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Doom comes to Xbox Live Arcade TODAY - 4 player co-op online. AVAILABLE NOW.

GhaleonEB said:
wait - is the battle with the two demons the end of the game? I thought there were two more overworlds and two more bosses? I have not seen a cacodemon or those fire-headed guys yet. I never played Doom II on the PC so they had to have been in the original. Were they some kind of expansion not included here?

...those are the additional episodes with full version of Doom, and yes, they are included with XBLA version...


ChrisAllenFiz said:
So you never bought DVD versions of things you had on VHS?
I did and, at least, I got a noticeable improvement in quality, most of the time. In principle, anyway, I'm against it just the same.

And I ask you: if you had to pay 10$ more to play Doom on Xbox 720? And later on 10$ more to play Doom on Xbox 1440? Is there a limit to how many times the same cow can be milked, in your opinion, or basically anything goes?


cedric69 said:
I did and, at least, I got a noticeable improvement in quality, most of the time. In principle, anyway, I'm against it just the same.

And I ask you: if you had to pay 10$ more to play Doom on Xbox 720? And later on 10$ more to play Doom on Xbox 1440? Is there a limit to how many times the same cow can be milked, in your opinion, or basically anything goes?

Whatever, i love it. If you don't like it you don't have to buy it, or does it bug you that much if your friend has the game on his 360 just because he could play it on his pc instead?
I think the release of the game makes sence since it's on XBox Live Arcade..
awesome, evidently full version does come with 4th episode - Thy flesh consumed

....I went an ahead an purchased this magic (ive spent $10 on far worse), so add me up for some live coop in the future if anyone is interest, gamertag: agentotaku
I am a sad sad human being. I think I've played just about every iteration of Doom in existance. PC, Jaguar, Sega32X, N64, PS1, Saturn, GBA, emulated on modded XBox....name it, I've played it.

And when I got home and saw this on XBLA with 4 player online co-op, I just instinctively push the button for purchase. Even more pathetic, 3 of my pals were waiting on me to buy it so we could get a good co-op game on. Even sadder I don't know my way around downtown Indianapolis, but I know the location of all the secrets in Episode I of Doom 1. :lol After 5 minutes of blazing through the first level I had already obtained 3 Acheivments.

For some reason this game is just a timeless classic and I can never get enough of it. It brings back memories of late nights in college, LAN up with roomates and playing the hell out of Doom. I don't under this, "Brokeback Mountain" relatioship I have with. Doom.

"Doom, why can't I quit you?!" :lol

I'm ALWAYS down for a multiplayer game...just drop me an invite.
Apharmd Battler said:
I am a sad sad human being. I think I've played just about every iteration of Doom in existance. PC, Jaguar, Sega32X, N64, PS1, Saturn, GBA, emulated on modded XBox....name it, I've played it.

And when I got home and saw this on XBLA with 4 player online co-op, I just instinctively push the button for purchase. Even more pathetic, 3 of my pals were waiting on me to buy it so we could get a good co-op game on. Even sadder I don't know my way around downtown Indianapolis, but I know the location of all the secrets in Episode I of Doom 1. :lol After 5 minutes of blazing through the first level I had already obtained 3 Acheivments.

For some reason this game is just a timeless classic and I can never get enough of it. It brings back memories of late nights in college, LAN up with roomates and playing the hell out of Doom. I don't under this, "Brokeback Mountain" relatioship I have with. Doom.

"Doom, why can't I quit you?!" :lol

I'm ALWAYS down for a multiplayer game...just drop me an invite.

yeah I have a similar relationship with Doom :D

I remeber when I first saw it after going to a computer convention with my dad back in '93 or '94 and seeing the shareware....I just melted right there. My dad saw how excited I was and pulled it from some BBS and the rest is rightous ****ing history

Sugarman said:
Can you do 4 player co-op offline?

I imagine splitscreen, yes :)


AgentOtaku said:
...those are the additional episodes with full version of Doom, and yes, they are included with XBLA version...
After beating the two big guys, I went into the teleporter, got the ending text and was taken to the title screen. Do I need to do something to open them up?


For some reason this game is just a timeless classic and I can never get enough of it. It brings back memories of late nights in college, LAN up with roomates and playing the hell out of Doom. I don't under this, "Brokeback Mountain" relatioship I have with. Doom.

Same exact thing. It's frightening how much time I've spent playing Doom over the last like 12 years or so... and picking it up this morning was some of the best money I've spent (again).
GhaleonEB said:
After beating the two big guys, I went into the teleporter, got the ending text and was taken to the title screen. Do I need to do something to open them up?

they should be open if you bought the full version =/
Grabbed the game last night as well. Didn't mess with it much, but was there already an update for it? Does it address network code or something? As soon as I luanched it, it said there was an update available. And I thought "Damn, that was fast"


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Grabbed the game last night as well. Didn't mess with it much, but was there already an update for it? Does it address network code or something? As soon as I luanched it, it said there was an update available. And I thought "Damn, that was fast"
The "update" was online as soon as the game was released. It's probably just something necessary for the game to run to begin with, than an actual update.

