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Controversial final fantasy opinions?


to be honest I haven’t thought about it in a while but I just never loved IX as much as everyone else, possibly because VII was my first FF so I didn’t have the nostalgia factor that IX drew on with it’s return to a more fantasy setting? at the same time though I do love IV and VI when I got to play them in the Anthology & Chronicles releases on PS1

it’s not like IX wouldn’t make my top 10 or anything crazy like that, it’s just definitely not top 3 or 4 to me though

1a/b. Final Fantasy VI/VII (it’s not set in stone which one is my #1 so I stopped trying to separate them)
3. IV
4. X
5. V/VIII/IX/XII? it might be IX but honestly no single game jumps into mind for this spot to me at any given time either, maybe XVI will change that? 🤔 I have a soft spot for VIII though
I'm much the same way, at least in terms of my top 3 or 4 being set and then after that it could be 4 different games depending on my mood.

I can't agree with you on VIII though, that game hurt me.
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Like I care.

Wait. I meant “whatever”
My like emoji is the “whatever” back your way. I was just being sarcastic due to the controversial opinion thread. I don’t hate VIII, I just haven’t been able to get into it the few times I’ve tried it.

Don’t take it so personal, it’s a thread invented just to get people mad at each other, not worth it lol


My like emoji is the “whatever” back your way. I was just being sarcastic due to the controversial opinion thread. I don’t hate VIII, I just haven’t been able to get into it the few times I’ve tried it.

Don’t take it so personal, it’s a thread invented just to get people mad at each other, not worth it lol
I was just being facetious. 8 has a great soundtrack, but was a notable step down from 7 in story, world, etc
I was just being facetious. 8 has a great soundtrack, but was a notable step down from 7 in story, world, etc
I know…that’s why I love Gaf. We have freedom (most times lol) to express our opinions, unlike another forum I will not name. And honestly, I never really thought 7 was as good as people give it credit for. I’d take 9 over 7 all day long. Probably one of my controversial opinions on the series.

To add..I am 100% in agreement on soundtrack. No video game series in the industry can mess with FF music.


Gold Member
I was playing the Final Fantasy game with Lightning. 13? There was a cutscene with that one giggly, pink haired girl. My wife came into the room and saw it and basically asked me if that character was retarded. Never really liked any of the characters in the Final Fantasy games.
Yes. I could see that happening. Free spirited people often get mistaken for being retarded.
FFV is the best pixel FF game with VI after that. The job system was great, and I loved it playing anthologies when that launched on ps1.

FFIX I never seen the appeal in.
FFVIII is great. Loved the cast and story.

FF12 > FF10

Ff13 and 15 were bleh...

Ff16 so far is the best FF since ff12. The story and characters has me engaged like I remember FF being (before 13 threw things off course).

FF dissidia psp is underrated (not that abysmal wannabe on ps4)

FF tactics is still amazing
FF 1 and 2 psp were the best remakes
Ffiv on ds was great with 3d graphics.

FF agito was the worst FF game, even ff2 was better than that soulless pile of....
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FF8 > FF9. FF8 has a more memorable main character with Squall and the Gun blade. With the exception being Vivi. Criminally under rated game and one of the best emotional endings for any FF game. Great music and great game despite some story flaws. Suffers from middle child syndrome of that generation of games.
FF9 is overrated, FF8 is a better game.
FFs before 7 are severely underrated.
XV wasn't that bad (after Royal Edition)
XIV is overrated and the raid prog side is super cringe
Agree with everything except the IX overrated part. IX and VIII are equal to me.

Anyway... I'm like 67% into FF XVI but... I fucking hate this game but I'm gonna finish it. It's an extremely bland, focused tested piece of garbage with soulless characters who are boring and uninteresting. Clive and Jill are the two worst Final Fantasy characters I've ever seen, her entire character arc to kill those who made her commit war crimes was the most tragic thing I've seen in fiction in years and not tragic in a good way. This game has zero fun and has literally no Japanese influence whatsoever.

