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Fable III Touch People Up


Speevy said:
Bioware games don't have poor writing, and you can't make someone your best friend right away. You have to earn it through item collection and choices of which they approve.
WanderingWind said:
I wasn't really going to say anything, (because you'll never change his mind) but when somebody is in favor of removing dialogue in favor of farting noises so that he "doesn't waste hours" of his "life," it begs a couple of questions.

One. Why do you even play RPGs? Complaining about there being a ton of dialogue in a BioWare RPG is sort of like complaining that there are lots of explosions in a Modern Warfare game. Clearly, the genre isn't for you.
Isn't he talking about Persona 4? His quote included Dragon Age, but also "Persona games"..and he even mentioned Chie, which is from Persona...that and the "+1, +2"..


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
fernoca said:
Isn't he talking about Persona 4? His quote included Dragon Age, but also "Persona games"..and he even mentioned Chie, which is from Persona.

He did say "In the games you mentioned."


WanderingWind said:
He did say "In the games you mentioned."
Yeah, but as I said the quote also said "Persona games" which is more than one..game.. :p
Plus Chie and +1 and -1 points for relationships and to choose friiend of girlfriend are from Persona too..nothing mentioned alluded to Bioware games or Dragon Age.


This "no hud" thing was a big deal back when King Kong - the game was released

But i have another question: do you Xbox people like this Fable games?

I never played any (or a 360 for the matter), so that´s why im asking


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
fernoca said:
Yeah, but as I said the quote also said "Persona games" which is more than one..game.. :p
Plus Chie and +1 and -1 points for relationships and to choose friiend of girlfriend are from Persona too..nothing mentioned alluded to Bioware games or Dragon Age.

Yeah, that's one interpretation, Mr. Lawyer Guy. :lol

cacildo said:
This "no hud" thing was a big deal back when King Kong - the game was released

But i have another question: do you Xbox people like this Fable games?

I never played any (or a 360 for the matter), so that´s why im asking



cacildo said:
This "no hud" thing was a big deal back when King Kong - the game was released

But i have another question: do you Xbox people like this Fable games?

I never played any (or a 360 for the matter), so that´s why im asking
First one was a fun adventure game and the second one also but they left you empty when they finished. I never got this feeling like the journey was worth it.


cacildo said:
This "no hud" thing was a big deal back when King Kong - the game was released

But i have another question: do you Xbox people like this Fable games?

I never played any (or a 360 for the matter), so that´s why im asking
Xbox people.. :p

Well, the games are really good..semi open exploration, lots of option, you can customize characters, fun...as someone said one time .."you can be a bigamous bisexual evil magic user sword wielding with horns and insects flying around...kind of guy, you can be normal too"... :lol

But Fable threads usually end the same..with people arguing about the promises that the director made like a decade ago for th first game. Things he apologized, things he hasn't done in quite some time...and because he hasn't; people still feel some grudge against what he originally said, not listening or reading anything said now..even when he's technically saying nothing.
Not many directors publicly apologize for not delivering the promises they made, he did..but "aaargh Molyneux sucks!!!"..

Just look at this thread, not many even checked the link were thjey were talking about no HUD, weapons also changing depending on your actions, among other things..but read the the title and "lol Natal sucks..fuck you Molyneux" kind of replies..
Speevy said:
Bioware games don't have poor writing, and you can't make someone your best friend right away. You have to earn it through item collection and choices of which they approve.

You really think the relationships/relationship dialogue were well done in Dragon Age?

As for the gift giving, it's the same as spamming emotes in Fable. Apart from at one single point in the game you drop a super-dooper fart in front of each party member which smells so delightful it's as though it was emitted betwixt celestial cheeks; in return they decide to honour you with few more lines of dialogue.

If your party members reacted to every item you gave them (admittedly there would be less items you could gift, but I'm aware people in real relationships shovel 20 jade rings to their pals at a time) Then I think the gift system might actually of added to the relationships and would of been more than an annoyance.

fernoca said:
Plus Chie and +1 and -1 points for relationships and to choose friiend of girlfriend are from Persona too..nothing mentioned alluded to Bioware games or Dragon Age.

