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Destiny - 1 Year On, Looking back at cut content

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I had a lot of fun playing PVP, but the campaign was boring as hell and the story was non-existent. The gameplay is really solid, it's just everything else about the game that's the problem.

This post is really stupid and the thread would be better off without it. I hope you regret making it after rereading it.

I wouldn't expect someone who didn't like the game to invest hundreds of hours into it, so I just find it funny to see a poster dismissing others opinions on the game as illegitimate for that very reason.

I'm a pretty casual Destiny player in comparison to some of you, I've got about 25 hours in the game spent mostly in PVP. I don't think my opinion on the game's terrible campaign and story is any less relevant than someone who's completed it 100 times.

There's some content I'll never experience, but that's by their design, for example, I'll probably never experience the Raids because there's no ingame matchmaking and the social features within the game are so poor that it's unlikely I'll find people to play with ingame.
I've also never read the Grimoire Cards, because I haven't bothered to go to their website to read them, but again, that is by their design. I suppose I'm missing a huge chunk of story, but I'll never know because it wasn't in the game. I don't understand why the Grimoire Cards couldn't have been included in a menu ingame.
Look at the post I was responding to. I'm not saying it's illegitimate to complain about the terrible story or Dinklage mailing it in -- those are perfectly reasonable, accurate critiques of the game. I am saying that people who stuck with Destiny (aka: people who post in the community thread) aren't complaining about these things anymore because A) as evidenced by new story missions in the DLC and what we've seen of Taken King so far, Bungie's well aware of the problem, having ditched Dinklage and added a sense of humor; and B) there are other, way more relevant issues that Destiny players would like to see Bungie prioritize.

Hardcore Destiny fans have accepted that Bungie's got a lot of work to do before there's any semblance of a meaningful story here, and that what we're playing now is very much the foundation of what the game will look like in a few years. Still, there's nothing else like it.
Posting this again for a new page since it makes almost this whole thread irrelevant:

The post which is now deleted http://gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/Destiny-Early-Story-Details.jpg

The AMA in which someone who claimed he worked for bungie gave some infomation on it's development. Bungie as a I mentioned in the original post did comment on this calling it fake. Like I said I'm not decided either way.


Why are we even talking about this?

In your own source for the material in the OP (which you didn't even put in the OP) you have this lovely gem:

Deej claims they're a troll.

Deej, as in the community manager for the game, flat out tells you/us that this info isn't legit. It's not like Bungie did that thing where they don't acknowledge it, and delete it in a poor (and telling) effort to hide something.

They flat out said this isn't legit.

Edit: Also from your own source:
Reddit Admins said:
Hey everyone, I just want to let you know that the user who claims they have inside information about Destiny is a throwaway account that has not been verified by our team.

We have sent them a message asking for proof of their relationship to the development of Destiny, and until then I highly suggest you take what they have to say with a grain of salt.

The above info has been confirmed false by Bungie, but we will let you know if the user ever replied to us with their evidence.
Look at the post I was responding to. I'm not saying it's illegitimate to complain about the terrible story or Dinklage mailing it in -- those are perfectly reasonable, accurate critiques of the game. I am saying that people who stuck with Destiny (aka: people who post in the community thread) aren't complaining about these things anymore because A) as evidenced by new story missions in the DLC and what we've seen of Taken King so far, Bungie's well aware of the problem, having ditched Dinklage and added a sense of humor; and B) there are other, way more relevant issues that Destiny players would like to see Bungie prioritize.

Hardcore Destiny fans have accepted that Bungie's got a lot of work to do before there's any semblance of a meaningful story here, and that what we're playing now is very much the foundation of what the game will look like in a few years. Still, there's nothing else like it.

Speaking of Dinklage, I think how things turned out with him supports the content being cut, story being reworked, etc. Look at how he disappeared in the DLC content (save for the Playstation exclusive strike in TDB) and I am assuming is gone in TTK. It feels like the faction voices, wherein there was something more that never materialized. And I have to imagine Bungie gave Dinklage the direction on how to deliver his lines as Bungie isn't an amatuer shop letting a performance like this get in without their hand involved.