However... DOOOOOOOM!
raYne said:
The "update" was online as soon as the game was released. It's probably just something necessary for the game to run to begin with, than an actual update.

However... DOOOOOOOM!

Ahh... cool. :) Couldn't resist more Doom. Hopefully jumping on tonight to get some co-op going. From the little that I saw, it looked great. :)


isamu said:
silly question but can you look up and down in doom? Also how are the sound effects? 5.1 surround?
I played a version where you could do that, made the final boss in Doom II crazy easy.

GhaleonEB, now that you beat that level, go to start a new game and the next episode will be open for you to begin.
LakeEarth said:
I played a version where you could do that, made the final boss in Doom II crazy easy.

GhaleonEB, now that you beat that level, go to start a new game and the next episode will be open for you to begin.

nah cant look up or down, not that it matters

anything in front of you whether its 1 foot away or 100 feet away and 100 feet up is treated the same by the game engine.

doom just wasnt made with that in mind at the time :D
cedric69 said:
I did and, at least, I got a noticeable improvement in quality, most of the time. In principle, anyway, I'm against it just the same.

And I ask you: if you had to pay 10$ more to play Doom on Xbox 720? And later on 10$ more to play Doom on Xbox 1440? Is there a limit to how many times the same cow can be milked, in your opinion, or basically anything goes?

This is the first time I've been able to play this great classic on a console with multiplayer over broadband internet and voice chat. It's great. I don't feel milked at all, because they finally offered me the version I've always wanted; this Doom has never been available before.


Sorry if this has been posted before, but I skipped pages 1-4 of the thread.

I used to play moDoom every day in 1993 on a mother****ing 2400 baud modem. Granted I was directly connected to my buddy 3 miles away from me, but whatever.

Why in the **** in the day and age of mandatory dsl for xbox live can I not find one goddamn game that isn't just one red bar and unplayable?

I know Live has been slow anyways the past week because of all the marketplace content, but it's ****ing Doom. It doesn't need much. You hear all the horror stories about how anal Microsoft is with their Arcade certification, yet a handful of these arcade games don't even function online (seriously, Smash TV anyone?).

I'm in IL with a 1.5mb connection, so you'd think I'd be presented with at least half bars for every available session.

So, sorry for whining, but I was just really looking forward to playing this all night and it just didn't happen. Also, do the leaderboards even work? I managed to get through two online games at midnight and it still won't show any of my stats.


Buying this last night was my first Doom experience. I finished the first episode (after grossly miscalculating the difficulty and deciding that I'd go through on the easy setting first) and enjoyed it, apart from when there's invisible enemies. I hate that so much. Pissed me off in Halo too.

Any other utter Doom beginners out there for some co-op action?
perplexcity said:
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I skipped pages 1-4 of the thread.

I used to play moDoom every day in 1993 on a mother****ing 2400 baud modem. Granted I was directly connected to my buddy 3 miles away from me, but whatever.

Why in the **** in the day and age of mandatory dsl for xbox live can I not find one goddamn game that isn't just one red bar and unplayable?

I know Live has been slow anyways the past week because of all the marketplace content, but it's ****ing Doom. It doesn't need much. You hear all the horror stories about how anal Microsoft is with their Arcade certification, yet a handful of these arcade games don't even function online (seriously, Smash TV anyone?).

I'm in IL with a 1.5mb connection, so you'd think I'd be presented with at least half bars for every available session.

So, sorry for whining, but I was just really looking forward to playing this all night and it just didn't happen. Also, do the leaderboards even work? I managed to get through two online games at midnight and it still won't show any of my stats.

I played with hyp last night and we both showed up as a "halfway" strong connection and still had a game that was smooth as butter. No lag at all.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I played with hyp last night and we both showed up as a "halfway" strong connection and still had a game that was smooth as butter. No lag at all.

I tried two games with a buddy in California after work and both times you couldn't even run straight. I tried two more games around 8:00 and same thing. Everyone in the room was one red bar and it was pointless even trying to play.

The two I played at midnight at least functioned enough that I could finally kill some people though.

I still stick be my declaration that if I could play the damn thing on a 2400 baud modem 13 years ago, there sure be nothing for these devs to **** up in the netcode.


AgentOtaku said:
they should be open if you bought the full version =/
Ah, so I need to go back in from the title screen? It booted me to there and I shut down. I probably just need to go back in. Thanks, I though I'd just move on to the next campaign.
I played for a good bit last night with no lag. Me in Cincinnati, and the other players in NYC, Ontario Canada, and North Carolina. We played both co-op (on Nightmare) and deathmatch.

perplexcity said:
I still stick be my declaration that if I could play the damn thing on a 2400 baud modem 13 years ago, there sure be nothing for these devs to **** up in the netcode.

