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Endless Ocean, official quiet long river thread (Amir0x approved)

Wait so theres a chance I could be playing today?

I just assumed that today was the shipping day, and it would be out tomarrow. Looks like I got calls to make.


never heard about the cat, apparently

Penny Arcade - Endlessly Oceanic said:
There's really no trick: Endless Ocean is a game about swimming forever. It's not a game for our people, and it need not be plugged into the apparatus. You swim and swim and swim. Sometimes you pet penguins on the deck, or talk to a hydrophobe that you know. You can even dive cooperatively online, which is, like, Finally.

If you come in as a traditional gamer, with the traditional gamer mindset, the game will most likely be incoherent. We have expectations about "games" when we play them, mostly that they will be "games": a machine of interlocking systems and objectives. If you want to get much enjoyment out of Endless Ocean, you'll want to bring objectives with you as there aren't many down there. You won't find the convenient handholds that we use to orient ourselves in simulation. If you need a chilling context in which to swim, though, that is something we can provide.

While it comes up lacking in the classical assessment, it does embody other peculiar virtues: namely, the ability to put you into a Goddamned trance. Held upright only by the chair, I felt strangely warm as some force operated on my body, transforming the living parts into gel. I looked over to Gabriel, largely to determine if I still had neck bones. Draped over the chair like a coat, his leaden jowls hung open as his wrist offered up the bare minimum of game interaction. The rhythm of the scuba gear itself is sufficiently hypnotic, but they offer up musical selections in parallel: there is a warbling sea witch in this game whose voice can drown men. When we dive, I believe we dive in search of her.

I don't actually relax when I'm playing videogames. I don't find it relaxing. There's typically a lot riding on my unfocused attention: as many as thirty-two other people are relying on me to perform my duties in an utterly heroic fashion. Even in a Match-3 casual title I'm trying to see into the future, generating the preconditions of future success. The idea of a genuinely soothing game gestures at a wider medium than the one I typically focus on.

(CW)TB out.


Lavpa Jasai said:
Wait so theres a chance I could be playing today?

I just assumed that today was the shipping day, and it would be out tomarrow. Looks like I got calls to make.

Dude, check Target.


From the IGN AU review:

Time passes slowly from day to night, and the game tracks the seasons as they shift, affecting which species appear where and when. Given that the game plays out in pseudo-real-time, there is an imposed seven day limit on you responding to tasks like guided tours. Really though, for game that gives you as much freedom as it does, imposing a meaningless limit like this feels counterintuitive.

...so does this mean if you don't respond to things in time they are lost forever, or are they just recycled continually? If it's the former that's extremely lame.


stewacide said:
...so does this mean if you don't respond to things in time they are lost forever, or are they just recycled continually? If it's the former that's extremely lame.
I think they are recycled, but I can't confirm. I did every task and the 7 day limit is VERY long. I've put over 30 hrs into this game and haven't completed the first in-game month yet... it starts on July 1st and I'm on 24th at the moment. As the review said the time limits are meaningless, because you have plenty of time to fulfill all the tasks.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Like it or not like it? You don't get it. It is what it is, man. If videogames are food, Endless Ocean is weed.


Dice said:
Like it or not like it? You don't get it. It is what it is, man. If videogames are food, Endless Ocean is weed.
Im having a huge amount of trouble explaining this game to people. SOme of my hardcore gaming friends and acquaintances have pretty much shrugged it off as "just another boring shitty Wii game". Which is wrong of course, and sort of sad to hear. But they have also totally missed the entire point of this game. Its not much of a "game" at all. and thats why I like it.


BDGAME said:
I don't understand. Penny Arcade like it or not?

Who gives a shit what some idiot's narrow minded view of a game is. Not that EO needs explanation because there are plenty of "objectives" the first and foremost being finding and gathering info on sea life. Just because you don't have a monkey on your ship telling you that you have to pet fish X 3 times and do a barrel roll to advance to the next level doesn't mean this isn't a game.


This game looks amazing, I've been watching several videos of it.. Looks ultra relaxing and immersive, can't wait to pick it up tomorrow!!


