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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh man, the worst one I had to get through was the one where you
only had a shotgun and 1 health.

That one took me forever and the only way I could finish it was to
bait the last pinky demon to run off the ledge.
I literally beat it with 1 second to spare. So glad to get that one out of the way.

That said, I just know I'm going to be hating life when I try to do them with a controller.

trial spoiler: http://i.imgur.com/s8x60Oi.gif
Ah yes, I've done all those with a pad. Have yet to hit one that was too difficult but they are lots of fun. The 1 health one was awesome.


Holy crap.

To emphasize what this game is to me, a little about myself: I'm 35 years old. My first ever PC game was Wolfenstein, and DOOM followed soon after. I played a lot of it, both solo and with my friends over modem. Then came Quake, the internet and things moved online, but I always played the high paced, straight forward shooters. That's what defined me as a gamer, and continues to do so.

Straight forward, fast paced, skill based twitch shooters pretty much died when tech reached the point where semi-realism became viable, and such games took off. Don't get me wrong, I love Far Cry 3 for example, but the subgenre that DOOM stands for pretty much died off, with few exceptions like Bulletstorm or Serious Sam, which were good, but not great. I wasn't sure the days of me jumping around firing rockets, chainsawing enemies and flying around using jump pads would ever come back, at least not in any solid, modernized form. Heck, I wasn't even sure it would work anymore, even for me.

But here we are... THIS is the game I've been waiting for for the last 10 years.

This game fucking sings. Each and every design decision in it support one or both of the two things that matter: The gameplay and the atmosphere. It gives me the type of rush I haven't gotten from a game in years. 30 minutes after starting I was jumping around and blasting demons in the face with a shotgun like the past 10+ years of my life had never happened. I was back in my youth, playing a game that doesn't try to hook you through anything else than being fun to play.

I have to tear myself away from this game. The way they've managed to bring modern game design paradigms into the mix with all the upgrades, without taking away from the straight forward aspect of the gameplay, is impressive as hell. All the weapons feel right, all the skills feel right. It feels new and just like DOOM at the same time. So fast, so fierce, and so precise. Compared to other recent games, I feel like I am one with the controls, I don't even register using a mouse and a keyboard... what I wish to happen just happens. It's an amazing feeling having after such a long time away from it. Game also looks pretty, and runs near-perfect.

And I'm still pretty good at it, too! Whenever I get near death, the adrenaline kicks in and I let my instincts take over, and it's like I'm 15 years old again, taking out enemies at a pace that will make a sidestander wonder what the hell is even happening on my screen. It really is a shame that so many people will be experiencing this with a gamepad. I am not in a "team" when it comes to gaming, I have consoles and I have the PC, but this sure as shit is one game you want to play with m+kb. I wouldn't play a soccer game or fighter with a keyboard, and just the same, I wouldn't play this with a gamepad.

10/10. GOTY. id software just resurrected from the dead and jumped straight onto my AAA developer list that really isn't long. Good lord what a surprise.

Hype over. Buy this game. We need more games like these.

30 years old here. Almost the same background, except I started with Doom.
And I agree 100% with everything you say. RIP AND TEAR.


DOOM was my first game. I was 7.

Im 28 now, sitting in office right now and CAN'T WAIT to get home, kiss my love and fuckin ravage Hell and Mars like I was doing from Friday!


Alright GAF. You made me buy the game. It wasn't on my radar at all ...


Anyone on the fence? Don't be, game is legit.
So I double-dipped (ugh, hate that phrase) on the PC version after playing through PS4.
980ti, i7 4790k (4GHz), Win 8.1. No overclock.

I didn't get much time on it today, only at the 3rd stage but so far, so good. Everything is at max except anisotropic at 4x and res at 1080. Holding firm at 60 fps.

Most notable differences with my rig:

Much shorter load times, of course (not using a SSD). Goes from 15-40 seconds (on PS4) to 3-5 seconds (on PC).
Lighting and shadow quality (Shadow quality set to Nightmare) is noticeably better.
Particles present on the PC version that are not on the PS4 version.
LOD is significantly better.
Rip and tear



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
So I double-dipped (ugh, hate that phrase) on the PC version after playing through PS4.
980ti, i7 4790k (4GHz), Win 8.1. No overclock.

I didn't get much time on it today, only at the 3rd stage but so far, so good. Everything is at max except anisotropic at 4x and res at 1080. Holding firm at 60 fps.