Ah well.

Edit: To the above, I believe the OP answers your question, that it might have been a troll BUT the story fits the narrative of all the other evidence out there which means there could be credence there. I don't believe the OP used the Reddit post as a piece of hard evidence, but speculative evidence complimenting the other evidence presented.


No to the leveling soley via PVP. You have to get to a certain level before you can even PVP. It's not much though.

And there are numerous guns that have a perk of adding better accuracy being fired from the hip. You could easily play this game without ever using ADS (except with sniper rifles). I personally wouldn't want to though. I love ADS.

I like to outplay people. Standing completely still and firing at targets doing the same definitely reduces the skill gap.
These games with high movement options and forced ADS just seems like a missed opportunity.
Can you level up and be competitive solely through PVP matches?

Are there weapons or attachments that do not require ADS? Considering the movement options the player has, I'd like to play the game as an arena shooter if possible.
You have to do a couple of campaign missions to unlock the Crucible, which is how you access PVP. It doesn't take long though, and then you can level your character up and get gear through PVP.

I leveled one of my characters purely through PVP, it's the best way to level in my opinion as it's the most fun.
No to the leveling soley via PVP. You have to get to a certain level before you can even PVP. It's not much though.

And there are numerous guns that have a perk of adding better accuracy being fired from the hip. You could easily play this game without ever using ADS (except with sniper rifles). I personally wouldn't want to though. I love ADS.

I like to outplay people. Standing completely still and firing at targets doing the same definitely reduces the skill gap.
These games with high movement options and forced ADS just seems like a missed opportunity.

Not sure what Kinsella is talking about. The moment you can get to the director (typically level 2), you can start PvPing. Which just means you've played the first (tutorial) level of the story and visiting the Tower (hub) once.

A lot of guides for power leveling talk about using PvP until about level 13 where you can then play all the story modes on Hard difficulty for an XP bonus.

I've personally gone into PvP without having a Super or even a Heavy Weapon.


I like to outplay people. Standing completely still and firing at targets doing the same definitely reduces the skill gap.
These games with high movement options and forced ADS just seems like a missed opportunity.

Another perk allows you to move quicker while aiming. You don't have to stand still if you don't want to.

Not sure what Kinsella is talking about. The moment you can get to the director (typically level 2), you can start PvPing. Which just means you've played the first (tutorial) level of the story and visiting the Tower (hub) once.

A lot of guides for power leveling talk about using PvP until about level 13 where you can then play all the story modes on Hard difficulty for an XP bonus.

I've personally gone into PvP without having a Super or even a Heavy Weapon.

I'm talking about the fact that you can't just start the game and do PVP. You have to play a minimal amount of the single player campaign to get there. I believe it's 3 or 4 missions on Earth before the Crucible guy unlocks.


Based on the awful interview with Luke Smith, it appears that Bungie are going to be doing just that from here on out. Want some dance emotes? Throw money at your screen. Seems like the one thing they learned from all of their many blunders is that they weren't milking us enough.

I really wouldn't have minded microtransactions for shaders or dance emotes from day one. Had they done that they probably wouldn't have needed to make the dlc so expensive.


I don't see any proof about that... seems like troll/hate attempt than legit claims.

The game is growing pretty nice to be fair... I can't wait to play TKK and the next expansions.
I played the game a lot regardless but yeah, definitely missing content. Its a shame cause the way everyone talked about it, i remember bungie saying that there would be weekly content or something...i thought that meant actual content, not playing the same areas over and over with different skulls.

Anyway, the people who jumped in now i think got a "better" product. For people whove been on since the start, its been a long year.
I was just like most of you. When the game first came out I was equal parts disappointed and hopelessly addicted. I was playing constantly, even knowing that the game was fundamentally flawed and just not very good. But playing with a team, getting loot, and great gunplay kept me around. That is, until it felt like I had been level 29 forever and finally had the revelation that I was wasting my time. All this before the first expansion even came out.

