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Crash Bandicoot Honest trailer

Mechanically, Crash Bandicoot games are as good as DKC games. They lose points because of the perspective, and they definitely lack majorly in atmosphere and music compared to Rare's output.

Both games are miles outpaced by Nintendo's output. I mean, when you compared 2D gameplay to Yoshi's Island and 3D gameplay to Mario 64, they are literally a whole category below these games.

Anyway, somewhat harsh video but who cares - it's all in good fun.


Have you played any of the Mario Kart games?

I played all Mario Kart games except the Switch version of 8 and I still prefer CTR by a lot. MK8 definitely came close but I still boot up my vita more often to play CTR than I do the Wii U to play 8. And CTR doesn't even have online.
Are these sales numbers legit ?

1. Crash Bandicoot 2 (1997) 7,580,000
2. Crash Wrath of Cortex (2001) 7,240,000
3. Crash Bandicoot 3 (1999) 7,130,000

Do we have accurate numbers? Never looked at sales of these games.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Stupid video with the tritest arguments.
You're not familiar with this video series are you?
Not that funny

I think they go too far in saying Crash is bad just because Mario is a world wide icon. It was a widely lauded platformer that sold millions and had a very satisfied fanbase, for the first 4 entrees.

Yeah its obviously not Mario, but not much is like Mario. In its own right it should be respected as a piece of gaming history.
And nor are you. They always go for hyperbolic arguments and aren't to be taken that seriously.

Too harsh LOL
See above.

Wrath of Cortex was good.

Fight me nerds.
He's seriously implying that linearity in platformers is automatically bad? Fuck this shit.
Also see above.

I knew the moment this was posted that the backlash from those without a hint of self awareness would be like this.

I love Crash, I've got the remaster on pre-order and this is all in good fun. Nobody is ruining your childhood but yourselves by getting arsey over a parody video. It's like getting worked up over CinemaSins (another channel the gaming side would literally foam at the mouth if they done games).
Crash was one of those games your PSX only friend would gush over like it was the 2nd coming of 3d platforming Jesus and potential Mario killer, but if you also played SM64 you'd probably feel sorry for him.
Maybe I was too young, but I never knew Crash was in competition against Mario back in the 90's until like 2013. Growing up my childhood was Crash 1-3, Crash TR, Gameboy Color (Lime Green baby) with a Mario and Looney Tunes game and other PS Classics. Crash is the one that stood out the most. They were great games for me growing up.

I laughed at some parts in the video, but damn was he savage. The way he went in on Crash you would've thought it was a terrible game lol. It was more negative than trying to be funny in my opinion.
Have you played any of the Mario Kart games?

I love Mario Kart, but only 8 / 8D comes close to CTR. That's the reason why so many people are looking forward to a potential CTR Remake.

It's so strange to see all these people disliking Crash. I've never met anyone in real life who hates Crash. Well except for the one concept artist here who thinks that all platformers suck.


The crash series always felt more original to me. It has incredible variety in its settings, it is stylish, funny and the time trial can be extremely challenging and a tremendous amount of fun at the same time.

I remember buying Crash 3 on PS3. My friends came over to play and we ended up trying to beat each other's times on different levels. After around an hour, we had to stop playing because our chest literally hurt from lauging.

Crash can be that good. So yes, for me at least it's miles above any other platformer out there, including Mario 64.

(Note: We kinda "dethroned" it -lauging-wise- recently. We played Gang Beasts which is downright one of the funniest mp games I've ever played)


Wtf is this narrative that because Mario 64 was so incredibly good that it made Crash a piece of shit simply because it wasn't as good. I had both Mario 64 and Crash and enjoyed the hell out of both of them when they came out. Hard to believe, I know.

It's just old fanboy wars, as usual. Console wars are the only reason they're directly compared so frequently; in terms of how they play, they're very different from one another.