Most notable differences with my rig:

Much shorter load times, of course (not using a SSD). Goes from 15-40 seconds (on PS4) to 3-5 seconds (on PC).
Lighting and shadow quality (Shadow quality set to Nightmare) is noticeably better.
Particles present on the PC version that are not on the PS4 version.
LOD is significantly better.
It looks pretty similar overall I've found, though. The game still looks great with reduced details which isn't always true these days.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
So what's the general consensus?

For someone who loved Doom, AND Loved Doom 3?

Also, what are the chances they bundle this with 1080s in June?
yesterday, booted the game at 11pm.

Let's finish this level and go to bed.


this morning, 4AM


spoiler : this game is addicting. And good.
It looks pretty similar overall I've found, though. The game still looks great with reduced details which isn't always true these days.

Yes. LOD is handled very well in the PS4 version. There is no obscene detail pop-in whilst in the middle of a stage, none that I have noticed actually. It is very apparent when reloading a checkpoint/loading into a stage though, takes a few seconds to correct itself.

id 6 is amazing.
This game is like reliving the scene from Scarface's ending just pure adrenaline and letting loose with your inner rage.

Say hello to my little friend! And his friends! And his cousins! And fucking everything RRRRAAAAAAAA PEW PEW PEW PEW RATATATATATATATAT BOOM BZZZZZZZRRRZRZRZRZRZR!


So in the hell level, when the Barons first appear. There's like this part on the map that you can't get to. Like there's the huge wall there, but on the map it shows this path, even has a powerup there and an arrow carved in the ground of the map. How do you get there?
I really really want to buy this game but I've still got a few issues:-

- No matter what difficulty I've seen people playing it, for the most part, most people shoot a bit at the enemy and then proceed to run at them and Glory Kill. This keeps happening and happening and happening. There was a link posted in the Review thread and it was something like 10 kills on the trot where he did the same thing. The only time there looked any skill was when he came up against a shield guy and had to side step (in timing) around him to get him. I just don't get it. Keep seeing all these positive opinions but all I keep seeing is Glory Kill after Glory Kill. I don't really see any weapon management due to the fact that after a few shots, people just keep running up to the enemy and Glory Killing. Where is the enemy Ai or at least aggression?

- I'd take a chance with Single Player game (cos you sometimes only really know something when you experience it yourself) if I wasn't concerned about the multiplayer (I'd love to get into the multiplayer and I'd buy on ps4). With so many negative opinions on this, how long will there be any players participating? Add then the paid for Weapons and Maps is really making the choice a no...but I want a yes dammit!
- No matter what difficulty I've seen people playing it, for the most part, most people shoot a bit at the enemy and then proceed to run at them and Glory Kill. This keeps happening and happening and happening. There was a link posted in the Review thread and it was something like 10 kills on the trot where he did the same thing. The only time there looked any skill was when he came up against a shield guy and had to side step (in timing) around him to get him. I just don't get it. Keep seeing all these positive opinions but all I keep seeing is Glory Kill after Glory Kill. I don't really see any weapon management due to the fact that after a few shots, people just keep running up to the enemy and Glory Killing. Where is the enemy Ai or at least aggression?

I guess that would be a way people would play if they set it to babby's first FPS in terms of difficulty and spent time switching weps using a wep wheel.
Glory kills can be a trap and a necessity to survive. Here is me playing without using any in a fight, because it would have probably gotten me killed had I used any.


I want id to add player grunting when you get shot in MP - you don't feel getting hit until you're just gibs.

id/Bethesda is going to fix MP right? Right?


This game is seriously legit. Pure fun right from the start. Just beat the second to last rune trial and it was the hardest yet. The rocket does some serious splash damage to you without upgraded armor.
The rune trials are way too hard. Nope, not doing them anymore.

Personally never had any bad issues with them. Most retries I've had to go through was about 5.

The runes add some interesting dynamics to the gameplay though. For instance, there is one rune that will let you have more air control with the second jump, allowing you to do a quick second jump forward, back or to the sides. Others will make the game easier by adding armor drops to glory kills or increasing the range that you can initiate a glory kill.
Each rune also has a challenge associated with it, when maxed out, further increases the effect of the rune.

