up on Spidey... ASM# 700 - WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK!!!! Seriously Marvel, what was the point? I guess I'll avoid the new Spidey altogether and pick it up again when "he" is back, because, obviously, he will be back, it's a matter of time. I wonder what else Marvel has in store for me...

Superior Spider-Man is pretty good brah


So, I just came back to comic books after a long hiatus and first I had to catch up on Spidey... ASM# 700 - WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK!!!! Seriously Marvel, what was the point? I guess I'll avoid the new Spidey altogether and pick it up again when "he" is back, because, obviously, he will be back, it's a matter of time. I wonder what else Marvel has in store for me...

But then you would miss out on Miles. Miles has been awesome.
Yeah everybody hated Slott back when Superior first started and I guess some people probably still do, but the book has been plenty enjoyable so far.


Does maths and stuff
So Amazon has the 30% off one book deal going on...want to grab a hardcover around $30 to maximize the savings.

Morning Glories Vol 1 is in my cart right now but I've already read it.

Any other recommends?


So Amazon has the 30% off one book deal going on...want to grab a hardcover around $30 to maximize the savings.

Morning Glories Vol 1 is in my cart right now but I've already read it.

Any other recommends?

Hawkeye HC or Revival HC both have first 2 volumes.

Edit: death of the family has a cool cover and dust jacket. The dust jacket is jokers face and when you lift it he has no face just muscles . Yuck.


So Amazon has the 30% off one book deal going on...want to grab a hardcover around $30 to maximize the savings.

Morning Glories Vol 1 is in my cart right now but I've already read it.

Any other recommends?
Chew hardcovers

Black Beetle hardcover


I honestly kinda love that Ghost Rider is going to drive a car. Mahvel going straight at the fast and furious bux


Great books this week-
Saga #16
Black Science #1 (Fucking delivered and I can't wait for the next issue)
Sledgehammer '44 (Continues from the last 2 parter, I want this character in the next Hellboy movie)
Transformers RiD #23 (Still not liking the format, but
wtf Metalhawk?
James Robert's parts were great as always)\
Rat Queens #3 (It all makes fucking sens now)
Also in the end Eric stated that he's planning on continuing the main story in the form of minis, which is fine by me


Okay, comics-GAF, I once more need a hand selecting a holiday gift for my increasingly hard to shop for friend.

He now pretty much owns all the big Batman stories I can think of except I guess Year One Hundred, which is a definite possibility. That's supposed to be good, right?

Superman-wise, he's read All Star, Red Son, and Kingdom Come off the top of my head.

I'm thinking now that I can't think of any Flash trades he owns. Any good options there?

Also, has any of the recent Deadpool been particularly exceptional? Deadpool used to be one of his favorites, but he got burnt out a while back when the character got overexposed and I don't think he's picked up anything since... I guess about when the whole Deadpool Corps thing was starting up.

He's been a big fan of the newest Daredevil run, and likes the Hawkguy that's in the style of the first trade at least (it seems to be alternating now? Between more serious and the same old fun?), and he definitely likes the run with Cyclops' team (AKA the "Cyclops is right" thing). Oh, and the new Thor run has been to his liking.

He has a pretty sizable collection, so it's getting harder and harder to pick out neat new comic gifts. Mostly looking for new-ish stuff, as he seems to have trouble getting around to reading stuff like Essentials (I think he still likes them, just tends to put them on the back-burner+they're kind of bulky). Oh, and definitely needs to be reasonably available for purchase, haha.

So yeah, if anyone could help me out that'd be greatly appreciated.

Sorry if this is a bit bumpy, but if anyone could help me out with this that'd be super awesome.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"

Tradd Moore on the left, and Felipe Smith (the writer) variant on the right. Looks good!

I'll admit. After seeing that smokey and The bandit set, I'm a lot more accepting of a rider with a car. Although the skull looks like something out of bleach.
Sorry if this is a bit bumpy, but if anyone could help me out with this that'd be super awesome.

You mentioned flash. Anything with art done by manapul will be fucking BEAUTIFUL at least. I've enjoyed the new 52 volumes a fair bit.

Older stories-wise, mark waid's stories were loved by lots of people, but I have no idea how it's been published/ how available it is, cause I've yet to go trade-hunting despite peoples' recommendations.

Animal man by Morrison? Swamp thing by Moore?

Is he only interested in superheroes? I'm sure GAF has billions of Vertigo and indie recommendations if non-superhero books are an option.

Maybe the Hellblazer books? Magic-wielding con man/ professional asshole deals with supernatural threats. They've been reprinted from the very beginning recently.


Great books this week-
Saga #16
Black Science #1 (Fucking delivered and I can't wait for the next issue)
Sledgehammer '44 (Continues from the last 2 parter, I want this character in the next Hellboy movie)
Transformers RiD #23 (Still not liking the format, but
wtf Metalhawk?
James Robert's parts were great as always)
Rat Queens #3 (It all makes fucking sens now)
Also in the end Eric stated that he's planning on continuing the main story in the form of minis, which is fine by me
The Goon is one of those books I've had the first trade of for forever but never cracked open. One of my friends is way into that book.


