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Czech anti-Roma ad calls for final solution to Gypsy question

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So, how many of you guys have actually encountered gypsies? Seriously?

The first people that taught me how to say "Fuck you" and raise my middle finger were gypsies kids back in Poland...when I was four years old, and they were no older than 6-8.

The gypsies there were vulgar, dirty, thieves. They had a horrible reputation there for a reason.

Are all gypsies like this? I don't know, but they have horrible reputations in very many countries/cultures in Europe.
painey said:
I fucking hate Gypsies
painey said:
Gypsies are scum and deserve no sympathy. They don't go to school and are uneducated, they steal constantly, make places a mess, leave all their rubbish and piss off leaving it to rot. We had some on an unused plot of land locally some years back, they would play on the dual carriage way and throw things into traffic, drag buckets to the petrol station and fill them with the free car water to wash in, walk into Tesco and put on 10 pairs of shirts and run through the security barriers and all kinda of other shit. Leeches and Scum.
Forsete said:
Just dont send them here.
DKnight said:
The government here even gives them free houses so they integrate with the community. What do these fuckers do? they tear them apart to sell the materials and use the remaining ruins as stables.
I have nothing against these guys as a "race". A gypsy raised correctly and with a good normal behaviour is as good as any other human being. It's the gypsy culture of crime, don't give me shit about your language and all that crap, your culture is based on CRIME, simple as that and has no place in society. Leeches, that's exactly what they are. And don't get any wrong impressions, they don't feel marginalized, they laugh at us normal people and treat us as stock waiting to be squeezed.
And people who don't have to deal with gypsies should stay out of the debate because they don't know what they're talking about.
painey said:
What has their race got to do with anything, I didnt even know they classified as an ethnic group because they look identical to me as a white brit. Their culture is the problem, and its disgusting that the government cower to them.
DKnight said:
Nobody cares about their race, beliefs or sexual orientation. We are concerned about a lifestyle that's based on crime. Don't theorize about them if you have not had the "pleasure" to deal with them first hand. It's just organized crime. Of course it has to be dealt with strictly within the legal system (not this "final solution" bullshit), but I can and will complain about these fuckers as long as they keep pestering us.
Date of Lies said:
Gypsies are a freakin' plague. They gave them housing projects in my home country of bulgaria and what do they do? They bring their cattle in their apartments, start bondfires in their livingrooms. They steal their way through life, have dozens and dozens of children, which no one looks after. They're really wild animals. They travel in these broken down caravans pulled by mules.
Prime crotch said:
There is a reason why Gypsies, in general, are so despised throughout Europe, they're infamous for being petty criminals and quite honestly they don't try to abolish the stereotype, that's not to say there aren't those who do, but they're quite rare and the fact they remain an extremely tight closed community doesn't help matters. Are these the Romanian gypsies in particular? They're like the freakin' mafia, not even the cops want to mess with them.

It's not surprising if you talk to any young European and they're not particulary fond of gypsies.
ALaz502 said:
So, how many of you guys have actually encountered gypsies? Seriously?

The first people that taught me how to say "Fuck you" and raise my middle finger were gypsies kids back in Poland...when I was four years old, and they were no older than 6-8.

The gypsies there were vulgar, dirty, thieves. They had a horrible reputation there for a reason.

Are all gypsies like this? I don't know, but they have horrible reputations in very many countries/cultures in Europe.

Seriously what the hell is wrong with you guys.


EmCeeGramr said:
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you guys.

Maybe you don't have any gypsy experience? :p I'm not european, but so much hate can't be unfounded. Besides, the hate comes from the actions these people commit.


xbhaskarx said:
These are just the people who are willing to publicly state their hatred of Roma on an internet forum, how pervasive must anti-Roma sentiment be in Europe if they are this comfortable doing so.

Believe me, I have said that I think these acts I have seen and heard of are despicable, even in reality.
However, I don't believe the romani people deserve to be discriminated per se, for that, and I'm sure that's my opinion in real life too, like about any other group of people. Also, I'm sure that I have voiced that too.
EmCeeGramr said:
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you guys.
Nothing, there's just more to it than stereotypes and/or prejudice, it's not like all of Europe just decided to say fuck'em for no reason. There is a lot of prejudice surrounding them though, but unfortunately it's perpetuated for a reason
TheCardPlayer said:
Yeah I can sense the permabans coming.
I don't want to get banned because of this, I'm just sharing my experience but I'll retract any comments I made. But you dont need to be racist to see the effect their lifestyle has on the economies of the countries they inhabit. The problem stems from having TWELVE children with NO WAY of providing for them whatsoever. No matter what race you are, if you have that many children and live in absolute poverty, what do you expect? But no, they just keep churning them out one after the other, and they go to fend for themselves and start stealing before they've made their first steps. It's sad but that's how it is. Romania is completely invaded by them.

