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Doom review codes not getting sent out until launch day?


I thought people liked the beta?

I didn't get a chance to play it.

It got slammed man overall, especially on Steam. I think people are hoping against hope it's good, so they say things like "oh those steam reviews don't really matter for whatever reason", but in that mass quantity, yes they do - at least regarding the multiplayer component. Apologists and head-in-the-sanders will be what they are, but the bottom line is the overall opinion was of disappointment unfortunately.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
You could complete Doom 2 levels in 15 minutes first try with 100% secrets easily. I remember doing it, and having played it and beating it again 20 years later with little memory of ANY secrets from the original I did it on many of the maps. Not all of the maps though. Some of those secrets are hidden pretty well. A lot of the secrets in Doom 2 were telegraphed in ways like textures being different on push walls, or using basic navigation in correlation with the in-game map and visual cues from the game i.e. seeing a secret through a window or bars.

Doom 1&2 are pretty short games as it is. I just beat Doom 2 in less than 3 hours and on about half the levels I'd have %100 for enemies killed/items picked up/secrets found.

Not the way I remember it and my memory can be wrong on this, but maybe then again it seems like the old DOOM was good at separating better players from others who more easily get lost :).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
...but from what we've seen, the level design in this new Doom is far more complex than most shooters these days. Key cards are back, there's an actual map, and the design isn't completely linear. I think it'll be a nice mix between classic Doom and Doom 3.

Design is not completely linear does not say much (it almost implies it is very linear, but with enough twists and smoke and mirrors that hide that simplicity behind a veil of apparent complexity)... Between a Killzone 2 being 90 and DOOM II being 10, how does the new DOOM score in level design linearity?
Design is not completely linear does not say much (it almost implies it is very linear, but with enough twists and smoke and mirrors that hide that simplicity behind a veil of apparent complexity)... Between a Killzone 2 being 90 and DOOM II being 10, how does the new DOOM score in level design linearity?

Is The Order 1886 a 100?


...but from what we've seen, the level design in this new Doom is far more complex than most shooters these days. Key cards are back, there's an actual map, and the design isn't completely linear. I think it'll be a nice mix between classic Doom and Doom 3.

You've played it haven't you.
I don't think any new version of Doom could accurately capture what the originals were; hell (heh) if my copy of 2016 Doom doesn't arrive tonight I'm loading up Doom 2.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
My hype cannot be stopped.

Just played through all 4 episodes of Doom 1 on Ultra Violence. Haven't played it since I was a kid. So much easier than I remember. Only got stuck looking for a key once on E3M6. Pesky hidden door. Also needed to look up how to get to the secret exit on that same level. Never would have thought of rocket jumping to it while invincible. Battle difficulty peaked at E4M2. That level was pretty brutal compared to every other map in the game, complete with a timed secret exit. Glad I saved after telefragging the Cyberdemon.

I just got Uncharted 4, but I think I'll play Doom II tomorrow instead.

Works surprisingly well on a gamepad after I remapped run to LT. Only annoying thing is having to cycle through weapons in a pinch.


if the game is so reliant on it's horrible MP (based on the alpha and beta) then i guess i'll be avoiding it. i was hoping it's SP campaign was going to be able to stand on it's own ala wolfenstein.


This game looks pretty decent actually, a good FPS. But it shouldn't be called Doom.

At most it should be called "Doom 4", but i would rather see a title like "Generic FPS 101"


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I don't think any new version of Doom could accurately capture what the originals were; hell (heh) if my copy of 2016 Doom doesn't arrive tonight I'm loading up Doom 2.

The PS3 version of DOOM 3 BFG includes a copy of DOOM I and II quite well emulated. It does not implement texture filtering or mouse look, but it does render at a higher resolution than the original (I am not sure if it hits 720p or goes above it) thus eliminating a lot of the aliasing and presenting a pristine yet faithful look. Gotta get long USB cables as the DS3 battery is dead... :/.


