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Endless Ocean, official quiet long river thread (Amir0x approved)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Well, I got it... I'll need to work through it a bit more before I have a real impression of it.


About to hang it up for the night but wow, what a game, it gets more and more fascinating as you go!
OMG @ the underwater photography, and WOW @ being able to adjust the focusing and aperture, the developed photos look simply amazing!


just swam across the
humpback whale
in the
deep valley

WoooooooooW :D

Also I managed to figure out how to put custom music in the game so its even better (using some good old mod songs from yesteryear)
I picked it up today since very surprisingly the Meijer by me got a game on its release date. I absolutely love it though I've always been a huge fan of open world exploration games (I probably played Uncharted Waters more than any other SNES game). My only problems with it are the map isn't as useful as it could be and I wish the sea was much much bigger. I think it's a great game to relax after a long day, I had 2 hours of Nuclear Engineering class and did around 4 hours of Electrical Engineering homework today and nothing is better than sitting back and exploring an ocean after that.
The lack of being able to random play songs, or even switch songs underwater, REALLY hurts this game. It seems like such a simple thing, why is it not in there?

Besides that, im loving this. Cant wait to get my camera and start taking pics!


Im not sure what I missed doing, but it seems like I have fully explored the inner seas and everything up to the deep open ocean itself, but I still cant go beyond that point. I also dont see any more mail coming in, so Im unsure of what to do now. any suggesstion?


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Vexidus said:
About to hang it up for the night but wow, what a game, it gets more and more fascinating as you go!
OMG @ the underwater photography, and WOW @ being able to adjust the focusing and aperture, the developed photos look simply amazing!

i'm getting it for this feature alone, everything else is a bonus.


I muted the awful in-game music selections and will be loading my SD card tomorrow. Oh, how the Ecco the Dolphin soundtrack will come into play once more...

But for now, my impressions. I enjoy it to a degree so far, but it's exactly what I expected. I only played for a little bit, but it's fairly relaxing. There's no tension whatsoever, so I can't imagine it having a permanent slot in my library, but it has good novelty value for now mostly because the underwater graphics look fantastic. I just can't see myself petting every fish in the sea at this point. It'll get old, but it'll still be fun until then.

On the boat it's clear the graphics suffer, but whatever. I didn't buy this for an "on the deck of a diving-boat simulator," I bought it to explore the open ocean. The thing I noticed on the boat, however, is just how well a point-and-click adventure title would work on the Wii. I know I'm not the first to think of this, but this is the first place I've experienced how it might feel, and I wish someone would get on that already (besides Sam & Max, there's a whole genre), with preferably new experiences.


Just finished my first cave dive. Very cool.

The mp3 thing is a bit of a bummer. I wish it would read the tags rather than display the file name. I might work up a handful of mp3 mixes for the sole purpose of Endless Ocean.


Flynn said:
Just finished my first cave dive. Very cool.

The mp3 thing is a bit of a bummer. I wish it would read the tags rather than display the file name. I might work up a handful of mp3 mixes for the sole purpose of Endless Ocean.
is this the
Blue holes
i love it i love it i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


seriously though this is awesome. Soooo relaxing under the sea, floating around interacting with all the different animals. I just love coming over the top of a drop off, and looking down only to see a hammerhead staring at you :D

humpback whale
was amazing! I just floated along the side of him for forever....

I personally like the in game music, as sparse as it is. I can't wait to play this game some more! Unfortunately, NMH will probably eat my night up tonight, but I'll get back to Endless Ocean this weekend with my daughter (she's going to love it!)


Just got the game... freaking amazing! It's everything I had hoped and more.

The thing that gets me is that this game practically came out of nowhere yet it's so good, and for as good as it is it could be even better. I hope this game sells and gets a sequel so that they can put the money and effort into making this game even better. And for those impressed with the visuals, the Wii can do a lot better even though they're good already.


This is a fantastic experience. I'm the type of person who could stand and stare at the shark tank at the aquarium for hours on end. This game is perfect for me.

Hell, I even sat down with my 2 year old daughter last night, handed her the Wii-mote and she had a blast. She didnt really do much other than paddle in random directions, but everytime a fish swam by it was "Look at the blue fishy daddy!" "Look at the shark daddy!"
Kletian said:
This is a fantastic experience. I'm the type of person who could stand and stare at the shark tank at the aquarium for hours on end. This game is perfect for me.

Hell, I even sat down with my 2 year old daughter last night, handed her the Wii-mote and she had a blast. She didnt really do much other than paddle in random directions, but everytime a fish swam by it was "Look at the blue fishy daddy!" "Look at the shark daddy!"

i know what you mean. My 6 year old girl is going to eat this game alive. Sharks are her favorite!!


