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Dynasty Warriors: Why the hate, GAF?


In other news, I really hope they integrate something like that into a mainline game then. Sounds like an excellent feature.
Well, it's apparently a feature that's in the next 3DS game (Dynasty Warriors VS). I haven't looked into it much, but apparently, there's a competitive multiplayer mode where each player has three controllable generals and they battle over a node-based map, like DW:Gundam 3. That sounds like it has potential.


I always figured you can't get the most out of a Musou game unless you're well-acquainted with its story and characters. Because once you do, your appreciation of the game through things like character interactions grows immensely.

Only thing is, few non-asians have probably taken the time to read up on the RotTK or Japan's Sengoku period. What hooked me on the series, and later got me to do so, was how much fun it was to storm through a battlefield on horseback or whatever and just smash dozens of guys at a time. It was great stress relief, and other elements such as the weapons and voice acting kept me going. If you don't have a hook like that, you're probably never going to be able to appreciate a Musou game.

Though I suppose there's other directions to look at within Koei. The Kessen series is a lot of fun and has a great cinematic feel to it.
Well, it's apparently a feature that's in the next 3DS game (Dynasty Warriors VS). I haven't looked into it much, but apparently, there's a competitive multiplayer mode where each player has three controllable generals and they battle over a node-based map, like DW:Gundam 3. That sounds like it has potential.

I would jump to some real pie in the sky thinking at some point and go "what if the higher your rank, the more officers you can direct?!" Think of having only yourself and the Xiahous if you pick Cao Cao around the time of Yellow Turban Rebellion, but then end up directing every officer on the battlefield around the time of Chi Bi, or whatnot, OR having a chain-of-command system where you can direct your subordinates, and they direct their subordinates and on down while you make a swath of destruction *foams at mouth*


What I'd like most for a new DW game is dead enemies staying on the ground and not disappearing. We've got to have a processor that can do that by now.

I want to take my favorite officer out and wipe out hundreds of mooks until I am fighting on a mountain of "KO'd" soldiers. That is my greatest DW fantasy.


As far as I'm concerned the only Dynasty game that should be touched this generation is Warriors Orochi 3. Actually screw it, it's the only series in the franchise that should be touched. *bias as fuck*


I always figured you can't get the most out of a Musou game unless you're well-acquainted with its story and characters. Because once you do, your appreciation of the game through things like character interactions grows immensely.
Well, it's kind of like the Super Robot Taisen series. You don't have to be intimately familiar with the source material to enjoy it, but it helps.

I don't think anybody comes into Dynasty Warriors knowing anything about Lu Bu or being able to pronounce Dong Zhou. Everybody I've ever met that has knowledge of RotTK does so because - and only because - they are Dynasty Warriors fans. Still, I thought the story mode in DW7 did a really good job of giving the characters some perspective beyond "this is the guy who runs like an idiot with his sword out".

I was personally more familiar with the Sengoku period, having read a book called "Taiko" in college, and it did make my enjoyment of the Samurai Warriors games much greater - and the disappointment of the bastardization that was Devil Kings that much harder to accept.
I feel so conflicted with WO3, as far as playstyle goes. Part of me says "I found a team I really like, I should just stick with them", and part of me says "That's fucking criminal when there's over 100 characters". Then I try to mix things up and switch around on characters, and I end up taking issue with the fact that unless you level them up a bunch (which thankfully you can to a point with just straight up growth points) everyone's totally useless.

I think the next time I pick it back up I'm going to just stick with a team of characters I really enjoy playing (so basically Zhang Liao, Sima Zhao and somebody else) and go from there.
Samurai Warriors Chronicles allows you to assign commands to the other three playable officers. You can send them to locations using the touch screen and they'll automatically fight the enemy generals and gate captains there.

You can do this in NEXT as well. Drag the map to expand it and then drag one of your officers to an enemy base. You can either choose to attack or defend.
Honestly, I've stayed away from the franchise due to it's rep...which is pretty stupid.

