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Do You Put Gameplay FIRST? Then PC>XSX>PS5


I didn't say they did. Have you used them though? They do a great job of simulating resistance. Still, they were not used in 99% of games, not because they weren't good, but because these types of features tend to get forgotten quickly as a gen progresses.
Let's see how it turn out... right now over 30 devs confirmed support to Haptic Feedback and Adaptive Trigger in their games.


Until you realize Sony isn't the only company to make games, you will truly understand gaming as a whole. When you seclude yourself to only a specific style of games, you'll never see what games are out there. All of sony games could be categorized the same way ubisoft games are done. If I only play ubisoft games, I'll never see the true gems out there. I'm not saying theres anything wrong with Sony games, but they mostly all have similar gameplay to each other.

Im not talking about Sony. One of the best games I played this year is Tetris Effect. One of my favorites for the generation is Inside. I loved playing Disco Elysium and my favorite experience the whole gen was Witcher 3 + DLC.

I’m sorry you had to narrow your view of myself to shoehorn a context where I don’t understand gaming.
Sure that’s a big difference. So what? That only tells us games are different than books, just like books are different from movies and music etc

I can be reductive about the concept of interactivity in games too, it’s not like videogames invented the interactive past time.

It’s absurd, and I’m tired of gatekeeping hipster talk about what makes a game a good game.
So what? You are ignoring the very fact that PLAYING a game is just as important as the game itself. You tried to be reductive about games and failed by making a poor comparison. And books, music, movies all give you the same experience. Whatever the writer, musician, or director wants you to experience is what you'll get, you don't get a say in it. I guess you could include choose-your-own-adventure books, but those haven't really been popular since the 70's.

There's a difference between the mediums, the fact you choose to ignore it speaks more to you than anything else. And even ignoring the fact that games are an interactive medium(like you've done) it speaks nothing to quality. What anyone likes is all subjective.

The amount of playable games on PC isn't subjective, there's thousands and thousands and thousands on offer. And the best and sometimes ONLY way to play a good portion of them is on PC.
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You tried to be reductive about games and failed by making a poor comparison. And books, music, movies all give you the same experience.

I didn’t try to be reductive, I showed how the only way to be reductive is to sound dumb, and that applies to books too(and others).

And saying books, music and movies all give you the same experience... I uh... You sound dumb right there. Really dumb. Do you understand how dumb you sound? Please don’t go around saying stupid shit like that. Makes you look like an illiterate doofus.
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I didn’t try to be reductive, I showed how the only way to be reductive is to sound dumb, and that applies to books too(and others).

And saying books, music and movies all give you the same experience... I uh... You sound dumb right there. Really dumb. Do you understand how dumb you sound? Please don’t go around saying stupid shit like that. Makes you look like an illiterate doofus.
Your personal interpretation may be different of any give movie/song/book. But the outcome of a movie/book/music won't change. Again...Bro..Give up man. You're not winning this.

Love your shitty little insults without any kind of explanation too. At least back up your bullshit if you are gonna spout it.
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Im not talking about Sony. One of the best games I played this year is Tetris Effect. One of my favorites for the generation is Inside. I loved playing Disco Elysium and my favorite experience the whole gen was Witcher 3 + DLC.

I’m sorry you had to narrow your view of myself to shoehorn a context where I don’t understand gaming.
With your previous reply, you definitely seem to suffering from that tunnel vision, as this reply doesn't match up at all with it. Not to mention, we've all seen your posts in multiple threads. I'm not trying to argue here, just going from your post history.

The games you mentioned are definitely great games that don't necessarily uphold to what everyone else is doing. If more people broadened their horizons on gaming as a whole, everyone would benefit.

People think I'm crazy for having a high end PC, yet still enjoy games that are 10 years old or so, from 8/16 bit games, to indies, and everything in-between. Not every game needs to be a short, cinematic, single player game with only a few hours of gameplay, but a big budget. There are several of these already, and having more variation can really engage more people in gaming as a whole.


Your personal interpretation may be different of any give movie/song/book. But the outcome of a movie/book/music won't change. Again...Bro..Give up man. You're not winning this.

You aren’t arguing any of the points made and all you are saying is that games are by their very nature, interactive. A game of football is interactive but it doesn’t mean that a crowd won’t make it even better, or that the narrative built along a season won’t affect the players or indeed the outcome of one result, etc

It’s not just the one thing, is what I’m saying. The way you are trying to go about it is that in a game the only thing that matters is the interaction and that makes me go back to Tetris Effect. It’s not just the gameplay of the original that matters there, is it?

