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EU- Referendum for the UK..... Neogaf UK are you in or out?

Should the United Kingdom leave the EU?

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He's referring to the fear mongering we can expect from the establishment and the media. They will paint a picture of economic despair and use that, the threat of another Scottish referendum and other worries to cast doubt and coerce people to vote to stay or not vote at all.

Also let's not forget that anybody who votes to leave is a bigot, right?

Not at all. Although I think you are being sarcastic :p

As I say to everyone it's your own vote just do yourself justice on actually fact checking and sourcing all arguments. Blind voting doesn't make you a bigot, simply makes you look like you lack self respect to do research.


The City of London Corporation ain't going nowhere. There's nothing else like it anywhere else in the world let alone Europe. To my knowledge anyway. So these folks saying banks will move to Paris or something is blowing smoke up people's arses about how great the EU is and why this lets them stay in London. Most of them are technically not based here for tax purposes anyway.

Yes we all know London is a special snowflake, my curiosity stems from the possiblity of the EU going ahead with financial regulations in the wake of a UK exit.
Wait... This is a thing that actually convinces people???

Nationalism + Star Wars theme. Whats not to like?

Lets Make Britain great again:
The EU has a lot wrong with it and many politicians are too scared to address the hard issues, The Uk could survive and potentially thrive on its own, but its a step backwards to leave the union, the UK needs to stay and stop the tactics of "i'll take my bat and ball home if you don't give me what i want" and work with the EU to better it and the UK

If we want change its best made from within for the benefit of all europe

(Uk member if anyone wonders)
The U.K. Is not on their level. Wasn't that part of the point of the eu in the first place? To create a political and economic bloc that has the population-based and economic negotiating power and scale to play on that level?

I think the main point was so that we'd stop killing each other. To be fair, it's been pretty good at that.


Saint Titanfall
We put in around £24 million a day more than we get out net https://fullfact.org/economy/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/ We contribute our fair share

True but we have a lot of freedoms and power within the EU that most countries don't, you'd have to sacrifice that and be at an even greater mercy of multi-national corporations, which EU in it's entirity are much more equipped to play ball with. Long term if a corporaton really doesn't like a specific UK law they can side the country and move on without too much of a loss. Converses if you the numerous times the EU has sued American corporations that are still a part of the EU market because they can't afford to side step i entirity, which the primary reason the EU exists.

If we leave we're still at the Mercy of the EU in regards to trade union etc.
Out simply for the reason that it will probably make it easy to localise games for the uk. In terms of the issue in general, than probably in. The government needs to change a lot of their policies however.


Yes we all know London is a special snowflake, my curiosity stems from the possiblity of the EU going ahead with financial regulations in the wake of a UK exit.

Aye. In terms of regulation, the EU is probably, in my view, fairer to the UK citizen, than HMRC. From Google to Starbucks almost every big corporation shits on us unfortunately.


Unconfirmed Member
Do people in NI get a vote in this or are we just along for the ride?
In without doubt, I am no fan of the EU, but isolationism is not advised in the current climate, with so many rogue countries and terrorist groups it's better to be amongst friends than stand alone.

Venom Fox

OUT! We don't need the EU anymore. Germany basically rules everyone in the EU anyway.

Edit: Although I do agree with the post above due to ISIS creeping in amongst the refugees.
If I lived in the UK I'd definitely vote in. It seems cowardly and short sighted to just straight up abandon the most important political experiment of our lifetimes. Maybe the UK should you know - actually get more involved in the EU if they have problems with it? That seems like a novel concept.


Yes. The criteria for voting is the same as for general elections: British citizens and qualifying Commonwealth citizens.

EU citizens resident in the UK won't get a vote though.

I expect Irish citizens living in the UK will get to vote as well, they can vote in general elections.



I dont understand the benefits of us leaving?

And many people who think we should leave seem to have this opinion that the UK is hot shit with a lot more clout than it actually has...
OUT! We don't need the EU anymore. Germany basically rules everyone in the EU anyway.
Yo, man. Shits Alternativlos!
What would the UK have done differently? Not bailing out Greece? Would've been much more expensive than bailing them out.
Not taking in refugees? Based on the core values our countries are built on, we're morally obliged to help.

And other than these two instances there really isn't a lot where Germany took the wheel in Europe.
Is Europe seriously complaining that Germany is keeping them from doing stupid and immoral shit?

Edit: Although I do agree with the post above due to ISIS creeping in amongst the refugees.

Thats unfounded fearmongering. Security experts have said time and time again, that thats not an issue. If ISIS wants to get inside the EU there are other, easier ways for them to do it.
Its also worth noting that terrorist attacks inside the EU so far where commited by europeans.
As much as I despise how Greece has been treated, and as terrified of TTIP as I am, leaving would fuck over far too many normal people and I don't dare to think what would happen to workers rights if Cameron had free reign, so unless something massive happens I'm gonna vote in.


True but we have a lot of freedoms and power within the EU that most countries don't, you'd have to sacrifice that and be at an even greater mercy of multi-national corporations, which EU in it's entirity are much more equipped to play ball with. Long term if a corporaton really doesn't like a specific UK law they can side the country and move on without too much of a loss. Converses if you the numerous times the EU has sued American corporations that are still a part of the EU market because they can't afford to side step i entirity, which the primary reason the EU exists.

If we leave we're still at the Mercy of the EU in regards to trade union etc.

True we do have it better than some others.

On foreign investment

Concerns about a drying up of foreign direct investment if Britain votes to leave the European Union are somewhat overblown. Access to the single market is not the only reason that firms invest in Britain. Other advantages to investing here should ensure that foreign firms continue to want a foothold in the country. It is likely Britain would remain a haven for foreign direct investment flows even if it was outside of the European Union. Of course, we could see a period of weak foreign direct investment inflows as the United Kingdom’s new relationship is renegotiated. However, if Britain is able to obtain favourable terms, then foreign direct investment would probably recoup this lost ground.


There's a lengthy read beyond that summary.

I dont understand the benefits of us leaving?

-European parliament doesn't get to tell you what to do anymore.
-You will be able to ignore issues like the refugee crisis or the greece crisis.

In short, if you're not part of a community you also don't have to deal with the problems of a community.
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