I like how these (along with other upgrades) are entirely optional though. You can totally decide how much more (or less) you want to inject into your game. Every upgrade feels substantial too. In most cases, every upgrade had a significant impact on the way I approached encounters. I actually more often forgot about using grenades/decoy and the chainsaw. I only played on Ultra Violence though. I'm sure more versatile use of the equipment and chainsaw are better served on Nightmare and Ultra-Nightmare.


I really really want to buy this game but I've still got a few issues:-

- No matter what difficulty I've seen people playing it, for the most part, most people shoot a bit at the enemy and then proceed to run at them and Glory Kill. This keeps happening and happening and happening. There was a link posted in the Review thread and it was something like 10 kills on the trot where he did the same thing. The only time there looked any skill was when he came up against a shield guy and had to side step (in timing) around him to get him. I just don't get it. Keep seeing all these positive opinions but all I keep seeing is Glory Kill after Glory Kill. I don't really see any weapon management due to the fact that after a few shots, people just keep running up to the enemy and Glory Killing. Where is the enemy Ai or at least aggression?
Enemy aggression and AI are pretty good in this game. Seeing them navigating through the complex levels reminds me of FEAR. Even the fat Mancubus will chase you and jump after you onto high platforms and so on. And seeing the Imps crawl along walls, hurling fireballs at you is very impressive.

As for the Glory Kills, I originally thought they would bother too me but surprisingly they are not. Instead they feel like a great and natural extension of the arcade gameplay. You almost get into a Burnout kind of groove. It also adds another layer of strategy since you have to decide whether to mow the enemy hordes down from afar or whether to go up close for the Glory Kills and loot. Different situations and enemy encounters demand different approaches.

- I'd take a chance with Single Player game (cos you sometimes only really know something when you experience it yourself) if I wasn't concerned about the multiplayer (I'd love to get into the multiplayer and I'd buy on ps4). With so many negative opinions on this, how long will there be any players participating? Add then the paid for Weapons and Maps is really making the choice a no...but I want a yes dammit!
Yeah, I'd say ignore the MP for now. I certainly won't be buying any DLC for it unless it's a complete re-tooling of the MP - with free for all deathmatch and weapon pick-ups. The state of the MP is just baffling - especially since it goes against all the great design philosophies present in the SP.


I really really want to buy this game but I've still got a few issues:-

- No matter what difficulty I've seen people playing it, for the most part, most people shoot a bit at the enemy and then proceed to run at them and Glory Kill. This keeps happening and happening and happening. There was a link posted in the Review thread and it was something like 10 kills on the trot where he did the same thing. The only time there looked any skill was when he came up against a shield guy and had to side step (in timing) around him to get him. I just don't get it. Keep seeing all these positive opinions but all I keep seeing is Glory Kill after Glory Kill. I don't really see any weapon management due to the fact that after a few shots, people just keep running up to the enemy and Glory Killing. Where is the enemy Ai or at least aggression?

- I'd take a chance with Single Player game (cos you sometimes only really know something when you experience it yourself) if I wasn't concerned about the multiplayer (I'd love to get into the multiplayer and I'd buy on ps4). With so many negative opinions on this, how long will there be any players participating? Add then the paid for Weapons and Maps is really making the choice a no...but I want a yes dammit!

Just try the game. You're likely watching footage from early on and it's a different story when you're actually playing rather than watching people play and getting a feel for everything. As you progress in the campaign and the encounters get more intense you'll be thinking a lot more if you want to risk for that Glory Kill considering it might end up costing you more health than you'd get. Bedlam above explains it better than I do. lol

I mean the nVidia video people like to reference....the player uses the Glory Kill sparingly in there too.

The game is worth the full price tag for single player alone but there's quite a few people having fun with multiplayer, I haven't had a chance to jump in it myself yet, but SnapMap too is also a great addition and game changer because the amount of options and possibilities it offers. Some of the stuff people have created already are mind boggling.


- No matter what difficulty I've seen people playing it, for the most part, most people shoot a bit at the enemy and then proceed to run at them and Glory Kill. This keeps happening and happening and happening...

You've probably mostly seen clips from the beginning of the game where there are easy fights against easy enemies. As as soon tougher enemies appear, and the number of enemies goes up, it becomes a lot riskier standing still for a second. And since you can only GK when the enemy is in low health, the ratio between shooting and melee goes in the way of shooting a lot as the game gets harder.

Watching videos, I had the exact same reservation before playing. It went away fast.


Doomguy is probably the best lead character in the business. He doesn't talk, why should he? He hates long cutscenes and just wants to tear demons apart in ways he sees fit. He pretty much wants what the gamer wants.

