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Does PS Vita exist / Lack of Vita games at E3

Either there is a lot of hyperbole going on or GAF makes really poor purchasing decisions.

I think it's a little of both.

I'm definitely not selling it because there are good games I'm interested in like P4G and SFxT. But I am regretting that maybe I should've waited for a price drop before buying on impulse.


This thread is really making me wonder why anyone bought a Vita in the first place if they were all going to sell them just because of an underwhelming E3 conference. Either there is a lot of hyperbole going on or GAF makes really poor purchasing decisions.

Of course we made a poor purchasing decision. That's why we're upset!

No one like buying a dying platform. Trust me, I've had lot's of experience.


My Member!
E3 is always fun because of the damage control.

***Product X has a horrible showing, Product X has been bombing horribly in sales up until E3, and Company X shows no signs of doing anything to improve***

KoolAidDrinkingDamageController said:
Why, I remember when people said the same thing about Product Y by Company Y and it succeeded! Ignore the fact they're completely different companies, products, prices, markets, games, and history of success - but someone, somewhere said the same exact thing about Product Y and it totally didn't happen! So that proves everything you said is wrong!

Gotta love this time of year.


Without the traditional sizzle reel sets, not a lot of games in total were shown by Sony. Their development list wasn't superlong though.

This light showing is typical of E3 for portables, though. Was that way for GBA, DS rarely had more than one big game showcased outside of a sizzle reel, PSP hardly ever got a spotlight, and except for the hardware, neither have closed a show with a big portable title. Handheld games tend to be behind the console releases in development (traditionally the development time was much shorter so a GBA game would be announced at E3 even if a line of code hadn't been written... obviously that has changed, but affording a walkthrough E3 demo is still probably not scheduled by the publishers for most portable game designers.)

I expect Nintendo to have a few key titles, and I was equally underwhelmed by the Vita presence here, but it wasn't really a surprise and after decades of being a portable fan watching E3 coverage, I know not to take this show as a harbinger of doom.

Pretty much the outlook I'm trying to have for my Vita :) Seriously, if it weren't for the amazing RPGs I missed on PSP, I would be totally sad about my Vita purchase. It's enough for me now though! I'm just hoping I find enough to keep me using it until a steadier stream of releases picks up later on.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not selling mine, of course. And I firmly believe that the handheld is worth owning. But I was expecting more from Sony at this E3, way more. And I'm way more concerned about Vita's future after today. That's not a good thing. No way to spin it. Sony's most important conference of the year was a total bust.


I'll quickly point out that I think it's completely ridiculous to sell any game console on an impulse unless you end up in the black from the exchange.


Sony has given up on the Vita.

I was shocked with the Sony conference. This makes me fear for the PS4, which in turn might end Sony's console business.


I remember when everyone said the same thing about the 3DS. Seriously people never learn to stop with all the doom talk. Nothing in this industry is ever considered good enough. Last year the 3DS was going to be canceled I going by forum talk. Fast forward a year and now it's amazing and has the holy trinity in Japan. Jesus effing Christ people! When will you ever learn. Has anyone ever been right about their doom talk?

Sometimes gaf is worse than pachter

in some ways of course you're right, but it's a matter of relativity

Nintendo fans were disappointed because the 3DS didn't do as well as (surpass?) the DS.

Sony fans were sad because the Vita is doing much worse than the PSP and things don't look good.


You give it more time than me. I give it 6 months. On second thought, I think it'll be discontinued this coming February. Get whatever sales they can this fall, then just end it.

That's certainly pessimistic! It would have a longer life than the VB, though. I was about to challenge your statement, stating that there's no way such a thing could happen, but then I checked wikipedia first... :p Man, I don't expect Vita to bomb that hard though.

yeah, i don't think this bodes well for dedicated handheld machines in general.

Agreed. I was expecting Sony to try and go the xbox glass route and try to pimp it as an additional tool for the ps3 more than they did to give it a sort of secondary function beyond handheld gaming (due to the negative forecasts by most for the medium). I'm not exactly disappointed that they didn't go this route, though. But I would have preferred it over dragging their feet in dirt


It's only day 1. There's probably several titles that'll get trailers and demos on G4 and the game sites.
The conferences don't mean much. They only show a small fraction of E3 content.


in some ways of course you're right, but it's a matter of relativity

Nintendo fans were disappointed because the 3DS didn't do as well as (surpass?) the DS.