So is there anyway to send the photos to the Message board or Photo Channel? I've taken some pictures that I love, and it'd be cool to be able to do something with them.
Also, I love the sheer amount of wildlife that shows up on your boat. Very cool.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I wish you could switch MP3 tracks in mid-mission, or at least have it play through them or at random. Oh well.
I can't wait to get this game. Sadly, I won't have the necessary funds for a while, but this game will be mine.

It's funny though, deep open water in video games has always made me feel uneasy. I don't know why, but I can always feel my back tensing up the deeper I swim.


can you guys tell me about the exploration in this game?? is it pretty much open ocean or is there a lot of sunken ships you can dive into, ruins, coral reefs, underwater caverns, etc?

Been eyeing this game for a long time especially for the wi-fi co-op. Can't wait to dive to mp3s like Dire dire docks, phendrana drifts, Zora's Domain, etc

edit: is the MSRP 29.99? if so, definite buy!


Insaniac said:
can you guys tell me about the exploration in this game?? is it pretty much open ocean or is there a lot of sunken ships you can dive into, ruins, coral reefs, underwater caverns, etc?
I'd say both.
What is truly beautiful (and actually feels damn coherent) is that the underwater landscapes are pretty complex in terms of structures, each with their own distinctive rocks, corals and passages (and of course...fishes! :D ) so you eventually get the idea of a proper enviroment that's not too hollow nor too full of stuff.


Lavpa Jasai said:
I would, but I have a best buy coupon and gift card :(

I can almost always get my BB to go get me a copy from the back room on Mondays. Which is what I did yesterday.


The rhythm of the scuba gear itself is sufficiently hypnotic, but they offer up musical selections in parallel: there is a warbling sea witch in this game whose voice can drown men. When we dive, I believe we dive in search of her.

that is a pretty great quote.
Got my copy in the mail this morning. Popped it in only to discover my AAs are dead, ha. Great timing. Time to charge up a pair before I can explore!
Just played for a half hour or so, game looks good underwater, especially the fish, but the jaggies are pretty awful on the boat. I much prefer the first person view in the water, it's slightly more zoomed in, and I don't need to see my character anyway. The music is good too. A nice game to play leaning back holding the Wiimote on an armrest. It seems I'm going to become very good at identifying fish.

$30 was the right price, I would have probably skipped on this at $50. Hopefully Nintendo has learned their lesson from Big Brain Academy.
Yeah, TelemachusD - I agree, first-person view is a LOT nicer. It's easier to move around and see the surroundings, and just a lot more pleasant to look at than having the rear of the diver obstructing a portion of your direct view.

I'm really enjoying this game so far.


this game is GORGEOUS!
I havent even ventured more than 100 feet deep in the bays, but I cant wait to get to the open ocean. goddamn it I LOVE THIS GAME.
Thanks once again Gaf for a fantastic recommendation.
I can tell some care and attention went into creating this. Shovelware it aint. My God this is exactly as I dreamed.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
IGN Review: 8.0


8.0 Presentation
The majority of the game takes place underwater, whose presentation is beautiful. The on-boat stuff, on the other hand, is disappointing.

8.0 Graphics
Spectuaclar underwater graphics filled with moody lightning and animation. Lots to see and explore. On-boat graphics suffer, though.

8.0 Sound
Amazing underwater sound effects and music. Again, don't leave the water.

7.0 Gameplay
Some weird control choices, but they work, and the relaxed, go-at-your-own-pace play mechanics are a breath of fresh air.

7.0 Lasting Appeal
A fun single-player affair and a two-player online cooperative mode to boot.


schuelma said:
IGN Review: 8.0


8.0 Presentation
The majority of the game takes place underwater, whose presentation is beautiful. The on-boat stuff, on the other hand, is disappointing.

8.0 Graphics
Spectuaclar underwater graphics filled with moody lightning and animation. Lots to see and explore. On-boat graphics suffer, though.

8.0 Sound
Amazing underwater sound effects and music. Again, don't leave the water.

7.0 Gameplay
Some weird control choices, but they work, and the relaxed, go-at-your-own-pace play mechanics are a breath of fresh air.

