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Edge: PS4 to launch in Europe in early 2014, US/JP 2013, more powerful than next Xbox


GAF's Bob Woodward
I don't really care about system specs anymore. I want to see games for both systems. That's really all I care about. MS needs good exclusives. 360 is my fave console but all I play these days are multiplatform games. They did good early on then Kinect came out and then PS3 started getting bomb ass exclusives.


Development sources with working knowledge of both next generation consoles have told us that PlayStation 4 will be more powerful than the next Xbox, will ship with a redesigned controller and launch by the end of the year in Japan and the US. PlayStation 4’s European launch will follow in early 2014.

NO NO NO stop this shit Sony! Japan and US don't want your system anyway!
Europe 2014? Why Sony? Massively disappointed if true.

New Xbox must launch worldwide, MS come one! I want a freaking next-gen console this year!


The new sharing features and the 15 minute record feature seems to be tied in with Gaikai. I expect to see very interesting streaming capabilities.

I'm expecting however, a higher price point now with some simple touchscreen capabilities in the controller.


Not Banned from OT
No way 8 GB of Gddr5. Calling BS..

Me to no way it is 8gig of GDDR5. That would be way to many ram chips and motherboard complexity right now. We all should be thankful for 4 gigs of GDDR5. Rumors like this just will make people disapointed in the end.
If that RAM thing is true, holy shit.

IMO it's either false of if Sony is planning on upping the ram to 8GB they'll go with the same type Microsoft is planning. 8GB of GDDR5 would raise costs way too much, would it not?
regarding the eu / uk waiting until 2014. if it turns out to be true, I feel we won't be waiting more than a month or two. sony really can't afford to give microsoft any kind of head-start in europe or the uk, lest they end up losing more marketshare in the uk and potentially losing some in europe too.

Not having the PS4 as an available Xmas present is huge, no question. Little Johnny isn't going to wait until March for Santa.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
Why would they screw over Europe? Aren't they the most loyal Sony customers? D:

Oh well, I can't wait to see what they show... and I live in the U.S.


Forget about 8GB GDDR5. Not going to happen.

Dedicated share button sounds good. Impossible to take a live screenshot without it, unless people are thinking of voice control or something (no thanks).

I'm guessing the sharing will tie in to something like a PS3 equivalent of Live Area (or whatever the Vita thing is called).
regarding the eu / uk waiting until 2014. if it turns out to be true, I feel we won't be waiting more than a month or two. sony really can't afford to give microsoft any kind of head-start in europe or the uk, lest they end up losing more marketshare in the uk and potentially losing some in europe too.

The 360 had a 15 month head start on the PS3 in Europe and while it did manage to catch the UK, pretty much every other country prefers the PS3. People are really exaggerating the impact of launching a couple months later.


What a bullshit article.

We’re told that PlayStation 4 will launch in Japan and the US by Christmas, with a Euro rollout following in early 2014, the delay attributed to the complexities involved in European distribution.

PlayStation Vita

NA February 22, 2012
EU February 22, 2012

Those European complexities.
I guess if 3d rams works out... sony could totally do it.

As a person living in europe, I actually don't mind waiting until march.

I can deal with it.
You guys are getting way ahead of yourselves. I highly, highly doubt it will have 8gb GDDR5.

Otherwise this:

One source familiar with both platforms tells us that in real terms Sony’s console is “slightly more powerful”

Wouldn't make sense.
Am I the only one that really loves this?

I hate it:( More awful awful 'gameplay' shitting up youtube and breaking search.

Try googling battlefield 1942 right now, it's almost impossible, you get a million shitty bf3-bc2 videos that are mistagged by 12 year olds with a capture card trying to get hits by using every tag they can think of.

Trying to find some interesting videos is also hard with all the noise. It'll only get worse if the entry bar is lowered even more.
I can imagine the share button is there to really integrate Gaikai functionality into an overall social media sphere that works quick and is a priority function. Throwing the last fifteen minutes of gameplay up on the feed will be quick and easy, or taking a picture, a high score, or a message


i wouldn't be able to afford it at launch anyway so i don't care about europe getting screwed for a few months.

the rest (the video/screenshot button, ease of development, ram changes to help prevent ps3 skyrim happening again, comparable power and only minor alterations to the controller) sounds almost too good to be true. impressive if so.
I'll import then

That's what I'll probably do as well, got US PS2 and PS3 launch systems as well, but I wanted to go to one of these midnight nerd sales for once. If it's only 1-2 months apart I could easily hold off importing one and my backlog will thank me.


regarding the eu / uk waiting until 2014. if it turns out to be true, I feel we won't be waiting more than a month or two. sony really can't afford to give microsoft any kind of head-start in europe or the uk, lest they end up losing more marketshare in the uk and potentially losing some in europe too.

I think it depends on how microsoft launches, if microsoft delays in Europe as well then...


Well, this is the first rumor mill where I'm going to be really sad if it turns out not to be true. The screenshot & video universal share feature is amazing.

Boss Man

Am I the only one that really loves this?
Nope, I was daydreaming about this sort of thing a week or two ago:

I said it before, but as much as we all hate it, Microsoft is doing the right thing with the next Xbox. Imagine all of the social momentum that will be added to XBL if people are seamlessly uploading clips of their COD kills onto Facebook, for example.

You can also print 3D objects, but no one is doing it yet. This stuff is not integrated the way it could be yet at all. I'm talking about random people on your Facebook feed who know jackshit about computers pausing a game and pressing two buttons on their Xbox to automatically upload a video of them teabagging someone on Halo.

The controller sounds great. I hope it's basically a DS3 with the touchpad in the middle.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Do we have any good info on when final dev kits are supposed to ship?


I don't really care about system specs anymore. I want to see games for both systems. That's really all I care about. MS needs good exclusives. 360 is my fave console but all I play these days are multiplatform games. They did good early on then Kinect came out and then PS3 started getting bomb ass exclusives.


I'm going to cry the whole reveal. I can't take this anymore


you won't get 8GB of GDDR5, ever! Even 6GB would be sick.

I just want to add if this is true Sony has killed themselves again. They will lose Europe as well. I am not waiting, and I know many other that won't wait either this time.


All the sudden, February is setting up to be pretty exciting months. 19 more days til PS4 reveal...who would have thought.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
So, right now, how much would PS4 cost? 399$, not considering possible Move / Eye included in the SKU?
The PS4 hardware will continually record the most recent 15 minutes of onscreen action (with no processing penalty, claims our source), which users will then be able to edit and broadcast via the Internet.

If this is true the Capture Card I bought will be useless next gen. o_O

Also there will be a massive flood of new Gaming Youtube channels, as if there wasn't already flooded with enough of them.

How much will this be? PS4 is going to sell for $599 again?


But...but...I was just told yesterday that Durango was going to be more powerful than Orbis?!?!?


Oh wait -- I just remembered that I'm a PC gamer :eek:P
I doubt they mean 8gb GDDR5.

Probably will be 4gb GDDR5+ 4gb DDR3.

Even this sounds great. It was not long ago Sony were looking at a release with 2gb GDDR5.

Not releasing in 2013 is an opportunity for MS to really push the new xbox in Europe if they can get it out in time.
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