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Dog Just Stares At Wall After His Rescue Fell Through

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Maybe the reason they brought him back was because those people made a hasty decision too?

They saw him and jumped to rescue him. But then they got him home and he chewed up their furniture, or nipped someone's hand or scared a neighbor's kids with a mean bark or some other thing they weren't prepared for.

You don't just adopt a dog out of desperation. Either you are prepared for one or you are not.


I totally thought this was going to have a picture of a dog staring at some dude who fell through a sheet of drywall or something.

What a downer :(
This whole scenario was likely triggered by moron dog owners who should never have owned a dog.

The most important kind of law that needs to be passed is a license is required to own a pet. Not all pet owners are perfect, but the ones that fill up animal shelters because their toy was misbehaving or "wasn't ready for the responsibility" deserve to be fined to hell and back.

All that would result in is more assholes leaving animals to die in the wild.
I don't understand this sentiment. There's millions of kids that need to be adopted as well so why have your own kids.

I donate every month to my local SPCA and love animals so much and love dogs. But I don't get why I cannot choose my own pet, buy him as a puppy or a specific breed all because there are other assholes in the world abandoning their pets and these pets are struggling at shelters. Let people live their lives without having to shame every thing they do just because you don't like it. Want to adopt, adopt. Want to get a specific breed, get one from a reputable breeder and love your pet. Don't abandon them. Maybe pet ownership should be regulated more strongly then. Make pet licenses and registration mandatory.

Well, ok, that's how you feel but i feel that there ought to be a broader imperative to prioritize these animals instead of participating in the commerce of animals, and it saddens me that this is not the case already. I don't know what else to say, other than that perhaps i feel almost the same towards children but for different reasons and would suggest different ways to help kids without homes, and honestly that matter is separate enough from this one that the comparison is misplaced.


My chief concern about adopting a dog is that he'd be alone for most of the day when I'm at work. I get conflicting information about whether this is a big deal for dogs or not.

It would also be an older dog, since I know they have much smaller chances of adoption and you don't need to train them anymore.


I totally thought this was going to have a picture of a dog staring at some dude who fell through a sheet of drywall or something.

What a downer :(

Same here. Poor dog. Goddamn heartbreaking.

The thing with pitbulls and Rotties is that too many asshats want them because they think it makes them look tough. 'Cocks on a leash' is what my vet calls them. Sadly, the work involved with pitbulls and Rottweilers--walking, training, actual caring for them--runs straight into the asshats' selfishness and the dog loses, either ending up being abandoned or abused.

Dogs are a lot of work, but they are worth it.

Hope this dude finds a home that will appreciate him.
I don't understand this sentiment. There's millions of kids that need to be adopted as well so why have your own kids.

Kids aren't being bred by the tens of thousands to sell and equivalent numbers of unwanted kids aren't being euthanized.

My chief concern about adopting a dog is that he'd be alone for most of the day when I'm at work. I get conflicting information about whether this is a big deal for dogs or not.

It would also be an older dog, since I know they have much smaller chances of adoption and you don't need to train them anymore.

It depends on the breed. Some dogs are high-energy and require a lot of attention: others are reasonably independent. It also helps if they have a partner.
Oh, it's a pit bull...
So what does that matter? Unless you have an HOA or apartment rules against the breed. Pits are loveable. It all depends on their upbring like most animals. I really wish this sterotype would go away :(

Edit: they are probably the most abused and mistreated breed in existence. If anything they deserve your empathy not your apathy.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
what's the worst that could happen? your cat would get used to it.

That's what my wife's mother said. Then the dog killed the cat. I have both dogs and cats, but if the cats I had couldn't deal with the dogs I certainly wouldn't expect them to "get used to it." They're animals, the idea of "getting used to it" doesn't actually compute.


That's what my wife's mother said.

The the dog killed the cat.



That's what my wife's mother said. Then the dog killed the cat. I have both dogs and cats, but if the cats I had couldn't deal with the dogs I certainly wouldn't expect them to "get used to it." They're animals, the idea of "getting used to it" doesn't actually compute.

I think it depends on more then just that. We have 3 cats. 1 hated our new dogs. first dog was a bit pull mix about 5 months old. He just wanted to play with the cats but man that one cat hated him. It took over a year for the cat to be in the same room. Now they get along fine but yea if the dog is aggressive I would be more worried about having cats


If I wasn't scared of pits I would totally adopt it. Unfortunately the only two interactions I had with them where terrible. Ultimately I know it was probably the owners fault.


If I wasn't scared of pits I would totally adopt it. Unfortunately the only two interactions I had with them where terrible. Ultimately I know it was probably the owners fault.

I've been bitten by a Border Collie but showered in love by numerous pitbulls. I suggest going to a shelter and spending some time with one. They're a perfect example of a wonderful creature treated like dirt by humans.

Any dog will be aggressive if treated like shit. Unfortunately those types of people also value the fighting ability of pitbulls.

People who think pitbulls are dangerous because of their breed alone are the reason numerous affectionate, loving dogs are put down for no reason.

That's what my wife's mother said. Then the dog killed the cat. I have both dogs and cats, but if the cats I had couldn't deal with the dogs I certainly wouldn't expect them to "get used to it." They're animals, the idea of "getting used to it" doesn't actually compute.

I wouldn't introduce any dog to cats unless it's a puppy or a dog that has been around cats before. But that's more for the safety of he cats. The cats actually do get used to the dogs. They may not be great friends, but they'll tolerate the dog and stop fearing it after a while. I have years of experience with both cats and dogs and I've never had a cat that didn't eventually warm up to the dog.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
If I wasn't scared of pits I would totally adopt it. Unfortunately the only two interactions I had with them where terrible. Ultimately I know it was probably the owners fault.
Any dog can be aggressive or down right dangerous. I know a lot of pitbull owners that have all gotten their dogs from rescues or shelters. They train and socialize the dogs and they all are all great.
My chief concern about adopting a dog is that he'd be alone for most of the day when I'm at work. I get conflicting information about whether this is a big deal for dogs or not.