He punches upgrade bots just because its possible.


DOOM might not be revolutionary in terms of it's story, gameplay mechanics nor graphics engine, but it's just so damn fun to play and mess around with. The art design reminds me alot of Q3A and surprisingly enough the games singleplayer campaign feels more aren-shooter'ish than the mp itself. Haven't had this much fun since Bulletstorm.
I really really want to buy this game but I've still got a few issues:-

- No matter what difficulty I've seen people playing it, for the most part, most people shoot a bit at the enemy and then proceed to run at them and Glory Kill. This keeps happening and happening and happening. There was a link posted in the Review thread and it was something like 10 kills on the trot where he did the same thing. The only time there looked any skill was when he came up against a shield guy and had to side step (in timing) around him to get him. I just don't get it. Keep seeing all these positive opinions but all I keep seeing is Glory Kill after Glory Kill. I don't really see any weapon management due to the fact that after a few shots, people just keep running up to the enemy and Glory Killing. Where is the enemy Ai or at least aggression?

The glory kills become less frequent the further you get into the game, if only for the sheer fact that you just get so much firepower later. Plus, some encounters become more long range. Glory kills become more of a tactical element later in the game. You start to learn how many rockets or shotgun blasts will take down certain enemies. Also what weapons are more effective and exploiting weak points of the enemies. There is a lot more nuance going on with glory kills when you actually play it. Something that can't really be observed in videos without understanding the situations where they are best used. I have been through many encounters where I did not use a single glory kill.
I am actually having a blast with the game on PS4. Controls pretty well, although I will admit whenever I have the cash to build a better PC I will be snagging this on sale. Not just for the controls but for the better graphics.


Yeah it's kinda hard to do nothing but Glory Kills when you're in a fight and constantly moving and being chased by 3 Mancubus, 3 Hell Knights, hordes of Imps and Hell Raizers, a few Revenants and then oh, how about throwing a couple of Barons of Hell at you for good measure. lol

Shit, I even had Pinky demons using the gravity lifts to get up to a higher level to fuck my shit up! lol


I originally wasn't sure about this game but man am I having a blast. This is the best shooter I've played in a long long time. Especially a single player FPS, of which I haven't been captivated by one in a very long time.

Rip and tear!


Damn good game, will be gutted when its over as its just pure fun. Any other games like this on PS4? I tried the first Wolfenstein but wasnt feeling it as much at all.


Been playing since my last post. This game just keeps getting crazier and crazier omg. I'm at the end of Lazarus Labs I think. This game really is the shit.

When you grab a berserk, slap that rune on that extends your glory kill reach. You can just insta-kill people from nearly across the room. It's AMAZING.
Damn good game, will be gutted when its over as its just pure fun. Any other games like this on PS4? I tried the first Wolfenstein but wasnt feeling it as much at all.

Shadow Warrior might be the closest.
Speaking of... I really wish they would put Hard Reset on PS4. Great fucking game.


Yeah it's kinda hard to do nothing but Glory Kills when you're in a fight and constantly moving and being chased by 3 Mancubus, 3 Hell Knights, hordes of Imps and Hell Raizers, a few Revenants and then oh, how about throwing a couple of Barons of Hell at you for good measure. lol

Shit, I even had Pinky demons using the gravity lifts to get up to a higher level to fuck my shit up! lol

This is where I stopped last night,the second section in Hell is like a little overboard with what they throw at you I think...cant do it on normal for now lol...might have to bring it down to the easiest difficulty...

Same thing happened in Doom 3...after the inside portion,that went well,soon as I got to Hell,I couldnt finish the game...oh well,will see today,last day of rental.


Yeah it's kinda hard to do nothing but Glory Kills when you're in a fight and constantly moving and being chased by 3 Mancubus, 3 Hell Knights, hordes of Imps and Hell Raizers, a few Revenants and then oh, how about throwing a couple of Barons of Hell at you for good measure. lol

Shit, I even had Pinky demons using the gravity lifts to get up to a higher level to fuck my shit up! lol

In situation like you describe last thing you want to do is lock yourself into glory kill animation, making you stationary target for all demons that are chasing you. Even with rune that makes glory kills faster you most likely end up taking more damage than gaining HP from glory kill. At least on difficulty equal to Hard one has to put timing and thought into using glory kills so you actually gain HP from it instead of being zero sum game or lose situation.