But I really liked the Sengoku Basara 3 demo and bought/rented the game and enjoyed what I played of it (I traded it in due to lacking funds for some other game).

I'm guessing if you play every game in the series then yeah it will get old but that's with any game honestly. Sometimes you need a break.

I will look into WO3 considering the praise it gets around here. XBOX or PS3?


I don't hate them, I like them, but only in coop, it's pretty simple and basic but you still need to avoid attacks, etc, the good thing is anyone could pick it up and it's always the game I play with someone if they come over, even my nephew who doesn't even know how to move the right analogue stick was able to play it, there are simple objectives like secure the gate blah blah, kill this first, and a character will show up and such, since they are story elements that were based on those chinese history scenarios, I find them interesting and it made us want to trigger the event purposely just to see what happens.

I like it a lot more than some of the "AAA" titles with shitty brain dead AIs that aren't even fun to fight, it's competent enough as a game and fun if you put the difficulty up a few notches and duo Lu Bu air juggling him at a wall with a friend
, and the controls are responsive.

I only liked the ps2 games though, I only played 1 ps3 version and I didn't enjoy it as much, while still clocked quite a few hours with my brother, the one for ps2 with weapons drop with elements attached to them which I found really cool. I don't have anyone to play with anymore though so I stopped buying them.

It's not like there are much alternatives we could play so we don't really care


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
DW is great....my friend hates it because its "the same thing over and over" I told him thats how I feel about COD/GEARS
I had DW3 but let a friend have it but never really looked at any after that. When Sengoku Basara 3 came out I thought it looked pretty cool and went for it. LOVEd it! since then I've bought Samurai Warriors 3, Samurai Chronicles, Dynasty Warriors Next, DW7, Warriors Orochi 3 and some of the older ones. They're some of my favorite shit right now. I sort of wish I kept playing them all this time. I really like DW7, Orochi 3 and Senkoku 3 though, they seem different to me.
The basic combat in the game just sucks, but so does the feel of the game, with its always last-gen, small budget Japanese game production values and mostly samey experience. It's laborious, tedious shit that they've managed to repackage over and over and over, with a few added tactical elements bolted on and/or marginally better visuals. The spinoffs that I've tried are pretty much more of the same basic action/tactics gameplay, but all suffer from the same weak foundation of uninteresting and unsatisfying action. The concept would be better as an RPG with tactical movement since the action gameplay never feels fun or fun enough to put up with the same rinse and repeat pattern for well over a decade. That, or they can reboot the franchise with a more competent developer of action-fighting games. Conceptually awesome, but lame execution kills it for me and I think I should love it, since it is one of the purer BEU experiences still made, but it's just too bland and familiar. Haven't finished one since DW2.
Because it's dumb.

"your dumb" (intentional, the irony of the avatar speaks volumes as well.)

i like most warriors games, WO3 is the all time best, lovely character selection and a challenge on hard..i didn't dig DWG3 as much as the first 2, the enclosed areas just didn't do it for me, and the lack of personal stories hurt worse..i did however enjoy the heck out of FOTNS, once you got over the speed and learned the roll canceling, the campaign was a delight..and the story as always was well done.. manly tears all over again.


Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I'm still not willing to pay full price on this genre so the newest entries are out until they come down in price.

I'd like to try strikeforce, it sounds cool and is cheap. Any others?

And 99 nights is musou game isn't it? Is that worth a punt?

Maybe give one of the Dynasty Warriors Gundam games a shot? 2 and 3 are both relatively cheap at this point. Personally I think 2 is a far better game, but as I said earlier in the thread, that's just personal opinion.

So for those actually familiar with these games:

Which is better to start with for someone that hasn't really played these before: Samurai Warriors 3 or Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes?

Just between those two, go for Basara. SW3 was really disappointing.

I can't say anything specific about Troy, and how things happened, but I can tell you that it's rarely just "our play testers said X was too hard". A playtest focus group don't just "take the word of the tester", but rather look at other evidence that the players themselves commit to subconsciously.