The +1, -1 was also in reference to Dragon age. Albeit I think having your characters reacting to choices you make outside of relationship trees is a huge step in the right direction in regards to making relationships meaningful. At the same time I think there should be some means of altering party members perspective/morality skin to KotoR2.
You really think the relationships/relationship dialogue were well done in Dragon Age?
I certainly get more out of the conversations I can have with my party members than watching nameless NPCs crowd around my character, spamming heart symbols at me.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
fernoca said:
Yeah, but as I said the quote also said "Persona games" which is more than one..game.. :p
Plus Chie and +1 and -1 points for relationships and to choose friiend of girlfriend are from Persona too..nothing mentioned alluded to Bioware games or Dragon Age.

Told ya....

Spirit of Jazz said:
You really think the relationships/relationship dialogue were well done in Dragon Age?

As for the gift giving, it's the same as spamming emotes in Fable. Apart from at one single point in the game you drop a super-dooper fart in front of each party member which smells so delightful it's as though it was emitted betwixt celestial cheeks; in return they decide to honour you with few more lines of dialogue.

If your party members reacted to every item you gave them (admittedly there would be less items you could gift, but I'm aware people in real relationships shovel 20 jade rings to their pals at a time) Then I think the gift system might actually of added to the relationships and would of been more than an annoyance.


KittenMaster said:
I certainly get more out of the conversations I can have with my party members than watching nameless NPCs crowd around my character, spamming heart symbols at me.
But that's the thing..can you have said conversations with non playable characters?
Heck, non playable characters usually just stand there in the background..doing nothing.

Is just a different approach ..at different things, as some say apple and oranges.

People expecting a game to play in a way that is not intended, is like playing The Sims..and expecting deep dialogue trees and conversations with the mailman, to convince him to go to the disco with you. If anything, Fable handled the aspect of relationship like The Sims..


fernoca said:
Xbox people.. :p

Well, the games are really good..semi open exploration, lots of option, you can customize characters, fun...as someone said one time .."you can be a bigamous bisexual evil magic user sword wielding with horns and insects flying around...kind of guy, you can be normal too"... :lol

But Fable threads usually end the same..with people arguing about the promises that the director made like a decade ago for th first game. Things he apologized, things he hasn't done in quite some time...and because he hasn't; people still feel some grudge against what he originally said, not listening or reading anything said now..even when he's technically saying nothing.
Not many directors publicly apologize for not delivering the promises they made, he did..but "aaargh Molyneux sucks!!!"..

Just look at this thread, not many even checked the link were thjey were talking about no HUD, weapons also changing depending on your actions, among other things..but read the the title and "lol Natal sucks..fuck you Molyneux" kind of replies..

Nice to know.

I can see that you both agree that it was a nice game. But it somehow lacks "excitment?"

because i remember that back in the day headlines said "Its the most immersive game ever made" and as Fernoca said, its hard to keep this kind of promise.... but people´s reaction makes me belive its kind of a "meh...." game.

Or its just because both releases were too much time ago? And back in the day they were really exciting games?
KittenMaster said:
I certainly get more out of the conversations I can have with my party members than watching nameless NPCs crowd around my character, spamming heart symbols at me.

Good job at avoiding my question, as I said the relationships between the PC and NPCs/pary members in traditional RPGs and Fable are very different. Do you think the quality of dialogue and the motivations of the characters to be in relationships are comparable to movies/books/plays? Do you think having your character run around the camp site from character to character all residing in their own specific spot is the best, most natural way to build up relationships in games?


Linkified said:
What geekasms were you promissed? The dog worked found treasure chests, attacked enemies crawled back to a pub, breadcrumb trail worked, one button combat worked.
We were promised love.

Veteran designer Peter Molyneux has said that he wants to put love into his next game, Fable 2.

"This is my bold claim - I need you to experience something in Fable that you as gamers have never experienced before," he declared.

"Everybody is talking about emotion, story, engagement and narrative," Mr Molyneux said. "We have tried to approach it in a different way. We are going to explore love."