You're right though, we are looking at this from the eyes of Western culture, but if we went into their culture and point of you, we'd think it's normal to life that way. But we're judging them by their lifestyles and crimes, not the color of their skin or the sound of their language or their religion.

If a bunch of gypsies landed in your neighborhood and stole everything that wasn't bolted down, would you want your police to raise their arms and say "well that's their culture, gotta respect it."

Maybe it would be better to not label them gypsies and rather say "those people who steal and live like nomads" so as not to refer to their race but instead their lifestyle, but you get the point.


I see no reason why the people coming out against gypsies should be banned. It seems their hatred isn't generated by assumptions, but rather by repeated interactions with the culture.

And, yes, it is a culture of crime and complete disregard for property and the well-being of others.

And, yes, I have my own experiences with them. Gypsies destroyed four buildings of mine in the Czech Rep. Four. Including an entire brewery. Just completely gutted them and turned them to shit. In fact, one building was plastered in shit. I REALLY wish I was exaggerating, but it was fucking disgusting.
hey let's go back in time to the 1930s

"Well, everyone's hated Jews. Have you ever had to deal with Jews? Nothing but penny-pinching leeches, living in ghettos. They make so much money but do you ever see them out of the ghetto? No, they stay there. Nothing against their race, but their lifestyle is based on theft and swindling. It's not like all of Europe decided to say fuck'em for no reason."

"Sorry, but if you're not from America, you don't understand blacks. They're all thieves and drug addicts. They all live in slums and are sooooo trashy. Nothing against their race, I'm sure there are many nice black people, but most of them are like wild animals. Where do you think all the stereotypes about black thugs come from? They propagate it themselves."
I've been to Poland before I've seen this crap with my own eyes. The lengths they will go to peddle their cheap crap is pathetic. Stealing wallets, robbing people, being drunks.
People have these views not because of "prejudice", it's because this is what gypsies are like in real life.

Stereotypes are there for a reason.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Let's stop saying:

"I hate roma gypsies"

and start saying

"I hate people who beg, steal, leech, <insert anti-social verb here>"

Let's take race/ethnicity out of this. It's lazy and associates behaviour to an entire group, which is probably not an accurate portrayal.

This thread has had me thinking about this more, and whilst I can understand the temptation to refer to a group of people by some distinguishing feature (other than their behaviour) for the sake of brevity and convenience in an argument, you are likely then involving other people who have nothing to do with this behaviour, but merely share association by the innate feature (such as race) you've chosen to group by.

Even if behaviour among a group seems common, their race or ethnicity should be incidental rather than having a defining or causal relationship with that behaviour.


EmCeeGramr said:
hey let's go back in time to the 1930s

"Well, everyone's hated Jews. Have you ever had to deal with Jews? Nothing but penny-pinching leeches, living in ghettos. They make so much money but do you ever see them out of the ghetto? No, they stay there. Nothing against their race, but their lifestyle is based on theft and swindling. It's not like all of Europe decided to say fuck'em for no reason."

"Sorry, but if you're not from America, you don't understand blacks. They're all thieves and drug addicts. They all live in slums and are sooooo trashy. Nothing against their race, I'm sure there are many nice black people, but most of them are like wild animals. Where do you think all the stereotypes about black thugs come from? They propagate it themselves."

Obviously you have a point by putting it that way, but there some problems.
There's a problem with parts of the culture many of them partake in, in the same way I bet most people would say that the gangster or mafia culture isn't a very good one for society as a whole.
EmCeeGramr said:
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you guys.

Have you ever spoken to, or encountered a gypsy?

I don't think they should be exterminated, but their reputation is not unfounded. There is a reason for it.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
EmCeeGramr said:
Well, everyone's hated Jews. Have you ever had to deal with Jews? Nothing but penny-pinching leeches, living in ghettos. They make so much money but do you ever see them out of the ghetto? No, they stay there. Nothing against their race, but their lifestyle is based on theft and swindling. It's not like all of Europe decided to say fuck'em for no reason.

Sorry, but if you're not from America, you don't understand blacks. They're all thieves and drug addicts. They all live in slums and are sooooo trashy. Nothing against their race, I'm sure there are many nice black people, but most of them are like wild animals. Where do you think all the stereotypes about black thugs come from? They propagate it themselves.

Wow. Jews and blacks in one post. Why'd you stop there? Run out of minority groups to rag on?


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
mre said:
Wow. Jews and blacks in one post. Why'd you stop there? Run out of minority groups to rag on?

