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DC Rebirth |OT| It's not a reboot, and it always was [SPOILERS for Rebirth #1]

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Paper or plastic?
I wish I liked Snyder as much as everyone else. Unfortunately his nonexistent use of the Batfamily and pushing his lame OCs gave me a bad taste. Feel like King can do better there.
I honestly thought it was refreshing not leaning on the Batfamily too much. Batman's supporting character roster has grown to the point where it could basically its own truncated universe within the DC universe. Some folks like that, I personally wish Batman would go back to being (mostly) a loner.

I say this ironically after admitting to enjoying Detective Comics much more than the King run.
Snyder reminds me of Jonathan Hickman in that he has loooooooong story arcs and everything is super decompressed. It sucks when he spends massive amounts of time on things I have no interest in like an entire year on the Court of Owls or even worse an entire year retelling Batman's origin. Nobody needed Batman's origin retold. And we definately didn't need to read 12 issues about it. We didn't need almost a year dedicated to Gordon being Batman either now that I think of it.


I honestly thought it was refreshing not leaning on the Batfamily too much. Batman's supporting character roster has grown to the point where it could basically its own truncated universe within the DC universe. Some folks like that, I personally wish Batman would go back to being (mostly) a loner.

I say this ironically after admitting to enjoying Detective Comics much more than the King run.

I really liked how the Batbooks were handled when Snyder helmed the main series.

The main book for solely for Batman/a more original supporting cast and the other books for Batfamilly shenanigans.

This seems like the best split to satisfy both types of fans.


Snyder reminds me of Jonathan Hickman in that he has loooooooong story arcs and everything is super decompressed. It sucks when he spends massive amounts of time on things I have no interest in like an entire year on the Court of Owls or even worse an entire year retelling Batman's origin. Nobody needed Batman's origin retold. And we definately didn't need to read 12 issues about it. We didn't need almost a year dedicated to Gordon being Batman either now that I think of it.

I'm sorry you felt that way, but I thought Zero Year was one of the best story arcs in the whole of New 52. I absolutely adored it, and I know tons of others did as well.

I really liked how the Batbooks were handled when Snyder helmed the main series.

The main book for solely for Batman/a more original supporting cast and the other books for Batfamilly shenanigans.

This seems like the best split to satisfy both types of fans.

I did too, except for Detective Comics, which was just another less-good Batman book. The new Detective Comics is WAAAY more intriguing. Detective Comics should NOT be a "Batman" book.


N52 Supes had some moments (like parts of the Superman/Batman run, or Pak's Action run), but most of it was fairly bland and uninspired. I did like the update to the costume though.

Snyder reminds me of Jonathan Hickman in that he has loooooooong story arcs and everything is super decompressed. It sucks when he spends massive amounts of time on things I have no interest in like an entire year on the Court of Owls or even worse an entire year retelling Batman's origin. Nobody needed Batman's origin retold. And we definately didn't need to read 12 issues about it. We didn't need almost a year dedicated to Gordon being Batman either now that I think of it.

Nah, Court of Owls and Zero Year were two of the strongest arcs of his run. Most of that 'ugh another origin story' concerns I saw tended to go away once the story was actually on.

definitely agree about Superheavy however. probably the weakest arc
Give this man a medal.

New 52 Supes >>>Post crisis Supes.

I'm glad others preferred N52 Supes & didn't love Snyder's Batman. Thought I was a crazy person.

The strength of New 52 Superman was that he had room to grow. Post-Crisis had become almost too great. New 52 Superman had rough edges; he wanted to be great, but didn't always know how to get there. There's more story mileage in that.

Current Superman has the same issue, but they've transplanted the idea of having room to grow onto to Jonathan (Superboy). Tomasi's book is the best one for current Superman and that's largely because its not Superman's story.


Paper or plastic?
I didn't care for Nu52s' Superman characterization in the first Justice League arc when he fights Batman and GL. He just came off as a dick. I will say that the collar really made his uniform pop, it added a tinge of regality to his costume. Don't know why it was off putting to some.

Overall, I didn't care for Nu Supes save for some arcs with Wonder Woman. Like the moment when he and Diana split an atom with her sword and stand at ground zero of a nuclear blast, that was some next level shit.


Current Superman seems to have a shoot first as questions later mentality. But since he is a new dad in a foreign world I can understand it.
I'm sorry you felt that way, but I thought Zero Year was one of the best story arcs in the whole of New 52. I absolutely adored it, and I know tons of others did as well.