With your previous reply, you definitely seem to suffering from that tunnel vision, as this reply doesn't match up at all with it. Not to mention, we've all seen your posts in multiple threads. I'm not trying to argue here, just going from your post history.

The games you mentioned are definitely great games that don't necessarily uphold to what everyone else is doing. If more people broadened their horizons on gaming as a whole, everyone would benefit.

People think I'm crazy for having a high end PC, yet still enjoy games that are 10 years old or so, from 8/16 bit games, to indies, and everything in-between. Not every game needs to be a short, cinematic, single player game with only a few hours of gameplay, but a big budget. There are several of these already, and having more variation can really engage more people in gaming as a whole.

Sure it’s an enthusiast forum, and console wars are a fun past time, and we get to troll without really hurting anyone. I can be all the things you say I am, but I’m talking about the medium here, and it’s a medium with such potential exactly because it can play with so many elements and create an experience that draws from so many art forms.


Nothing even close, granted I love Tabletop simulator.
I honestly find those much better executed than Dreams. They have a narrower scope and because of that quality is more guaranteed.

Dreams has a larger scope, and though its more accessible than a full blow game engine, its also far more limited. I can do whatever i like with a game i make on Godot or Unity, its mine. In Dreams you're limited not only to the PS platform but also for the specific people who happen to own Dreams, and you can't sell it (meaning no incentive to make major works).

I thought Dreams was a cool idea at first, but then after it came out I realized that looking around for free games in the major games stores (specially store like Itch io that have a shitload of good free games) give me pretty much the same experience, if not better. Also, it has none of the financial prospects of learning to use a UE or Gamemaker.
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Even for older games, it is on Windows you'll get support. Eg they added recently ggpo netplay on some classic fighting game like GGAC+ with added HQ sfx and KOF2002 on Steam and it is unlikely you'll see those old games on the new consoles because companies want to promote the new game installments instead. Plus now those games run on toaster PCs even cheaper than the Switch. It will be a big deal for the scene of those games worldwide.

PC now has the advantage over consoles that the playerbase is much more experienced and dedicated, some even migrating from consoles, while consoles, even Nintendo, have to reset it everytime. Because of this gameplay is also affected for the worse.


*reads title*


PC just has a library that will NEVER be beat. There's literally something for everyone. PlayStation fan? PC has the most PlayStation Games. Nintendo fan? Same. Not to mention the tons of indie titles that emulate many Nintendo games. There isn't a genre on consoles that you won't find twice as many titles of on PC. It's not really debatable.

One could make the argument that PC gaming isn't for them for a multitude of reasons and that's fine. But it doesn't change the facts.

I love all my consoles, they all have a lot to offer but at the end of the day if I could only choose one platform that platform would be PC.

Someone like @Bo_Hazem is a huge PS fanboy and it's very apparent. And that's totally fine. There's something to be said about you knowing what you love and sticking with it. Even if it means you miss out on a lot of great titles. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you are willing to call a spade a spade, instead of frothing undying loyalty and sticking your head in the sand ignoring the very apparent facts as some are to do.

Granted I find it funny that console fanboys feel the need to have their peers validation to make themselves feel secure in their choice of plastic. But it is what it is.

They might have the genres but PC doesnt have games like Uncharted series, God of war, Mario Od, The last of US, Ghosts of Tsushima, Zelda BOTW, Luigi’s mansion, Animal Crossing, Spider-Man etc.

Unlike 2 decades ago, most the big titles on PC are on consoles too. Gone are the days of Duex Ex, Alien vs Predator, Half life 2, No1 lives forever, Vampire Masq etc. But PC doesnt have the Exclusives that are on Nintendo and Playstation. I love Strategy games so PC has the win there.

But your missing out on more if you don’t have these consoles than if you had a PC. In the last 10 years both these platforms have so many game of the year winners That arent on PC, Uncharted 2, The Last of us, Zelda BOTW, Mario Galaxy, God of War 2018 etc.

But the big PC titles are on these consoles.
Its not about being a fanboy, but theres some amazing quality games on Playstation and Nintendo that arent on PC, less so vice versa


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
They might have the genres but PC doesnt have games like Uncharted series, God of war, Mario Od, The last of US, Ghosts of Tsushima, Zelda BOTW, Luigi’s mansion, Animal Crossing, Spider-Man etc.

