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Edge 229 (new format) scores, features, Hitman cover


Fallout 3 better than New Vegas?

I guess it must have been because of bugs... because... damn.

EDIT: I don't like Edge reviews because the reviews themselves. (Fighting game reviews are especially bad, even considering the norm.) Their scores only bother me in that they should really use a 1-5 system like the rest of the videogame industry.


Riposte said:
Fallout 3 better than New Vegas?

I guess it must have been because of bugs... because... damn.

EDIT: I don't like Edge reviews because the reviews themselves. (Fighting game reviews are especially bad, even considering the norm.) Their scores only bother me in that they should really use a 1-5 system like the rest of the videogame industry.
Are you saying the whole industry should, or does? Because 1-10 is pretty common.


As always, the Edge threads keep showing how fucking rotten the videogame reviewing business is. Some of the posts are cringeworthy here. X is better than Y rite HURRRRR!

It's a fucking opinion, if you want feature lists and justifications for your purchases, then feel free to read IGN only.


nods at old men
Detox said:
I don't think they get WRPG's.
Mass Effect - 7/10
Jade Empire - 7/10
KotOR - 9/10
Baldur's Gate 2 - 8/10
The Witcher - 5/10
Morrowind - 6/10
Oblivion - 8/10
Fallout 3 - 7/10
Diablo - 7/10
Diablo II - 6/10
Dragon age: Origins - 5/10
Mass Effect 2 - 10/10
I only see two "bad" scores.
I don't know why everyone is comparing Edge scores as if the magazine is a monolithic, single consciousness that ranks every game it has ever played in massive conjunction when in reality it's actually a long string of authors and reviewers who have no accountability to each other or what games they reviewed in the past.


hardcastle_mccormick said:
I don't know why everyone is comparing Edge scores as if the magazine is a monolithic, single consciousness that ranks every game it has ever played in massive conjunction when in reality it's actually a long string of authors and reviewers who have no accountability to each other or what games they reviewed in the past.
Edge share an institutional voice, it's not exactly accurate to view them that way, but it's more than with other publications.


StuBurns said:
Sorry I meant third party, I typed that in my mind.

While I did think it was a coup for Microsoft to secure console exclusivity for the game, it's still a late port that is downgraded in comparison to the PC version.


hardcastle_mccormick said:
I don't know why everyone is comparing Edge scores as if the magazine is a monolithic, single consciousness that ranks every game it has ever played in massive conjunction when in reality it's actually a long string of authors and reviewers who have no accountability to each other or what games they reviewed in the past.

There have been quite disqusting ideas of consistency-enforcement voiced out by certain active members in the past here in GAF. Scary stuff.
Aaron said:
Who gives Morrowind a six? Honestly! What are your standards for the genre?

Well, me for one. Lower in fact, despite the fact that I've really tried to like it.

I tried it on the Xbox - couldn't get in to it. Bought it again as part of a Steam bundle - still couldn't get in to it. Modded the hell out of it & it still bores me to tears.


RPG's aren't streamlined enough for Edge's liking, apparently.

I'm really annoyed that the new mag is smaller than the old ones. Sure it's better to read on the go now, but I have a pile of Edge mags that are all perfectly lined up, except for this one :( guess I'll start a new pile.
StuBurns said:
Edge share an institutional voice, it's not exactly accurate to view them that way, but it's more than with other publications.

I can see comparing reviews in the same genre in recent years (eg. the Mass Effect 2 review versus Witcher 2) but I think comparing Fallout 1 to anything published recently is pretty much the dumbest thing I've heard all day, and E3 is giving me a lot of candidates. I mean, every magazine and reviewing system changes over time. Even comparing a KOTOR review to the issue we see today is kind of silly.

And it doesn't hurt that WRPG's, especially the ones often well regarded today, were released patch-less and inferior to what we would go back to and enjoy. I can't really blame them for giving Witcher 1 a 5, considering how much better the game is now if you buy it off GOG.


Shurs said:
While I did think it was a coup for Microsoft to secure console exclusivity for the game, it's still a late port that is downgraded in comparison to the PC version.
Day and date would be better, but I wouldn't be surprised if it sells more on 360 regardless.

A launch Crysis port for the next-gen systems would still sell a million units.

hardcastle_mccormick said:
I can see comparing reviews in the same genre in recent years (eg. the Mass Effect 2 review versus Witcher 2) but I think comparing Fallout 1 to anything published recently is pretty much the dumbest thing I've heard all day, and E3 is giving me a lot of candidates. I mean, every magazine and reviewing system changes over time. Even comparing a KOTOR review to the issue we see today is kind of silly.
Yeah, I agree pretty much.
I'd like to read their text for LA Noire because that's a very high score and I thought Edge would see beyond the cool tech and realise it's a bad game.


Still without luck
StuBurns said:
She's a great writer.

Not sure if serious.


More Fun To Compute said:
Here are some RPGs that have made the grade according to Edge.

Neverwinter Nights - 9
Deus Ex - 9
Ultima VIII - 9
Lands of Lore - 8
I hope this post is not a stealth Lands of Lore bashing, blood will be spilled if so :I
Visualante said:
LA Noire --> bought
Infamous --> bought
Brink --> bought
Witcher 2 --> bought
El Shaddai --> preordered

Skyrim --> preordered, will convert to CE preorder

Deus Ex --> preordered
Resistance 3 --> preordered
Zelda 3DS --> preordered
ahhh my poor wallet, they're gonna suck me dry, i tell ya!


Isn't EDGE also a console-centric magazine? I recall a lot of their reviews of PC games were heavily underscored compared to console-focused games.