While other Wiitards get their fill playing exceedingly mediocre nerdcore status games by psychopaths, I am playing this. Yes, the "casual" one in the equation.

It's... pretty ok so far. Not quite as good looking as I thought it was going to be, but it's got some clear cut goals for me to complete and diving around is just plainly relaxing. The PS2 diving games didn't really control well, so this seems like an improvement.

Plus, come on, I've got sooo much underwater music to abuse here.
hamzik said:
Are you bashing No More Heroes or am I reading you wrong?

Probably best to just ignore that and concentrate on the praise in his post - you don't want the thread derailed into a NHM "discussion", do you?
My only concern with the game so far is that it seems rather short. I've only played for about 3-4 hours and its seems I'm close to filling up half the map already. How long did it take for most to fill the whole map out? Also is there lots of areas that are not shown on the map?


slasher_thrasher21 said:
My only concern with the game so far is that it seems rather short. I've only played for about 3-4 hours and its seems I'm close to filling up half the map already. How long did it take for most to fill the whole map out? Also is there lots of areas that are not shown on the map?

the sightseeing is the important part, i guess, finding fish species and whatnot
Amir0x said:
the sightseeing is the important part, i guess, finding fish species and whatnot

Filling up the map isn't really that important (though a complete map does net you a bonus, IIRC). There's also a slim storyline to follow which you will begin to uncover soon enough, as well as a number of treasure hunts.
Cosmonaut X said:
Filling up the map isn't really that important (though a complete map does net you a bonus, IIRC). There's also a slim storyline to follow which you will begin to uncover soon enough, as well as a number of treasure hunts.

OH YAH BABY. i love this game. How could you not consider this a game? Doesn't using a controller + having fun usually = A GAME?!?!?!


Nice watermark...


RL Pyramid






Tab0203 said:
RL Pyramid
Oh WOW, I had no idea this was in the game. To actually be able to swim around these ruins and try to get a sense of scale and perspective is a real treat, especially since the odds of me ever seeing them in real life is essentially zero.

I can't believe how hyped I am getting for this game. I was this hyped for only about three games in all of 2007. I'm picking it up this weekend.


forever blue sound a lot better than endless ocean. japanese and european boxarts are nice,NA gets shafted with the huge font.


Cosmonaut X said:
Filling up the map isn't really that important (though a complete map does net you a bonus, IIRC). There's also a slim storyline to follow which you will begin to uncover soon enough, as well as a number of treasure hunts.
IVe almost completely filled it up, but havent discovered a whole lot of species. Where the hell is everything? Or Am I just seeing one season? And I also cant find the hidden caves and things very well. Theres obviously a TON in this game Im just not seeing yet somehow and I am wondering where it all is.
Innotech said:
IVe almost completely filled it up, but havent discovered a whole lot of species. Where the hell is everything? Or Am I just seeing one season? And I also cant find the hidden caves and things very well. Theres obviously a TON in this game Im just not seeing yet somehow and I am wondering where it all is.

How often do you swim at night?


I just learned that the pictures in your camera go away if you don't develop them during your play session. :(

So develop those pictures after every dive, kids.


Heres some info for those looking to have more than one song per dive. I've been putting songs together into one long track so I can get multiple tracks on a single dive.

There are plenty of programs you can use to do this. Audacity is free and is able to do this sort of work. Try it out.


I kinda wish there was more room to put stuff in the aquarium, I have such a hard time deciding what my fav creatures are!

Oh, and Milky Way Bikini ftw! :D


listen to the mad man
Xristot said:
Heres some info for those looking to have more than one song per dive. I've been putting songs together into one long track so I can get multiple tracks on a single dive.

There are plenty of programs you can use to do this. Audacity is free and is able to do this sort of work. Try it out.

That's what I've been doing. Made ten ~ten minute long mixes each with 2-4 songs. Pretty much anything from "The Life Aquatic"'s score is awesome. Chemical Brothers and other drum-and-bass electronic stuff is good too.


Stumpokapow said:
That's what I've been doing. Made ten ~ten minute long mixes each with 2-4 songs. Pretty much anything from "The Life Aquatic"'s score is awesome. Chemical Brothers and other drum-and-bass electronic stuff is good too.

I've been putting mostly, uh, The Clash. :lol It doesn't fit the underwater theme but whatever.


I think I'm gonna put together a few really good ~15 min mixes, focusing mostly on ambient yet lush and dramatic idm/electronica, as well as other songs that would fit well like Emilie Simon - The Frozen World, from the March of the Penguins soundtrack. Stuff like that, should be fun!