Unlike 2 decades ago, most the big titles on PC are on consoles too. Gone are the days of Duex Ex, Alien vs Predator, Half life 2, No1 lives forever, Vampire Masq etc. But PC doesnt have the Exclusives that are on Nintendo and Playstation. I love Strategy games so PC has the win there.

But your missing out on more if you don’t have these consoles than if you had a PC. In the last 10 years both these platforms have so many game of the year winners That arent on PC, Uncharted 2, The Last of us, Zelda BOTW, Mario Galaxy, God of War 2018 etc.

But the big PC titles are on these consoles.
Its not about being a fanboy, but theres some amazing quality games on Playstation and Nintendo that arent on PC, less so vice versa

PC has many more better games than mediocre slow 30fps TPSs aiming with analog sticks with aim assist (Uncharted, The last of US), many more better action hack slash's than 30fps God of war 2018 and Ghosts of Tsushima), tons of good if not better Spider man games, and can emulate BOTW, Animal Crossing, Mario Od, etc, etc...
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They might have the genres but PC doesnt have games like Uncharted series, God of war, Mario Od, The last of US, Ghosts of Tsushima, Zelda BOTW, Luigi’s mansion, Animal Crossing, Spider-Man etc.

Unlike 2 decades ago, most the big titles on PC are on consoles too. Gone are the days of Duex Ex, Alien vs Predator, Half life 2, No1 lives forever, Vampire Masq etc. But PC doesnt have the Exclusives that are on Nintendo and Playstation. I love Strategy games so PC has the win there.

But your missing out on more if you don’t have these consoles than if you had a PC. In the last 10 years both these platforms have so many game of the year winners That arent on PC, Uncharted 2, The Last of us, Zelda BOTW, Mario Galaxy, God of War 2018 etc.

But the big PC titles are on these consoles.
Its not about being a fanboy, but theres some amazing quality games on Playstation and Nintendo that arent on PC, less so vice versa

You're absolutely right. But again, you can still play a huge chunk of those via emulation on PC with better performance, any controller you like and at what resolution/framerate you want.

I love all my consoles, I do, I think a decent number of people that know my history would at least admit I have no issues gushing about console games. I have all the consoles. But seriously, the best way to play a majority of games is on PC. I bought BotW for example on both the Wii U and then again on the Switch and beat it twice on both systems. Still the best way to experience Breath of the Wild for me was at 3440x1440 at 60fps with the Switch Pro controller on my PC. It looks stunning and plays even better than either of the console versions. Luigi's Mansion as well. God of War 1 + 2 are best on PC via emulation, God of War 3 has made huge strides in the last 8 mos. on emulation and is on it's way to being the best as well. The list grows bigger everyday. And I'm sure we'll see a bunch of the excellent PS4 exclusives make it's way to PC(really want to replay Day's Gone and God of War at 60fps and especially Day's Gone with m+kb support) like we have with Horizon: ZD, Journey, Detroit: Become Human, Helldivers, etc.

It's why emulation and BC is so important. It's a strange state of affairs where the place to play the MOST PlayStation and Nintendo games is on PC. There's a segment of the market that neither Sony or Nintendo are grabbing that are just choosing emulation because it ends up as the best experience or the most convenient way to go back and enjoy some absolutely amazing classics.

If you must play things day 1, then yeah, you make a very valid point. But being as there's so much shit to play in general, it's no biggie to wait either. I'm incredibly excited to replay a ton of exclusive PS4 games on PS5(Unpatched The Last Guardian and Ghost of Tsushima are stunning on PS5) when I eventually get a PS5. But I have no intention on getting a PS5 until they have a good number of games that make a system worth purchasing. As it stands, I'm SWIMMING in shit to play on PC across EVERY genre. I've been absolutely addicted to Total War: Warhammer 2 these last few weeks. A genre of games that maybe have a handful of games across ALL 3 major systems.
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David, I don't know if you actually worked on Warhawk, but, thank you and Incognito for making one of my favorite games of all time.
can you tell me if YOU liked the game ? I wish you talked about WH in a youtube video :lollipop_pensive:
Super Mario 64, Crash Bash, Timesplitters, Warhawk, Binding Of Isaac, Towerfall and Battlefield BC2 are on my no.1 spot
PC just has a library that will NEVER be beat. There's literally something for everyone. PlayStation fan? PC has the most PlayStation Games. Nintendo fan? Same. Not to mention the tons of indie titles that emulate many Nintendo games. There isn't a genre on consoles that you won't find twice as many titles of on PC. It's not really debatable.