ChuckNoLuck said:

Not sure if serious.[/QUOTE]
Yes, I'm serious, although 'great' might be a little extreme. Have you read her stuff? Just because she's an asshole doesn't mean she can't write.


StuBurns said:
Yes, I'm serious, although 'great' might be a little extreme. Have you read her stuff? Just because she's an asshole doesn't mean she can't write.
But she's such an arsehole that I can't bear to read any of her stuff, even though, as you say, she is a good writer. Her bombcast appearances have ensured that I bristle at the merest mention of her name.


Still without luck
StuBurns said:
Yes, I'm serious, although 'great' might be a little extreme. Have you read her stuff? Just because she's an asshole doesn't mean she can't write.
She is an asshole, but she is also a terrible writer. I read her stuff on Gamasutra and her blog like a year ago and it was complete fucking garbage.


Aaron said:
Who gives Morrowind a six? Honestly! What are your standards for the genre?
Near enough everyone. Game was considered an ambitious, over-reaching failure by most gaming press at the time. They loved it, but hated it all the same, yet it actually was thought of fondly and its potential was used for grading purposes - subsequent RPG releases were often judged by the metric of "what Morrowind almost was".

Honestly, even today, with all the mods and the knowledge that Oblivion was worse, I still agree with that sentiment. Morrowind was almost the greatest thing ever. I'm still waiting for my Elder Scrolls game that makes good on all that potential and delivers something breathtaking. I'm hoping Skyrim is it.


Their complaints for the Witcher 2 are well documented even you don't agree with them...Interesting that they seem to like it more than the first one which got a 5. Personally, I would have scored the first game a "7" but (and I think this is important), they probably reviewed the original release of the first game which had its share of problems when it launched.

I never played the first game until I picked up the ultimate version on Steam and all the bugs had been ironed out. I think I'll do the same with the Witcher 2...Perhaps the inevitable expansion packs will also fix some of the pacing issues that Edge has with it.


Suairyu said:
Honestly, even today, with all the mods and the knowledge that Oblivion was worse, I still agree with that sentiment. Morrowind was almost the greatest thing ever. I'm still waiting for my Elder Scrolls game that makes good on all that potential and delivers something breathtaking. I'm hoping Skyrim is it.
Other than the slow running speed, Morrowind needed no mods for me on release. I don't want to sound callous, but I assume anyone down on it has no imagination. The amount of exploration, creativity, uniqueness, and just plain wonder of the game still hits me hard. Just wandering through Vivic in the rain with the flash of lightning revealing its golden guards, or venturing into an abandoned fortress to stumble upon a cult that isn't keen on you pinching their prized possessions. I remember rushing into a crypt to escape a group of fierce enemies to find it a dead end with no hope of escape... but what's this? A staff of infinite levitation? :)

There was some pretty good story bits too, mostly with the quest lines relating to the various houses. I thought the whole vampire thing was cleverly done, and one of many things made worse in Oblivion. The graphics are crude by today's standards and the animation has never been good, but no other game has ever given you such a complete world to enter and just breathe in. Most RPGs are just too obsessed with having to be 'a game' to take those sort of risks.


ChuckNoLuck said:
Grammatical error in the first sentence. Time for bed.

In this sentence?

I’ve lived in New York City for nearly nine years now, and yet I still can become so easily disoriented in the grids of Manhattan.

Wouldn't any grammatical errors fall on the head of the editor?

Edit: Also, if you're the type of person who won't read an article because of an omitted comma or some small grammatical error, I feel sorry for you.


Shurs said:
In this sentence?

Wouldn't any grammatical errors fall on the head of the editor?
'still can' as opposed to 'can still' is a little purple, but that's hardly how I'd define good writing. Her command of literary etiquette is fairly irrelevant, she communicates herself well and has some interesting things to say, that's more than sufficient.


Nirolak said:
I think that's a pretty accurate assessment honestly.

Witcher 2 - 6
Fallout 1 - 6
Fallout 3 - 7
Fallout: New Vegas - 6
TES III: Morrowind - 6
Diablo I - 7
Diablo II - 6
Dragon Age: Origins - 5
Arcanum - 5
The Witcher - 5
Vampire: Bloodlines - 6
Mass Effect - 7
Temple Of Elemental Evil - 4
I like EDGE and have bought a lot of issues but quite frankly that is one ridiculous list.

I strongly disagree with every single of those scores and honestly, if I didn't know better I would assume that was a troll list.

Mostly average and below average scores for some of the best RPGs ever made. Some of those scores are completely loopy.


StuBurns said:
'still can' as opposed to 'can still' is a little purple, but that's hardly how I'd define good writing. Her command of literary etiquette is fairly irrelevant, she communicates herself well and has some interesting things to say, that's more than sufficient.

It's not purple, it's gray.

There is nothing offensively incorrect within that sentence.


Shurs said:
It's not purple, it's gray.

There is nothing offensively incorrect within that sentence.
She phrased it in an unusual way and it's kind of distracting, purple. You're right though, it's not incorrect.

I used a multiple negative... shiiiiittttttt


I like reading EDGE, but I value their opinion on WRPGs as much as Kim Jong-il's on human rights, so I'm not gonna act like I'm shocked that they rated it that low.

Then again, you could say that it's a legitimate issue that they rate they games way lower than they deserve because the reviewer clearly doesn't like the genre.
Seems like they decided that WRPGs deserve this treatment on completely arbitrary grounds, and considering it could hurt sales, especially to people who could have liked the game


I actually think they love the WRPG genre and think it has a theoretically much higher ceiling than devs are currently achieving.
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