Sony fans were sad because the Vita is doing much worse than the PSP and things don't look good.

3DS is doing better than DS....


I was waiting until E3 to see whether or not I wanted to fork out the money for a Vita and now I have my answer. I bought a 3DS and regret my decision as it collects dust and I don't want to make the same mistake twice.


Sony has given up on the Vita.

I was shocked with the Sony conference. This makes me fear for the PS4, which in turn might end Sony's console business.

I'm more positive for the PS4 today. The Vita is clearly just an afterthought for Sony, so all of their development resources will be spent on PS4 titles.


This thread is really making me wonder why anyone bought a Vita in the first place if they were all going to sell them just because of an underwhelming E3 conference. Either there is a lot of hyperbole going on or GAF makes really poor purchasing decisions.

The latter, unless you really, really had to have one of its launch games. The whole system's had a bit of a joke of a release schedule for awhile. I don't know why so many bit so early. The number of times I saw a poster saying "what an amazing piece of kit" and bought it just based on the high end hardware made me laugh. Now people are wondering where the games are. Surprise.


Completely different scenario. The 3DS' success didn't just happen. Nintendo...you know...did stuff.

Like reassuring gamers the first E3 after launch that the 3DS isn't going away by making a point to show off gameplay footage of Paper Mario, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, RE: Revelations, Ace Combat, Star Fox, Ocarina of Time, Tekken, RE: Mercenaries, Luigi's Mansion, MGS3, etc.

That said I hope there still is Vita news coming this E3 and Sony was just too stupid to prioritize it over Wonderbooks in their conference.


i love how sony couldn't even be arsed to sic an intern on imovie and piece together a vita montage video. i wonder what generic dub step tune we missed out on


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
not outside of japan. the redesign + nsmb2 is their last hope.

I wouldn't say "last." The 3DS is selling at such a level that, yes, it's hard to classify as "good," it's still "alive" enough that any potentially big Brain Age-level success could ignite it at any time.

Also, Pokemon.


look in the main forum outside of this thread...there are vita games being showcased/announced. its too bad sony was too inept to show more vita games during the televised conference

Then you or another member should start an awareness thread :p I'm probably browsing over them and/or using my subs too much.

Edit: On second look, maybe they don't exist and you're pulling our leg? Not surprised, unless I've gone blind
It's only day 1. There's probably several titles that'll get trailers and demos on G4 and the game sites.
The conferences don't mean much. They only show a small fraction of E3 content.

The E3 presentation is the single most important event for Sony's gaming division.


I remember when everyone said the same thing about the 3DS. Seriously people never learn to stop with all the doom talk. Nothing in this industry is ever considered good enough. Last year the 3DS was going to be canceled I going by forum talk. Fast forward a year and now it's amazing and has the holy trinity in Japan. Jesus effing Christ people! When will you ever learn. Has anyone ever been right about their doom talk?

You don't seem to understand the magnitude of difference between the Vita's and 3DS's positions right now and back then.
It was a tactical decision by sony to leave the vita stuff on the floor, and from what i hear the showing on the floor is HUGE, and not on the stage. But it's a tactical decision they got wrong. I agree with what a lot of what the vita defenders are saying in here, but the truth of the matter is that threads like this wouldn't be popping up in every videogame forum across the internet if Sony handled this better.

But the weirdest thing to me, and this is just completely fucking bizarre and I still can't wrap my head around it, is that they devoted some time to talk about PS Suite (or PS Mobile...) and they didn't once mention it being on the fucking vita.

I mean, really?!?!?


This "E3 conferences don't mean much" horseshit is some of the worst, most desperate damage control I've ever seen.


Sony has given up on the Vita.

I was shocked with the Sony conference. This makes me fear for the PS4, which in turn might end Sony's console business.