Sure, you can go out guns blazing saying that the play testers are retarded and such: but when your game fails to sell because reviewers and players didn't like it, then who's fault is it? (and hey, that's why I'm out of a job)

For kicks, after I no longer worked at Koei, and was showing a friend Orochi 2 PSP (just because they haven't seen what I had worked on before), and I watched them play the first stage a few times. They kept on failing, and then I pointed out that they need to check the map and watch who needs help and cover the map. And even after that, they still failed, and still was baffled on why. Musou games sometimes asks you to do that mental juggling, and not everyone is willing to commit/want to do.

First off, I just want to say thanks again for all of your posts in the thread. Very insightful and informative. But now, something I've always wondered: Is it just me, or is the PSP version of Orochi 2 MUCH harder than the PS2 version? I only played it a couple of times, but it really did feel a lot harder. I mean, I got absolutely demolished on the first stage multiple times, and that never happened on the PS2 version. :lol

Honestly, I've stayed away from the franchise due to it's rep...which is pretty stupid.

But I really liked the Sengoku Basara 3 demo and bought/rented the game and enjoyed what I played of it (I traded it in due to lacking funds for some other game).

I'm guessing if you play every game in the series then yeah it will get old but that's with any game honestly. Sometimes you need a break.

I will look into WO3 considering the praise it gets around here. XBOX or PS3?

The game is essentially the same on both platforms, but the PS3 version is PSN-only in the US. So depending on which region you live in, keep that in mind.
First off, I just want to say thanks again for all of your posts in the thread. Very insightful and informative. But now, something I've always wondered: Is it just me, or is the PSP version of Orochi 2 MUCH harder than the PS2 version? I only played it a couple of times, but it really did feel a lot harder. I mean, I got absolutely demolished on the first stage multiple times, and that never happened on the PS2 version. :lol
Not that I know of about any of that has changed. The only thing I can think of is that since you're on the PSP (and most likely will be holding it with the claw hand to switch characters), you're reflexes playing won't be as fast?

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Not that I know of about any of that has changed. The only thing I can think of is that since you're on the PSP (and most likely will be holding it with the claw hand to switch characters), you're reflexes playing won't be as fast?

Hm...you may be right. I guess it was kinda silly to think the PSP version was somehow made more difficult. :lol

One other question, if you can answer it. Do you know the actual reason the US never got Musou Orochi Z? Rumors say that it was due to some sort of Sony policy about last-gen games being ported to the PS3, but nobody has ever presented any sort of proof. I just think it's funny that, if that's indeed the case, Sony themselves started doing the same exact thing a couple years later with the HD Collections.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
dunno how ive done it but ive played and max every character on dynasty warriors since number 3 every samurai warriors and warriors orochi, dunno how but i just enjoy the endless enemy beating lol
Hm...you may be right. I guess it was kinda silly to think the PSP version was somehow made more difficult. :lol

One other question, if you can answer it. Do you know the actual reason the US never got Musou Orochi Z? Rumors say that it was due to some sort of Sony policy about last-gen games being ported to the PS3, but nobody has ever presented any sort of proof. I just think it's funny that, if that's indeed the case, Sony themselves started doing the same exact thing a couple years later with the HD Collections.
Nope. No idea. I was hoping it would have made it stateside too.

The closest your going to get to it, ironically, is the PSP Orochi 2 port, which got the stages that were added in Orochi Z.
I always figured you can't get the most out of a Musou game unless you're well-acquainted with its story and characters. Because once you do, your appreciation of the game through things like character interactions grows immensely.

I think it's the complete opposite. I love ROTK, I detest DW. What DW did to the cast of beloved characters makes it harder for ROTK faithfuls to get into the game.


Here's my list:

- Repetitive combat.
- Button masher.
- Mindless action.
- No strategy.
- No challenge.
- Poor robotic animations.
- Poor muddy graphics.
- Poor draw distance.
- It's just a lazy series.