It would also be an older dog, since I know they have much smaller chances of adoption and you don't need to train them anymore.

FWIW, pits are one of those breeds that are content to sleep while you're gone. I work from home two days a week, but the days I do go into the office are fairly long days. I make sure my girl has a comfortable place to sleep and a toy or two to keep herself entertained while she's awake. She is perfectly happy.

But honestly, when I run to the grocery store if I'm gone more than an hour my dog chills and goes to sleep. Bigger breeds tend to be sleepy, lazy dogs. Smaller breeds like jack russells (or any kind of terrier really) or dachshunds tend to be a little more wired and energetic. Even they can be left alone for awhile though.


My chief concern about adopting a dog is that he'd be alone for most of the day when I'm at work. I get conflicting information about whether this is a big deal for dogs or not.

It would also be an older dog, since I know they have much smaller chances of adoption and you don't need to train them anymore.

Trust me, i think the dog would be better off being home along for 8-9 hours and then spending the rest of the day with you than be in a cold kennel


It looks like some sort of bull terrier variant and in my opinion should be put down. I don't understand why anyone would have that type of breed, and a rescue version with whatever doggy psychosis that one has isn't going to to be any better. I'd have a national programme to get rid of all those sort of dogs I personally hate them.

If people need a pet dog why not restrict it to breeds/sizes that aren't generally capable of doing serious harm?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
It looks like some sort of bull terrier variant and in my opinion should be put down. I don't understand why anyone would have that type of breed, and a rescue version with whatever doggy psychosis that one has isn't going to to be any better. I'd have a national programme to get rid of all those sort of dogs I personally hate them.

If people need a pet dog why not restrict it to breeds/sizes that aren't generally capable of doing serious harm?
Advocating for any bull terrier mix to be put down... Ignorant nonsense. You should be ashamed.

I'm out of here.
Does anyone in the thread watch Judge Judy?

Every other case seems to involve a pitbull biting a neighbor's child or something.

Yet the only constant is that their owners on the show are universally loathsome people.

Blame them, not the dog.


I think I got some debris in my eye :(
IMO there are no bad breeds, some are just harder to train and people failing that training.


pull every negative pitbull story and give me one legit one where the owners trained them properly

I'm not sure any news story goes into the specific training regiments of dogs. Lots of breeds that are poorly trained are less volatile than pit bulls. I feel really bad for the stigma that the breed has, there are good pitbulls.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I'm not sure any news story goes into the specific training regiments of dogs. Lots of breeds that are poorly trained are less volatile than pit bulls. I feel really bad for the stigma that the breed has, there are good pitbulls.
You said it was a bad breed.
It looks like some sort of bull terrier variant and in my opinion should be put down. I don't understand why anyone would have that type of breed, and a rescue version with whatever doggy psychosis that one has isn't going to to be any better. I'd have a national programme to get rid of all those sort of dogs I personally hate them.

If people need a pet dog why not restrict it to breeds/sizes that aren't generally capable of doing serious harm?

you'd be okay with dogs that are like my dog being rounded up and killed because of their breed and not because they exhibited the slightest signs of aggression

pretty disturbing

also i guess you think all of these should have been wiped out too, along with all the other bully breeds that have done well in therapy dog programs

Elle The Pit Bull Named 2013 Hero Dog By American Humane Association

Pit Bull Saves Long Island Woman from Fire

Dog comforts other sick canines at vet clinic

Hero Pit Bull Helps Find Elderly N.J. Woman Lost In The Woods

Local therapy dog helps grieving city of Boston

Rescued Pit Bull Saves 4-Year-Old Minnesota Boy

Rescue dog Stitch gives local family strength

Dogs guard girl when fox attacks

Hero pit bull pulls owner from train tracks in life-saving rescue

Family: Pit bull saved boy, 9, from abduction

Pit bull hailed as hero after protecting owner from home invasion

Hero Dog Shows Up Lassie, Uses iPhone To Call 911 And Save Owner's Life

Dog helps save 4 children from fire


Does anyone in the thread watch Judge Judy?

Every other case seems to involve a pitbull biting a neighbor's child or something.

Yet the only constant is that their owners on the show are universally loathsome people.

Blame them, not the dog.

I totally get the argument that certain breeds are owned by the sort of people that cause trouble. And unless there is a massively restrictive dog ownership programme (which I'd totally be in favour off) then a whole lot of different people will own dogs. But a lot of fatal dog attacks are committed by the dogs of extended family members, it's not your bull terrier that mauls your four year old it's grannie's or uncle's.

And anyone saying the issue is the owner not the breed needs to explain why no chihuahua's are recorded as killing children versus the number of rotweilers, bull terriers, etc.
My chief concern about adopting a dog is that he'd be alone for most of the day when I'm at work. I get conflicting information about whether this is a big deal for dogs or not.

It would also be an older dog, since I know they have much smaller chances of adoption and you don't need to train them anymore.

Not the same dog, but my Staffordshire bull terrier sleeps all day when I'm gone, gets playful and hungry the second I get home. I work near 10 hour days.

Give a dog a comfy bed, some shade and some water and they'll love it. I've actually found him in the exact same position I've left him in when I leave in the morning haha.

Pit bulls are pretty shitty breeds.

DR2K posts are pretty shitty posts.

"Someone call me?"

Haha nah, that's the "trying to pretend sitting on the couch is fine" face.
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