Uhm...what? The Playstation brand is the only thing keeping Sony alive right now and the PS3 is only a few million (seemingly < 3 million) behind Microsoft worldwide in console sales. How does the Vita having no support signal ANYTHING for the PS4?

Sometimes gaffers just pull the most insane shit out of their asses.


Oh, hadn't you guys heard? Sony's holding a second event the following day focusing specifically on Vita games.
This "E3 conferences don't mean much" horseshit is some of the worst, most desperate damage control I've ever seen.

It's also true.

MS's last two conferences have basically been them saying "hi gamers, we, um, we're gonna see someone else." and sales have gone through the roof. E3 doesn't mean shit.

That said, that doesn't change the fact that the Vita is off an AWFUL start at it.


3DS is doing better than DS....

also realize that the initial reception of the ds was skeptical as fuck and it wasn't until the ds had a fully decent library and a lot of 'this is a new experience' type of handheld games for women/other demographics that it exploded?

so not only does the 3ds have the DS to help it out in terms of familiarity, but it also is now competing with the cell phone and tablet market which was not in existence when the DS was growing and became a huge success.

chances of 3ds following in DS's footsteps? Slim. Even if it gets more games. :(


It's also true.

MS's last two conferences have basically been them saying "hi gamers, we, um, we're gonna see someone else." and sales have gone through the roof. E3 doesn't mean shit.
E3 conference shows the direction the company is heading. The last few MS conferences have been all about Kinect and that's what they've focused on. Nintendo's E3 2008 showed that Nintendo had gone in full casual mode and they really were at that time. etc.
MS focused on gamers and their console. Just not GAF gamers. It worked like a charm.

With Vita, Sony focused on nothing.

I agree with you about sony.

But "Gaf gamers" are who watch and pay attention to e3 and the news that comes out of e3. That's why Microsoft's lackluster showings don't matter. The 360 is selling because it's a great system, not because it has great E3s. It sucks at E3, especially lately.

Last year it was near universal that Sony had a better E3 than MS. Last year MS sold more consoles than Sony.

E3 doesn't matter. I'm not saying this to defend the vita. Fuck the vita. I'm saying this as a matter of fact.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm certainly worried about the Vita's long term success and I do believe that is probably because of the software lineup first and the price second. I don't know what there would be left to save it if TGS doesn't show some really good games to get at least Japan to care about it.

But for me personally, I'm not super worried. I have a long list of already announced games that I am very interested and would buy if i had the time and money too. Assassins Creed, Gravity Rush, upcoming NIS games, upcoming Xseed games, Persona 4 golden and arena, Playstation all stars, the imported Miku game, along with some launch games i missed like Virtua Tennis and luminous. And thats not including the 5 full retail games I already own

I personally don't see where the "lack of games" comes from when all i see for 3ds is Devil Summoner, Mario Land, Mario Kart, Tales of the Abyss, paper mario, and luigis mansion. But I can't argue with statistics. I know I'm in the minority. I guess I'm one of the few people that care about having PS3 games with almost equal graphical power ready to play at any time anywhere.

I just wish I didn't have to listen to the whole Vita is doomed and only an idiot would own one speech every time the subject of the vita came up. It'd be nice to hear podcasts where they aren't instantly going to dismiss everything to further the doomed narrative.
Was it just or was there no vita mention except ps3 ports and no ps+ vita support

It was more dire than that. If you didn't know the Vita existed and you watched that conference, you still wouldn't know the Vita existed. They showed 2 seconds of Ass Creed and they had someone playing the Vita version of Super Smash Sony Clone on stage while the video showed the people playing the PS3 version.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
This was definitely disappointing.

That said, being both a 3DS and a Vita owner, my Vita is getting the most playtime right now, and looking forward this year, I want more games than i am likely to buy because of cost alone...

Gravity Rush
Assassins Creed
Call of Duty
MGS HD Collection
Zone of Enders HD Collection
a few PS1 Classics
and likely a few unannounced titles as well.

My biggest suprise though was the lack of Killzone and CoD gameplay footage.

I mean, we saw Kilzone alpha footage a year ago, and we have known about CoD for just as long... What gives?

