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Confirmed: Megaman 9 is a WiiWare Exlcusive

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Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
So what do people think for a price point? 1500 Wii points or so?



Throwing away all the fanboy wars, this game should be multiplat for all downloadable services. Maybe its due to the requirements of PSN/XBLA, but this doesn't strike me as something that would be hard as hell to port.

Whatever though my fridge is empty, and i have 3 2GB freezers so im good.
I'm thinking it'll be in the 1000-1500 range because it's a new game, but I wouldn't be shocked if they surprised us with a lower price.


Threi said:

Throwing away all the fanboy wars, this game should be multiplat for all downloadable services. Maybe its due to the requirements of PSN/XBLA, but this doesn't strike me as something that would be hard as hell to port.

Whatever though my fridge is empty, and i have 3 2GB freezers so im good.

It's silly to think that it won't go to PSN/XBLA.

It's Capcom after all.
I'd pay upward of 2000 points for it.

But that would be limiting the audience, quite a bit, wouldn't it?

actually, as long as I've been begging for this game, I'd probably pay 5 or 6 times even that...


FF_VIII said:
It's silly to think that it won't go to PSN/XBLA.

It's Capcom after all.

Show me the last time capcom moved a game from the most popular platform to a trailing platform.
SonicMegaDrive said:
I'd pay upward of 2000 points for it.

But that would be limiting the audience, quite a bit, wouldn't it?

actually, as long as I've been begging for this game, I'd probably pay 5 or 6 times even that...

That's insanity, dude (the spoiler). It's a NES game. Think about what you're saying. This should cost $10, at most, considering that Bionic Commando Rearmed is a complete remake of a NES game with 3D models and environments, co-op, and other game play related additions and revisions, and only costs $10.


Tag of Excellence
Being a multi-console owner I would've liked to see this game carry achievements and at the very least be a game that could be enjoyed by everyone. Considering past occurrences, it seems likely to be released on all three platforms. I remember the initial leak specifically listing it for XBLA.
bigmakstudios said:
That's insanity, dude (the spoiler). It's a NES game. Think about what you're saying. This should cost $10, at most, considering that Bionic Commando Rearmed is a complete remake of a NES game with 3D models and environments, co-op, and other game play related additions and revisions, and only costs $10.

I've paid 50 dollars or more for certain NES games. You know, rare ones.

NES games are worth more to me than most modern 3D cinema snooze-fests.

I can replay a great NES game any number of times and continue to love it to death. I can hardly bring myself to finish most modern action titles.
Phife Dawg said:
So the franchise holds little weight, yet Nintendo decided to moneyhat it anyways? Sure, makes a lot of sense.
Nintendo need games for their service, just like Microsoft and Sony have been courting developers for timed exclusives or otherwise. Nintendo say to Capcom: what have you got? Capcom says Mega Man. Is it that hard to believe?

If it costs more than $10 I'll be a little offended. It would have to be really kickass to warrant me dropping $15.
SovanJedi said:
Okay, this picture is really annoying me actually. Not that it isn't any good - it's really really well-drawn and I applaud you for it - but why the hell did all the shitty characters survive and all the good ones (Amy aside) become zombies?

I don't think Huelen drew it. It was drawn by an artist named 'Tigerfrog'. I think Hulen just made the mockup for it.

Unless Huelen IS Tigerfrog, in which case, my apologies.


provides useful feedback
SonicMegaDrive said:
I don't think Huelen drew it. It was drawn by an artist named 'Tigerfrog'. I think Hulen just made the mockup for it.

Unless Huelen IS Tigerfrog, in which case, my apologies.

Okay well, copy and paste to Tigerfrog wherever they are on the webbernets, and offer apologies in the form of delicious chocolate muffins to Huelen.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
He was banned for spamming his thread, I take it. Have mercy on him, please, and let it not be perma. His charts alone make sales threads 52.87% better.
Agreed :(.


Put me in the "I'd pay $20" category as well.

It's a new Mega Man game being overseen by the creator of Mega Man in the NES style. Easily worth $20 to me.


HUELEN10 said:
2. Your talk of the mean age makes me wonder if the PS3 should have been the console this should have been pushed on. It had most of the X series, and in the late 90's, "mega" fans went to Sony's consoles.
Well, there's some problems with that reasoning...