I put the game down and didn't look back. Despite having sunk dozens, perhaps even hundreds of hours into it. I would call it a massive disappointment and a failure if anyone asked about it.

Until this past weekend. Something possessed me to turn it back on. I appreciated a lot of the changes that had been made. And after just two hours of playing I was level 31.

For whatever reason I decided to fork over the $35 for the two expansions. And I must say the game at the very least feels appropriately huge now. Does that mean it feels like enough content to justify a $95 purchase? Well I spent $120 on Watch Dogs and Shadow of Mordor, and got maybe 10 hours of playtime between both of them. So I guess it's up to you to decide the value.

The game is still pretty bad playing solo. But I went into the Gaf community thread and met some awesome people. I must've added 15 friends just yesterday. The game really is a blast with a team. And the changes really do make the game better.

I don't expect anyone to read this post and change their mind about the game. Let alone go spent $35 to see if I'm right or not. I certainly wouldn't have if someone had told me a week ago. But if, for whatever reason, someday you find yourself going against your better judgement and popping in the disc. You may be pleasently surprised at what you find. It really is a much different and much more fun game than before.

Deku Tree

Kor is right. This is basically totally unverified (and ancient already been discussed at length) fan fiction.

Destiny was delayed for a reason (it wasn't ready). And I'm sure (as in almost every games development) lots of stuff was scrapped and sent back to the drawing board because in the final analysis it wasn't fun.

And the story that is in the game sure does feel like huge piles of unexplained weirdness that never resolves itself (and I guess you get more details by reading the grimoire but who has time for that).


the game is just a skinner box disguised as a game. i'm fine with that but give me some nice content to do. i just stopped playing after DLC 2 dropped, it's one of the worst pieces of DLC ever, PoE is the worst content in the game, i don't know how they've managed to make horde mode boring as hell, plus all the balance changes show that they are completely out of touch with their fan base. the worst of all are the rabid fanboys of the game, you can't even criticize it and they come at you like you insulted their mother.



Gosh I can't think of a recent game where this is more appropriate. -_-'
How about a game that actually has more than two pieces of DLC?

Two pieces of DLC where you explore 90% of the same areas as on the main disk. I wouldn't even call it expansions.

Its weird cause its the first time i play a game that to me fun and also a gigantic disappointment all at once.
The even sadder thing is that after playing both alpha and beta, by the time the final game shipped, you had already played like 1/5th of the entire game.

It makes me sad to think that we couldve had this awesome "space opera" of Halo meets PSO, but instead we got the most barebones, stripped down "how in gods name are they charging 70 euro for this" attempt at a AAA title ive ever seen.

Did I enjoy Destiny? Yes. Was I disappointed with Destiny? Oh HELL yes.


Two pieces of DLC where you explore 90% of the same areas as on the main disk. I wouldn't even call it expansions.

Its weird cause its the first time i play a game that to me fun and also a gigantic disappointment all at once.
Crota's End raid is more than 10% of the first DLC and it is everything new.
PoE in HoW is more than 10% of the second DLC and it is everything new.
So your claims are just plain wrong.


Crota's End raid is more than 10% of the first DLC and it is everything new.
PoE in HoW is more than 10% of the second DLC and it is everything new.
So your claims are just plain wrong.

Not the enemies though. PoE has new bosses but all the adds are the same. The arenas are different, but it's not like it's a lot of content either. PoE to me is also the least enjoyable part of HoW as I get absolutely nothing for doing it usually because the game never drops keys for me. I just got one last week but have no desire to do PoE again really.
Not the enemies though. PoE has new bosses but all the adds are the same. The arenas are different, but it's not like it's a lot of content either. PoE to me is also the least enjoyable part of HoW as I get absolutely nothing for doing it usually because the game never drops keys for me. I just got one last week but have no desire to do PoE again really.

The person he was quoting was specifically talking about areas of the game with his percentages.

Please don't try to change the original point and counter-point.


I just feel so bad for Joe. All those years wasted working on an amazing story only to be trashed a year before release.


