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Dating-Age |OT3| Positivity, Confidence, and Not Being a "Nice" Guy

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This is some really great advice. I used to go out to bars and clubs "looking" for women. The whole night depended on me hooking up for it to be worthwhile. Suffice to say I was fucking miserable every time I went out. After doing that for a few years I decided "fuck it' and I was only primarily concerned with having as much fun (and alcohol) as I could. And guess what? I started getting girls attention. And in the cases when I didn't, I had a fucking blast because I stopped giving a shit about trying to look cool etc. and was only concerned with having a great time with my friends.

I'm going to the gym (after a 2 month long hiatus) as soon as I get done with classes tomorrow.

And I don't have friends that I can hang out with some that's another thing I need to work on.


Gold Member
I've invested two years in this and it has not done shit, therefore i say time needs to be invested elsewhere, although the gym is actually a requirement in my mind.

Looking good basically puts you on a level playing field. Looking bad becomes a detriment. Looking really good like some celebrity sculpture might actually get some women to be proactive but its near impossible without the time and money to dedicate.

The thing that will get people to score is having an interesting life and personality in the end. Being really comfortable and witty around people without hesitation is what works.

If any of you guys have kids i'd say the best advice to give them is to be sexual misfits in their 16-18 years so they can develop their social shit properly. Once you get older shit just gets worse until it gets impossible and life becomes playing the lotto where you always lose. My fuckin parents raised me all wrong as sex was this taboo subject and they absolutely never cared about why i wasnt dating girls. Now im gonna be in my 30s and no more experienced than a teenager.

From Elementry School into junior high I was harassed and mocked by my classmates. I was the outsider. I was labeled as the class clown, outcast and wierdo. I was shut out from any socializing, neglected and denied any friendship by anyone. My parents insisted on moving me to a different school but I was convinced things would change for the better. Nothing changed.

I spent 10 fucking years getting random beatings, abused, bullied, isolated and no respect from my so-called class mates.

By the age of 16 I attended High School, and later in College.... I was a wreck. I had severe anti-social anxiety issues. It took me years to conquer it.

But I set myself a goal and worked myself towards it. If I hadnt done what I did. I wouldve still been there. That guy. With no social skills. No social knowledge. No friends.

Its hard. But if you are content on doing something about it, rest assured you will be rewarded.

So dont tell me about this "shit is hard", Ive been there. Anyone, everyone whose wanted it has started from square zero.

You could be good looking and it wouldnt do shit for you.

It sounds to me like you just arent mingling with the right folks. Because if you dont get the right support, you wont achieve what youre looking for.

You probably dont realise how much youve learned, if you have been doing this for 2 years. Youre probably not useing it effectively or at all.


The big problem I still see here are people still peddling the "cure-all's" of "go to the gym" "get nicer clothes" and "hang out with your friends" shtick. That stuff doesn't work. Lots of us have gone to the gym and gotten better clothes and still haven't made any progress. And we still have zero friends either.

And I'm 5 months into therapy btw, so far that hasn't done much either, and boy has it cost me a ton of money that my lovely health insurance refuses to cover. :(


Gold Member
The big problem I still see here are people peddling the "cure-all's" of "go to the gym" "get nicer clothes" and "hang out with your friends" shtick. That stuff doesn't work. Lots of us have gone to the gym and gotten better clothes and still haven't made any progress. And we still have zero friends either.

And I'm 5 months into therapy btw, so far that hasn't done much either, and boy has it cost me a ton of money that my lovely health insurance refuses to cover. :(

I think its about time, GAF starts arranging some social go-outs/night-outs. The best support you can get is going out with some compatible and reliable people and get to know each other or just hang out over a beer or two.


I guess I could try being an active member at my university's Free Thinker club but my design projects and the work that I do at a small web design firm keep me busy.

If you are at a university you need to capitalize on that shit right now. It gets 10x worse when you are no longer in a college scenario and have to fend for yourself.


I went along to an audition last night, and as soon as I enter, I see this girl, and instantly had this "BOOM" go off in my head. She was my perfect type. I had the confidence to start talking to her. We got along great... she lives with her boyfriend... Oh well, better to have tried than to go 'what if' later on.