1. It's arguable if the fans that went to PlayStation in the late 90s have PS3s. If anything, sales suggest those sorts of fans actually haven't transitioned.

2. Nintendo consoles did see MM games post SNES... MegaMan 64, Network Transmission, Anniversary Collection, X Collection and X Command Mission. And in cases where the games were multiplatform, the GCN versions even sold best in the west.

3. The last original pure Rockman game (Rockman & Forte) was on a Nintendo console. Out of the original series, only one installment debuted on PlayStation (MM8), and it was (1) multiplatform and (2) the inferior version.
MoxManiac said:
Isn't 720p a requirement for PSN/XBLA? That might be partially why.
No. Classic games get around this just by adding a border. This being exclusive is stupid, but I doubt anyone actually believes it is.


Strap on your hooker ...
Xeke said:
Show me the last time capcom moved a game from the most popular platform to a trailing platform.
There may be a lot more Wiis out there than PS3s or 360s, but I'm fairly certain a signifigantly lower percentage of Wii owners have actually taken their systems online. The total number of systems is not the proper number to be looking at here, people who have a system but haven't displayed any predeliction to go online (let alone purchase content there) are immaterial in regards to a game that's strictly available as a download.

Are VC/Wiiware games averaging more sales than XBLA ones? I'm skeptical.


"industry expert"
Amir0x said:
how can it be a headache to owning all three if something is multiconsole?

It's MORE of a headache to 'owning all three' if something is exclusive, not the other way around :p

I think I know what he means.

When something is multiconsole, I have to fret over which version to buy.

When something is an exclusive, it's all good, because I just get that version.


paid requisite penance
Shig said:
There may be a lot more Wiis out there than PS3s or 360s, but I'm fairly certain a signifigantly lower percentage of Wii owners have actually taken their systems online. The total number of systems is not the proper number to be looking at here, people who have a system but haven't displayed any predeliction to go online (let alone purchase content there) are immaterial in regards to a game that's strictly available as a download.

Are VC/Wiiware games averaging more sales than XBLA ones? I'm skeptical.

Even taking into account what you said, it can't be denied that, among the PS3, 360 and Wii, Wii is THE retrogaming platform. If you like retro games, and have considered buying at least one of those three consoles, you will most likely end up buying the Wii.
Visualante said:
Nintendo need games for their service, just like Microsoft and Sony have been courting developers for timed exclusives or otherwise. Nintendo say to Capcom: what have you got? Capcom says Mega Man. Is it that hard to believe?

If it costs more than $10 I'll be a little offended. It would have to be really kickass to warrant me dropping $15.

Do you even believe the shit that you write?


Strap on your hooker ...
Kilrogg said:
Even taking into account what you said, it can't be denied that, among the PS3, 360 and Wii, Wii is THE retrogaming platform. If you like retro games, and have considered buying at least one of those three consoles, you will most likely end up buying the Wii.
That's a fallacy. Just because something might sell better on one platform doesn't mean the market for it on other platforms should be discounted. Look at the sales of the multiplatorm Soul Calibur II vs. the PS2-exclusive Soul Calibur III. Perhaps SCIII PS2 sold more copies than any individual SKU of SCII (I don't think it actually did, but let's pretend for the sake of argument), but SCII sold many more copies through combined sales over multiple platforms, even if they weren't as strong individually.

MM9 may very well sell more on Wii than it would elsewhere, but those extra sales wouldn't really be insignifigant. Even if it sold half as many copies on XBLA+PSN combined, that's still 50% more income from the title for Capcom.
Shig said:
That's a fallacy. Just because something might sell better on one platform doesn't mean the market for it on other platforms should be discounted. Look at the sales of the multiplatorm Soul Calibur II vs. the PS2-exclusive Soul Calibur III. Perhaps SCIII PS2 sold more copies than any individual SKU of SCII (I don't think it actually did, but let's pretend for the sake of argument), but SCII sold much more copies through combined sales over multiple platforms, even if they weren't as strong individually.

MM9 may very well sell more on Wii than it would elsewhere, but those extra sales wouldn't really be insignifigant. Even if it sold half as many copies on XBLA+PSN combined, that's still 50% more income from the title for Capcom.
I agree with you! Let's bring Resident Evil 5 to Wii with dumbed down graphics. Moving from best selling to "different markets" is the same thing in this example.