In situation like you describe last thing you want to do is lock yourself into glory kill animation, making you stationary target for all demons that are chasing you. Even with rune that makes glory kills faster you most likely end up taking more damage than gaining HP from glory kill. At least on difficulty equal to Hard one has to put timing and thought into using glory kills so you actually gain HP from it instead of being zero sum game or lose situation.

Yeah exactly. Once I exhausted any pick ups it's then about trying to pick off and use a Glory Kill to get some health back and then continue on. Other than that I'll sometimes use a Glory Kill as a finisher for the last standing enemy. lol

This is where I stopped last night,the second section in Hell is like a little overboard with what they throw at you I think...cant do it on normal for now lol...might have to bring it down to the easiest difficulty...

Same thing happened in Doom 3...after the inside portion,that went well,soon as I got to Hell,I couldnt finish the game...oh well,will see today,last day of rental.

Haha yup! Took me a couple of tries...lol

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
think i found out why the doom acitivity isnt showing

DOOM Uncommon Emoticon

Tradable & Marketable After: 5/23/2016, 8:00:00 AM

i have steam mobile set up etc so it isnt due to that
I guess that would be a way people would play if they set it to babby's first FPS in terms of difficulty and spent time switching weps using a wep wheel.
Glory kills can be a trap and a necessity to survive. Here is me playing without using any in a fight, because it would have probably gotten me killed had I used any.

Brilliant and thanks. That looked exactly what I want, although presumably that was pc? Can I ask you FOV and game difficulty?

Also, are you saying you chose not to do Glory Kills at this point because you felt they would have been a trap and you would have been killed? Would love to see the exact same area with Glory Kills just to see!

Enemy aggression and AI are pretty good in this game. Seeing them navigating through the complex levels reminds me of FEAR. Even the fat Mancubus will chase you and jump after you onto high platforms and so on. And seeing the Imps crawl along walls, hurling fireballs at you is very impressive.

As for the Glory Kills, I originally thought they would bother too me but surprisingly they are not. Instead they feel like a great and natural extension of the arcade gameplay. You almost get into a Burnout kind of groove. It also adds another layer of strategy since you have to decide whether to mow the enemy hordes down from afar or whether to go up close for the Glory Kills and loot. Different situations and enemy encounters demand different approaches.

Yeah, I'd say ignore the MP for now. I certainly won't be buying any DLC for it unless it's a complete re-tooling of the MP - with free for all deathmatch and weapon pick-ups. The state of the MP is just baffling - especially since it goes against all the great design philosophies present in the SP.

That sounds good...

Would love a free for all deathmatch too.

Just try the game. You're likely watching footage from early on and it's a different story when you're actually playing rather than watching people play and getting a feel for everything. As you progress in the campaign and the encounters get more intense you'll be thinking a lot more if you want to risk for that Glory Kill considering it might end up costing you more health than you'd get. Bedlam above explains it better than I do. lol

I mean the nVidia video people like to reference....the player uses the Glory Kill sparingly in there too.

The game is worth the full price tag for single player alone but there's quite a few people having fun with multiplayer, I haven't had a chance to jump in it myself yet, but SnapMap too is also a great addition and game changer because the amount of options and possibilities it offers. Some of the stuff people have created already are mind boggling.

I really never ever got the impression this was the case at all. It really did just look like shoot, run at them, glory kill, rinse and repeat - regardless of difficulty.

You've probably mostly seen clips from the beginning of the game where there are easy fights against easy enemies. As as soon tougher enemies appear, and the number of enemies goes up, it becomes a lot riskier standing still for a second. And since you can only GK when the enemy is in low health, the ratio between shooting and melee goes in the way of shooting a lot as the game gets harder.

Watching videos, I had the exact same reservation before playing. It went away fast.

Again thanks.

These comments have almost convinced me to buy other than the multiplayer. I want to get it on ps4 and really want digital so me and my son can play but if its only really single player then I'd be best buying the disc of @ £32 compared to £50 digital.


edit: thanks movalpolos


After playing some of the campaign and not liking it very much I tried the multi player and I must say I am pleasantly surprised, I enjoy it a lot more than the single player. Only thing I would change is the announcer, he doesn't fit very well.


Almost collected everything. Once I do I'll start my Nightmare run. I tried Ultra Nightmare for a bit last night before bed and this game does not fuck around.
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