Well I didn't like the MP alpha, so i hope the SP campaing will be very good... but this delay about the review doesn't looks good... Why delay if the game is good? Probably is not... :(
Or they point all on the MP so they want the reviewer to play it online, but as i said i didn't liked the MP...
Design is not completely linear does not say much (it almost implies it is very linear, but with enough twists and smoke and mirrors that hide that simplicity behind a veil of apparent complexity)... Between a Killzone 2 being 90 and DOOM II being 10, how does the new DOOM score in level design linearity?


That's E1M6 of Doom 1 in this image. I chose this image because it's often used as an example of "non-linear" level design. Let's see how non-linear it is.

1) You're forced to go right. When you start you can go left, right, or center. Left dead ends in 2 locked red doors, and center dead ends with 3 locked yellow doors and a locked blue door. The only way to proceed is to take the path to the right. The red key is in here.
2) Now You're forced to go left. Open the red doors, and they lead to the same hallway, which immediately presents you with a blue key. There's also an optional path through the sewage below, which gives you some powerups and forces you back to the beginning of the map, which is convenient because that's where you need to be next.
3) Now you're forced to take the center path. You go past the yellow doors to the blue one. Past it you find a few identical rooms, and a switch that exposes the yellow key.
4) Now you're forced to go back to the yellow doors. All 3 doors quickly converge into the same hallway, which leads into a room full sewage with a side door that's locked, and then to another room with a switch. The switch opens the side door.
5) Now you're forced to go back to the side room. In this room, you hit a switch to expose the level exit, and you're done.

It is impossible to deviate from this numbered list. This set of objectives can only be completed in this order. No, you are not moving down only a handful of straight corridors, but you are forced to progress through the level in the same order every time. You can't get the blue key first, or the yellow. It is a linear set of objectives, "but with enough twists and smoke and mirrors that hide that simplicity behind a veil of apparent complexity".


The PS3 version of DOOM 3 BFG includes a copy of DOOM I and II quite well emulated. It does not implement texture filtering or mouse look, but it does render at a higher resolution than the original (I am not sure if it hits 720p or goes above it) thus eliminating a lot of the aliasing and presenting a pristine yet faithful look.

That version has the wrong aspect ratio. The screen is squished. Not faithful in the least.
This game looks pretty decent actually, a good FPS. But it shouldn't be called Doom.

At most it should be called "Doom 4", but i would rather see a title like "Generic FPS 101"

Well this seems like a horrible drive by post but I'll take the bait because I've seen people call it generic before, so I'll ask again: HOW?

The enemy designs? What modern shooter has enemies looking like that? The big open arenas? The lack of reloading? The speed of it? The soundtrack? The lack of emphasis on story heavy cutscenes? What? Fucking what?


I'm really not a fan of when DOOM gets too self-indulgent with its map complexity. The maps can become tedious and can get in the way of the pacing. The tedium usually comes from a combination of map complexity and balls-hard level design.

DOOM 2 doesn't fare as well for me as Ultimate DOOM for similar reasons as to why Thy Flesh Consumed doesn't fare as well as the other episodes.

I'm not looking for that back, but I'm not looking for brain-dead simplistic map design either.

I don't think these maps will require too much guesswork, and that it's likely most non-linearity will be relegated to secrets and bonuses. Which is fine. Just not as engrossing as the first three Ultimate DOOM episodes. But this is all educated guessing based on previews and impressions. It could be surprising.

At any rate, there is no way this could be worse than the enemy drip-fed, linearly corridored snooze-fest known as DOOM 3. I'm almost positive.


My biggest remaining concern for this game, when comparing it to Doom 1 + 2 at least, is whether the majority of the game takes place in the same (imo generic and quite drab, partly because of the industrial /realistic lighting used) space station setting or not, and whether the hell levels they've shown are (A) only seen rarely and (B) are the only non-space station setting.