So my favourite games from the last few years include:

Super Mario Odyssey
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
The Last of Us Part 2
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission
Breath of the Wild
God of War

Based on that, what PC exclusive games would you recommend for me?


Unlike 2 decades ago, most the big titles on PC are on consoles too. Gone are the days of Duex Ex, Alien vs Predator, Half life 2, No1 lives forever, Vampire Masq etc. But PC doesnt have the Exclusives that are on Nintendo and Playstation. I love Strategy games so PC has the win there.
Never understood this argument. All the games you mentioned except Vampire Masq also got console releases in their time, so wouldn't you current complain hold true for back then too? It has been like this for a long time already and its hardly any issue as long as the game was developed for PC primarily.

But your missing out on more if you don’t have these consoles than if you had a PC. In the last 10 years both these platforms have so many game of the year winners That arent on PC, Uncharted 2, The Last of us, Zelda BOTW, Mario Galaxy, God of War 2018 etc.
That really depends. "Game of the year winners" mean very little to a lot of people including myself. Consoles are also missing out on a lot of highly acclaimed and popular titles that really only exist on PC. You might not like them, but many do. It really comes down to what you want and to which type of public you belong to. Also techinically you can play BotW using an emulator so theres that.

But the big PC titles are on these consoles.
Not all of them though. And the ones that are don't necessarely play good. Playing CRPGs like DOS2 in a TV with a controller is honestly a pain in the ass (and my eyes).

Its not about being a fanboy, but theres some amazing quality games on Playstation and Nintendo that arent on PC, less so vice versa
Again, this comes down to taste, theres no universal metric for this sort of stuff. I was personally far more engaged with a free visual novel like Katawa Shoujo or a back garage game like EYE Divine Cybermancy than i was with the newest GOW (this coming from a fan of the original trilogy).
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So my favourite games from the last few years include:

Super Mario Odyssey
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
The Last of Us Part 2
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission
Breath of the Wild
God of War

Based on that, what PC exclusive games would you recommend for me?
Both of those are incredible on PC via emulation.

As far as the rest of your list. What exactly are you trying to ask? TLoU,SM, GoW are all fantastic games and I'd even argue some of the best in their genre. But it doesn't mean that there isn't a huge abundance of options for you to choose in any of those genres on PC. If the point is that those are exclusives, than yeah, you are right. They are, and they are great.

You want an adventure game? Play BotW on PC, or Witcher 3.

You want racing? Play Mario Kart, or Project Cars, or Wreckfest, or BeamNG.drive or iRacing. There's another racer that is eluding my mind that has crazy tracks and crazy speed, but I just can't remember what it's called.

Super hero game? Play Spiderman VR or Protoype 1+2 or Megaton Rainfall(fucking incredible in VR, you feel like a literal god fighting aliens trying to save the earth). Hell Just Cause 3 with unlimited jet pack mod is the best Iron-Man game not called Iron-Man. Hell, I have more fun doing parkour in Unity at 60fps than I did swinging around as Spiderman on PS4, and I fucking LOVED Spiderman PS4.

Not only is PC the best play to play most games, but we haven't even got to the VR part. Where it's not even CLOSE in how many great games are available on PC that we'll NEVER see on consoles.

By no means is anyone incorrect by enjoying playing anything on any system. Not by any stretch, but if you are going by standards that most prefer, 4k, 60+fps, mouse controls, HOTAS, etc, there's not really a better place than on the PC.

You list all fantastic games. But you can play a number in the same genre on PC. And you can play a good number of the shit I've listed on consoles, but my point was, and davidjaffe davidjaffe was that the PC is the best place to PLAY with the most choice.

If you have a point I'm failing to address, I'd love to hear it.
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PC has many more better games than mediocre slow 30fps TPSs aiming with analog sticks with aim assist (Uncharted, The last of US), many more better action hack slash's than 30fps God of war 2018 and Ghosts of Tsushima), tons of good if not better Spider man games, and can emulate BOTW, Animal Crossing, Mario Od, etc, etc...

