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Epic: Xbox silence at GDC isn't the full picture


A rush job that revealed more about the console than anybody in their right mind expected. Don't kid yourself. Everyone expected nothing but tech demos and logos. They had polished game demos, UI pictures and demonstrations. On what planet is that considered rushed?

Maybe take a step back and look at what they ACTUALLY revealed.

It was next to nothing. Everyone is so enamoured with 8GB of RAM, they've ignored that Sony did nothing but make a lot of promises that they'll explore at some stage down the road, and showed Killzone.


On planet earth. There's a reason no one outside of Sony fans found that reveal to be all that appealing. It wasn't. To me it appeared that way because it felt rushed. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

Plenty of non-Sony fans were impressed by the PS4 reveal. Sweeping generalizations benefit no one.
I still suspect Sonys reveal was a response to something they heard that troubled them. Hence why almost no one knew an extra 4GB of RAM was coming. Sony probably heard that Predator noise in the background and shit bricks.

Nobody knew about the extra 4gbs because it was a technical achievement accomplished by engineers recently. Can we have a little bit more respect for engineers around here? If the 720 is announced with higher specs than expected, it won't be because of a "rushed response" it will be because the engineers will have worked their arses off!!


I'm amazed that by NOT announcing anything yet they almost have as much mind share as Sony.

It quite diabolical.

Sadly people can be quite idiotic, not to mention the press need to fill column inches so every story about Sony means a counter story about Microsoft's lack of story and then a throwaway story about how shit the Wii U is and how developers are sneering at the machine.

Meanwhile it makes absolutely no difference to the current market.
Maybe take a step back and look at what they ACTUALLY revealed.

It was next to nothing. Everyone is so enamoured with 8GB of RAM, they've ignored that Sony did nothing but make a lot of promises that they'll explore at some stage down the road, and showed Killzone.

Full specs
Games from 1st party and 3rd party
The UI
The console's features
The controller and camera

Basically everything except a plastic box and pricing


Maybe take a step back and look at what they ACTUALLY revealed.

It was next to nothing. Everyone is so enamoured with 8GB of RAM, they've ignored that Sony did nothing but make a lot of promises that they'll explore at some stage down the road, and showed Killzone.

The meeting was DOMINATED by game reveals. Only at the beginning did they talk about services and make promises.


Full specs
Games from 1st party and 3rd party
The UI
The console's features
The controller and camera

Basically everything except a plastic box and pricing

The UI wasn't running. It was pictures. The features they're planning on having, most of which we were told would be there at some stage. Bt were also told explicitly that any of it could change at some stage. Aside from Killzone, the other games either showed nothing, or were standard tech demos. Oh, and a puppet show using move.

Even the specs were noted as being subject to change. This had all the making of an earlier than planned reveal.
The UI wasn't running. It was pictures. The features they're planning on having, most of which we were told would be there at some stage. Bt were also told explicitly that any of it could change at some stage. Aside from Killzone, the other games either showed nothing, or were standard tech demos. Oh, and a puppet show using move.

Even the specs were noted as being subject to change. This had all the making of an earlier than planned reveal.

The UI was shown running. Did you even watch the conference?


Read his post history. He's most definitely not joking. He's hilarious.

Agreed. He said the next Xbox will be great to develop for. As all of Microsoft hardware is. Notice he said nothing about developer relations though? That's where it sounds like Microsoft may be fucking up.

I mean he is saying a whole lot of nothing. I think his comments, outside of the dev friendly nature of the system, can't be used to ease worries or increase them at this point. So I don't understand why people are arguing so much about it :S

The UI wasn't running. It was pictures. The features they're planning on having, most of which we were told would be there at some stage. Bt were also told explicitly that any of it could change at some stage. Aside from Killzone, the other games either showed nothing, or were standard tech demos. Oh, and a puppet show using move.

Even the specs were noted as being subject to change. This had all the making of an earlier than planned reveal.

Wut? What are you even saying. The UI sections they showed were running...hell they even used those share functions live with Killzone SF. We saw a decent amount of gameplay from Knack too. Lots of games had live demos. Did you see the actual thing or what?
I mean he is saying a whole lot of nothing. I think his comments, outside of the dev friendly nature of the system, can be used to ease worries or increase them at this point. So I don't understand why people are arguing so much about it :S

Yep. All he really basically said is "Hey they're Microsoft!"