The big problem I still see here are people peddling the "cure-all's" of "go to the gym" "get nicer clothes" and "hang out with your friends" shtick. That stuff doesn't work. Lots of us have gone to the gym and gotten better clothes and still haven't made any progress. And we still have zero friends either.

Hanging out with friends doesn't seem very effective. You need to meet new people if you're going to have any success. Personally, I'm thinking of picking up a few classes at the university. Maybe signing up for some racket sports.

Personally, I think my main problems are:
1. My field of study and my work is dominated by men.
2. My interests and hobbies are dominated by men.
3. I spent far too much time on a girl who liked stringing me along.
4. Moving across the country didn't help. I also lost a lot of friends that way.
5. The friends I have left have no friends, either.
You can't make time for this? Or something that requires less of your time?
I'll try to make time but that's going to be hard to do considering how erratic my schedule can be sometimes.

The web design firm that I work for is a bit of a wild card. Whenever they email me some work I need to do it sometimes takes me 5 hours to complete.


I'll try to make time but that's going to be hard to do considering how erratic my schedule can be sometimes.

The web design firm that I work for is a bit of a wild card. Whenever they email me some work I need to do it sometimes takes me 5 hours to complete.

Well good luck with it mate. A lot of people talk about going to the gym and getting new haircuts etc. but having a group of supportive people around you, be it friends, family or work colleagues is one of the most important things in life I believe.


Gold Member
I'll try to make time but that's going to be hard to do considering how erratic my schedule can be sometimes.

The web design firm that I work for is a bit of a wild card. Whenever they email me some work I need to do it sometimes takes me 5 hours to complete.

Got siblings?


A lot of people talk about going to the gym and getting new haircuts etc. but having a group of supportive people around you, be it friends, family or work colleagues is one of the most important things in life I believe.
I will say that I have the utmost fortune to have the family that I do. If not for them I doubt I'd have gotten this far and managed to keep my sanity through all the shit life threw at me. Sadly, I also know that stronger people could have been tough enough to shrug all that stuff off like teflon and not have it linger and cause self doubt and so forth.

And yeah, it gets so much harder when you're already old and no longer attending any sort of college/university. Then you're pretty much screwed.
You probably dont realise how much youve learned, if you have been doing this for 2 years. Youre probably not useing it effectively or at all.
while not directed at me it still applies. Since I started this whole dating age thing well over two years ago and haven't progressed much, I'll gladly admit I am pretty dumb/stupid/incompetent/ when it comes to doing things right.
The big problem I still see here are people still peddling the "cure-all's" of "go to the gym" "get nicer clothes" and "hang out with your friends" shtick. That stuff doesn't work. Lots of us have gone to the gym and gotten better clothes and still haven't made any progress. And we still have zero friends either.

And I'm 5 months into therapy btw, so far that hasn't done much either, and boy has it cost me a ton of money that my lovely health insurance refuses to cover. :(

Those things are all building blocks into developing your ideal self if you aren't content with your appearance. No one is sure what is going to work for you personally. It's entirely up to you.

I do know this. nothing will help if you refuse to believe you're capable of positive change.


Gold Member
while not directed at me it still applies. Since I started this whole dating age thing well over two years ago and haven't progressed much, I'll gladly admit I am pretty dumb/stupid/incompetent/ when it comes to doing things right.

Let me first say its a pleasure to conversate with you Combine, especially since youre pretty much the legendary reason for the existance of this topic on GAF. Every poster here owes you credit in one way or another.

What I said earlier was directed at pessimistic demotivation. Im against pessimists that decline themselves opportunities.

Any progression, is solid progression. Little or large, doesnt matter. As long you feel youre moving forward. Everyone's case is individual. As long you keep evolving, you will do no wrong.

If anything, youre doing everything right.

I have a brother (age 19) and a sister (age 15).

My brother is really my only friend but he's back at his college, which is an hour drive from my house.

And my sister and I don't get along very well.

Dont underestimate the social value of your siblings or related family. Hang out with your brother. Go out, get a beer or coffee somewhere. Get in the crowd. Sooner or later you'll be approached or approach someone.

The thing with your sister its normal... shes young.

Me and my sister (my only sibling) went through the same phase, till we transended into a more mature mentality.

She knows everything about me, and the same in reverse. All my secrets. All the shit my parents dont know off. Every single shit Ive done.

