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Doom review codes not getting sent out until launch day?


Does anyone know if I buy a boxed PC copy if it can be redeemed with a Steam code?

I thought I read somewhere that the boxed copy has no actual game data on it and is pretty much just a Steam installer, so you have to download the 60GB files from Steam anyway.
I thought I read somewhere that the boxed copy has no actual game data on it and is pretty much just a Steam installer, so you have to download the 60GB files from Steam anyway.

I'm getting a physical copy from BB on Friday (can't beat getting it for $8) so I will be able to confirm what it comes with.
Well that was running at 150+ frames at 1440p so I think locked 60 on a single 1080 at 4k would be easy
I am getting excited... The last time I went all out on a gaming rig was for Doom 3 so this is fitting! I've limped along with my 2600K/GTX 570 long enough.


My hype is building up so much, I had to put a cork in my butt.

Really thinking about re-pre-ordering the collectors' edition.

I think it's interesting that a thread talking about not giving out early review codes has so many people saying how hyped they are for the game.

Is this a move that makes people excited? That seems strange.

Yeah, honestly I got the threads mixed up. I think it's kinda stupid that reviewers can't at least play through the single player and get their opinions on that covered before the servers go up at launch, but whatever...


I think it's interesting that a thread talking about not giving out early review codes has so many people saying how hyped they are for the game.

Is this a move that makes people excited? That seems strange.


DOOM - Singleplayer Gameplay and Impressions

Hmm, am I seeing it wrong, or is are the shotgun and ssg quite ineffective? Zombies need at least two ssg shots, only imps get gibbed from the ssg.

I hope you can get through the game without using the upgrade stuff too much. Personally dislike the bloating of weapon arsenals with tons of features.

Uff, really on the fence here. The game looks beautiful, aesthetic design is great. The levels seem to arena-ish for Doom, going by the layout of the levels it looks more like Quake actually. Movement speed seems ok, but could be a little faster. The upgrade stuff bothers me, never saw the joy in upgrade mini-games or anything that takes time off from the FPS gameplay.

I'm desperate for an awesome FPS with the gameplay of the old Doom/Quakes, especially after all these years, but my gut is telling me I won't enjoy this nearly as much :(.
That footage looks good to me. It seems like a really fun game, and I'm glad it's refreshing. It won't shove co-op down my throat.

The difficulty thing makes me wonder what I should start out on. I play a lot of shooters on hard, but maybe I should stick to normal. It won't be a big deal if it has the option to change difficulty mid-campaign, like almost all games should.
Sorry if this has already been covered, but are monster closets still a thing? Or enemies cheesing by spawning in behind you empty/cleared rooms? I hate both with a passion.
Ill wait for a cheap price in bb deal of the day. This things make me loose hope on games. Its like dev are afraid theyre game sucks and want ppl to take the bait before reviews.


Too bad this Doom has very little of the former.

It's irritating how reboot threads always go the same way – people who have no idea what made the originals work saying stuff like "well it has shotguns and demons, looks like Doom to me". The original Doom has very little in common with "tunnels and arenas" style of faux-oldschool shooters made these days. Level design, weapon design and monster design made every encounter in E4 or Plutonia an exhilarating puzzle. From what I've seen, this looks more like a Painkiller type of deal, circlestrafe and watch the carnage happen. Which is alright if you're looking for that, but stop acting like everyone should be happy with that.

Pretty much. This isn't doom at all, and that latest single player video confirms that. With that said, it still looks fun, I'll just have to go in with expectations of a new ip that is similar to painkiller and serious Sam and not doom. It's just clear that a lot of posters here have either never played the classic doom games, or it's been so long that they have no idea why the games are so good, even by today's standards


Pretty much. This isn't doom at all, and that latest single player video confirms that. With that said, it still looks fun, I'll just have to go in with expectations of a new ip that is similar to painkiller and serious Sam and not doom. It's just clear that a lot of posters here have either never played the classic doom games, or it's been so long that they have no idea why the games are so good, even by today's standards

While I agree that this isn't exactly like Doom, I think it's also unrealistic to expect a (mainstream) game JUST like Doom in this day and age.

I actually think Id have gone above and beyond what I'd expect of a developer in integrating very Doom-like elements into the new game. Things like the fast paced gameplay focused on movement; no weapon reloading; abstract/expansive levels packed with secrets and paths; story and lore taking a backseat, etc. and I applaud them for that.

It looks like a tonne of fun and worthy of the Doom name even if it isn't a carbon copy wrapped up in prettier graphics.