The fact Yoshi-P thinks JRPGs are a derogatory term has sealed his fate for me, stick to getting money from FF XIV kiddies because single player focused isn't your forte. The side quests are boring, the cutscenes have zero life, the voice acting from Clive is monotonous maybe the worst FF protagonist by a clear mile. The only shred of hope and quality was Ralph Ineson as Cid who as far as I'm concerned is the best Cid in Final Fantasy, brought a charisma and sense of fun to the role.

The fact the game just info dumps when your hound turns into a super hound goes to show the level of quality writing in this game. Show don't tell, but it just tells you everything. Actual narrative fail 101. Also the Eikon battles are just 2009 game design to the max, turret section, on rails running section, basic smash X to attack then dodge rinse and repeat gameplay. Masayoshi Soken has been caught plagiarizing once and that Titan fight definitely feels lifted from a Nine Inch Nails song on top of the battle theme sounding similar to FF VIII. Dude is clearly a hack.

Love Powerman 5K me.

I'm not posting this in the FF XVI thread because I'm not about to argue with half the fucking website over their joy of consuming a barren and soulless product. I had faith in the game and was excited but going from Chrono Cross which is an absolutely amazing experience to this just shows the stark difference in quality.
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Agree with everything except the IX overrated part. IX and VIII are equal to me.

Anyway... I'm like 67% into FF XVI but... I fucking hate this game but I'm gonna finish it. It's an extremely bland, focused tested piece of garbage with soulless characters who are boring and uninteresting. Clive and Jill are the two worst Final Fantasy characters I've ever seen, her entire character arc to kill those who made her commit war crimes was the most tragic thing I've seen in fiction in years and not tragic in a good way. This game has zero fun and has literally no Japanese influence whatsoever.

The fact Yoshi-P thinks JRPGs are a derogatory term has sealed his fate for me, stick to getting money from FF XIV kiddies because single player focused isn't your forte. The side quests are boring, the cutscenes have zero life, the voice acting from Clive is monotonous maybe the worst FF protagonist by a clear mile. The only shred of hope and quality was Ralph Ineson as Cid who as far as I'm concerned is the best Cid in Final Fantasy, brought a charisma and sense of fun to the role.

The fact the game just info dumps when your hound turns into a super hound goes to show the level of quality writing in this game. Show don't tell, but it just tells you everything. Actual narrative fail 101. Also the Eikon battles are just 2009 game design to the max, turret section, on rails running section, basic smash X to attack then dodge rinse and repeat gameplay. Masayoshi Soken has been caught plagiarizing once and that Titan fight definitely feels lifted from a Nine Inch Nails song on top of the battle theme sounding similar to FF VIII. Dude is clearly a hack.

Love Powerman 5K me.

I'm not posting this in the FF XVI thread because I'm not about to argue with half the fucking website over their joy of consuming a barren and soulless product. I had faith in the game and was excited but going from Chrono Cross which is an absolutely amazing experience to this just shows the stark difference in quality.

I love Soken but otherwise I feel the same.


Here's what's weird: I love Soken's work in FFXIV but not in XVI. I think XVI's soundtrack is fine but it's largely forgettable, to the point where I doubt I would ascribe it to Soken at all if I didn't already know it was him.
I am with you on this. The stuff I have heard of FF16 so far was solid but nothing I will remember. Whereas in FF14 there are some songs that I still remember to this day. Some even fairly recent.

Wonderful orchestral versions of his stuff also:


Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I'm not posting this in the FF XVI thread because I'm not about to argue with half the fucking website over their joy of consuming a barren and soulless product. I had faith in the game and was excited but going from Chrono Cross which is an absolutely amazing experience to this just shows the stark difference in quality.

There is nothing to argue. You posted garbage that is unbelievably untrue. Reality is: The game just isnt' for you. Quit playing and move on. There is no point in forcing yourself to play a game you are not enjoying. It is fucking idiotic.
There is nothing to argue. You posted garbage that is unbelievably untrue. Reality is: The game just isnt' for you. Quit playing and move on. There is no point in forcing yourself to play a game you are not enjoying. It is fucking idiotic.
I knew you'd reply the second I saw your post in the XVI thread saying the game had "good character development" I had a good laugh at that. 🐻


16 should have been a side prpject instead of a mainline entry due to not being an RPG in one of the best known RPG series of all time. Literally any other game would get slated if it did this, but it gets a free pass because Sony and Final Fantasy are involved.