To encourage empathy the game will also feature a dog - that will accompany the gamer on his adventures.

"We have spent an enormous amount of time and effort to make something that feels real.

"I want you to make you feel it is a real dog. I want you to feel something when you play a game; that's what this feature is about."
cacildo said:
This "no hud" thing was a big deal back when King Kong - the game was released

But i have another question: do you Xbox people like this Fable games?

I never played any (or a 360 for the matter), so that´s why im asking
Yeah Fable is great. As far as Xbox exclusive series, I like it better than Halo or Gears. Fable III is one of my most anticipated games for me this year, maybe the most.
But that's the thing..can you have said conversations with non playable characters?
There are quite a few NPCs in Dragon Age, while they're carriers of side quests, can be interacted with the same way you can interact with your party members, and I find such interactions very enjoyable.

Good job at avoiding my question, as I said the relationships between the PC and NPCs/pary members in traditional RPGs and Fable are very different. Do you think the quality of dialogue and the motivations of the characters to be in relationships are comparable to movies/books/plays? Do you think having your character run around the camp site from character to character all residing in their own specific spot is the best, most natural way to build up relationships in games?
I don't really care to seek out the "most natural, realistic" way to build up relationships, all I know is that I enjoy the result that comes of it.
WanderingWind said:
I wasn't really going to say anything, (because you'll never change his mind) but when somebody is in favor of removing dialogue in favor of farting noises so that he "doesn't waste hours" of his "life," it begs a couple of questions.

One. Why do you even play RPGs? Complaining about there being a ton of dialogue in a BioWare RPG is sort of like complaining that there are lots of explosions in a Modern Warfare game. Clearly, the genre isn't for you.

Two. How, exactly, does one element of a video game waste your life more than another? Whether you're "mashing A" get skip past all that pesky story, plot and characterization (which is funny, because apparently the writing is all crap, but how can you know that if you're skipp...OWOWOWOW) or jumping through flaming bacon hoops on a jet-powered Ferrari...you're really just sitting on your arse. If you feel they're wasting your life, stop playing. Go buy a Jetski or something.

What are you, 4? Since when did he say he wanted emotes instead of dialogue? You missed his entire point and then generalized and applied a single stupid emote that you keep bringing up as if it's the entire game's substance; his point was that Fable's emotional mechanics are just as infantile and shallow as Dragon Age or any other game; just because a game adds a single short quest to gain the +x for their approval doesn't make it more "deep" - he meant that Fable got more to the point instead of putting in a bunch of clutter to make it seem more involving. All you have to do is consistently choose the top or 'good' option to make any character love you; it's still basic, it's still easy, and it's still shallow. Reading about their imaginary life story in the meantime doesn't make a difference unless you develop physical attachments to your game characters, because the end result is the same.

Stop using the "farting noises" as an excuse to generalize and apply it to the entire game, what a stupid thing to keep bringing up. Everyone already realizes that the emote system is bad, and Fable's handle of relationships isn't spectacular; but don't act like it's the worst example in gaming history, and then take the same basic mechanic in other games and pretend like they're superior when they have the same core.
cacildo said:
Or its just because both releases were too much time ago? And back in the day they were really exciting games?
Fable 2 was just release a year and a few months ago. It's the best selling RPG on the 360 and critically acclaimed. There are people who don't get it, and there are those who simply don't like it; but it most certainly has a huge group of fans. It's a casual RPG, offering an experience more than a challenge. It's absolutely full of good ideas, some implemented well, some not so well like most games, but it is very charming and as emotionally evocative as any other RPG I've played.


Anyway, I'm out of this thread should've known better... :lol ..if anything I hope that if there's a limtied edition of the game, they don't cancel it at the last minute like they did with Fable II.

Though managed to get one anyway... :)

Oxymoron said:
We were promised love.

I'd argue his only issues is saying that it was never done before given his attempt was exactly what SotC did with Agro (obviously missable if you never played SotC...), if a sense of loss equates to love, and failing to take into account that people might not be capable or loving dogs, fictional characters or virtual characters. It was passion rather than hyperbole "I need you", "We have tired" I don't see Peter making any promises such as "This is going to be the game that makes you love!"