For me, the original Doom games worked so well because you fought demons in what looked like Earth / Mars meets Medieval ruins meets Space station meets hell in terms of the look of the locations. Doom 3 went all in on the space station vibe with industrial lighting and lots of shadows but hopefully this new Doom will be a bit more environmentally varied again with lighting that varies between dim and bright and with lots of open and smaller spaces to explore. Going by the latest footage I'm a bit unsure though...
When this happens, are games normally sent on the day before so that they can be downloaded and preloaded before the servers go live? Or is it more likely they'll be physical?
My biggest remaining concern for this game, when comparing it to Doom 1 + 2 at least, is whether the majority of the game takes place in the same (imo generic and quite drab, partly because of the industrial /realistic lighting used) space station setting or not, and whether the hell levels they've shown are (A) only seen rarely and (B) are the only non-space station setting.

For me, the original Doom games worked so well because you fought demons in what looked like Earth / Mars meets Medieval ruins meets Space station meets hell in terms of the look of the locations. Doom 3 went all in on the space station vibe with industrial lighting and lots of shadows but hopefully this new Doom will be a bit more environmentally varied again with lighting that varies between dim and bright and with lots of open and smaller spaces to explore. Going by the latest footage I'm a bit unsure though...

I agree. Doom 3 was disappointing in that as soon as you got to Hell, the game was essentially over. D3 did do a pretty good job of making you feel like it was a station slowly being overtaken by Hell, but it just went on too long and the environments mostly looked the same until the last 1/3 of the campaign.

Green Yoshi

I heard there are some serious technical issues with the Xbox-One-version (tearing, muddy image quality, framedrops). Maybe with the PS4-version, too. The guy played the singleplayer campaign.


The new doom has great enemy design? I think that's a stretch. Hell, they all look generic and I can barely tell most of them apart. Regardless, you guys are getting so defensive, while this game looks nothing like the original Doom games, I'm not saying it'll be bad. I still have my preorder locked in and I'm hoping it'll be fantastic. It'll surely be something refreshing compared to most shooters now day.

But again

It's lacking

Great monster design + level set ups( instead it just seems incredibly lazy with spawning enemies)

Unique maze like level design

In monster fighting

Iconic weapons
Can we just get doom classic complete instead?

This looks nothing like what I want in a doom game but I am feeling super nostalgic

I know doom can run on a toaster at this point but I don't have a PC in the house

Just PS4 and my cell
Well, I think that's just it: with a game like this, there is simply no way to make everybody happy -- the second you introduce keys that open doors (as this game has), you've now alienated the subset of FPS players that believes such a thing should never occur.

I don't think it's a good thing to not send out review copies, but I understand why they haven't in this case, if their logic is basically "You know, it's Doom. There's no way what we've done here is going to be anything but divisive." I think they've been very fair in showing the game, trailers, *long* demos, and a multiplayer beta that should alleviate fears that there's anything mediocre about the performance or visuals. I think they're confident they have a good product for people who like what Doom is about. I don't think they are at all confident that it's going to get good reviews for sticking to its roots as a gory, fast-paced shooter with old school sensibilities.

Reviewers probably will be harsh. Honestly, that's fine -- they should stick to their guns with regards to what is important to them from an FPS game. I don't think they should make a 'special regard' for Doom just because of its heritage, or because of the game it's trying to emulate. But I do think when that first 70 hits, or whatever it is, that people should hold off on the knee-jerk "Oh it must be a pile of shit" remarks, especially if they actually like old school shooter campaigns. Just be aware that your expectation of what the game should be is likely quite different from theirs.

Yeah id have not been shy about showing a good chunk of the game, one reason why I'm still buying it, despite this review news. If they had kept the game hidden away, I might have been worried but to me it looks like a good mix of new and old, nothing they have shown has given out warning signs of a terrible game, it actually looks like it will be a blast to play.


Can we just get doom classic complete instead?

This looks nothing like what I want in a doom game but I am feeling super nostalgic

I know doom can run on a toaster at this point but I don't have a PC in the house

Just PS4 and my cell

I wish this was on ps4. I still play it from time to time on PS3. Doom 1 and 2 are Bc on Xbox one, but xbox never got final doom or master levels.
Both are horribly designed anyways. Hell, the pinky even looks down graded from doom 3. But I'm more referring to the lower tier enemies.

Lower tier like what? The Imps? The fodder zombie enemies?

That's what we're complaining about now?