I like the series' music though.
It is what it is. I don't have WO3 yet, but lately I've been digging back into DW5E, farming for achievements and introducing my kid to the series. She loves it: she created herself in game and is happily wreaking havoc through ancient China.

I don't think the story matters one whit. They're comic characters for the most part. I mean, it's highly doubtful that the real Zhang He was flamboyant or effeminate. I'm pretty sure that Sima Yi did not have a laser-shooting magic fan. Did Wei Yan really talk like The Hulk, and wear a mask? Who cares? It's a game.

It's what you make of it. I remember playing at Hu Lao Gate, cruising through the game, racking up kills and confronting Lu Bu. He proceeds to beat my ass until I make a run for it, desperately trying to evade him long enough for the gauge to build up. And just a moment before he catches me for the killing stroke, Liu Bei jumps in to save me. Tables turn and I make a miraculous come back. Then I take his horse. It was AWESOME.

So yeah, go take on Guan Yu or Lu Bu at higher difficulty, then come back and say its a mindless button masher. :)


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I remember getting the demo after the nice review from Eurogamer, but didn't play for too long when my SD tele at the time couldn't display readable font for it at all.

I think I'll go try the Xbox 360 demo out now, still sounds fun.


Wondering why there is still no mention of Tak Fuji when it comes to games where "if you continue to press the same button like xxx yyy xxx yyy again you will be sucked"

But he mentions a valid lure of Dynasty Warrior games: "Oneee millionnnn truppsssss"

I guess its the "imba" feeling and enjoyment that players love about this series. It's hard at times sure, but the focus is on the player character being significantly more powerful than any single minion on the field.

Also I play Dynasty Warriors just to appreciate the animation frames and effects of each weapon.


Is the game good? Wouldn't mind checking it out.

I didn't like it more than Kessen II and III, but it's a pretty good history game. They are more loyal to history than Kessen was, a lot of different troops you can command.

However it can get grindy and repetitive so really depends on if you dig the genre or not.

Also, no trophies D:
Wondering why there is still no mention of Tak Fuji when it comes to games where "if you continue to press the same button like xxx yyy xxx yyy again you will be sucked"
But he mentions a valid lure of Dynasty Warrior games: "Oneee millionnnn truppsssss"
I guess its the "imba" feeling and enjoyment that players love about this series. It's hard at times sure, but the focus is on the player character being significantly more powerful than any single minion on the field.

Also I play Dynasty Warriors just to appreciate the animation frames and effects of each weapon.

I feel bad for not getting N3 2. :(


Havent played any game in the seres since the second game on PS2.... But have been slowly over time wanted to get back into it... but i have NO Idea which game to get with what appears to be 3 or 4 off shoots of the sereis...

So let me ask you this... for this gen of systems, what is a good starting point, the empires games seem interesting, but what is the most bang for the buck (cheap price a two player co-op a bonus)

Havent played any game in the seres since the second game on PS2.... But have been slowly over time wanted to get back into it... but i have NO Idea which game to get with what appears to be 3 or 4 off shoots of the sereis...

So let me ask you this... for this gen of systems, what is a good starting point, the empires games seem interesting, but what is the most bang for the buck (cheap price a two player co-op a bonus)


Depends on what you are aiming for.

If you want the Dynasty Warriors experience, the story and a pretty good battle system, Dynasty Warriors 7 would be a good starting point.

If you just want to play as many different characters as possible with no caring for the story, Warriors Orochi 3 would be that.

Both have 2 player co-op, but DW7's online portion is supposedly better than WO3.


Depends on what you are aiming for.

If you want the Dynasty Warriors experience, the story and a pretty good battle system, Dynasty Warriors 7 would be a good starting point.

If you just want to play as many different characters as possible with no caring for the story, Warriors Orochi 3 would be that.

Both have 2 player co-op, but DW7's online portion is supposedly better than WO3.

What is the difference between DW7 and DW7 Extreme Legends? and what about the Samurai Warrior games, how do they stack up?

After reading some of the game Boxes the 'Empires" game sound interesting...

