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dude cusses his mum out over Halo


Gold Member
If i cussed out my mom like that, my dad woulda drove out to beat the fuck outta me and made sure i was kicked out and the only thing i had were clothes. He would also be sure any money I make homeless goes straight to him.

What a shit kid.


No offense to anyone else but only a white kid can get away with talking to his mother like that.

This is what a lifetime of "Time-out" results in.

My mother would have asked me to repeat what i said and in the middle of repeating it back hand to the mouth and beat my ass right after.

That’s just straight up racist.

I used to teach and saw as many black and Asian kids be little shits to their parents as white kids.

And trust me, it ain’t the “time out parents”.


Could somebody pleaae tell me that all those "I miss the days when you could beat your kids" are terrible attempts to be sarcastic, or are people really thinking that?

A lot of people think that. As a father of three there have been two or three times when I've come close to smacking. Definitely had to physically restrain the kids when they are having tantrums or fighting. However I've found that this just makes me feel terrible and just talking through behavioural issues with the kids usually solves the problem. Treat them like adults and teach them rules and they will act like adults and follow rules.

Case in point my six year old son was getting really angry playing minecraft so we banned it and set him a goal of behaving well and he can then have an hour or two of minecraft on weekends. Now he's as good as gold and sees playing games as a big treat which they are. He also now recognises when things are making him frustrated and is much more likely to come and tell me or his mother before blowing up.

Not always though, he's still six and kids misbehave.

Late teenagers trying that are getting thrown out of the house.
I'm not condoning speaking to your parents like that, but as a kid that grew up in a highly cuss-laden household.

Some families just fight like this, kids don't just speak to their parents like that unless it's learned [at least I don't think?].

Like, we swore at each other all the time, but at least we got things off our chest and resolved conflicts super fast as a result.

We always knew everything was being blown out of proportion / taken to hyperbole so we never took much offense [big family, 7 of us in total].

Also, I had parents that would always breathe down my neck whenever I was trying to have fun with gaming [especially online w/ friends], so I can kind of relate.

[I still wouldn't have ever gone quite this far with my mom, and would never start cussing her out unless she started doing it first].

Still, kind is a salty lil' bitch, hard to forgive this shit really.


Showed this to my mom, she says it's a respect issue more than anything. And spankings or positive reinforcement or whatever discipline style you choose won't get you that. If you think they will you're missing the point.
Thank you for sharing that. I'm sure it's not easy to share such personal info. Glad everything worked out for you and your mother.

Yeah, I'm glad too.

I think it does have something to do with the single parent thing. I don't know about this guy, but I didn't have my father around either and my mother always saw it as difficult to discipline us.

In general, since she worked full time and also had two kids, she was just happy that we weren't going out, getting into trouble. Thus, I was always able to do whatever I wanted, even from an early age, so long as I wasn't brought back home by the police, or anything like that, it was fine.

I wouldn't like to infer, but it's possibly the same situation here. She hasn't really disciplined him for a long time, she just shouts and they argue. He's likely learned that she doesn't really actually do anything, so he doesn't do anything either. He's likely had no authority figure in his life, and I would speculate, he also doesn't know what he's doing with his life, he's not good at anything, doesn't really like anything, the only thing he really enjoys is his video games.

I'm sure some of the rudeness, must be for the attention he gets from his streamers and whatnot. As far as streamers go, that's this guys unique selling point. He has nothing else unique, or interesting about his stream, and it's evident that his followers are amused by the conflict between him and his mother.

I think he just needs to move out, learn a little about the real world. If I was his mother I would be pressuring him to move out and go to college, or something like that.
I'm just parachuting in after watching a few of the videos, but what I don't understand is why his mother just doesn't take all of his toys away, even if the little smear had a job and paid for them they run on her electricity and her internet connection. That piece of garbage is fed, watered, clothed and entertained at her expense.

This is my biggest fear if I were to become a parent, having a kid that I have attempted to love and nurture as best I can slowly grow up into a person that I loathe.


Stuff like this makes me know how to raise my kids. Sometimes you need to correct them, when you don't they turn out like this.



If I ever talked back to my mom in a disrespectful way she would slap me. It only happened a handful of times, maybe 4 max but I remember it well. She did spank us sometimes too. I never felt like I was abused.

My dad on the other hand was an amateur boxer and a karate black belt. If I ever crossed the line when we were verbally fighting (yelling) he would simply offer to go into the garage put on boxing gloves and fight like men if I wanted to talk like that. I never took him up on his offer lol.

As for this kid, its pretty obvious his mom is just making empty threats. I highly doubt she would kick him out and I think he knows that. The kid is a shithead tho. He will take a beating once IRL.


Send that kid to military school. He's Jerry Springer level disobedient.

EDIT: He's 18, kick him out and see how much time he as to stay up all night playing Halo when he's working 2 jobs just to pay rent and buy food and can't afford his phone and internet with his high-school drop out level education.