You do fucking realize he was parodying some of the posts here and showing the similarities between the bigotry of the 30s and the posts in this topic.

Right? No one can be that dense.


Back when I was a kid growing up in Russia, my mom used to warn me about the gypsies in the subway station. She said they kidnapped children and shit. Don't know if true.
Is this OK? said:
"Well, everyone hates the italian maffia. Have you ever had to deal with the italian maffia? Nothing but penny-pinching leeches, living in ghettos. They make so much money but do you ever see them out of the ghetto? No, they stay there. Nothing against their race, but their lifestyle is based on theft and swindling. It's not like all of America decided to say fuck'em for no reason."

get my point?
gofreak said:
Let's stop saying:

"I hate roma gypsies"

and start saying

"I hate people who beg, steal, leech, <insert anti-social verb here>"

Let's take race/ethnicity out of this. It's lazy and associates behaviour to an entire group, which is probably not an accurate portrayal.

This thread has had me thinking about this more, and whilst I can understand the temptation to refer to a group of people by some distinguishing feature (other than their behaviour) for the sake of brevity and convenience in an argument, you are likely then involving other people who have nothing to do with this behaviour, but merely share association by the innate feature (such as race) you've chosen to group by.

Even if behaviour among a group seems common, their race or ethnicity should be incidental rather than having a defining or causal relationship with that behaviour.

For those of you that have never encountered gypsies(as a general rule, not ALL):
Gypsies have the same reputation in Europe that trailer park trash has in the United states, but more extreme. They even generally live in mobile homes.

Also, gypsies are NOT a race/nationality. They exist in all races, and every country in Europe has their own "gypsies." It's a lifestyle, not a nationality/race.
So please, take away the race card.
Gypsies refers more to the lifestyle. Roma refers to the race.

In any case, it's also the fault of the poor and corrupt eastern european states who can't reinforce their laws and jail criminals.
I had always thought gypsy was more of a culture/lifestyle than a race. I've seen the problems like this in England and had some experience with it in Europe. It really is sad to see how many of these people steal and make regular peoples lives miserable.
Warm Machine said:
I had always thought gypsy was more of a culture/lifestyle than a race. I've seen the problems like this in England and had some experience with it in Europe. It really is sad to see how many of these people steal and make regular peoples lives miserable.
Date of Lies said:
Gypsies refers more to the lifestyle. Roma refers to the race.

In any case, it's also the fault of the poor and corrupt eastern european states who can't reinforce their laws and jail criminals.

Ding Ding Ding. We have some winners.


AMUSIX said:
It seems their hatred isn't generated by assumptions, but rather by repeated interactions with the culture.

I only hate Jews because Bernie Madoff stole money from one of my family members, and I only hate black people because some guy mugged me.

agrajag said:
Back when I was a kid growing up in Russia, my mom used to warn me about the gypsies in the subway station. She said they kidnapped children and shit. Don't know if true.



Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
TheCardPlayer said:
You do fucking realize he was parodying some of the posts here and showing the similarities between the bigotry of the 30s and the posts in this topic.
So you say. I'm just calling a spade a spade.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
mre said:
So you say. I'm just calling a spade a spade.

I see you removed hey let's go back in time to the 1930s from his quoted post just to serve your agenda. Nice work.
xbhaskarx said:
I only hate Jews because Bernie Madoff stole money from one of my family members, and I only hate black people because some guy mugged me.

...Crazy propoganda picture of jews drinking the blood of babies...



The gypsie life is simply a way of living.

Although, I did some reading and read that the "original" gypsies were in fact Roma gypsies who actually were a bon-a-fide race.

But the gypsies of today are pretty much Europes equivalent of the United States' trailer park people. Nothing more.
i think there are some people in this thread who need to step off their high horse of morality.

i also think there are some people who need to tone the hate down a notch. it's starting to sound final solution-esque.

way more

Xeke said:
What else would you call a family of 13 living on welfare down the street, sitting on their porch, fat, shirtless, drinking PBR, being loud and obnoxious and just generally bringing the neighborhood down. I guess you could drop the white and just call them trash.

I call them republicans.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
xbhaskarx said:
Not only that, but:

There's a whole thread devoted to how you can't be racist toward whites. You should read it. Thus, my point stands!

Edit: I also removed the quotes from his post but you guys aren't whining about that.