And yet another thread about Microsoft has been polluted by Sony fans talking about the PS4. It truly is the silly season.


Yep. All he really basically said is "Hey they're Microsoft!"

And yet another thread about Microsoft has been polluted by Sony fans talking about the PS4. It truly is the silly season.

Both sides need to take some chill pills, relax and hope for the best :D Hopefully both Sony and MS will bring their A game as competition is good for all of us


Plenty of non-Sony fans were impressed by the PS4 reveal. Sweeping generalizations benefit no one.

What was so impressive about the PS4 reveal? the actual hardware looks great and the promises about the OS being super fast also sound good but games wise we saw spin offs of two series that are not even in the top tier of Sony's first party portfolio, a complete lack of new IP's (well except Knack which was more than a tech demo?), exclusive DLC for Destiny, Witness which is most probably a timed/console exclusive and some multiplatform games thrown into the mix.

I think that it was definitely an overall decent show but if that was impressive to some people then I guess they had really low expectations.


Things got ugly fast, every console wars never fails to amaze me..

It's going to be a glorious day when the new Xbox gets unveiled.
why is Epic doing Microsoft's damage control?

And yet more stupidity. Here's another statement from Mark:

Epic Games co-founder and vice president Mark Rein has expressed his excitement about the PlayStation 4, in particular the somewhat surprising confirmation that the console will feature 8GB of GDDR5 memory.

"I really am excited," Tweeted Rein. "8GB of super-fast RAM - holy cow!"

Clearly Mark is in Microsoft's back pocket.


What was so impressive about the PS4 reveal? the actual hardware looks great and the promises about the OS being super fast also sound good but games wise we saw spin offs of two series that are not even in the top tier of Sony's first party portfolio, a complete lack of new IP's (well except Knack which was more than a tech demo?), exclusive DLC for Destiny, Witness which is most probably a timed/console exclusive and some multiplatform games thrown into the mix.

I think that it was definitely an overall decent show but if that was impressive to some people then I guess they had really low expectations.

I swear I'm reading the oddest things

First off those aren't 'spin offs"..they are just ditching the numbers

Those franchises have their fans...and showing all their games at a reveal with so many events to go would make no sense

Again given sony history we don't really have a reason to worry about new IP from them...such a concern is rather silly at this point

Knack wasn't a ech demo..we saw gameplay AND a reveal trailer..not sure why you even would consider it a tech demo unless you have a rather odd definition of one

Just because you weren't impressed doesn't mean others have low standards or any of that nonsense. It means the material shown wasn't to your liking...that's all. People have different opinions, tastes and likes. Shocking..I know.

Rebel Leader

I like how he says Microsoft "can't" talk about it yet. They make the damn thing, don't they control when and how they talk about their own product?


I don't like the silence.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Yep. All he really basically said is "Hey they're Microsoft!"

And yet another thread about Microsoft has been polluted by Sony fans talking about the PS4. It truly is the silly season.
I know, right? These guys...

Sony's quick reveal felt like a rush-job, which probably prompted Bungie's horrible quick reveal the weekend prior. Did they rush it out of fear? Don't know. I wouldn't doubt it given the way things worked out this gen for the PS3 and are working out for the Vita right now. Desperate times often lead to desperate actions. Could benefit them in the end, and it could bite them in the ass. That's the fun of all of this.


What was so impressive about the PS4 reveal? the actual hardware looks great and the promises about the OS being super fast also sound good but games wise we saw spin offs of two series that are not even in the top tier of Sony's first party portfolio, a complete lack of new IP's (well except Knack which was more than a tech demo?), exclusive DLC for Destiny, Witness which is most probably a timed/console exclusive and some multiplatform games thrown into the mix.

I think that it was definitely an overall decent show but if that was impressive to some people then I guess they had really low expectations.

Just because you weren't impressed doesn't mean NOBODY was. It's a simple concept that very few people seem able to grasp.

As for me, I was most impressed by Sony's new attitude towards developers. Killzone looked gorgeous. The Witness was a personal game highlight since I've been reading/hearing about it for so long. And a new platformer directed by Mark Cerny is very very exciting to me.