Pretty much. This isn't doom at all, and that latest single player video confirms that. With that said, it still looks fun, I'll just have to go in with expectations of a new ip that is similar to painkiller and serious Sam and not doom. It's just clear that a lot of posters here have either never played the classic doom games, or it's been so long that they have no idea why the games are so good, even by today's standards

Ok gramps.

Edit: I don't understand purists complains when the game it's not even out.


Gameplay video looks like Painkiller. Which is cool, I like Painkiller. Doom1 and 2 are different? Like, maybe it's a subtle difference? It's a different interaction environment. But this game at least looks fun, so bring it on.


As an aside does anyone think Romero will really enjoy this game? It's got most things he values in an FPS - fast paced circle strafing gameplay, abstract levels, lack of scripting, community creation...

(He's already said he's excited to play it too)
As an aside does anyone think Romero will really enjoy this game? It's got most things he values in an FPS - fast paced circle strafing gameplay, abstract levels, lack of scripting, community creation...

(He's already said he's excited to play it too)

Not sure how he will feel about the throwbacks and the E1M1 tune remake they showed.

just got the chainsaw and played this level twice it is glorious.
This isn't Doom, but the story based horror shooter Doom 3 was? Would the cancelled Doom 4, internally referred to by some as "Call of Doom" be?

I remember the original Doom plenty Grandad, I've played Thy Flesh Consumed more times than you've had hot dinners...


This gameplay reminds me of The Darkness 2, particularly the multiplayer portion of TD2.

You're blazing through enemy waves, trying to damage them enough to use your execution in order to gain invincibility and health.

That's fine for me. It was a lot of fun and I encourage everyone to check that game out.

The only thing that kind of bugs me is that the camera control with the gamepad looks way less smooth here in DOOM. Super jerky, tapping, camera teasing in every vid I'm seeing.
I remember the original Doom plenty Grandad, I've played Thy Flesh Consumed more times than you've had hot dinners...

Yo goddamn.

People here really should articulate what Doom "is" to them. I'm inclined to agree with game maker's toolkit's take on it, which is basically the interplay between the player and the enemies. The enemies I've seen in gameplay footage have a decent amount of things they can do, they move around a lot, etc. They absolutely do not look like the basic ass nonsense coming out of Serious Sam.

Edit-Video link for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuOObGjCA7Q
Yo goddamn.

People here really should articulate what Doom "is" to them. I'm inclined to agree with game maker's toolkit's take on it, which is basically the interplay between the player and the enemies. The enemies I've seen in gameplay footage have a decent amount of things they can do, they move around a lot, etc. They absolutely do not look like the basic ass nonsense coming out of Serious Sam.

Edit-Video link for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuOObGjCA7Q

No kidding. I just recently played through Doom 1&2 and think Doom 2016 fits in nicely so far from what I've seen.

The new Doom seems to have a lot in common with Doom 1&2:
  • Huge labyrinth like levels
  • Great enemy design
  • Great graphics
  • Kick Ass Soundtrack
  • Circle Strafing

Now I can't discern from what I've seen if the game's guns feel as good as they did in the original. I've yet to play a game since Doom that has really done a better Shotgun. But for those that say "this isn't Doom", they should articulate as to why as I just don't understand the complaints and feel many aren't validating why "this isn't Doom."

It mixes some modern design trends with older design sensibilities and that may upset some people, which is understandable to a degree I guess if you only want a strict visual upgrade to Doom. But at that point, just play Doom 1&2 with the billions of mods that upgrade just about every aspect of the game if you want.

Don't like load outs? Don't play the modes that use them. Want to ADS? Go play CoD/BF*/Every other shooter released.


Yo goddamn.

People here really should articulate what Doom "is" to them. I'm inclined to agree with game maker's toolkit's take on it, which is basically the interplay between the player and the enemies. The enemies I've seen in gameplay footage have a decent amount of things they can do, they move around a lot, etc. They absolutely do not look like the basic ass nonsense coming out of Serious Sam.

Edit-Video link for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuOObGjCA7Q

I would tend to agree with that video's excellent analysis. Combat was the core pillar in the original Doom and everything else in the game worked to support that pillar. For example the clever level design set up unique enemy combinations and ambushes to keep the player on their toes. The weapon selection and limited ammo also ties directly into the combat gameplay, and by extension the search for those limited resources through the intricately designed levels.

In the new Doom, the levels seem to work in a similar way to support the combat - through finding secrets and hidden challenges, your arsenal and abilities are upgraded, which aids you directly in the dynamic combat at the core of the game. It's clear the new Doom is focusing on the right things to be a worthy successor to the original.