I talk to her about everything. Sex, movies, daily stuff, food, news, friends etc. etc. We have a mutual understanding for one another.

I would even go as far to saying shes my weakness. She truely is. I cherish her more than anyone. I dont know what I would do without her.

God knows, shes been through some tough shit, and Im glad I was there for her....

The point is... your sibling(s) are probably the most trustworthy friends you got. And you need reliable friends.

If youre bro is out going, call him up some day, go out, chillax at a bar or whatever you fancy.


I posted in the last thread almost a year ago about a girl who flirted like crazy to me yet when I (finally) asked her out she wasn't looking for anything other than friendship. I did what needed to be done and stopped talking to her for almost a year now.

All of a sudden today she contacts me, and we talk and she flirts some but I don't respond to it. She invites me out and asks when I'm coming up around her area.

I KNOW nothing is going to happen here. I KNOW the only way to win her game is not to play. I think it was soultron who posted the following that I adhere'd to:

Is she dating you?
No? Then she doesn't want to or wants to continue playing games.
Yes? Then she likes you enough to actually date you.

God I hate how unraveled I can get over something like this.


Gold Member
You know, you've made me feel a lot better about my personal situation at the moment. I am basically friendless but have two amazing younger brothers I can always rely on.

Nothing is stronger than the bond of blood :)

Your brothers are a bigger asset than you can even imagine.

I posted in the last thread almost a year ago about a girl who flirted like crazy to me yet when I (finally) asked her out she wasn't looking for anything other than friendship. I did what needed to be done and stopped talking to her for almost a year now.

All of a sudden today she contacts me, and we talk and she flirts some but I don't respond to it. She invites me out and asks when I'm coming up around her area.

I KNOW nothing is going to happen here. I KNOW the only way to win her game is not to play. I think it was soultron who posted the following that I adhere'd to:

Is she dating you?
No? Then she doesn't want to or wants to continue playing games.
Yes? Then she likes you enough to actually date you.

God I hate how unraveled I can get over something like this.

Reverse the game. Shes in control.

Agree to meet up.

Whenever she makes a 'move' on you, pull away. Act uninterested. Just to make her wonder 'what the fuck..?'. If she starts engaging you into flirty conversation. Change subject.

Just give her a taste of her own bullshit.


...anyway Im best signing off. Its WAY past my bed time. Why the fuck am I even up? I need to sleep. Toddles GAF.
Dont underestimate the social value of your siblings or related family. Hang out with your brother. Go out, get a beer or coffee somewhere. Get in the crowd. Sooner or later you'll be approached or approach someone.

The thing with your sister its normal... shes young.

Me and my sister (my only sibling) went through the same phase, till we transended into a more mature mentality.

She knows everything about me, and the same in reverse. All my secrets. All the shit my parents dont know off. Every single shit Ive done.

I talk to her about everything. Sex, movies, daily stuff, food, news, friends etc. etc. We have a mutual understanding for one another.

I would even go as far to saying she my weakness. I cherish her more than anyone. I dont know what I would without her.

God knows, shes been through some tough shit, and Im glad I was there for her....

The point is... your sibling(s) are probably the most trustworthy friends you got. And you need reliable friends.

If youre bro is out going, call him up some day, go out, chillax at a bar or whatever you fancy.
Er... let me clarify that bit about my sister.

We don't get a long because she's a self righteous bitch who mocks me for being a "hell bound atheist." She also makes fun of my baldness and my lack of a social life. And I would never share any secrets with her because she blabs about everything to her friends and my mom. This is not a "Oh, she's just a teenager." No. She's a stuck up, self righteous, tattle telling, condescending bitch. That has always been her personality.
Well, that twat who flirted with me and gave me her number was just an attention whore.

moving along. happy birthday to me, fuck all those dumb and immature bitches out there



A good athlete doesnt burn all of his stamnia, from the start I'd say. Or something to that order.

pain? sounds like you need to do some more foreplay. If you're going straight for the touchdown, you're doing it wrong. Foreplay, get some first downs, then ram it in from the goal line.
Haha xD She was on top, I had nothing to do with it ;)
So has anyone else here given up on online dating?