Years ago when 13 released people were up in arms because of how linear it was, even though later chapters had an overworld area to explore, yet 16 has no such thing and everybody raves about it.

Makes no sense to me and sadly shows the way gaming is going. Its all about the blockbuster action games these days, less and less people want deep gaming experiences and instead prefer to opt for a reskinned DMC. I felt like I was going mad until I saw Skillups review, he seemed to be the only one who wasnt raving about it.

Yes its a controversial opinion but i could never post this in the OT because I would be classed as a Sony hater and probably receive a warning even though I have owned every console Sony made. Can't even criticise games these days without getting jumped on for being a fanboy of some other thing because you dont like this thing.

Rant over


The series has been mediocre since 10.
Somehow the "fantasy"-part got away the better the graphics got. also it went more and more into the direction of an action rpg (where rpg part got always smaller). Now it is just another action focused franchise with everything in it that is totally forgettable.

If FF was a racing game, they somehow made a football game of it. Yes, more potential players, but it is no longer the same genre.
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I fucking hate FF XII combat system, but still enjoyed the game despite it.

Seeing people doing FF IX dirty on the thread is making me mad lol

But thats what I love about this franchise: each game is so different, thats impossible to reach a consensus on which one is the best game

Even when a new entry is not for me (FF XI/FF XIV) I still respect Square for taking risks. Completely changing their biggest franchise every time is ballsy af and should be commended, specially in a time where every big name in the industry is always aiming for the safest bet available to them.

See how many God of War games were released before Sony changing the formula, or Gears of War never changing, or how so many Sony games are now very derivative

I went off topic a little bit but I just wanted to throw a bone at Square 'cause they deserve it


Anyway... I'm like 67% into FF XVI but... I fucking hate this game but I'm gonna finish it. It's an extremely bland, focused tested piece of garbage with soulless characters who are boring and uninteresting. Clive and Jill are the two worst Final Fantasy characters I've ever seen, her entire character arc to kill those who made her commit war crimes was the most tragic thing I've seen in fiction in years and not tragic in a good way. This game has zero fun and has literally no Japanese influence whatsoever.

The fact Yoshi-P thinks JRPGs are a derogatory term has sealed his fate for me, stick to getting money from FF XIV kiddies because single player focused isn't your forte. The side quests are boring, the cutscenes have zero life, the voice acting from Clive is monotonous maybe the worst FF protagonist by a clear mile. The only shred of hope and quality was Ralph Ineson as Cid who as far as I'm concerned is the best Cid in Final Fantasy, brought a charisma and sense of fun to the role.

The fact the game just info dumps when your hound turns into a super hound goes to show the level of quality writing in this game. Show don't tell, but it just tells you everything. Actual narrative fail 101. Also the Eikon battles are just 2009 game design to the max, turret section, on rails running section, basic smash X to attack then dodge rinse and repeat gameplay. Masayoshi Soken has been caught plagiarizing once and that Titan fight definitely feels lifted from a Nine Inch Nails song on top of the battle theme sounding similar to FF VIII. Dude is clearly a hack.

I mostly concur with your assessment of FFXVI, but I strongly disagree with the bolded section. Part of the issue here is that Yoshida went for a "Western" feel without truly understanding what that means. He brought onboard a bunch of people who worked on "The Last Remnant" (the last S-E attempt at a "Western RPG") but ended making many of the same mistakes that doomed that title. Recording the English dialogue first and then re-adjusting the Japanese script based on the English localization was good (it's why Koji Fox gets a writer's credit) but using Japanese actors to do the mocap ruins the whole exercise.

It's the same issue with FFVIIR - who actually used the same mocap actors. Jill and Tifa are coded as Western women, one modern and the other medieval, but both sit like the Japanese ladies with whom I used to take the ferry from Aomori to Hakodate - legs firmly placed together, back fully erect, almost like seiza. Their body language is also all wrong, with the usual cutesy, "teehee" gestures one sees in Anime. That's not a problem in highly stylized games with an anime look, but it's excruciating when done with photorealistic models.