...lacks reading comprehension.
No kidding. I just recently played through Doom 1&2 and think Doom 2016 fits in nicely so far from what I've seen.

The new Doom seems to have a lot in common with Doom 1&2:
  • Huge labyrinth like levels
  • Great enemy design
  • Great graphics
  • Kick Ass Soundtrack
  • Circle Strafing

Now I can't discern from what I've seen if the game's guns feel as good as they did in the original. I've yet to play a game since Doom that has really done a better Shotgun. But for those that say "this isn't Doom", they should articulate as to why as I just don't understand the complaints and feel many aren't validating why "this isn't Doom."

It mixes some modern design trends with older design sensibilities and that may upset some people, which is understandable to a degree I guess if you only want a strict visual upgrade to Doom. But at that point, just play Doom 1&2 with the billions of mods that upgrade just about every aspect of the game if you want.

Don't like load outs? Don't play the modes that use them. Want to ADS? Go play CoD/BF*/Every other shooter released.

Don't underestimate the amount of people here that grew up only with Doom 3. For them this is no Doom. They never learned to manage their health. Doom is probably older than 50 % of GAF, that's why you get comments like "dad rock". I am getting strong Doom 1 vibes from the game but that game (while still being the most replayable, enjoyable and rewarding shooter) just is too crazy for todays players. There are no checkpoints, no arrows showing you the way to the next waypoint ten meters ahead, no health regen and it's way too nonlinear for them. It doesn't even prompt you to press Space to open a door.
They shouldn't give out codes anyway. People should make their own judgement on what to like.

People should have sources of info to go off of before they make a purchase. If there's a reviewer who you follow and trust, this shit matters.

Hell if it weren't for certain reviewers, mostly on youtube but they still get press codes and whatnot, I might not have heard of certain indie games or movies that went under the radar, etc. This whole "reviews doesn't matter" mentality is nonsense and that's coming from someone who thinks the average games journalist is a fuckin goofball who is not worth my time.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Pre-order driving hyped articles... Check. Lack of review codes until release and pre-orders charged... Check. Lack of articles raising questions and fears about this practice (surely more heinous than how the Shenmue III Kickstarter campaign ran ad the tons of crappy FUD articles casting dark shadows on it) professional gaming bloggers like IGN and Gamespot... Check.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Level design is important, sure, but when I think of Wolf and Doom I think of shooting a ton of baddies with awesome weapons. TNO had some amazing combat and gameplay. At least I thought so.

True, but level design in DOOM is what elevated from something you have a blast with for a bit and put down to something you go back to for a long time to come. Reducing DOOM to that core notion is like reducing Sonic to "Gotta Go Fast!" and then being puzzled at what that brought ;).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I think you guys lost the ideia of this game.

Bethesda is not doing Doom for Call of Duty/Halo fans. The level design proves something very different.


This image is very popular here at Gaf. I can confirm, every single player map is at least 3 times bigger than the original image. I'll post the map of one level tonight.

You can finish some levels in 20 minutes (I believe someone will do it, 30 min seems more realistic), but every level takes me 1 hour to collect every single secret and vanish every single enemy (it counts in the combat rating to unlock weapon upgrades).

One hour to collect ALL secrets in a DOOM level does not seem lie a lot, not compared to how I remember DOOM II or DOOM 64.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
True, but level design in DOOM is what elevated from something you have a blast with for a bit and put down to something you go back to for a long time to come. Reducing DOOM to that core notion is like reducing Sonic to "Gotta Go Fast!" and then being puzzled at what that brought ;).
...but from what we've seen, the level design in this new Doom is far more complex than most shooters these days. Key cards are back, there's an actual map, and the design isn't completely linear. I think it'll be a nice mix between classic Doom and Doom 3.
One hour to collect ALL secrets in a DOOM level does not seem lie a lot, not compared to how I remember DOOM II or DOOM 64.

You could complete Doom 2 levels in 15 minutes first try with 100% secrets easily. I remember doing it, and having played it and beating it again 20 years later with little memory of ANY secrets from the original I did it on many of the maps. Not all of the maps though. Some of those secrets are hidden pretty well. A lot of the secrets in Doom 2 were telegraphed in ways like textures being different on push walls, or using basic navigation in correlation with the in-game map and visual cues from the game i.e. seeing a secret through a window or bars.

Doom 1&2 are pretty short games as it is. I just beat Doom 2 in less than 3 hours and on about half the levels I'd have %100 for enemies killed/items picked up/secrets found.
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