You mentioned flash. Anything with art done by manapul will be fucking BEAUTIFUL at least. I've enjoyed the new 52 volumes a fair bit.

Older stories-wise, mark waid's stories were loved by lots of people, but I have no idea how it's been published/ how available it is, cause I've yet to go trade-hunting despite peoples' recommendations.

Animal man by Morrison? Swamp thing by Moore?

Is he only interested in superheroes? I'm sure GAF has billions of Vertigo and indie recommendations if non-superhero books are an option.

Maybe the Hellblazer books? Magic-wielding con man/ professional asshole deals with supernatural threats. They've been reprinted from the very beginning recently.

He definitely likes Moore's Swamp Thing, though Animal Man is definitely a good option I hadn't thought of. And he likes more than superheroes for sure (he's picking up and liking Saga as it comes out, for one). Is Hellblazer worth picking up in its entirety? Like, is it the type of series where starting from the beginning is a good idea, or is it better to start midway with a particularly good arc?
Confused question

Anyone knows what is Marvel trying to do with the new generation of Inhumans after the terrigen bomb was activated? Does this have anything to do with Fox having the rights with the X-Men franchise?


Sorry if this is a bit bumpy, but if anyone could help me out with this that'd be super awesome.

Off the top of my head for Flash:
Mark Waid wrote the series in the 90s, still holds up IMO.
Geoff Johns' run is good too
Grant Morrison wrote 2 Flash TPBs along with Mark Millar

That's it off the top of my head atm ^^;

The Goon is one of those books I've had the first trade of for forever but never cracked open. One of my friends is way into that book.

Dude seriously, start reading it and if you like it enough get the later books and read them in order. Do not read Chinatown until after Book 5


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Sorry if this is a bit bumpy, but if anyone could help me out with this that'd be super awesome.

Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol.1 by Kirkman, Walker and Ottley. It's a love letter to the superhero genre while at the same time stays fresh with every chapter.
teenage ghost rider


I can tell you this, giving the power of Ghost Rider to the teenage latina girl (with Johnny in the background) was interesting at best but this..

this blows.


Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol.1 by Kirkman, Walker and Ottley. It's a love letter to the superhero genre while at the same time stays fresh with every chapter.

Off the top of my head for Flash:
Mark Waid wrote the series in the 90s, still holds up IMO.
Geoff Johns' run is good too
Grant Morrison wrote 2 Flash TPBs along with Mark Millar

That's it off the top of my head atm ^^;

Thanks for the additional suggestions guys, I'll keep them in mind for next time, though for now I think I'm going with Animal Man. The Omnibus on Amazon is what I want there, right? It came (just barely) into my affordable gift range thanks to the 30% coupon, though not as much as I would've preferred thanks to that coupon being limited to $10 back.


How is Sandman: Overture? Is it on par with the original series and how long is it supposed to be?

Just picked up Dream Hunters at a comic shop Black Friday sale and it was awesome. I read the series, but before today never read any of the spinoffs.
Confused question

Anyone knows what is Marvel trying to do with the new generation of Inhumans after the terrigen bomb was activated? Does this have anything to do with Fox having the rights with the X-Men franchise?
Yeah. They are going to be a lot of confused people. I think Fraction is off the book. It wouldnt be cancelled if it was just Joe Mad.

I dont want Hickman on this book. All comic superstars have a full slate though....
How is Sandman: Overture? Is it on par with the original series and how long is it supposed to be?

Just picked up Dream Hunters at a comic shop Black Friday sale and it was awesome. I read the series, but before today never read any of the spinoffs.

It's gonna be 6 issues. The first one was beautiful and seems to be living up to its predecessors so far.

He definitely likes Moore's Swamp Thing, though Animal Man is definitely a good option I hadn't thought of. And he likes more than superheroes for sure (he's picking up and liking Saga as it comes out, for one). Is Hellblazer worth picking up in its entirety? Like, is it the type of series where starting from the beginning is a good idea, or is it better to start midway with a particularly good arc?

I believe the first author, Delano, is one of the most strongly recommended ones. I started from volume #1 of the reprints with no experience. I've got the first 2. I felt like I enjoyed them for their own sakes and am not stuck waiting for a payoff volumes from now.
I finally cracked and bought the Wonder Woman bombshells statue from tfaw.com, while I was there I also preordered the Harey Quinn one and the Bruce Timm B&W Harley (I know some people here wanted that one and it's $64 there)

I love the wonder woman ant lucia art more than I'll ever love the statue though. I really love the pin up style to be fair.

The art is great, but some things just don't translate as well to 3D.

As for the B&W Harley, I already ordered her. But I'm also considering getting some other statues from the B&W line. I saw the Capullo Batman and Joker duo at my local comic shop the other day, and they're really nice statues.
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