No, it wasn't the greatest reveal ever (and MS could definitely surpass it) but as a first look at the next generation I found it to be very enticing.


They showed off their console before they even had anything to show off, including the console itself. Now whatever hype they generated will slowly wither away until the next announcement. They should have bided their time until they had a decent number of features and games to show off, and then steamrolled it until launch.

Yep they were like a little girl on Facebook having to show off... "See I got EIGHT GBs, not four". ;lol



"Microsoft has always been very developer centric with all of their platforms and that Sony is embracing that approach is wonderful. But I don't think it diminishes what Microsoft is doing."

Real talk from Mark. Too bad there's not much else in the interview.
I know, right? These guys...

Yes, discussing Microsoft's possible reveal in light of how Sony carried theirs out is the same as going into a thread telling people they're wrong about their opinion of Sony's reveal and then listing all the many ways it was amazing. We're discussing the the Xbox and Microsoft's potential strategies. Sony is bound to come up. It's not an open invitation to shit on Microsoft.

Real talk from Mark. Too bad there's not much else in the interview.

What there is really isn't that much, though.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Yes, discussing Microsoft's possible reveal in light of how Sony carried theirs out is the same as going into a thread telling people they're wrong about their opinion of Sony's reveal and then listing all the many ways it was amazing. We're discussing the the Xbox and Microsoft's potential strategies. Sony is bound to come up. It's not an open invitation to shit on Microsoft.
This thread is not that thread. This thread is about absolutely nothing. But if you want to make it expressly about MS and only MS, lead the way...


I swear I'm reading the oddest things

First off those aren't 'spin offs"..they are just ditching the numbers

Those franchises have their fans...and showing all their games at a reveal with so many events to go would make no sense

Again given sony history we don't really have a reason to worry about new IP from them...such a concern is rather silly at this point

Knack wasn't a ech demo..we saw gameplay AND a reveal trailer..not sure why you even would consider it a tech demo unless you have a rather odd definition of one

Just because you weren't impressed doesn't mean others have low standards or any of that nonsense. It means the material shown wasn't to your liking...that's all. People have different opinions, tastes and likes. Shocking..I know.

No need to get upset, I'm just stating the facts and as of today not having a number besides the title is considered a spin-off as far as I'm aware of, Killzone & Infamous may have fans that consider them the best games ever but they're still not in the top tier of Sony's games (impact wise) and I never said that Sony will not have new IP's, I just said that they weren't any at the PS4 event (though I forgot Drive Club).

Also low expectations does not equal low standards, it's just weird that the show is considered impressive or even great by a lot of people here on gaf when a lot of people in these boards pre-show were expecting megatons as far as game announcements go and we clearly didn't get that.
Same party?

Nick Chester
Loud Microsoft developer party is loud, but Suda51 is here and that makes everything better.

Microsoft had dev parties at this GDC?

This thread is not that thread. This thread is about absolutely nothing. But if you want to make it expressly about MS and only MS, lead the way...

It actually is that thread. The tipoff was the name of the thread and the content of the OP.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Like I said, lead the way then, but even you're struggling with the "really isn't that much" content of the OP though. And who was seriously questioning the statement in the title?

Not the full picture? niccageyoudontsay.gif

Save the ammo for when it really counts. Consider this thread like shore leave, soldier.


I stand corrected. I stupidly forgot I was watching live blogs. All streams were blocked at work.

Funny though, all the sites I checked only showed the UI in pictures so I assumed it was only shown in picture form.

Commenting on something you haven't seen is no better than people claiming MS are in trouble or Sony have already won the war etc.


No need to get upset, I'm just stating the facts and as of today not having a number besides the title is considered a spin-off as far as I'm aware of, Killzone & Infamous may have fans that consider them the best games ever but they're still not in the top tier of Sony's games (impact wise) and I never said that Sony will not have new IP's, I just said that they weren't any at the PS4 event (though I forgot Drive Club).

Also low expectations does not equal low standards, it's just weird that the show is considered impressive or even great by a lot of people here on gaf when a lot of people in these boards pre-show were expecting megatons as far as game announcements go and we clearly didn't get that.