Gold Member
People equating hatred for gypsy to antisemitism and bigotry are well intentioned, but are not helping. Part of the reason the situation in Europe is escalating to the point that a "final solution" can be considered acceptable by some (hopefully a small minority still) is because misguided policies of integration and social assistance have left people with no recourse against this social plague. If the problem is not dealt with in a reasonable way, it will eventually trigger some unreasonable solution.
People concerned with the rights of the gypsy should provide an answer to the justified complains of people who had to deal with unpleasant situations like those described in this thread. Calling them racists will only fuel their hatred.
painey said:
Gypsies are scum and deserve no sympathy. They don't go to school and are uneducated, they steal constantly, make places a mess, leave all their rubbish and piss off leaving it to rot. We had some on an unused plot of land locally some years back, they would play on the dual carriage way and throw things into traffic, drag buckets to the petrol station and fill them with the free car water to wash in, walk into Tesco and put on 10 pairs of shirts and run through the security barriers and all kinda of other shit. Leeches and Scum.
Holy shit guys.

I met some gypsies when I visited Hungary. I was a guest in one of their homes (yes, they have homes). They were very polite and hospitable. Only later I learned that they are victims of prejudice and discrimination in their own country and throughout Europe - I just never expected to see that kind of vitriol here on GAF. You people are fucking insane and sicken me.


When I worked in a shop the gypsy kids would come in a steal loads of shit and throw things everywhere and insult other customers. They were fucking scum.

I know people who have had massive problems trying to get them off certain pieces of land and how they were burgled constantly when they lived nearby but I've been lucky enough to avoid that.
If they're anything like the Gypsys we have in the UK then good luck to them, they're total bastards.

We had a Gypsy group take over a local grazing field a few years back, the farmer asked them to leave - they refused, the farmer called the police - they did nothing, despite them constantly setting shit on fire, hooking their caravans up to street lights and a massive surge in crime and vandalism in the general area.

It took about 3 months to shift them, as a parting gift however they left mattresses covered in faeces, the field was wrecked and took about 2 years to grass over again.

If you got these gypsys and stuck them on a remote island away from other regular people they'd be buggered, because they exist by stealing and leaching off the communities they prey upon - they don't work, make things or tend the land - they destroy and ruin.

But anyway, perhaps these roma-gypsys are fine.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
*enters thread*

*reads a few posts*

Holy fucking shit you guys...
GaimeGuy said:
*enters thread*

*reads a few posts*

Holy fucking shit you guys...

Haha sorry but the world is filled with harsh realities, some people are worse than others, some people are scum.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
PrinceAdam said:
Haha sorry but the world is filled with harsh realities, some people are worse than others, some people are scum.

The irony of this, is so, so lost on you.
Can't blame gyspies for treating people that hate them like shit to be honest with you.

Didn't see many complaints when a camp in Naples got burnt down awhile back.


I also agree that most of you should know what most gypsies do before calling us "nazis" or "racists". They are given ALL the possible eases to integrate into the community: housing, welfare, education, jobs and what do they do? give the middle finger and keep on their crime/leeching life and teach their kids to do so. For every gypsy family that wants to integrate into the community (and do so succesfully) there are 9 that will not, and that hurts me a lot, as one of my aunts (and therefor, all the family that came with her when she married my uncle) is a gypsy, and I love them to death not only because they're part of my family, also because they accepted us as a part of theirs and are completely integrated in society. They have jobs, they have a home and they're normal people.

It's bad to make asumptions, but when 9 out of 10 times your asumptions are right, well, that sucks for the 10% times you're wrong. Gypsies and their culture are not a problem. Their lifestyle and lack of respect for basic civic rules is.


I am Wayne Brady.
American here,

I'm still trying to figure out if Gypsies are Romanians...or just gypsies.

They sound like the equivalent of thugs.

It aint racist to say thugs like to mug and steal. or hobos are smelly and talk funny. Or that hobo thugs possess unimaginable smelly mugging power.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Sol.. said:
American here,

I'm still trying to figure out if Gypsies are Romanians...or just gypsies.

They sound like the equivalent of thugs.

It aint racist to say thugs like to mug and steal. or hobos are smelly and talk funny. Or that hobo thugs possess unimaginable smelly mugging power.

Romanians- people from Romania.

Roma- see post #81. Gypsy is a derogatory term for Roma people.
TheCardPlayer said:
The irony of this, is so, so lost on you.
Right considering I've never committed a violent crime, I'm in school and a productive member of society. But you have a point, having controversial views makes me scum.


Sol.. said:
I'm still trying to figure out if Gypsies are Romanians...or just gypsies.

Original gypsies came from Egypt. Now they're an heterogeneous group that has their own culture in each country.

And yes, for easy north-american understanding, they're the equivlent of thugs. It doesn't matter if their skin is darker or lighter if they came from Africa, South America or their families have been in the US forever, you just know they mean trouble 90% times they're around, because you have seen so for lots of years.
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