I just feel it's an awful platform for meeting people at this point.
I have. Froze my account about a week back. Was talking to an amazing looking girl in the next apartment building over and eventually told her I had so much school stuff coming up, which is true, that I would delete my account so if she wanted to continue talking she could add me on facebook. But she hasn't. I don't have a problem with being care free around okay looking cute girls, but when they look like a blond bomb shell, there comes the big old pedestal again! >_<
I have. Froze my account about a week back. Was talking to an amazing looking girl in the next apartment building over and eventually told her I had so much school stuff coming up, which is true, that I would delete my account so if she wanted to continue talking she could add me on facebook. But she hasn't. I don't have a problem with being care free around okay looking cute girls, but when they look like a blond bomb shell, there comes the big old pedestal again! >_<

I'm just about ready to freeze my account. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I think I've come far enough in my own personal development that I'm not actually completely reliant on online dating anymore. I feel I can just go out and talk to people, and be far more comfortable in that environment than I would in any date set up online.

There's just one more girl left on OKCupid that I need to get some closure on. Long story short, she's 3 years older than me and doesn't want to go out on a date because of the age gap. She feels we're at different parts in our lives and for the past couple of weeks, we've still been chatting, and I've still been teasingly bugging her about it. Tonight, I think I might've convinced her enough to get her to think about it, hopefully that's the case. She asked me why I was so persistent, and I straight up told her that it's because I'm still fucking 22, I haven't discovered the world "impossible" yet, and that I think she's cute and would possibly be very awesome to date. Oh, and that I'm straight up going to be better than any of the other senile old farts she's been on dates with. Either way, The fact that she hasn't outright stopped talking to me in any sense, means she's either an attention whore, or there's still some sort of possibility she's interested. She said that if I was 8 years old, she'd jump on it. Yeah yeah, take everything with a grain of salt, I am, but still, once I get satisfactory and definitive closure on this (good or bad), then I'm saying goodbye to online dating. Until whenever I might end up needing its services once again.


I will say that I have the utmost fortune to have the family that I do. If not for them I doubt I'd have gotten this far and managed to keep my sanity through all the shit life threw at me. Sadly, I also know that stronger people could have been tough enough to shrug all that stuff off like teflon and not have it linger and cause self doubt and so forth.

And yeah, it gets so much harder when you're already old and no longer attending any sort of college/university. Then you're pretty much screwed.

while not directed at me it still applies. Since I started this whole dating age thing well over two years ago and haven't progressed much, I'll gladly admit I am pretty dumb/stupid/incompetent/ when it comes to doing things right.

Sometimes I wonder (hope) you're actually a joke character who puts on a show with this defeatist attitude. Otherwise...you've got your work cut out for you. Because you HAVE to change this. If you keep this attitude, you keep telling yourself you're"'just stupid", which becomes a justification for not doing anything/enough since "you'll fail anyway". Then you won't make any progress and you'll see that. The cycle continues. Note the quotation marks around fail, they're not my words. This is how YOU think about YOURSELF. If you do fail you can't help it since it's just the way you are. Fuck that shit. ANYONE can make progress. And somehow change the way you are. I did, and so did a whole lot of other people in this thread.

And I just refuse to believe you haven't made ANY progress in two years with extremely sound advice from these threads AND going to therapy. Progress takes work and time you have to invest. Unless there's actually something physically wrong in your brain, in which case medication might help, though I'm admittedly far from an expert on that.
Well you have other options, like your fingers.

Some girls use toys to stimulate themselves obviously. Learn to imitate the effect.

There was once this one girl I knew who used to get off in the shower. She used the showerhead to stimulate herself. So I figured I'd replicated the same effect of that. Like the way the water was sprinkling. She was totally into it. And apparently had never tried it before.

The only girl I had relationship with didnt like going down on me. Similiar to your situation but just in reverse. Something about the look of a penis urked her, while on the other hand she didnt mind I went down on her.

Some girls enjoy it others dont. You have to use your imagination when everything else fails.

She does let me use my fingers so i can get her off that way. She has just experienced a few personal things which make it really difficult for her to enjoy sex. It's just a mental barrier that she is struggling to overcome but i'm not going to rush her.
Horrible Bosses is perhaps the best date movie ever made. Good movie that's funny and will get her thinking about sex.
Thanks for the suggestion, will check it out. Any more suggestions guys? Or any other things you can do besides watching a movie when your girl is coming over?