Ivan 3414

Crash was one of those games your PSX only friend would gush over like it was the 2nd coming of 3d platforming Jesus and potential Mario killer, but if you also played SM64 you'd probably feel sorry for him.

The Mario 64 and console war angle is a really interesting framing that seems to have been created solely to shit on Crash Bandicoot. I grew up playing these games and neither I or any of my friends were on this console fanboy shit, and I doubt I'm the only one in that boat.
The crash series always felt more original to me. It has incredible variety in its settings, it is stylish, funny and the time trial can be extremely challenging and a tremendous amount of fun at the same time.

I remember buying Crash 3 on PS3. My friends came over to play and we ended up trying to beat each other's times on different levels. After around an hour, we had to stop playing because our chest literally hurt from lauging.

Crash can be that good. So yes, for me at least it's miles above any other platformer out there, including Mario 64.

(Note: We kinda "dethroned" it -lauging-wise- recently. We played Gang Beasts which is downright one of the funniest mp games I've ever played)

I mean, you got to give them that they managed to establish a pretty original universe with Crash, so it felt fresh.

Mario 64 was a seminal entry in the history of video games though. You could probably remove Crash from history and nothing would change, while 64 had a ripple effect in the industry - I reckon you still see Super Mario 64's effects in modern video games.


The crash series always felt more original to me. It has incredible variety in its settings, it is stylish, funny and the time trial can be extremely challenging and a tremendous amount of fun at the same time.

Uhhhhhhhhhhh are you serious making an argument that Crash is more original than SM64

I don't think even the creators of Crash will agree with you


I don't understand what some people are talking about.Crash games were always loved in fact they still are.

People can like more than one game at a time you know it doesn't go My Favorite game and everything else is trash.

Ivan 3414

I mean, you got to give them that they managed to establish a pretty original universe with Crash, so it felt fresh.

Mario 64 was a seminal entry in the history of video games though. You could probably remove Crash from history and nothing would change, while 64 had a ripple effect in the industry - I reckon you still see Super Mario 64's effects in modern video games.

Obviously Crash wasn't influential on the level of Mario, but the series has sold over 50 million copies. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if Crash never existed, something would change in history.


Uhhhhhhhhhhh are you serious making an argument that Crash is more original than SM64

I don't think even the creators of Crash will agree with you

More original in the sense of having a combination of different settings and a fairly ironic humor.

Sure, gameplay-wise it might not have been ground breaking, but the overall package feels a lot more original to me. (Or more memorable I could say.)
Just as bizarre a remaster as Voodoo Vince. No idea why there is any affinity for this series compared to the competitors out there now and at the time.
Just as bizarre a remaster as Voodoo Vince. No idea why there is any affinity for this series compared to the competitors out there now and at the time.

Except that Crash sold more than 50 million copies and is loved by fans and critics (Crash 3 has a metascore of 91). But yeah, besides that it's as bizarre as the Voodoo Vince remaster.


Are these sales numbers legit ?

1. Crash Bandicoot 2 (1997) 7,580,000
2. Crash Wrath of Cortex (2001) 7,240,000
3. Crash Bandicoot 3 (1999) 7,130,000

Do we have accurate numbers? Never looked at sales of these games.

Jason Rubin said last week that all 3 Crash games outsold Mario 64.
This video hurt some people's feelings it seems
childhood salt

This is their Channel's description "We've always played with ourselves. Now we want to play with you! ".

Relax people.


I mean, Mario 64, what kind of iterative garbage is that.

So many uninspired Mario games, they can't even give them proper names anymore, just numbers. Hell, they can't even come up with new characters anymore and instead came with shit like Wario like ayy man.

Crash on the other hand, original funky, the new boss on the block and a real message.

Mario just pumping out one game after another 64 times in a row, Crash being new, fresh, funky, like a garage band that it made it big.

So basically what I'm saying is that crash is the player unknowns battleground Royale to your call a dude bro and your tastes suck like on deep nuts #nintenyearolds
The Mario 64 and console war angle is a really interesting framing that seems to have been created solely to shit on Crash Bandicoot. I grew up playing these games and neither I or any of my friends were on this console fanboy shit, and I doubt I'm the only one in that boat.