This is such annoying post because there were no controlled studies on implementation of physical punishment. As such the best they can do is find that physical punishment is a risk factor for physical abuse - which is obvious in the same way that sex is a risk factor for stds

Until there is an actual study that tests the hypothesis - "physical punishment can be an effective form of discipline without triggering development issues" - in which researchers actually evaluate conditions and methods, then this argument will continue to be based on one-sided research.

Of course no such academic research will ever take place, so all we'll ever have is anecdotes from countless people who have received physical punishment (likely supplementary to other forms of discipline/ positive reinforcement) without sustaining any developmental issues as a result.

Bububut my sensitivity levels!

It's hard to change away from the logic that was raised into you.

Or people remember how effective it was on them and consider it valid, who knows.


Don't hit your kids people. I well placed sarcastic or cutting remark can work wonders where a rolled-up newspaper can't.
Don't hit your kids people. I well placed sarcastic or cutting remark can work wonders where a rolled-up newspaper can't.

rolled up newspaper? HA, I wish I was hit with that, but no, belts and "chanclas" were the favorite weapon hahah

I was an asshole


I was beat by my mom at a younger age for not doing remotely close to what this shit is doing.

He 100% deserves a nice beating.


Don't hit your kids people. I well placed sarcastic or cutting remark can work wonders where a rolled-up newspaper can't.

You know this because you've spent time raising everyone else's kids?

Some kids don't give a shit about sarcasm. Some kids don't give a shit about a rolled up news paper. Some kids are devastated by time out. Some kids are devastated just knowing they disappointed their parents. Some kids did the right thing without much parental intervention at all. Some look for trouble.

Parents are gonna try different things until they find something that works for their kid. Its not a science.


A lot of people think that. As a father of three there have been two or three times when I've come close to smacking. Definitely had to physically restrain the kids when they are having tantrums or fighting. However I've found that this just makes me feel terrible and just talking through behavioural issues with the kids usually solves the problem. Treat them like adults and teach them rules and they will act like adults and follow rules.

Case in point my six year old son was getting really angry playing minecraft so we banned it and set him a goal of behaving well and he can then have an hour or two of minecraft on weekends. Now he's as good as gold and sees playing games as a big treat which they are. He also now recognises when things are making him frustrated and is much more likely to come and tell me or his mother before blowing up.

Not always though, he's still six and kids misbehave.

Late teenagers trying that are getting thrown out of the house.

I like your philosophy

I at times feel that each generation is getting softer with kids, is not that I want them to smack kids, but at least show them that there are some rules to follow.

Sadly, it seems that some parents decided to give their kids a cellphone to shut up
On what planet?

Saying this could only be a white kid is troublesome by itself, but the implication that non-white parents are child abusers, even if the poster didn't see it that way, is disgusting.

And just to repeat what behavior he both advocates and attributes to non-white parents:
My mother would have asked me to repeat what i said and in the middle of repeating it back hand to the mouth and beat my ass right after.

Physical abuse, coupled with emotional abuse ("repeat that", then a hit to the mouth while the child follows instructions)

Edit: also, being a "life-long timeout white kid" myself, I would have never spoken to my parent's this way. Still, if I had, I don't think words warrant physical punishment, ever.
There are many other things to take away or restrict without teaching the child that you simply beat down anyone who doesn't respect you enough

Another edit:
I can understand why parents who are in over their heads resort to physical punishment.
But it's disgusting how many people here seem to think a lack of violence by a guardian against their child will lead to something bad.
See the next post, someone who can't fathom effective parenting/punishment that doesn't rely on an adult beating a child.


Kid needs a wakeup smacking quick.

If they wait to long, he'll turn out like my brother and it's all downhill from there.
No offense to anyone else but only a white kid can get away with talking to his mother like that.

This is what a lifetime of "Time-out" results in.

My mother would have asked me to repeat what i said and in the middle of repeating it back hand to the mouth and beat my ass right after.

No offense? This is by far the dumbest post in this thread imo.

Complete nonsense and a very racist post in every direction.
First of all, not all black (or asian or whatever nationality or skincolor) people beat their children. Second of all, a lot of white people also beat their children (i don't know any person from my generation or earlier who didn't receive a beating from their parents ). Luckily, that is changing everywhere. And no, not all white kids can just say whatever they want to their parents. As if normal behavior and respect can only be forced through violence. And disobedient kids are everywhere.

And please people. Don't be proud of your beating culture. Some of you seem very eager to take it to the next generation. We should be beyond that now. You can respectfully raise a kid without beating him / her.

Yes, we turned out fine even though our parents gave us a beating every now and then.
That doesn't mean we turned out fine BECAUSE of those beatings. They were probably very traumatic the first times you were confronted with those beatings. And now you think it's the best way (or for some: the only way) to make your kids understand a certain message. Shout at them and beat them, yeah, great message.
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