Just to drill it home - confidence is very important guys. I finished a workout and was getting some groceries, drenched in sweat and post workout endorphins and a checkout girl who was attractive flirted with me and asked what I was doing tomorrow, gave me her number and we're meeting up for a drink tomorrow evening, I think she's a little young (~19) but i'll see where it takes us.
Life story on socialization....

Are you me in another city? Seriously you mirror my entire childhood and early adult life in terms of socialization. Like you I've been conquering it over the last few years and it has payed off in spades, in terms of having a more enjoyable life overall.


I think its about time, GAF starts arranging some social go-outs/night-outs. The best support you can get is going out with some compatible and reliable people and get to know each other or just hang out over a beer or two.
It'd be good to get going, but I doubt anything would happen from it.

Also slightly OT but is anyone here in a band whilst also working full-time? It's something I've always wanted to do, not only for confidence, but to gig with friends. My only fear is when I get a full-time job I wont have the time to do such a thing.


Gold Member
She does let me use my fingers so i can get her off that way. She has just experienced a few personal things which make it really difficult for her to enjoy sex. It's just a mental barrier that she is struggling to overcome but i'm not going to rush her.

Even stand up or laying down 69? I do like me a 69.

Well I guess she just has some minor insecurity or trust issues. Could be like that when you havent been together for that long. Or what do I know.

Are you me in another city? Seriously you mirror my entire childhood and early adult life in terms of socialization. Like you I've been conquering it over the last few years and it has payed off in spades, in terms of having a more enjoyable life overall.

Im pretty thankful and lucky that I met the right people down the road, by the end of my teens.

If I was that guy I was back then, I wouldnt even have the courage to post or ask for help in this thread.

I used to get teary eyed whenever I was talking to somebody. Couldnt even look anyone in the eye. There was an immense pre-set judgemental pressure programmed into my mind that every person was searching for any flaw about me.

It'd be good to get going, but I doubt anything would happen from it.

Also slightly OT but is anyone here in a band whilst also working full-time? It's something I've always wanted to do, not only for confidence, but to gig with friends. My only fear is when I get a full-time job I wont have the time to do such a thing.

What instrument do you play?

Er... let me clarify that bit about my sister.

We don't get a long because she's a self righteous bitch who mocks me for being a "hell bound atheist." She also makes fun of my baldness and my lack of a social life. And I would never share any secrets with her because she blabs about everything to her friends and my mom. This is not a "Oh, she's just a teenager." No. She's a stuck up, self righteous, tattle telling, condescending bitch. That has always been her personality.

Like I said. Shes young. A child. Shes still doesnt know shit about the adult life and what its like.

You need to act like a mature adult here and take charge. But disregard your sister. Focus on hanging out with your brother.
Dear mother of fucking god! Why am I such a bitch god dammit. I'm fucking up this whole relationship because I'm too much of a bitch to kiss her. Goddammmmmit!


Gold Member
In identifying your problem, you've also found the solution. Kiss her.



What instrument do you play?

I know a few guys who are up for it, and one of those guys is seriously hoping this could go somewhere (he's essentially the reincarnation of Jeff Buckley).

It'd be a hell of a lot of fun to do, and I think it would help me meet new people whilst also improving my confidence.
In identifying your problem, you've also found the solution. Kiss her.
Yeah I know who the problem is, me. Unfortunately, me is a pussy. I'm encouraging me all the time to make that move, to show that I truly love my girlfriend. But it just isn't working. The funny thing is, is that I'm willing to and not scared to go to the 'next step' in my relationship but I still am too much of a bitch to simply kiss her.

Next time... next time, I will...


Dear mother of fucking god! Why am I such a bitch god dammit. I'm fucking up this whole relationship because I'm too much of a bitch to kiss her. Goddammmmmit!

To give you some perspective. I just went on a second date with this girl I met off of okcupid on Wednesday night. We went to this great tapas place (this is cool because you get to pick things off each other's plate). Then had a drink and talked at a local bar for an hour or two. When I walked her to her car, I hugged her. She said you're making me nervous. <--- This means kiss me you fucking pansy. And I did.

Do it man.


How do you guys hit on girls when dancing? I have no problem talking to girls in bars general but when I'm dancing, I have like zero luck. This is a problem because I like dancing and I usually hit the dance floor pretty quickly.
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