Also really loving the continuing trend of vague insults without articulating why. "Looks downgraded" on any metric that isn't subjective or are you just flaunting opinion as if it's fact?
What is Doom?


- Bad Ass Demons
- Big Fucking Guns
- Moving Really Fast


#1. Nitty gritty of the combat and where every encounter becomes a 'dance' of careful positioning and quick fire decisions.

> DOOM 2016 looks nothing like this and in every footage I've seen, the 'majority' of the combat is not 'nitty gritty' at all and involves 'shoot shoot, run over, glory kill' or 'shoot shoot, glory kill, glory kill' not withstanding the amount of 'running away and jumping up on ledges' therefore easily able to avoid attacks where in original Doom, you 'needed' to 'dance and be careful with your positioning'...

#2. Reason Doom works so well is because each enemy represents a DISTINCT, CONSISTENT and DISCERNIBLE behaviour that can be learned;

= Guys With Guns which do immediate damage to you, FORCING more TAKE COVER TACTICS.

= Imps slightly more powerful but with FIREBALLS slowly coming towards you across the map, which can be AVOIDED WITH SMART STRAFFING.

= Demons/Spectres no weapons but CHASE YOU DOWN to do melee damage.

= Lost Souls are similar but CHARGE at you, which can be AVOIDED BY SIDE STEPPING.

= Cacademons and Barons Of Hell also have projectiles but both have a large amount of health.

^ all this is known as Orthogonal Unit Differentiation.

> DOOM 2016 Can we really say this goes along the same lines of the above when the Developer seems to think its about Bad Ass Demons, Big Fukcing Guns and Really Fast Movement?...

*Orthogonal Unit Differentiation
= Basically means that the different elements (enemies) have completely unique attributes RATHER than just MORE POWERFUL versions of each other. Orthogonal meaning statistically independent.
= This means you start playing intendionally making MEANINGFUL, TACTICAL DECISIONS and NOT JUST RANDOMLY REACTING TO WHAT IS GOING ON.

> DOOM 2016 Who here really thinks Doom 2016 more or less, for the most part, if not 'always' look to be randomly reacting to what is going on?...

= Decisions need to be made on;
- Prioritisation meaning Imps and Cacademons might be more powerful but you can dodge their fireballs and learn to focus first on the Guys with Guns/Demons.

- Positioning meaning Guys With Guns force you to take cover whereas Fireballs or Lost Souls force you to move laterally and Demons force you to move backwards

- Resources means shotguns work close up whereas the machine gun works better at distance. The Rocket Launcher is a Killer! You have to think critically of which gun to use and when.

> DOOM 2016 I've seen much footage of people using the shotgun half way across the map which then stuns for glory kill, even long enough for them to run, jump up and still get to them... Can anyone really say that this new Doom looks to use meaningful. tactical decisions OTHER than run away, jump on a ledge, rinse and repeat?.... Is the Rocket Launcher a killer?!

#4. When graphed, the old Doom offers a WIDE POSSIBILITY SPACE (all the things that can be done to you), compared to more modern games where enemies had thicker body armour or just took more shots to kill (I wonder if Doom 2016 is like this in terms of its difficulty levels?) Games such as the first Halo also had a WIDE POSSIBILITIY SPACE.

> DOOM 2016 I wonder if that offers a Wide Possibility Space? It sure doesn't look like that to me so far but I'm open to the possibility it might or maybe it will just be more shots to kill like more modern shooters?...

#5. Single Neuron Binding Properties and the Magical Number 7 is basically being @ 7 things being the normal amount that most people can remember and in Doom that is @ 7 (coincidental or deliberate?)different enemy types. Having such as small list of enemies means every player can remember how to fight and evade each foe coupled with the Orthagonal Unit Differentiation (OUD).

> DOOM 2016 in the videos may well have the 7 different enemy types but what I've seen, the OUD doesn't appear to have any effect (if it is even there) because all I see is shotgun shotgun, glory kill, rinse, repeat etc with more powerful enemies requiring a few more shots or with a more powerful weapon... I suppose it's here where most arguments will contest as there is no doubt those who will say that this new Doom does the OCD exactly as the old....hmmmm...maybe its nostalgia and I'm being completely oblivious to the fact it is but I don't think so....