Fanboy wars back then were fun & games, definetely not mean spirited, at least amongst us. I don't recall anyone having any intentions to "shit" on a game a friend would enjoy. It was actually cool that friends had different consoles and games. Personally I didnt express I wasn't feeling Crash to my friend.
I believe Sony marketed Crash as a Mario killer at the time.
I love Mario 64. I love the original Crash games.

I never felt like there was a comparison there. They are both pretty different and aim for different things, even if they are both platformers at their core.

I appreciate that both exist and both had and (judging by pre-release buzz for N-Sane) continue to have success.


If you read only the crash bandicoot letters with a wumpa fruit on them you read it

Crash bandicoot

Anymore proof needed?


Crash was one of those games your PSX only friend would gush over like it was the 2nd coming of 3d platforming Jesus and potential Mario killer, but if you also played SM64 you'd probably feel sorry for him.

Now that is some hyperbole, I only owned a PSX back in the day and I love crashed 2&3. I played all my Nintendo games at my friend's place Mario 64 included and though it was fun it wasn't anything mind blowing as some poster and you are trying to paint. Come on man.


What a pathetic, biased, ignorant piece of trash video. Play the games first you ignorant fanboys.

What even happened here? Their videos are usually good.


I think the video is pretty spot on.
Terrible platformer controls and level designs, terrible camera perspectives, lame 90s characters with hideous designs.
All of the bad controls, lack of character inertia and trial by error level design from the early days of platforming had pretty much been solved by this point, but because this was a 3d polygonal game it kind of got a free pass even though it was a big leap backwards in terms of gameplay.

I found the game just annoying when it came out. But all of the 10 year olds that got the PlayStation as their first console and this as their first platformer are now 30 years old and pining for their childhood.


Dear Nintendo fans,

Do you know who also thought their taste is superior to everyone else's? The Nazis.

Wishing you all the best,
A concerned antifa member
I think the video is pretty spot on.
Terrible platformer controls and level designs, terrible camera perspectives, lame 90s characters with hideous designs.
All of the bad controls, lack of character inertia and trial by error level design from the early days of platforming had pretty much been solved by this point, but because this was a 3d polygonal game it kind of got a free pass even though it was a big leap backwards in terms of gameplay.

I found the game just annoying when it came out. But all of the 10 year olds that got the PlayStation as their first console and this as their first platformer are now 30 years old and pining for their childhood.



Let us enjoy Crash Bandicoot, despite how unremarkable or terrible you may think the game is in comparison to Mario 64.

Why can't y'all just let us like it?



That really wasn't all that harsh? I mean the only point of contention that I have is the silly notion that Crash was a failed relic of the 90s, putting him on the same footing as Bubsy and Gex. Like, no, he was obviously never Mario, but he definitely carved himself a nice niche just under Sonic and still several notches above shit like Bubsy or Aero the Acrobat.

It reminds me of the old "if it wasn't by Naughty Dog it didn't happen or it was shit" thing.
There is valid criticism.
There are opinions.
And then there's this.

I mean, wow.

There are good games
There are mediocre games
And then there's Crash.

I mean, wow.

I hope you guys who like them have a good time with the remaster, though :)
One of my PS1 only owning friends used to sing praises for Trash Bandicoot in the schoolyard. I invited him over for some Super Mario 64, he burned his house down in anger because he couldn't handle the truth that all the fun he used to have was really just him lying to himself.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Wrath of Cortex was good.

Fight me nerds.

I think the like/dislike for WoC largely depends on what version you played. I recall reading that the long loads on the PS2 were unintended, and the Greatest Hits version shortened it greatly.

I played the Greatest Hits version and for a long time I was confused with all the dislike and talk of long load times that I couldn't recall. Game seemed fine to me.
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