(So many games!)
What is the difference between DW7 and DW7 Extreme Legends? and what about the Samurai Warrior games, how do they stack up?

After reading some of the game Boxes the 'Empires" game sound interesting...

(So many games!)

The Extreme Legends are pretty much expansion packs to the original game. They add new characters, have more stages, stronger weapons and in DW7's case gives a few characters new weapons and add some focus to the characters that got shafted in the story mode. If you are in the long run for stat maxing, Extreme Legends would be helpful as it allows you to buy stats but in no means necessarily to enjoy DW7.

The only reason I didn't mention Samurai Warrior 3 was because it was only released on the Wii here, so it is kinda lacking when compared to the DW7 games. It is still a fun game, just lacking in polish in some areas.

I haven't played any of the Empires games yet as there hasn't been a DW7 Empires game so I can't comment on them.


I used to be a Dynasty Warriors fan, but a while back I became a Sengoku Basara fanboy. Hundreds of hours have been spent on that series and I don't see myself going back to DW.

SRW Musou needs to happen at some point :D

Agreed, I would prefer someone to do it other than Koei but it's better than nothing.

I liked Strikeforce.
Am I a bad person?

Strikeforce was fun, too bad Koei is doing one of those lazy PSP to PS3 ports instead of remaking the game.


The Light of El Cantare
I used to be a Dynasty Warriors fan, but a while back I became a Sengoku Basara fanboy. Hundreds of hours have been spent on that series and I don't see myself going back to DW.

You may eventually feel differently when several Sengoku Basara games come and go without a single one ever being localized again.

You may eventually feel differently when several Sengoku Basara games come and go without a single one ever being localized again.

Oh why you gotta bring that up. :[

Yeah, we'll probably never see anything Basara ever again. Which sucks with Utage already out and the HD 1 and 2 collection coming out this year too.
Why would anybody play any dynasty warriors game past a single one? you played one, you played them all. it's always the same thing over and over again with just updated stats and a slightly new roster.

the creators make some small, menial change and fans of this over saturated series harbor claims of profound greatness that wasn't present before. same shit, different year.



no but seriously i stopped making fun of people who buy sports game when i realized i bought dw3-6 and all the Xtreme iterations and had them piled up in order and my xbox 360/ps2 were OoS.


Love 'em, myself.

I feel the DW 'family' of games is the real 3D successor to the side-scrolling beat-'em-ups of old. The battlefields and event triggers add an interesting layer of strategy, and the persistent levels and item drops give the games longevity.

How someone could like, say, Streets of Rage or Final Fight, then turn around and slag off the DW/Musou games for being 'repetitive' or 'boring' is beyond me.
Can you explain a little of the differences between Strikeforce and say DW7?

Yeah, DW6/Strikeforce attack chains use one button to make a combo, and there are 2 combo strings. So if the buttons were square and triangle you could go:

S1 S2...S5 S6 T1 T2...T5 T6 etc. and you can switch from SX->T1 at any time and vice versa. It's really simplistic. Koei was trying something new but it didn't work very well.

in DW7 and most other musou games, you have 2 attack buttons as well, but they work differently. Instead of a weak and strong attack string, you have normal attack, and charge attack. Charge attacks (triangle) do something different depending on how many normal attacks precede them. Usually you hear this referred to as "charge x" where X is the xth attack in the chain.

example 4 normal attacks followed by a charge attack would be charge 5.

Each charge attack has a different purpose, some are crowd clearing, some have a lot of forward momentum, some are good for damaging bosses. But the higher up the chain the more normal attacks you need to land uninterrupted before you can do it, so it's a risk/reward thing too.

There are other ancillary systems on top of this (DW7 has weapon switching, and certain attack strings have special animations for specific characters, orochi games have character switching, samurai warriors games have character specific special attacks) but that's the basic attack flow.

Hopefully that makes sense.


The structure of dw 7 and strikeforce are also completely different, i'm just talking about the low level combat mechanics, not the encapsulating systems.
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