7.0 Lasting Appeal
A fun single-player affair and a two-player online cooperative mode to boot.
i dun give a shit about on boat graphic, the game is 90% under water right?


Why do people complain so much about the above-water stuff? There's no game above the water. Granted, I haven't picked it up yet...

EDIT: :lol


there is a little bit of game above water, but seriously, you wont want to stay above water for long. This game is designed for underwater exploration and when youre down there, the game is JAW DROPPING. Im seriously impressed that the Wii could render this. ANd with excellent framerate to boot.


I love this game!!

It is extremely relaxing, actually for the first little while it was TOO relaxing, I fell asleep while playing it, lol. This is not the best game for when you are tired after a long exhausting day of work, but I think it was just the seeming lack of music in the game though, plus I had all my lights turned off..

I've put around 2 and a half hours total into the game so far, including a lot of quality time after I woke up from my nap, and it's great!! This is definitely not a game for everyone, this is a game for people who want to be sucked into this world for a while and take it easy, exploring at one's leisure, being friendly to the aquatic life, etc. I'm getting really into the game though, checking out all the different kinds of fish and reading about them, exploring new areas, attaining new gear and abilities, etc. This is exactly the game I wanted! One thing that I really love is how long the day/night cycle is, seems like the perfect amount of time. I don't like first person swimming very much, I find I can't steer around as easily, so I prefer the 3rd person. When you click on a fish, it zooms up first person anyway, so it's not like 3rd person disrupts my view a whole lot (for me at least). The graphics underwater are fantastic, especially the fish animation, very impressive. On the boat, yeah not as great but it's still not abysmal.. My only complaint so far is that I keep wanting to press A to swim instead of B, and I trip up like every time I go to swim somewhere, and I don't think you can change the button mapping either. I'll get used to it hopefully! Other than that, this game is pretty much a joyous relaxing bliss where you can just veg for a while. I really like how there's no use of the nunchuck as someone else has mentioned, it allows for maximum laziness!

I'm about to try some music now, here are my quick picks from other game soundtracks:

Beyond Good & Evil - Home Sweet Home
Beyond Good & Evil - Hyllian Suite
Donkey Kong Country - Underwater Level (6 minute arranged version off the Jungle Fantasy album)
ICO - You Were There

And a couple from traditional artists:

Lusine ICL - Jetstream (sample clip)
The Parks - Shining Stars (sample clip)

I have sooooo much music that would be great for this game, it's a real shame about not being able to change tracks in the water or implement some sort of shuffle, but oh well..



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I just picked up this game. Beautiful! I've always love marine biology (I almost decided to be a marine biologist).

Nintendo and Arika have my number.


Anyway so Im beginnig to explore the open ocean a little bit and came upon a really interesting fish, but I cant seem to familiarize with it. I tried petting it and feeding it, but what else is therE? Its the
blue marlin
ones. Any help would be appreciated.
Just picked it up myself. Surprised to see that had it in stock and plenty of copies on the shelves at circuit city. I figured this would be a limited run game.

Can't wait to go diving, first tune im going to import will the be donkey kong country aquatic ambience song :D


Vexidus said:
I love this game!!

It is extremely relaxing, actually for the first little while it was TOO relaxing, I fell asleep while playing it, lol. This is not the best game for when you are tired after a long exhausting day of work, but I think it was just the seeming lack of music in the game though, plus I had all my lights turned off..
sounds great already!

damn i need to find a way to budget my time and money on this game along with NMH and AW :/


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I have encountered the first creatures that don't seem to want to be friends. :(


Scrubking said:
Who gives a shit what some idiot's narrow minded view of a game is. Not that EO needs explanation because there are plenty of "objectives" the first and foremost being finding and gathering info on sea life. Just because you don't have a monkey on your ship telling you that you have to pet fish X 3 times and do a barrel roll to advance to the next level doesn't mean this isn't a game.
Why don't you read the stupid quote instead of blindly lashing out at what you assume is an anti-Wii comment. It sounds like a good description to me. A positive one at that.


My backlog is slowly getting out of control but I just can't resist this game. I'll have it by the end of the week.

Thanks a lot you bastards.
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