You really think the relationships/relationship dialogue were well done in Dragon Age?

I think the dialogue in KOTOR, Jade Empire, and Dragon Age Origins is exceptionally done, and represents a compelling way to involve the player: A way to make the player care about those characters around him/her.

Among video games, Bioware games have OUTSTANDING integration of dialogue, story, and character development. It becomes part of the gameplay.

Back to Fable, which this thread is about, Molyneux's fart wheel has almost no bearing on the gameplay or storyline.


SOTC is another good point of reference. What Molyneux wants to do brings you right to the point Team ICO has been at for 10 years. Art house gaming. From very little, everything.
Speevy said:
Back to Fable, which this thread is about, Molyneux's fart wheel has almost no bearing on the gameplay or storyline.

I was going to give you a reasonable response, but seriously. The topic is about the removal of the "fart wheel", my first post in here was explaining why I thought ditching it could be a major step for the franchise, and yet you're still referring to it as though it's relevant, as though it's still in the game, as though anybody here's defending it? No fucking wonder why you can't tell that Jade Empire is complete and utter tripe.



Spirit of Jazz said:
I was going to give you a reasonable response, but seriously. The topic is about the removal of the "fart wheel", my first post in here was explaining why I thought ditching it could be a major step for the franchise, and yet you're still referring to it as though it's relevant, as though it's still in the game, as though anybody here's defending it? No fucking wonder why you can't tell that Jade Empire is complete and utter tripe.

I was being silly, calm down. My whole point is that talking about Bioware games takes this thread way off-topic.

And I don't care much about Jade Empire either.
rezuth said:
First one was a fun adventure game and the second one also but they left you empty when they finished. I never got this feeling like the journey was worth it.

This is a good description of the games. I enjoyed it while I was playing but a lot of both of the games felt a bit hollow. Still, I'll get Fable 3, especially since it looks like the dog will be returning. New Fable and new Fallout (hopefully) this fall, it feels like 2008 again.


clashfan said:
do you dumb people always make stupid post?

hey clashfan :)

So, I remember reading a moderator sanctioned thread for Fable trolling a loooooooong time ago, and I think it was on this site.

Basically, I'm wondering if I can expect the same type of thread for Fable III. I've got pages of material saved up that I plan to troll it with on the forum I moderate
, and just want to see if I can share my material here without fear of a ban.

Thanks, mods! You guys rule!

and fuck you Peter Molyneux!




Sounds...interesting. Definitely going to just rent this though, especially after the disappointing first two games.
InaudibleWhispa said:
Fable 2 was just release a year and a few months ago. It's the best selling RPG on the 360 and critically acclaimed. There are people who don't get it, and there are those who simply don't like it; but it most certainly has a huge group of fans. It's a casual RPG, offering an experience more than a challenge. It's absolutely full of good ideas, some implemented well, some not so well like most games, but it is very charming and as emotionally evocative as any other RPG I've played.
Very well thought out post here.
I don't care if the graphics are significantly better, I just want the game engine to perform better. Fable 2 runs like shit unless you install it.


Though he wasn't specific, Molyneux commented that your Gamerscore will also have some effect on how a weapon looks.

When I heard that I thought THAT was the part that would have people pissed off. Some people just hate Gamerscore SO F'ING MUCH.

But Trophies are cool....:D


a Master Ninja said:
I don't care if the graphics are significantly better, I just want the game engine to perform better. Fable 2 runs like shit unless you install it.

Yup, I feel the same way.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
rezuth said:
This is the amazing graphics that Gamespot or someone talked about? Looks exactly like Fable 2

It's called art style or art direction, people say the same things in the Halo threads. It is the same style and direction of 2 but I can already see improvements in these screens. Ones with proper resolution will look much better.


Chrange said:
When I heard that I thought THAT was the part that would have people pissed off. Some people just hate Gamerscore SO F'ING MUCH.

But Trophies are cool....:D
I think he meant gamerscore from Fable 3, not your entire score... :lol Makes a lot more sense that way.
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