I think they showed they are still supporting it at the conference, it SHOULD have been a stronger showing yes, but Treton still talked it up, they showed a couple games, and a bundle... could have been worse, but not by much.

Hopefully we get some stealth awesomeness via the showfloor over the next few days.


I was pretty surprised by the lack of vita stuff at the conference. It was basically 3 announcements that we knew existed already (cod, assassins creed, all stars). No price drop either or ps+ stuff that I can think of.

They really told me they have about as much interest in supporting vita as they did with the PSP for a few years. I don't think I'm going to buy one until I can get some assurances they won't abandon it more than they have.
The vita has a bright future as a niche device. I don't think it does as a AAA 100mil seller ubiquitous super device.

I link to my vita blog too much, so I won't, but here's some bullet points on my take away from this whole thing.

1. Sony made a tactical decision to show it off bigtime on the floor and not on stage because handheld games are awkward to show off on 100 foot screens.

This was a tactical mistake. I understand their thinking but they were wrong. The bad press, the bad feeling from gamers... the bad feelings from fans all could have been avoided except they got this very big decision completely fucking wrong.

2. The Vita doesn't have a bright future as an AAA super popular device. But it also doesn't need to be that. For me, personally, I can live off of sony exclusives and indies/B-level titles from third parties. But most people can't. I believe this is the vita's future. We'll get more God of Wars and LBPs and all of that stuff, and tons of indies. Especially with PS Suite. But also Mutant Blob type games.

3. Sony has a complete lack of understanding about how much it bothers consumers that we don't know shit. I dont even fucking care about PSone games, but tell us something. I mean they said "summer" but that's as vague as the already passed "soon after launch."

It's august btw. Or atleast that's what i keep hearing.

4. Call of Duty won't be out this year. If its not in shape to be shown on stage, it's not coming out. I was gonna wait to hear whether its on the floor or not (its not in sony's booth, it might be in activisions) before making that declaration... but I already feel fairly confident that it's not coming. I dont give a fuck personally, as im not a cod guy (though I do like blops). But it will be another huge blow when it's announced that its delayed.

5. Handhelds are bigger in japan, even though the vita is floundering there. There will actually be some big announcements at the vita games heaven thing this month. TGS will also be big.

None of this will be enough to make the vita be a major player. It's a niche device. Make peace with that or sell it. I'm making peace with it since i fit in the niche.
The vita has a bright future as a niche device. I don't think it does as a AAA 100mil seller ubiquitous super device.

I link to my vita blog too much, so I won't, but here's some bullet points on my take away from this whole thing.

1. Sony made a tactical decision to show it off bigtime on the floor and not on stage because handheld games are awkward to show off on 100 foot screens.

This was a tactical mistake. I understand their thinking but they were wrong. The bad press, the bad feeling from gamers... the bad feelings from fans all could have been avoided except they got this very big decision completely fucking wrong.

2. The Vita doesn't have a bright future as an AAA super popular device. But it also doesn't need to be that. For me, personally, I can live off of sony exclusives and indies/B-level titles from third parties. But most people can't. I believe this is the vita's future. We'll get more God of Wars and LBPs and all of that stuff, and tons of indies. Especially with PS Suite. But also Mutant Blob type games.

3. Sony has a complete lack of understanding about how much it bothers consumers that we don't know shit. I dont even fucking care about PSone games, but tell us something. I mean they said "summer" but that's as vague as the already passed "soon after launch."

It's august btw. Or atleast that's what i keep hearing.

4. Call of Duty won't be out this year. If its not in shape to be shown on stage, it's not coming out. I was gonna wait to hear whether its on the floor or not (its not in sony's booth, it might be in activisions) before making that declaration... but I already feel fairly confident that it's not coming. I dont give a fuck personally, as im not a cod guy (though I do like blops). But it will be another huge blow when it's announced that its delayed.

5. Handhelds are bigger in japan, even though the vita is floundering there. There will actually be some big announcements at the vita games heaven thing this month. TGS will also be big.

None of this will be enough to make the vita be a major player. It's a niche device. Make peace with that or sell it. I'm making peace with it since i fit in the niche.

Know the bolded for a fact?
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