#6. Due to diversity of old Doom, it creates a large but simple to understand toolset that level designers can combine with architecture to create a huge variety of combat set ups meaning that rather than take a modern route of just increasing the number of enemies, the old Doom could change the combination of enemy types to give a feeling of more unique encounters.

> DOOM 2016 might do this but I've not seen any or enough footage/reviews to say so which leads me to believe this 'nuance' may well not be here and resulting in a more generic feel. Again, I'll use the Developers words of Doom is about Big Ass Demons, Fucking Big Guns and Really Fast Movement....Most of the footage I've seen, again just looks like its about the latter and not the former...Maybe some reviews could share this information with us and give examples? oh yeah, there not allowed just yet...

A big thanks to Game Makers Toolkit whose video link previously posted explains what old Doom meant to a lot of gamers and I think he's right too.


The following Game Makers Toolkit final words on what makes the Original Doom so great just to give a perspective of those who think people are just shitting on the new Doom because we're old, nostalgic or even plain old wrong about this new game when in fact its just like the old one.....

"It's that small cast of iconic enemies which encourages different behaviours and distinct ways of moving. In play this means your mind is making dozens of tactical decisions a minute, intensional choices, driven by your knowledge of how the game works. This is Doom's legacy and more games could stand to learn from it."

What I also think:-

- Barrel Placement
> DOOM 2016 is not as obvious, as easy to see or as effective.

- Non Linear Level Design
> DOOM 2016 looks more and more in the videos I've seen to just be an open arena connected with pathways.

- Secrets Behind Hidden Walls/Buttons
> DOOM 2016 has a map showing you where they are in every level
> DOOM 2016 looks to have less secrets but needs confirming but then again if there is a map showing you where they are anyway, who gives a fuck?

- Monster Closets Trolling 1st Time Players
> DOOM 2016 does not seem to have any of this but would need confirming by people who have played this, bearing in mind in the old Doom, this was quite a big focus and there was many a time you would be able to 'hear' this going on but not necessarily sure where it was from.

- Enemy Designs Extremely Distinctive
> DOOM 2016 Enemy designs although are obviously different to each other, they don't look as distinctive on the maps as the old Doom. I do however, think this is more to do with modern tech as old doom had basic look and design with little detail so less things going on and therefore easier to see, whereas newer games show so much more detail. Add in the fact the game looks quite dark in a lot of areas won't help. I also think the traversal levels more akin to Quake makes enemies seem less stand out less.

- Extremely Distinctive Enemy Sounds
> DOOM 2016 Now when you add a Extremely Distinctive Enemy Designs WITH Extremely Distinctive Sounds relating to those exact enemy types, you automatically get more of a feel of what you're doing and thus become more attached/immersed (Toolkit mentions Half Life 2 does this too and that wasn't a bad game was it?) Again this could be due to more modern tech than anything. In the old Doom games, sounds were limited and therefore, less was more. With modern tech and more sounds and more detail, perhaps its not as easy to discern and therefore not as easy to get attached/immersed. It certainly looks like that to me in the footage I've seen, beta played. It is possibly be because the sound mix is shit? Lack of sound detail and feedback in the guns looks to be more of the issue to me though regardless of extra sound detail being the issue. How satisfying was it when you shot a demon with the shotgun and it made the squelch sound? How beefy did the guns sound? Doom 2016 does not sound like this and thus even if it is doing OUD, this lack of 'feeling' means maybe we just don't notice it and makes it look just cheap as it does...For what its worth, I also preferred the ambient sounds of Final Doom (psx) rather than the rock shit music but that's just me. I can still listen to the soundtrack without even playing the game and buzz my tits off! (from orginal psx disc too!)

Sorry for the probable poor grammar but was in a rush.