Freaking genius :lol


paid requisite penance
Shig said:
That's a fallacy. Just because something might sell better on one platform doesn't mean the market for it on other platforms should be discounted. Look at the sales of the multiplatorm Soul Calibur II vs. the PS2-exclusive Soul Calibur III. Perhaps SCIII PS2 sold more copies than any individual SKU of SCII (I don't think it actually did, but let's pretend for the sake of argument), but SCII sold many more copies through combined sales over multiple platforms, even if they weren't as strong individually.

MM9 may very well sell more on Wii than it would elsewhere, but those extra sales wouldn't really be insignifigant. Even if it sold half as many copies on XBLA+PSN combined, that's still 50% more income from the title for Capcom.

The problem is, the message I responded to is not the same as this one. You originally said that, although the Wii install base is superior to that of the 360 or PS3, the percentage of people using it for online might be inferior. Fair enough. What I said is that, even then, the people who are interested in retro-flavoured games (such as Megaman 9) the most, if they are to own one console among the three, likely own the Wii, because it is the best retro gaming platform as far as consoles are concerned.

But then, you reply to this by changing the subject, going from "the Wii online base is lower to that of the other consoles" to "just because the Wii sells more doesn't mean the game would not sell on other platforms", which I never argued to begin with. Of course there would be people who'd buy the game on the 360 or PS3. I'm just saying that, if Capcom is to go exclusive for this particular title, Wii is the logical choice.

If you want to debate, don't change the subject whenever you can't argue with what someone else says.

[EDIT] @Jokeropia : basically, yeah, but I hate it when people aren't capable of/willing to to stay on a given subject.


Strap on your hooker ...
Kilrogg said:
The problem is, the message I responded to is not the same as this one. You originally said that, although the Wii install base is superior to that of the 360 or PS3, the percentage of people using it for online might be inferior. Fair enough. What I said is that, even then, the people who are interested in retro-flavoured games (such as Megaman 9) the most, if they are to own one console among the three, likely own the Wii, because it is the best retro gaming platform as far as consoles are concerned.
I brushed that argument aside because it's honestly pretty laughable to me. "Which console is best for retro games?" is not the prominent bullet point in the buying process of people who buy new consoles that you seem to be implying it is. People buy consoles based on the games that are currently on the shelves and being marketed at them, most aren't particularly cognizant of the retro/downloadable game library until they've already made their decision, if at all.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I'm okay with it. not buying for wii or any console. 8-bit graphics my ass..
I'd love it if they release it in retail with old school packaging, cover artwork and manual, but I guess WiiWare is fine too

Visualante said:
Nintendo need games for their service, just like Microsoft and Sony have been courting developers for timed exclusives or otherwise. Nintendo say to Capcom: what have you got? Capcom says Mega Man. Is it that hard to believe?

If it costs more than $10 I'll be a little offended. It would have to be really kickass to warrant me dropping $15.
y'know, I've been noticing a trend in every post you make in wii related threads
..pakbeka.. said:
y'know, I've been noticing a trend in every post you make in wii related threads
Good for you, I'm buying it on my Wii for the better d-pad. Do we really have to draw console straws all the time? I troll everything


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Cheeto said:
That sucks. Sorry you feel that way.

It pisses me off, there's no reason why they couldn't make it look like viewtiful joe or something.


the smegma spreader
i really like lean, mean games. no fluff. gimme the 8-bit graphics, lets do this damn thing. i hope its as hard .... Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues kinds of hard.


Shig said:
I brushed that argument aside because it's honestly pretty laughable to me. "Which console is best for retro games?" is not the prominent bullet point in the buying process of people who buy new consoles that you seem to be implying it is. People buy consoles based on the games that are currently on the shelves and being marketed at them, most aren't particularly cognizant of the retro/downloadable game library until they've already made their decision, if at all.
Then again, the sort of customer interested in something like MM9 is likely already keenly aware of the Wii's downloadable retro library. There's definite overlap here, plus the brand's traditionally done best on Nintendo platforms anyway.

There's also the issue of developer focus. Not that MM9 would be a rough port job, but does inti-creates have the resources/infastructure for all of it (they've never done a multiplatform game before iirc). Do they even have 360/PS3 kits? Why not focus first on the console with the largest base, with the most active retro buyers, with the largest Japanese prescence, and then afterwards maybe look at porting options?
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