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Dota 2 Beta Thread 4: Even Mike Ross Plays [Elder Titan]

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh man, this game was incredible


We end up losing a lot of teamfights because we're trying to split push, but it ends up working out for us: they lead us like 50-30 in kills but we consistently have more towers down throughout the game. I didn't expect to carry with Spectre against a PL, I took her only to serve as some kind of counter to him, a way to locate him in the hoarde and to dispel illusions with Dispersion. (Random Draft)

Its looking bad towards the end though, we've got two rax down but we aren't feeling safe to go push in to take the third or go for the ancient. So our Prophet buys a Rapier, TPs in to their base, takes out one mid tower and the final T3 and gets away to safety. Tries it again a few minutes later and gets the final rax, but dies to Silencer-Tusk. They grab the rapier, but for some reason seem afraid to come in for the final fight, so Viper grabs a boots of travel, he and Prophet TP in and end it while their BH is smacking our ancient down. Such a close, great game.

And we beat Phantom Cancer.

I love Dota


Hmm, I tried to load the game after getting a beta key from a Gaffer, but it still just shows me as having a viewer-only copy of the game (which I'd had previously). Any thoughts on this?
83 minute game where they double raxxed us and had a massive Magnus carry (eventually with Refresher) and a Naga, but eventually our Sniper, Prophet, and Skeleton King saved the day and we won.

I randomed Undying. It was not my best game.

But yeah wow, one of the longest games (if it didn't take the record now) that I've played.

Had the Naga been more competent, they should have been able to split push us to death via illusions, even though we had Prophet.


Bruno says nay

via dotaacademy

Filter the dates, not only did bat come in later, he wasn't considered a viable pick until long after he was released because of bugs.

Bat the most banned since the 2012 International, though Europe doesn't give him quite as much respect as Asia.


Ever since Valve fucked up the servers, USW has become blazing fast for me, and Singapore unplayably slow. Not sure whats going on but can't say I'm too saddened at the result, even if temporary.
Drow/Troll are very strong.

So? I also doubt Drow or Troll will be picked for anything other than gimmicks or "trying something new" type games. Maybe the Troll would be used, but I really don't see Drow changing the metagame at all.

Both are in CM mode in Dota anyway, pending any bugs that limit them (like Slark), they should have parity in Dota 2.


Pretty much. She had no CS.

I always feel like you have to buy as many Slippers as you can afford on her at the get-go or a Quelling Blade (and QB on ranged = ugh!). Her animation is slow and her damage is really shit. I always have trouble last hitting with her, and I actually like Mirana.
Drow/Troll are very strong.

Drow/Troll are very strong.

In all honesty, with the latest nerf I think Drow is fine now. I think Troll is the only questionable one out there.


We just lost a close game because my internet fucked up at late game. My mag literally just stand at our base while we are getting throned. smh.


We just lost a close game because my internet fucked up at late game. My mag literally just stand at our base while we are getting throned. smh.

Oh man, I hate that feel. I also hate even more when your game decides to stutter during a huuuuuuuge teamfight that you're an integral part of, and you lose the teamfight because of it. It's one of those moments you just want to smash your keyboard on a wall.


Why is Invoker banned so much? I've hardly ever seen him picked in a pro game whether he's banned out or not.

He was a first pick / first ban for a long time before he both got nerfed a bit and mid-dominating heroes like Batrider / TA came into popularity. His team utility and global ganking is very powerful when given free reign in levels and farm, and for a long time he was a humongous bully in lane.
Why is Invoker banned so much? I've hardly ever seen him picked in a pro game whether he's banned out or not.
You have to go back like a year or so when he was super popular before they nerfed his base dmg to shit.

Edit: Looked it up and it was only by 4. Thought it was way more.


Oh man, I hate that feel. I also hate even more when your game decides to stutter during a huuuuuuuge teamfight that you're an integral part of, and you lose the teamfight because of it. It's one of those moments you just want to smash your keyboard on a wall.

Yeah, 1 RP on the PL and we would've won. There was 1 time the enemy team is in rosh and we went there, I just pressed R and the next time I fully controlled my hero was me getting a triple kill and rosh. lol

My teammates were cool with the loss though.


At the moment I have taken a liking to Sand King. Not so good with him early-game but capable of great-things once he's been leveled-up.

Wasn't looking good for awhile there, but I'm going to chalk it up to Craggy Exterior and excellent Bane play.

Was kind of hoping for a game 3, though I figured Fnatic would win if it was 2 game or 3 - even with standins.


What a match. The Slark was new to the character and our towers were gone in a flash, but we had a kills lead. We played smart D and pushed together (and got a lot of vision from a certain two headed blue guy). I really felt like i held the team together and took charge and it was a long epic win.

25 assist feels damn good. (Is Force Staff instead of Blink on Axe viable?)



New joindota masters and open. Gonna join the open for fun again. Last time me and my (new) friends tried to join one of those for the defense 3 qualifiers we got stomped like 37-0 lolol.


What a match. The Slark was new to the character and our towers were gone in a flash, but we had a kills lead. We played smart D and pushed together (and got a lot of vision from a certain two headed blue guy). I really felt like i held the team together and took charge and it was a long epic win.

25 assist feels damn good. (Is Force Staff instead of Blink on Axe viable?)

So Spirit Bear with only boots.
Did he even use the bear?


So Spirit Bear with only boots.
Did he even use the bear?

Yeah he was using the bear, but he was trying to make druid buff? I dunno fighting him was weird. He wasn't great at micro-ing the bear either.

Not terribly uncommon. What is uncommon to me in a 'buff LD build' is that he went melee. When I remember this style being "popular", and see it used today, LD stays in range form. The bear is only used to go in before you to harass and get a root. If you can decently micro, you attempt to kite until the bear gets a root and you use that space to continue kiting/hoping for another root.


Not terribly uncommon. What is uncommon to me in a 'buff LD build' is that he went melee. When I remember this style being "popular", and see it used today, LD stays in range form. The bear is only used to go in before you to harass and get a root. If you can decently micro, you attempt to kite until the bear gets a root and you use that space to continue kiting/hoping for another root.

I've seen melee, but it usually involves some sort of bear items and a manta/shadowblade for the lulz. Surprise 4 bears out of nowhere.
Don't think they'd end the beta so abruptly since people can buy keys, they probably wouldn't want people to buy keys only for them to be useless the next morning.

Besides I'm not sure why you'd take that tweet as the beta ending


Don't think they'd end the beta so abruptly since people can buy keys, they probably wouldn't want people to buy keys only for them to be useless the next morning.

Besides I'm not sure why you'd take that tweet as the beta ending

IDK what else he would tweet about.
IDK what else he would tweet about.

Has the end of the beta been spoken about recently? What is the word on it?

Another thing I was thinking about the other day, if icefrog is updating both DotA and dota 2 with the same content, what is the point of having a restriction-less engine with dota 2 if you still have to limit your self to the standards of dota 1? Basically im asking if icefrog were to have an idea for a hero that's impossible for dota 1, but easy to make for dota 2, wouldnt he just completely trash the idea?
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