Actually a 2400 baud direct modem call is way easier than dealing with the internet. Latency is almost nothing, ditto for packet loss. It's an extremely solid connection, it just doesn't support a high data rate. Since games like Doom only sent player (not NPC) movements over the pipe, perfect modem gameplay was easy to achieve.
GhaleonEB said:
Ah, so I need to go back in from the title screen? It booted me to there and I shut down. I probably just need to go back in. Thanks, I though I'd just move on to the next campaign.

yeah, Doom was always like that. Finish and episode, booted back to title screen and start the next one :)
I want this, but moving to uni only and being on their network only alows my pc to log online via user login. So untill I buy some wires to stream the 360 through my pc I have to cry and read posts like these :(


This is sooo awesome!

I played and finished Doom 2 on my original xbox an it was great. This is what the arcade is for!


I downloaded this last night and thoroughly enjoyed what I have played so far. I've only played single player so far but it's a blast. Doom! Who doesn't like Doom? It's a classic for a reason, and still damn good. Can't wait to try out the multiplayer stuff later. Should be fantastic.

Safe Bet

darkbanjo said:
Any other utter Doom beginners out there for some co-op action?
I'm new to the game too. Please add me to your Friend's List and send me a pm sometime.

I could really use some help finding secrets and it'd be nice to play the game with someone that doesn't just blaze through it at top speed. :p


Yes, for another 800 points. It's not that I won't pay, I will... But this way I'll end up paying 20e for a game I've already bought a couple of times.

Now if only they would port Quake 1...
Sjoerd said:
Yes, for another 800 points. It's not that I won't pay, I will... But this way I'll end up paying 20e for a game I've already bought a couple of times.

Now if only they would port Quake 1...

Oh yeah! I loved Quake 1. Played it constantly for a couple of years there. Awesome online play. I'd be all over that too.

And yeah, I think I've now purchased Doom for PC, 32x, Playstation, N64, GBA, and probably a system or two in there that I can't remember. So I'm with you. Didn't stop me from grabbing this one though. :)


BenjaminBirdie said:
I played with hyp last night and we both showed up as a "halfway" strong connection and still had a game that was smooth as butter. No lag at all.

yea, it was as smooth as butter. i'm on the west coast... not sure where birdie is from, but nonetheless it was awesome. i'm looking forward to 4-player co-op in the future. i've gotta apologize ahead of time though, i tend to have an active trigger (friendly fire FTL) -- ask birdie. :lol
hyp said:
yea, it was as smooth as butter. i'm on the west coast... not sure where birdie is from, but nonetheless it was awesome. i'm looking forward to 4-player co-op in the future. i've gotta apologize ahead of time though, i tend to have an active trigger (friendly fire FTL) -- ask birdie. :lol

Don't sweat. MaxRPG killed me approximately ten times.


Quake 1? Give me Quake 2 (w MODS!). I would pay HUGE bucks for grappling hook goodness... or better yet, Weapons factory.


Baka Zeitgeist said:
Anyone else notice the Friends Leaderboard is backwards?

Other then that I've been loving it...

I was wondering that myself. My buddy was ranked #1 with 20k and I was behind him with 40k+. It pissed me off because we only buy 80% of these arcade titles to fight over the high score (not Doom though).

Sho Nuff

Man, this shit is bonertastic.

Me and MrSingh finished Knee-Deep in the Dead last night. We need to play on higher difficulties though!

Analog movement really adds a ton to this game IMHO. There is no vibration however :(


Probably the best commercial version of Doom ever. While it may not be the best in every area (non full screen?) the overall product with online support and so on makes it so. Probably the best game on Arcade I would say.


It's nice to see all the Doom love. Doom was and is an amazing achievement. One of the best games ever, IMO.

I wish the old id was still around. You know, the one that made crazy sexy ****ing awesome masterpieces.
Wollan said:
Probably the best commercial version of Doom ever. While it may not be the best in every area (non full screen?) the overall product with online support and so on makes it so. Probably the best game on Arcade I would say.

Why'll there are mods like jDOOM and stuff for the PC which allow for online play, 3d enhanced visuals, mouse/keyboard (including looking up/down), etc......yes I do believe this is THE BEST commercial release of Doom :)
BenT said:
It's nice to see all the Doom love. Doom was and is an amazing achievement. One of the best games ever, IMO.

I wish the old id was still around. You know, the one that made crazy sexy ****ing awesome masterpieces.

i firmly believe carmack made the engines

and romero and mcgee made the fun


Rage Bait Youtuber
Still one of my two favorite games of all time.

Just played a 1on1 DM against some kid. I beat him 10-0 before he quit out :lol


I spent 10 minutes trying to find that last damned secret on the first level. I used to know all this shit 12/13 years ago. How embarrassing.
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