There's probably a good discussion to be had about how the lore has been altered and what exactly the original plans for the game were supposed to be. This is probably not the best place to have that discussion though.


Ooh! Fun. Lets see how I do:


Bingo! Second line from the bottom.

What did I win? Apart from a digital copy of the Destiny DLC which Sony denied me a refund on, but at the same time refused to make any written comment on whether the content was fit for sale or not.
Posting this again for a new page since it makes almost this whole thread irrelevant:

Why are we even talking about this?

In your own source for the material in the OP (which you didn't even put in the OP) you have this lovely gem:

Deej, as in the community manager for the game, flat out tells you/us that this info isn't legit. It's not like Bungie did that thing where they don't acknowledge it, and delete it in a poor (and telling) effort to hide something.

They flat out said this isn't legit.

Edit: Also from your own source:

It's been said elsewhere in this thread but, the first reddit post has info that can be corroborated. The second is the one deeJ responded to, it's a pretty strange situation. The user does shed budgie in a bad light and casting doubt on him is in the best interest of bunhie. Some but not all of his posts are deleted, and again some of what he said can be corroborated. If bungie didn't respond people would take that as confirmation. When something like this happens you don't have many choices unless you can prove he is lying you either say silent or accuse him of lying. Staying silent has become the industry default for "yes but we don't want to talk about it"

I specifically say those posts are unverified. I won't be trusting what a bungie mouth piece says about th e game because he doesn't operate objectively. I posted both because both have just as much chance of be no true as they do false and I give people rea ding the ability to make it their own minds
It's been said elsewhere in this thread but, the first reddit post has info that can be corroborated. The second is the one deeJ responded to, it's a pretty strange situation. The user does shed budgie in a bad light and casting doubt on him own mindsis in the best interest. Some but not all of his posts are deleted, and again some of what he said can be corroborated.

I specifically say those posts are unverified. I won't be trusting what a budgie mouth piece says about th e game because he doesn't operate objectively. I posted both because both have just as much chance of be no true as they do false and I give people rea ding the ability to make it their own minds

Corroborated where? Show me where other credible sources have confirmed this stuff?

Also, your logic is terrible. We should believe random strangers on the internet with no credential, but shouldn't trust anything that comes directly from the company that made the game?

Deej has been pretty open about leaks and things in the past. He even went as far as to tell us that this image was legit about a month before the launch of the game.

It's not hard to decode Deej's PR speak, but when he flat out tells us we're being trolled, I think it's safe to assume we're being trolled.


It's been said elsewhere in this thread but, the first reddit post has info that can be corroborated. The second is the one deeJ responded to, it's a pretty strange situation. The user does shed budgie in a bad light and casting doubt on him own mindsis in the best interest. Some but not all of his posts are deleted, and again some of what he said can be corroborated.

I specifically say those posts are unverified. I won't be trusting what a budgie mouth piece says about th e game because he doesn't operate objectively. I posted both because both have just as much chance of be no true as they do false and I give people rea ding the ability to make it their own minds
It's been said elsewhere in this thread but, the first reddit post has info that can be corroborated. The second is the one deeJ responded to, it's a pretty strange situation. The user does shed budgie in a bad light and casting doubt on him own mindsis in the best interest. Some but not all of his posts are deleted, and again some of what he said can be corroborated.

I specifically say those posts are unverified. I won't be trusting what a budgie mouth piece says about th e game because he doesn't operate objectively. I posted both because both have just as much chance of be no true as they do false and I give people rea ding the ability to make it their own minds

Unless either of the people who posted those accounts can be verified by someone, they are fairy tales. The reason why they can "fit" is because they were constructed and posted well after the game released, specifically to incorprate popular theories and mix in known facts.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
From what we know the original Destiny story sucked and the script was hammy as hell. Conspiracy theories are fun but likely what happened was that focus groups trashed the story and Staten quit as a result of the drama. Very few writers would survive having their 5-years-in-the-making masterpiece being rejected by the customers to be.

They probably had to scrap content in order to make the deadline while rebuilding the game out of the assets they had at hand. Must have been a hell of a crunch.