What better do they have than God of War 2018?
And which TPS do they have better than The last of us and Uncharted 2 that are exclusive to PC? There also not 30fps on PS4


You're absolutely right. But again, you can still play a huge chunk of those via emulation on PC with better performance, any controller you like and at what resolution/framerate you want.

I love all my consoles, I do, I think a decent number of people that know my history would at least admit I have no issues gushing about console games. I have all the consoles. But seriously, the best way to play a majority of games is on PC. I bought BotW for example on both the Wii U and then again on the Switch and beat it twice on both systems. Still the best way to experience Breath of the Wild for me was at 3440x1440 at 60fps with the Switch Pro controller on my PC. It looks stunning and plays even better than either of the console versions. Luigi's Mansion as well. God of War 1 + 2 are best on PC via emulation, God of War 3 has made huge strides in the last 8 mos. on emulation and is on it's way to being the best as well. The list grows bigger everyday. And I'm sure we'll see a bunch of the excellent PS4 exclusives make it's way to PC(really want to replay Day's Gone and God of War at 60fps and especially Day's Gone with m+kb support) like we have with Horizon: ZD, Journey, Detroit: Become Human, Helldivers, etc.

It's why emulation and BC is so important. It's a strange state of affairs where the place to play the MOST PlayStation and Nintendo games is on PC. There's a segment of the market that neither Sony or Nintendo are grabbing that are just choosing emulation because it ends up as the best experience or the most convenient way to go back and enjoy some absolutely amazing classics.

If you must play things day 1, then yeah, you make a very valid point. But being as there's so much shit to play in general, it's no biggie to wait either. I'm incredibly excited to replay a ton of exclusive PS4 games on PS5(Unpatched The Last Guardian and Ghost of Tsushima are stunning on PS5) when I eventually get a PS5. But I have no intention on getting a PS5 until they have a good number of games that make a system worth purchasing. As it stands, I'm SWIMMING in shit to play on PC across EVERY genre. I've been absolutely addicted to Total War: Warhammer 2 these last few weeks. A genre of games that maybe have a handful of games across ALL 3 major systems.

Great points tbh.
If you own them all then thats the best way.
As someone who can afford either a good pc or a couple of consoles I prefer the console route. I couldnt imagine being without Fire Emblem 3 houses lol. OR even God of war 2018 and Bloodborne. They have been some of my favourites of all time.
I also love the Total War games, wish they were on consoles
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Never understood this argument. All the games you mentioned except Vampire Masq also got console releases in their time, so wouldn't you current complain hold true for back then too? It has been like this for a long time already and its hardly any issue as long as the game was developed for PC primarily.

That really depends. "Game of the year winners" mean very little to a lot of people including myself. Consoles are also missing out on a lot of highly acclaimed and popular titles that really only exist on PC. You might not like them, but many do. It really comes down to what you want and to which type of public you belong to. Also techinically you can play BotW using an emulator so theres that.

Not all of them though. And the ones that are don't necessarely play good. Playing CRPGs like DOS2 in a TV with a controller is honestly a pain in the ass (and my eyes).

Again, this comes down to taste, theres no universal metric for this sort of stuff. I was personally far more engaged with a free visual novel like Katawa Shoujo or a back garage game like EYE Divine Cybermancy than i was with the newest GOW (this coming from a fan of the original trilogy).

I didnt think Duex Ex and Alien vs Predator were on consoles. Or No1 lives forever Lol. Thought they were PC exclusives.


This thread, judging by some of the responses, only reinforces how people who are fanatic for a brand end up being blind to other aspects of gaming. It's like being colorblind and thinking all the other colors are shit when you never even tried to make sense of them. I know how it is. Used to be a diehard Sony fanboy during the PS2 era (still my fave of all time but I digress). Gaming > brands.
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i agree with the sentiment that lots of AAA games feel quite repetitive, I cannot stand another 3rd person adventure game (regardless of the story), same gameplay loops, same mechanics, barely anything changes except graphics, that’s why i am not excited about Spider-Man miles morales (I found first one boring) or remake of 11 year old game (updated graphics doesn’t make game “new”)

on a side note, it is ridiculous that some people in this thread cannot accept that tastes are different, and everyone have got right to express their opinions


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
What better do they have than God of War 2018?
And which TPS do they have better than The last of us and Uncharted 2 that are exclusive to PC? There also not 30fps on PS4
Performance, controls, gameplay, resolution, FOV. lol the FOV of GoW 2018.