I didn't think it was bad, I just thought it was unnecessary. And the length was unnecessary. It reads better in trade, but reading it monthly was excruciating. Having to read a Batman origin story in the 2010s where it takes several issues for him to even put the costume on is unnecessary. I think comic books in general have become too obsessed with their own past and continuity. Batman's origin is incredibly simple and doesn't really need to be revisited. I'd rather he told a great Riddler story that takes place now and pushes the story forward.
Tec has been the Batman cast book before but there was a decent period of time where Shadow of the Bat/Gotham Knights (and then later Batman Inc) was that book, which left Tec looking to do it's own thing.

It tended to be the Batman as Noir book, focusing more on the detective stuff, more shades of grey and a bit of Gothic horror at times (it still generally used the supporting cast more than Batman, which mainly used Robin and Oracle, because Batman was often written as considerably more mortal to suit the tone).

I like Tec atm because I missed Gotham Knights when it got cancelled.

The loose continuity books like Legends of the Dark Knight and Batman Confidential where usually interesting too but given the Nu52 attitude to continuity (especially in the Bat books*) wouldn't really have had a place.

*The Nu52 Batman continuity has way to many Robins, in too short a time, to stand up to scrutiny so that was necessary. The whole thing with Barbara is in the same boat (it's hard to get a timeline of how long she was Batgirl, and how long she was paralyzed that works). DC obviously wants to have its cake and eat it too with the Bats.


So what New 52 Superman books should I look at specifically? Unchained? Action Comics? Superman? I'd like to at least be able to get current enough to read the new books.


So what New 52 Superman books should I look at specifically? Unchained? Action Comics? Superman? I'd like to at least be able to get current enough to read the new books.
Yes to Unchained, Grant Morrison and Greg Pak run on Action comics, and Geoff Johns small run on Superman. Also pick up American Alien if you haven't read that already.


Yes to Unchained, Grant Morrison and Greg Pak run on Action comics, and Geoff Johns small run on Superman. Also pick up American Alien if you haven't read that already.

Cool, I've read American Alien. I thought it was pretty solid. I think I liked For All Seasons as my favorite Supes stuff from limited reading.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
So what New 52 Superman books should I look at specifically? Unchained? Action Comics? Superman? I'd like to at least be able to get current enough to read the new books.

I'm only a few issues in but Pak's Action Comics is an absolute blast. At the very least, the first trade is totally worth it.
Anybody excited for all star batman? I have my hopes up that the format of this (small contained arcs with villains he hasn't really dabbled with) will make for some really strong work from snyder.

And a constant revolving line of artists too. God damn I'm waiting on that jock collab. If we get something black mirror level...phew
Anybody excited for all star batman? I have my hopes up that the format of this (small contained arcs with villains he hasn't really dabbled with) will make for some really strong work from snyder.

And a constant revolving line of artists too. God damn I'm waiting on that jock collab. If we get something black mirror level...phew
Opening with JRJR isn't the most thrilling for me (I really don't like JRJR) so I hope the writing is superb.


So, I don't follow Harley Quinn at all... and I absolutely hated this book. It felt like a dumbed down version of Deadpool with Zombies. Is this normal for a Harley Quinn title?

It's not. She's not Deadpool and she shouldn't be fighting zombies.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Anybody excited for all star batman? I have my hopes up that the format of this (small contained arcs with villains he hasn't really dabbled with) will make for some really strong work from snyder.

And a constant revolving line of artists too. God damn I'm waiting on that jock collab. If we get something black mirror level...phew

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So is this whole Watchmen/Rebirth story stuff actually being continued somewhere or is everyone just going "oh well then, let's just pretend nothing happened"?

I feel like I missed a lot but I'm sure I didn't.
Only been mentioned in Titans, DC will probably hold off on doing something with it for a while though
I wouldn't be surprised if they were waiting for Geoff Johns to come back to comics before they do anything with it. With the way that TItans has been so far, I certainly don't trust Abnett to write that story with the amount of care and consideration that it deserves.


Red Hood preview pages are out. It looks so good too. Almost feel like I'm in an alternate universe where Lobdell hasn't been terrible.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I'll try out Red Hood

My picks tomorrow

Action Comics #961
All-Star Batman #1
Deathstroke Rebirth #1
Detective Comics #938
Flash #4
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #2
New Super-Man #2
Red Hood And The Outlaws #1
Superwoman #1
Wonder Woman #4


I am still sticking to my "Pre-Flashpoint Superman = Dr. Manhatthan" theory.