And on top of that they are inept at PR. Blunder after blunder. Speaking about blunders, whoever decided that Luke Smith should be allowed to speak in public needs a spanking. That man is a walking PR disaster.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
It isn't a destiny thread without hyperbole.

All hyperbole does is exaggerate the truth to highlight a point, and in this case, the point is that the DLCs featured mostly recycled assets. That's not really up for debate. We all know that the strikes and missions were basically the same assets but run backwards or something like that. I still played the crap out of them, but still.
All hyperbole does is exaggerate the truth to highlight a point, and in this case, the point is that the DLCs featured mostly recycled assets. That's not really up for debate. We all know that the strikes and missions were basically the same assets but run backwards or something like that. I still played the crap out of them, but still.

There is nothing out there that says that in order for DLC to be good is has to contain 100% new assets.

Plenty of DLC reuses things existing in the Vanilla games. It's a matter of what the developer does with it as a whole that makes it worth it or not.


All hyperbole does is exaggerate the truth to highlight a point, and in this case, the point is that the DLCs featured mostly recycled assets. That's not really up for debate. We all know that the strikes and missions were basically the same assets but run backwards or something like that. I still played the crap out of them, but still.

Take a look at the title of the thread. That's not even the topic of discussion but ok.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
There is nothing out there that says that in order for DLC to be good is has to contain 100% new assets.

Plenty of DLC reuses things existing in the Vanilla games. It's a matter of what the developer does with it as a whole that makes it worth it or not.

Is that really the case though? My main problem with this approach is that all of the stuff that was reused could have (and should have) been given to us for free, just as a basic free content update. And that's something that SO MANY games have done over the years. We really have to pay money in order to play a corridor section backwards?

Take a look at the title of the thread. That's not even the topic of discussion but ok.

To me, it's all related. There are people who believe the DLC's new content (e.g., the raid, PoE) was supposed to be in the original game. They were cut out and then sold to us as DLC, and to make it seem "worth it", they spent six seconds to create new missions/strikes that were basically the same old assets but run backwards.
Corroborated where? Show me where other credible sources have confirmed this stuff?

Data mining of the game shows faction related content that is plain missing, PvP modes and gear. From the start staturn was mentioned and showed in various forms by bungie. The whole forest area is again completely cut. The original story had players going to Mars for the AI charlemagne we know this because bungie said it did.

The more nitty gritty of those posts is up for debate, you are completely entitled to dismiss them. In fact I doubt the authenticity too but either way the related game material matches up with what we can see.

If a moderator has a problem with the posts they are free to close the thread and brand me tales from my asser 52. I consider them of note at least and that's why I included them.
Destiny is one of my favorite games of all time. You can't deny that stuff was cut. Something happened before release. pretty sad. I think it has more to do with CEO's and studio heads then a nefarious plot to sell us content as DLC.


Data mining of the game shows faction related content that is plain missing, PvP modes and gear. From the start staturn was mentioned and showed in various forms by bungie. The whole forest area is again completely cut. The original story had players going to Mars for the AI charlemagne we know this because bungie said it did.

The more nitty gritty of those posts is up for debate, you are completely entitled to dismiss them. In fact I doubt the authenticity too but either way the related game material matches up with what we can see.

If a moderator has a problem with the posts they are free to close the thread and brand me tales from my asser 52. I consider them of note at least and that's why I included them.

Things change during development, news at 11.


Honestly I'm surprised Destiny sold so much.

Before the beta I was on board the train, but then I got playing it and realized it's nothing like I was hoping for and bailed. Wasn't the biggest Halo fun but it had an intriguing storyline, and I was expecting something at least on par with that. Seems like we'll never quite get there until a "Destiny 2" releases - or something.


Why are we even talking about this?

In your own source for the material in the OP (which you didn't even put in the OP) you have this lovely gem:

Deej, as in the community manager for the game, flat out tells you/us that this info isn't legit. It's not like Bungie did that thing where they don't acknowledge it, and delete it in a poor (and telling) effort to hide something.