Almost all if not all TPSs, including the multiplatforms, that are not limited in performance/resolution and analog stick speeds to aim.
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Both of those are incredible on PC via emulation.

As far as the rest of your list. What exactly are you trying to ask? TLoU,SM, GoW are all fantastic games and I'd even argue some of the best in their genre. But it doesn't mean that there isn't a huge abundance of options for you to choose in any of those genres on PC. If the point is that those are exclusives, than yeah, you are right. They are, and they are great.

You want an adventure game? Play BotW on PC, or Witcher 3.

You want arcade racing? Play Mario Kart, or Project Cars, or Wreckfest, or BeamNG.drive or iRacing.

Super hero game? Play Spiderman VR or Protoype 1+2 or Megaton Rainfall. Hell Just Cause 3 with unlimited jet pack mod is the best Iron-Man game not called Iron-Man. Hell, I have more fun doing parkour in Unity at 60fps than I did swinging around as Spiderman on PS4, and I fucking LOVED Spiderman PS4.

Not only is PC the best play to play most games. But we haven't even got to the VR part. Where it's not even CLOSE in how many great games are available on PC that we'll NEVER see on consoles.

By no means is anyone incorrect by enjoying playing anything on any system. Not by any stretch, but if you are going by standards that most prefer, 4k, 60+fps, mouse controls, HOTAS, etc, there's not really a better place than on the PC.

You list all fantastic games. But you can play a number in the same genre on PC. And you can play a good number of the shit I've listed on consoles, but my point was, and davidjaffe davidjaffe was that the PC is the best place to PLAY with the most choice.

If you have a point I'm failing to address, I'd love to hear it.

My post was mainly referring to your comment that there are twice as many games in all genres on PC than you can get on consoles. So for that to be true around half of those games must be PC exclusive?

However whenever I've looked at the PC library I've never really found anything that appeals to my tastes (outside of Planet Coaster) that I can't already get on console. I was wondering what I was missing?

Not to sure about a few of your examples though. I wouldn't really call Project Cars a substitute for Crash Team Racing/Mario Kart. (Plus I could get it on console if I want)

I don't doubt the games I mentioned run better through emulation, I wasn't disputing that part.
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I didnt think Duex Ex and Alien vs Predator were on consoles. Or No1 lives forever Lol. Thought they were PC exclusives.
Most of those were developed for PC then got console ports later, just like it happens nowadays.
The main complaint PC gamers had at the time with console ports wasn't their existence, but rather the fact certain games, when developed with a console release in mind, would receive a lot of downgrades. This becomes very clear when you compare games like Deus Ex with its sequel Deus Ex: invisible war (less text, simplified mechanics, smaller areas, etc).
Luckly this isn't much an issue nowadays seeing as consoles have similar architectures to PCs, although theres still some stuff like UI or complexity of controls that can suffer.
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Performance, controls, gameplay, resolution, FOV. lol the FOV of GoW 2018.

Almost all if not all TPSs, including the multiplatforms, that are not limited in performance/resolution and analog stick speeds to aim.

You gotta name some titles That you think are better than GOW And the Last of us.
Just because they run better doesnt make them better games.
Asscreed runs at 60fps doesnt make it a better game lol
What better do they have than God of War 2018?
And which TPS do they have better than The last of us and Uncharted 2 that are exclusive to PC? There also not 30fps on PS4

I wouldn't say there's better games necessarily, but are you only gonna play those 3 games in those genres and nothing else? Like sure, if you can only play 1 game in those genres, I'd probably choose those as well. But there are an insane amount of 3rd person shooters on PC. Way too many for me to name or even remember.

PCMR are all about over the top claims rooted in fantasy. Don't expect him to come back with anything real


I love my fantasy world though. It's so fun here. And it's in 8k/144hz. :messenger_winking_tongue:


Most of those were developed for PC then got console ports later, just like it happens nowadays.
The main complaint PC gamers had at the time with console ports wasn't their existence, but rather the fact certain games, when developed with a console release in mind, would receive a lot of downgrades. This becomes very clear when you compare games like Deus Ex with its sequel Deus Ex: invisible war (less text, simplified mechanics, smaller areas, etc).
Luckly this isn't much an issue nowadays seeing as consoles have similar architectures to PCs, although theres still some stuff like UI or complexity of controls that can suffer.