It just feels so good. So right.

Other than the week Blue Beetle, Super Sons and Trinity comes out, this is definitely my most anticipated Rebirth Week.

Red Hood and The Outlaws - Somehow looks legitimately good. Not sure how long it can last. But I LOVE the setup.
Superwoman - JaneThor in pretty much every way. I love JaneThor, so I expect good things. And I love the art.
All-Star Batman - Interesting setup. Rotating artists. The kind of book with the potential to become a classic.
Detective Comics - Easily the best DC team book right now (suck it Green Arrow). How can I not be excited for things to ramp up.
Deathstroke Rebirth - Hopefully a justifies the character's continued existence. Plus the art looks great and I love Rose.
New Super-Man - Fascinating new voice. Really charming book. Hopefully this continues in the second issue.
Wonder Woman - Rucka on Wonder Woman. 'nuff said.

Really, Flash and Action Comics are the only truly weak links tomorrow. And Action Comics may actually rally with the introduction of Superwoman.
Even if the Red Hood Rebirth book wasn't good (which it was) I would buy the run anyway because of Dexter Soy. God damn the art is going to be amazing


Anybody excited for all star batman? I have my hopes up that the format of this (small contained arcs with villains he hasn't really dabbled with) will make for some really strong work from snyder.

And a constant revolving line of artists too. God damn I'm waiting on that jock collab. If we get something black mirror level...phew

Absolutely. I love Snyder's work on Batman and I feel like All-Star Batman will give him an opportunity to take chances he previously couldn't.
I'll do my usual review dump in a little bit.

But I missed Harley Quinn last week, since it wasn't up on Comixology's Rebirth list. Are there any other books last week / this week that didn't show up on that ? I don't want to end up missing Trinity or something.
The dialogue in Justice League #2 was just so stiff and unremarkeable. There wasn't a quotable to be found. I'm done.

Yeah, Justice League has been really disappointing. For one of DCs big crossover / promo books they really tanked it. I've decided to see the first arc out before I drop it if it doesn't seriously improve. It's probably the worst Rebirth book I've read in terms of technical proficiency,
Firstly from Last Week:

Harley Quinn: This book is weird. It's like a Rebirth issue and part of issue #1 jammed into one book. Its also really close to breaking the 4th wall at times. The actual plot is completely ridiculous and comes out of nowhere. I think I'll pick up the next issue at least and see how it goes and if the tone levels out a tad.

This week
New Super-Man:
The premise of this book is completely ridiculous. The book itself is actually surprisingly good, in a doesn't take itself too seriously but isn't explicitly breaking the 4th wall way either. Despite the knock-off Justice League premise they've actually made both Bat-Man and Wonder Woman somewhat distinct in abilities but close enough to capture the idea (a rather delicate balance), their personalities are also quiet distinct. This issue specifically they actually get into a bit of a 1-issue plot and do some arc building. So far I think I'm going to keep following this, at least for the moment.

All-Star Batman:
I think those of you missing Snyder's Batman run are going to be all over this. It feels like Detective Comics when its being Noir rather than a Team Book. The first issue's main story is really just a character study of Two-Face (and Batman's relationship to him) with everything else being dressing.
Duke is out on the street though, in Costume. Is this set much later than Batman / Tec or was it just a consequence of the big setup event for this arcs plot they skipped in all but the broadest details (I think Two-Face caused some kind of stronger acid rain storm in order to scar everyone like he is) ?
The B-Story is about Duke and seems to be about his training (though it seems to deny the cave / training time that they used in Batman and Tec a bit, so the theory the real reason was that Snyder wanted to use Duke seems correct). There's also a bit here that may explain a bit about Snyder's tendency to not use the Bat-family much.

Once more comics display an absurd failure to understand the purpose of clearance levels and/or the meaning of Commander-In-Chief and/or public accountability. Some information about how a Colonel is running a project of the scope, complexity and secrecy of the Colony though.
They also make the point that Colonel Kane really does genuinely love his daughter , which is a nice point. Also some impications that the Court of Owls is part of the League of Shadows ? That at least explains how they managed to operate in Gotham without leaving obvious traces. Batman still seems to think it doesn't exist. Also the Colony jumps off the slippery slope rather impressively because of course they were going too.
I'm still impressed though, the quality of this series has been continually high.