They flat out said this isn't legit.

Why must we believe Deej? Why can't it just be damage control?
When they change such that in order to get a coherent understanding of what's actually going on you have to go to external websites to read game lore, they changed for the absolute worst.


I find Arkham Knight does it very well. Theres a lot of story, but if you want more backstory on characters, theres profiles with all that in game. That to me is perfect. Mass Effect does it well too. I feel like Bungie design things just force you to use their app and site and that to me is just stupid. People will use the app if its useful. Forcing me to use something doesn't make me enjoy it. Just like i dont enjoy having to go on a website to find people to play in certain playlists. I should be able to do everything in-game. Otherwise, to me, its bad design.
There is nothing out there that says that in order for DLC to be good is has to contain 100% new assets.

Plenty of DLC reuses things existing in the Vanilla games. It's a matter of what the developer does with it as a whole that makes it worth it or not.


At least other DLC have reskinned enemies and coherent dialogue, our Ghost is pretty much silent in the new expansions maybe due Bungie didnt want to spend money for more peter dinklage dialogue at all.
Why must we believe Deej? Why can't it just be damage control?

I'm not sure why you're using the word "must" like that.

My point is that Deej has never lied to us. Sure sometimes he uses his fancy PR speak, but it doesn't take a crack team to decode those messages. Deej is usually very straight forward with us, even in situations about leaked content like the example I gave.

So here we have a history with Deej.

On the other hand we have a random stranger on the internet that simply says, "I worked for Bungie" yet was unable to verify any credentials to any of the reddit admins. Who Deej flat out called a troll.

I mean, you can choose to believe whoever you want, but when it comes to sharing facts, don't be surprised if people call you out on the less reliable sources.


At least other DLC have reskinned enemies and coherent dialogue, our Ghost is pretty much silent in the new expansions maybe due Bungie didnt want to spend money for more peter dinklage dialogue at all.

What point are you trying to make? Both Dark Below and House of Wolves had reskinned enemies and coherent dialogue. Ghost is probably silent because he wasn't well received after the initial launch. Why pay some fancy VA to recite some lines that your playerbase doesn't care for anyway?



At least other DLC have reskinned enemies and coherent dialogue, our Ghost is pretty much silent in the new expansions maybe due Bungie didnt want to spend money for more peter dinklage dialogue at all.

We will never hear Dinklage's voice again. That's an easy bet. They will either re-voice the ghost, or kill it off and give us a new one with a new voice.
It's absolutely clear that Destiny had its entire story cut. What doesn't make sense to me is why. Bungie is a studio that understands full well the value of an engaging space opera story. Activision is a publisher that understands that a lot of people play shooters for the story. The story is never the thing holding a game up as release dates loom. It's all utterly incomprehensible.
Imru’ al-Qays;173123561 said:
It's absolutely clear that Destiny had its entire story cut. What doesn't make sense to me is why. Bungie is a studio that understands full well the value of an engaging space opera story. Activision is a publisher that understands that a lot of people play shooters for the story. The story is never the thing holding a game up as release dates loom. It's all utterly incomprehensible.

I'm of the belief that the story wasn't cut, but rather rearranged. It's worth reminding everyone that the story isn't over. We still have 2 full games, 2 Mega-Expansions, and roughly 10 DLC-Expansions to traverse the story with.

I'm of the opinion that most of the stuff that was "scraped" was just re-purposed for later, much like the Gravemind in Halo 2. Of course, I can't really prove that for years, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time Bungie held some ideas back for future material.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I'm of the belief that the story wasn't cut, but rather rearranged. It's worth reminding everyone that the story isn't over. We still have 2 full games, 2 Mega-Expansions, and roughly 10 DLC-Expansions to traverse the story with.

I'm of the opinion that most of the stuff that was "scraped" was just re-purposed for later, much like the Gravemind in Halo 2. Of course, I can't really prove that for years, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time Bungie held some ideas back for future material.

The story isn't over? What IS the story? I have 1000+ hours into Destiny probably and I couldn't tell you the story. :)
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