I guess you overall have a rather odd sense and view of things. Not sure which part of what I said makes you think I'm upset :S I assure I'm not. Not everyone who points flaws in your view point or argue with you do it because they are upset. I mean I don't consider you to be upset since you were being a bit defensive

Anywho again expectations change from person to person. Doesn't mean those thought it was a great showing had lower expectations or lower standards. Such a stupid way of thinking. If I were to use your logic I could say you have bad taste/horrible standards and such too. Won't make sense tho would it?

And If you were expecting them to show off their biggest games in development at the reveal event, when we have E3/GC/TGS and more lined up for the rest of the year, well not really sure what to tell ya

You have hardly presented any facts tbh...just a push of your opinion = fact

in fact you don't even admit when you were wrong. You call Knack a tech demo....Said no new IPs when they showed two and call KZ SF and Second Son as spin off when they are not


Commenting on something you haven't seen is no better than people claiming MS are in trouble or Sony have already won the war etc.

What didn't I see though?

I know what the UI looks like, even based on pics. A Liveblog isn't a stream, but you're still getting the gist of the conference no?


Has anyone seen this interview from Aegies with Scott Fitzgerald (tech designer from Crytek).


About 2 minutes in Aegies tries to sway the conversation to next gen consoles and Scott seems to be sweating and tip-toeing around that subject. Just thought it was kind of funny...


Oh, there was for some people. We just had a conversation about that in another thread, but that sentiment has been around for a while.

Damn really? I can see them messing up a lot of things but not that area. They benefited a lot from being dev friendly in the current gen, don't see them changing that any time soon. I guess we can rest such fears with this at least


Damn really? I can see them messing up a lot of things but not that area. They benefited a lot from being dev friendly in the current gen, don't see them changing that any time soon. I guess we can rest such fears with this at least

Its to early to say for sure at this stage.

On the one hand you have people like Mark Rein stating everything is hunky dory and on the other you have twitter dev chatter complaining about MS API's and indi's saying MS are stuck in the dark ages (one even said recent MS contract was "insulting")


I guess you overall have a rather odd sense and view of things. Not sure which part of what I said makes you think I'm upset :S I assure I'm not. Not everyone who points flaws in your view point or argue with you do it because they are upset. I mean I don't consider you to be upset since you were being a bit defensive

Anywho again expectations change from person to person. Doesn't mean those thought it was a great showing had lower expectations or lower standards. Such a stupid way of thinking. If I were to use your logic I could say you have bad taste/horrible standards and such too. Won't make sense tho would it?

And If you were expecting them to show off their biggest games in development at the reveal event, when we have E3/GC/TGS and more lined up for the rest of the year, well not really sure what to tell ya

You have hardly presented any facts tbh...just a push of your opinion = fact

in fact you don't even admit when you were wrong. You call Knack a tech demo....Said no new IPs when they showed two and call KZ SF and Second Son as spin off when they are not

I have a stupid way of thinking? I though it was just a different way of thinking since you know people have different opinions and all. :/

Also SF and SC being spin-offs and Killzone, Infamous not being in the top-tier of Sony's franchises is just my opinion and I'm trying to present them as facts? so from today not numbered sequels are clearly not spin-offs and Killzone/Infamous are clearly as strong as God Of War, Uncharted & Gran Turismo because you say so...yeah I guess it's not worth continuing this conversation.


Its to early to say for sure at this stage.

On the one hand you have people like Mark Rein stating everything is hunky dory and on the other you have twitter dev chatter complaining about MS API's and indi's saying MS are stuck in the dark ages (one even said recent MS contract was "insulting")

So are you sugesting then that one side is making up bulshit ?

If so which side : the 10-20+ indie developers all throwing shit at MS
or Mark Rein. of epic possibly running damage control ?

which seems more likely?


Has anyone seen this interview from Aegies with Scott Fitzgerald (tech designer from Crytek).


About 2 minutes in Aegies tries to sway the conversation to next gen consoles and Scott seems to be sweating and tip-toeing around that subject. Just thought it was kind of funny...

We do have Ryse coming from Crytek. But there also hints at one (or more) of Microsoft's own studios will be using CryEngine.
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