My copy just arrived in the mail :D

But it's actually a gift I asked for for my birthday which is on Sunday so I have to wait..... argh!


IGN gave it a 8.0

Closing Comments
If you're thinking that Endless Ocean is an underwater action game, it's time to recalibrate your expectations. But don't lower them. Arika has created a very good, albeit different title that centers on the process of exploring the ocean and both seeing and cataloging its inhabitants. There is almost no way to lose (and the aquatic life is all safe, sharks included), but you will have fun all the same simply discovering new things, whether that encapsulates a humpback whale or a long-lost underwater civilization. You will also marvel at the serene locales and beautiful music the game employs. There are enough missions, from becoming a tour guide for other divers to photographing rare fish, to keep you busy for hours, but you might just prefer the pointless exploration to accomplishing set goals. Add in a two-player online mode and there's a lot to like about this scuba-diving simulation, even if some of its basic controls are wonky and its action-oriented scenarios limited. Did I mention it's only $29.99?

Another Take
from Mark Bozon
Endless Ocean was supposed to be my kind of game. Open world? Check. Quirky design that most “cool” gamers may not like? Check again. For whatever reason though, it just didn’t grab me the first time I played it. It was simple, but a bit too simple.

Fast forward to our final review copies being delivered and I found a much different experience with the game. Yes it’s amazingly simple, barely even out of the sandbox design and into actual “game” standing, but it was also surprisingly compelling. I found myself wanting to explore new areas, wanting to grab a new piece of gear that I could show off while diving with friends via Wi-Fi, and wanting to get that perfect shot with the underwater camera. After a somewhat slow start, Endless Ocean really picks up not in the actual gameplay, but in its expansive, laid back design. Aside from some underwater trenches and the like that require specific gear, you really can go anywhere, and do anything right off the bat. All missions are optional, online worked without a single dropped frame, and the simple joy of exploring this vast underwater world was really very rewarding. It’s far from perfect, but there’s no denying its appeal just the same.

This one won me over.

8.0 Presentation
The majority of the game takes place underwater, whose presentation is beautiful. The on-boat stuff, on the other hand, is disappointing.

8.0 Graphics
Spectuaclar underwater graphics filled with moody lightning and animation. Lots to see and explore. On-boat graphics suffer, though.

8.0 Sound
Amazing underwater sound effects and music. Again, don't leave the water.

7.0 Gameplay
Some weird control choices, but they work, and the relaxed, go-at-your-own-pace play mechanics are a breath of fresh air.

7.0 Lasting Appeal
A fun single-player affair and a two-player online cooperative mode to boot. Plus, it's only $29.99.

Impressive OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
I got it! Only had time to swim around in the Lagoon trial area. So beautiful and relaxing. And I really enjoy the soundtrack. Not sure why it got dumped on so much.


Other than the fact that I CRASHED THE GAME ON MY FIRST DIVE (A Parrotfish swam into the sand, took my focus with him, and turned the world totally black :lol), I really like this so far.


listen to the mad man
Okay, here's some mega shitty news; you can't move savegames from one Wii to another. BULLLLSHIT. At least with Ghost Squad (which has a similar Wii-lock) there were online leaderboards to consider.

Why oh why oh why did Nintendo not do a proper fucking profile system for the Wii? ARGGGH!


Stumpokapow said:
Okay, here's some mega shitty news; you can't move savegames from one Wii to another. BULLLLSHIT. At least with Ghost Squad (which has a similar Wii-lock) there were online leaderboards to consider.

Why oh why oh why did Nintendo not do a proper fucking profile system for the Wii? ARGGGH!

:( Ok so I'm stuck with the living room Wii.
Stumpokapow said:
Okay, here's some mega shitty news; you can't move savegames from one Wii to another. BULLLLSHIT. At least with Ghost Squad (which has a similar Wii-lock) there were online leaderboards to consider.

Why oh why oh why did Nintendo not do a proper fucking profile system for the Wii? ARGGGH!

I think - though I haven't confirmed it with all of my games - that you can backup/transfer the save of any game that does not have an online component, but saves for a game with an online element (Wi-Fi play, online leaderboards etc.) remain locked to the console.

Of my 20+ Wii games, the only games I haven't been able to back up/transfer to my step-daughter's system are:

Guitar Hero III
Endless Ocean
Ghost Squad
Geometry Wars Galaxies
Metroid Prime 3
Excite Truck

Everything else seems to work perfectly well - including, oddly enough, Mario Strikers - which leads me to believe that developers are restricted, or have chosen to restrict, backups for online games. Dunno why - perhaps some of the techier GAFers could suggest a reason?
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