Deathstroke Rebirth (Almost missed this one)
Not super familiar with Deathstroke as a character. Seems solid so far. (Also how many gorramn
Clock Kings
are there in the DCU ?)


Some interesting stuff this week:

Wonder Woman 4: Finally moving along. Kinda hard to care about what's going on but it's still always nice to see Diana being a kind warrior and not just a warrior.

All- Star Batman 1 : I guess it's good if you like Snyder. Interesting
Two- face
stuff but shitting on Robin while pushing bland ass Duke as a not but better sidekick annoys me and is of the things I don't like about Snyder.

Detective Comics: Still trucking along with a pretty good cast. The Arkham knight vibes going on are hilarious though Also hate Kate's super short hair. The bob was amazing so bring it back!!!

New Superman: I really like this so far. Keenan is funny and liking knock off Batman and Wonder Woman so far.

Death stroke: Soild intro. Slade looking like Big boss out here.

Red Hood: Is still good, which Is amazing. They brought back Ma gunn of all people. However Black Mask looks stupid.


I didn't care for Nu52s' Superman characterization in the first Justice League arc when he fights Batman and GL. He just came off as a dick. I will say that the collar really made his uniform pop, it added a tinge of regality to his costume. Don't know why it was off putting to some.

Overall, I didn't care for Nu Supes save for some arcs with Wonder Woman. Like the moment when he and Diana split an atom with her sword and stand at ground zero of a nuclear blast, that was some next level shit.

That's what made me like him, he was younger and around my age (I was leaving high school when the new 52 launched), so he was less like a dad. But a peer with a chip on his shoulder.

Realistically someone who's in thier early twenties with that much power would come off as a bit of bro when it came to meeting others like him. I even liked during Morrison's run where we see alot of the Golden Age influence to him with Superman literally knocking down buildings and whatnot.


By December will there be any volumes out in regards to Rebirth? I'm thinking the titles that started earlier should have their Volume 1's out?


Been playing catch up lately, so I only just got around to King's Batman #4 yesterday. Wtf happened to this book? I've liked King's run on Vision and the first three issues of this run, but this one felt like it leapfrogged over a whole other story arc to get to this point. Really bizarre and surprisingly bad. Did DC editorial tell him to dump the Gotham/Gotham Girl storyline immediately to set up this Monster Men crossover or something?
Been playing catch up lately, so I only just got around to King's Batman #4 yesterday. Wtf happened to this book? I've liked King's run on Vision and the first three issues of this run, but this one felt like it leapfrogged over a whole other story arc to get to this point. Really bizarre and surprisingly bad. Did DC editorial tell him to dump the Gotham/Gotham Girl storyline immediately to set up this Monster Men crossover or something?

What do you mean? It skipped a little but it didn't really skip all that much. It skipped what exactly took place between Gotham/Gotham Girl and Strange/Psycho Pirate but other than that it's pretty much still focused on them.

It still seems like a small story that sets up and leads to a big story(Monster Men) to me.


What do you mean? It skipped a little but it didn't really skip all that much. It skipped what exactly took place between Gotham/Gotham Girl and Strange/Psycho Pirate but other than that it's pretty much still focused on them.

It still seems like a small story that sets up and leads to a big story(Monster Men) to me.

And I have a strong suspicion that we will flash back to that scene anyway.
And I have a strong suspicion that we will flash back to that scene anyway.

Yeah, I definitely think we will go back and find out what actually happened because the idea of what happened in that issue was a little loose and just thrown out there for so much to actually hinge on it.


By December will there be any volumes out in regards to Rebirth? I'm thinking the titles that started earlier should have their Volume 1's out?

Only the DC Rebirth Omnibus so far. It collects all the Rebirth #1 issues as well as the big DC Rebirth #1 by Geoff Johns. For it's current marked down price right now on Amazon it's kind of a steal given it's a hardcover and how many #1s there are and if you've only gotten a few.


Keep hoping for more. The only titles I'm currently buying are Superman, Action, Green Arrow and Justice League. At least until the first arcs are over. I want to read the others in trades and at a overall lower price.
What do you mean? It skipped a little but it didn't really skip all that much. It skipped what exactly took place between Gotham/Gotham Girl and Strange/Psycho Pirate but other than that it's pretty much still focused on them.

It still seems like a small story that sets up and leads to a big story(Monster Men) to me.

I don't think there was a sudden editorial change because the most obvious indications: A change in synopsis / Synopsis disagreeing with the issue didn't happen. This is just weird pacing by King himself.
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