The script is extremely try-hard as well. I almost threw my controller thru the TV when Joshua exclaims "CONFOUND IT! The hour is much too late" in that plummy British accent. There are better ways of going for a medieval feel than this. Wish they'd brought back Tom Slattery and Joseph Reeder, who translated FFT: War of the Lions. What they did with that script was magic:


*Image taken from: J-EN Translation Blog

"T'is your faith and birth that wrong you, not I." is such a perfect line, encapsulating all the major themes that run through the game: blood and destiny, the wretchedness of a rigidly class-based society, etc. Nothing like this happens in FFXVI. The tone is all over the place. One moment Clive is like "But to die according to one's own truth... our world shall not allow us this privilege." and the next he's like "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" People did curse in the middle ages, but if you're going to use "CONFOUND IT!" as a curse, might as well go all the way.

I think one can see that they had the seeds of something truly great in XVI - it starts out pretty strongly. But it gets sillier and sillier as time goes by. I really enjoyed my first 4h with it, but the narrative pacing is uneven, and the stiltedness of the dialogue soon starts grating.


My impression of FF16 is that it's an astoundingly fresh game, especially from Square, but mentally I don't regard it as a Final Fantasy title.
People accuse FFXIII of having a 20-hour tutorial, when other games do the same and get away with it.

FFVIII's battle system is innovative but doesn't work very well in practice, and I'm not even talking about how exploitable it is. I just ended up saving the more rare spells and not using them just as is the common case with rare items (elixir etc.). I want characters to be able to use abilities by themselves, them running out of those abilities feels like they are not capable and rounded fighters on their own. Maybe with a few more games that improve on that system, it would have achieved its full potential.

FFXII was ahead of its time in that it is an open-zone game (not open world, but huge interconnected areas a la FFXVI) that does away with random encounters and allows you to move characters around during combat, essentially brining an MMO feel to a single-player RPG. My personal theory is that people at Monolith played FFXII before making Xenoblade.

The originality and emotional power of FFXV outweigh its severe flaws.

I see FFXVI getting some flack here and there (I don't necessarily disagree, I think players make fair points), and I predict a lot of people will defend it in 5+ years, just like they are defending XIII and XV now.

FF is the only series that tried to push the boundaries of what turn-based combat can be up to the 2010s with the FFXIII trilogy, instead of just reusing and polishing a tried-and-true signature system (Press turn, arts and crafts, etc.). It took the creator of FF himself to attempt that again with Fantasian.


My impression of FF16 is that it's an astoundingly fresh game, especially from Square, but mentally I don't regard it as a Final Fantasy title.
100%. Final Fantasy games are traditionally RPGs.

FF16 isnt a shit game on its own merits, but its a shit Final Fantasy game as far as I'm concerned and shouldn't have been a numbered entry.


People accuse FFXIII of having a 20-hour tutorial, when other games do the same and get away with it.

FFVIII's battle system is innovative but doesn't work very well in practice, and I'm not even talking about how exploitable it is. I just ended up saving the more rare spells and not using them just as is the common case with rare items (elixir etc.). I want characters to be able to use abilities by themselves, them running out of those abilities feels like they are not capable and rounded fighters on their own. Maybe with a few more games that improve on that system, it would have achieved its full potential.

FFXII was ahead of its time in that it is an open-zone game (not open world, but huge interconnected areas a la FFXVI) that does away with random encounters and allows you to move characters around during combat, essentially brining an MMO feel to a single-player RPG. My personal theory is that people at Monolith played FFXII before making Xenoblade.

The originality and emotional power of FFXV outweigh its severe flaws.

I see FFXVI getting some flack here and there (I don't necessarily disagree, I think players make fair points), and I predict a lot of people will defend it in 5+ years, just like they are defending XIII and XV now.

FF is the only series that tried to push the boundaries of what turn-based combat can be up to the 2010s with the FFXIII trilogy, instead of just reusing and polishing a tried-and-true signature system (Press turn, arts and crafts, etc.). It took the creator of FF himself to attempt that again with Fantasian.
I thought 13 and 13-2 were great personally. The setting was great, phenomenal soundtrack, and I loved the paradigm system. Plenty of things to chase as well to get that little bit more power to tackle trickier hunts later on.
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