Anyways, I hope I'm proven wrong in are what are a lot of assumptions by myself but I'll wait for some reviews/gaffers before I will decide. This is why I smell even more bullshit with no review copies...
To the guy above, that is a mountain of text to respond to, but the original Doom shotgun always worked nothing like an actual shotgun, it worked pretty well at range.
This game looks pretty decent actually, a good FPS. But it shouldn't be called Doom.

At most it should be called "Doom 4", but i would rather see a title like "Generic FPS 101"

Please list some non generic FPS games then. I am genuinely curious to hear your opinion after that post.


Doom 1 and 2 maps had limitations. The game was never truly 3D. You could never occupy a space directly above or below any other existing space. That meant every level sprawled horizontally with verticality thrown in, but everything existed in 2D. It's why you could shoot enemies above or below you as long as you horizontally aimed correctly.

So if anything with this technology now, we should have the ability to have even more complex level design than even the original Doom. It doesn't seem like we do though. Still excited for sure and will finally wash that Doom 3 taste out of my mouth.
Both are horribly designed anyways. Hell, the pinky even looks down graded from doom 3. But I'm more referring to the lower tier enemies.

? The Pinky in Doom 3 looked nothing like the Pinkies in Doom 1&2. So you either only started there and never played the originals to see that the newer ones looks SUBSTANTIALLY more like 1&2 or you are just being a silly goose.

Luckily, we still have 1&2 with the excellent Brutal Doom mod for all the die-hards that feel that Doom should neither grow or evolve. So everyone can be happy.

I was a fan of Doom 20 years ago and I'm a fan of what I've seen so far of the new Doom. I'm not sure what some of you want as most are drive-by, "looks nothing like Doom" posts with not much basis in reality or started solely at 3 and want more of that, which other games have done horror shooters way better than iD did, namely F.E.A.R or more recently Alien: Isolation.

Say what you will about doom 3, but the game had amazing atmosphere. It really kept the horror aspect, which is one that I fear this reboot will miss.

Other than that it looks good though.

Doom 1&2 were never horror games so Doom 3's focus on it felt very out of place for the series. Atmosphere was about all Doom 3 had going for it. Guns felt and sounded weak and felt boring to use and the level design was awful.

It sure looked pretty though. Like very fuckin' pretty.
Doom 1 and 2 maps had limitations. The game was never truly 3D. You could never occupy a space directly above or below any other existing space. That meant every level sprawled horizontally with verticality thrown in, but everything existed in 2D. It's why you could shoot enemies above or below you as long as you horizontally aimed correctly.

So if anything with this technology now, we should have the ability to have even more complex level design than even the original Doom. It doesn't seem like we do though. Still excited for sure and will finally wash that Doom 3 taste out of my mouth.

Say what you will about doom 3, but the game had amazing atmosphere. It really kept the horror aspect, which is one that I fear this reboot will miss.

Other than that it looks good though.


? The Pinky in Doom 3 looked nothing like the Pinkies in Doom 1&2. So you either only started there and never played the originals to see that the newer ones looks SUBSTANTIALLY more like 1&2 or you are just being a silly goose.

Luckily, we still have 1&2 with the excellent Brutal Doom mod for all the die-hards that feel that Doom should neither grow or evolve. So everyone can be happy.

I was a fan of Doom 20 years ago and I'm a fan of what I've seen so far of the new Doom. I'm not sure what some of you want as most are drive-by, "looks nothing like Doom" posts with not much basis in reality or started solely at 3 and want more of that, which other games have done horror shooters way better than iD did, namely F.E.A.R or more recently Alien: Isolation.

Doom 1&2 were never horror games so Doom 3's focus on it felt very out of place for the series. Atmosphere was about all Doom 3 had going for it. Guns felt and sounded weak and felt boring to use and the level design was awful.

It sure looked pretty though. Like very fuckin' pretty.

1. I never said the the doom 3 model of pinky was faithful to the original, but I do find the design better than what we are in doom 2016, which looks dull.

2. Doom 1 and 2 while not down right horror games were definitely as close to horror as you can get for the time. They oozed with atmosphere. The dark areas filled with lighter flickers and the growling of demons was extremely unsettling at the time. Maybe some of you guys just didn't play the games back in the day, idk..
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