Ah I never knew. They probably ran horribly like Max Payne did on consoles. I loved it on the PC and felt it was just a PC exclusives. Or games like Giants And Kingpin.

Now days I feel the old school 3rd party console studios like Capcom, Namco, Square etc and the most Pc studios like Bethesda, Blizzard make games for everyone. Before it was different. You wouldnt see MGS, Tekken or offline Final Fantasy on a PC for ages. Or vice versa.
Now they release everything day 1 on Consoles and PC. Apart from the Strategy games, Indies and console exclusives.

Codes 208

Well general conveniences come first then gameplay. I hate gaming on kB/m and setting up the controller every time is just extra steps versus grabbing a game and popping it in my Xbox/ps5/switch and going straight to it.

also price. Price is important


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
You gotta name some titles That you think are better than GOW And the Last of us.
Just because they run better doesnt make them better games.
Asscreed runs at 60fps doesnt make it a better game lol
You should know them as you said there is not any like those on pc, meaning you are an expert in all the pc library. And yes. Assasssin`s creed at 60fps is better that Assasssin`s creed at 30fps. Should be obvious.
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My post was mainly referring to your comment that there are twice as many games in all genres on PC than you can get on consoles. So for that to be true around half of those games must be PC exclusive?

However whenever I've looked at the PC library I've never really found anything that appeals to my tastes (outside of Planet Coaster) that I can't already get on console. I was wondering what I was missing?

Not to sure about a few of your examples though. I wouldn't really call Project Cars a substitute for Crash Team Racing/Mario Kart. (Plus I could get it on console if I want)

I don't doubt the games I mentioned run better through emulation, I wasn't disputing that part.
My tangent post was more in reference to gameplay. And I vastly prefer playing my games at 60+fps at whatever resolution and with whatever control method I prefer. I even address that you wouldn't be incorrect for playing anything on consoles too in my post you quoted. In regards to playing anything it just feels better and looks better at higher fps to me. You wouldn't be incorrect though in saying that those games are available on consoles. It's just if I can even manage to get a bit of free-time I want to play games the absolute best way I can. Doesn't mean either is wrong. And I don't really blame anyone for avoiding PC as it can be intimidating and initial hardware costs can be quite a lot. Consoles offer a stellar value proposition, I don't think most would deny that.

And yeah, Project cars isn't a good substitute for a good arcade racer, I was just listing the ones I could think of. I'm not super into racing games other than the occasional Mario Kart or Forza Horizon.

Well general conveniences come first then gameplay. I hate gaming on kB/m and setting up the controller every time is just extra steps versus grabbing a game and popping it in my Xbox/ps5/switch and going straight to it.

also price. Price is important

So you have trouble pushing a button to turn a controller on? 98% of every multi-platform game released on PC in the last 7 or 8 years has native controller support.

But fair point about price. I concede that for sure.
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I wouldn't say there's better games necessarily, but are you only gonna play those 3 games in those genres and nothing else? Like sure, if you can only play 1 game in those genres, I'd probably choose those as well. But there are an insane amount of 3rd person shooters on PC. Way too many for me to name or even remember.


I love my fantasy world though. It's so fun here. And it's in 8k/144hz. :messenger_winking_tongue:

I would play more, but tbh I spend hundreds of ours on games I enjoy. I know its sad how many hours Ive spent on Bloodborne, Gow, Destiny, MGS V and Stardew Valley this generation. And Sekiro.
Im looking to get a cheap semi decent AMD PC next year or the year after, mostly for Strategy games, TRPG’s, indies and old school PC games I loved. Recommend Me some TPS and FPS lol.
Im still searching for a doom / Duke Nukem clone I once had on PC but can never find. A bit like Hexen, creepy and shitty looking but I loved it.


Gold Member
You say "gameplay" but I think you mean variety. And arguably, you get variety with any console, but Gamepass does have that sort of Netflix of gaming thing going for it, I'll give you that. If that's what appeals to someone, the Xbox makes a lot of sense for them. For me, I prefer exclusives. And if an indie title looks like something I can't miss, than it'll either end up on PS4/PS5, or you can just play it on PC.
No, I know the difference. Don't get me wrong, the variety is nice too. But I mean mechanics at a moment to moment level, meta mechanics, and how those mechanics are often couched in narrative and/or interesting concepts.

Okay, why do you feel that Katana Zero and Gears Tactics have better "mechanics at a moment to moment level, meta mechanics, and how those mechanics are often couched in narrative and/or interesting concepts" than the new Spider-Man, or the new Souls remake? Because it still sounds like you're talking about variety to me, or at least something that is so subjective it shouldn't even be debated in this way, but I'm also willing to entertain the thought that perhaps I still don't understand where you're coming from.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
PCMR are all about over the top claims rooted in fantasy. Don't expect him to come back with anything real
The fantasy world that consoles can't even exist without pc hardware and software. And that shooters don`t suck because they didn't put basic native m+kb support and locked to 30fps. But hey, pc have nothing like this. yeah, maybe not as (almost) no one on pc puts performance and control limits on the games.
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Ah I never knew. They probably ran horribly like Max Payne did on consoles. I loved it on the PC and felt it was just a PC exclusives. Or games like Giants And Kingpin.

Now days I feel the old school 3rd party console studios like Capcom, Namco, Square etc and the most Pc studios like Bethesda, Blizzard make games for everyone. Before it was different. You wouldnt see MGS, Tekken or offline Final Fantasy on a PC for ages. Or vice versa.
Now they release everything day 1 on Consoles and PC. Apart from the Strategy games, Indies and console exclusives.
Yup, it was usually the case they ran or looked horrible like half life 2 on the xbox.
The tendecy indeed is for everything to be more universal nowadays. Exclusives on console almost always mean the console company behind it and exclusives on PC almost always mean either classic PC genres or independent developers who (still) can't afford to make a console port.
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You should know them as you said there is not any like those on pc, meaning you are an expert in all the pc library. And yes. Assasssin`s creed at 60fps is better that Assasssin`s creed at 30fps. Should be obvious.

No your meant to tell me whats better than the games I mentioned lol. I said theres not much better than those.

You said “ PC has many more better games than mediocre slow 30fps TPSs aiming with analog sticks with aim assist (Uncharted, The last of US), many more better action hack slash's than 30fps God of war 2018 and Ghosts of Tsushima)”

Asscreed is still Asscreed its not a better game than Ghosts of Tsushima. 30fps Ghosts of Tsushima is a better game than 60FPS Assassins creed. In my opinion anyway.

So tell me the many more that are better than God of War 2018 and The last of US.
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Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
No your meant to tell me whats better than the games I mentioned lol. I said theres not much better than those.

You said “ PC has many more better games than mediocre slow 30fps TPSs aiming with analog sticks with aim assist (Uncharted, The last of US), many more better action hack slash's than 30fps God of war 2018 and Ghosts of Tsushima)”

Asscreed is still Asscreed its not a better game than Ghosts of Tsushima. 30fps Ghosts of Tsushima is a better game than 60FPS Assassins creed. In my opinion anyway.

So tell me the many more that are better than God of War 2018 and The last of US.

Good thing your opinion is not a fact, just like mine.

How many? all of them (Maybe not some I never knew about or forgot, as there are millions of games on pc including emulation).

edit. plus I forgot. Even Uncharted and TloU are already on pc on Rcps3.
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I would play more, but tbh I spend hundreds of ours on games I enjoy. I know its sad how many hours Ive spent on Bloodborne, Gow, Destiny, MGS V and Stardew Valley this generation. And Sekiro.
Im looking to get a cheap semi decent AMD PC next year or the year after, mostly for Strategy games, TRPG’s, indies and old school PC games I loved. Recommend Me some TPS and FPS lol.
Im still searching for a doom / Duke Nukem clone I once had on PC but can never find. A bit like Hexen, creepy and shitty looking but I loved it.

As far as fps like old school Doom, Prodeus is about to come out. It's an excellent game that ticks a lot of the same boxes. Though, it's coming to consoles too.

Though my favorite for quite a while has been:

So much damn fun, and an infinite number of unique .wads you can download.

IRON MAIDEN is a really dope ass old-school like shooter that's very much Duke Nukem 2.0.

As far as 3rd person shooters. Take any of the multi-plat game, Tomb Raider, Just Cause 3(INFINITE JET PACK is AMAZING), Risk of Rain 2, hell, Lost Planet runs like butter and still looks ok on PC, Max Payne 3 with the precision of the mouse feels like a different game. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. That's just some of the random shit I can think of. I'm sure there are better examples.


Next year is gonna be a stellar time to jump into PC gaming. AMD is bringing the thunder with it's new CPU's not to mention them really putting heat on Nvidia with their new GPU's.
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