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Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 3-10 | Rising to the Occasion


tagged by Blackace

Week of August 3rd to the 9th, 2015.

Fighting Games Weekly is a place for all things fighting games. News, game discussion, events, streams, videos, players, drama, everything fighting game related. Here are some quick links:


Les Veaux Bordelais [ Friday ] [ 10AM France | 4AM EDT | 1AM PDT ]
VS Fighting [ Additional streams: Dojomedia, Nintendoid ] [ Saturday ] [ 10AM France | 4AM EDT | 1AM PDT ]
  • One of the biggest events in the UK returns for yet another year, featuring MKX, USFIV, TTT2, Xrd and Smash Wii U.
  • Capcom Pro Tour Ranking Event
  • This event continues through Sunday.
  • More information is available here.
FV Cup 2015 [ Saturday ]
  • A USFIV tournament out of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is unclear whether this event continues through Sunday or not.
  • Capcom Pro Tour Ranking Event
  • More information is available here.



Every week, FGW will spotlight one GAFer to get a better picture of their history with fighting games, their preferences, and much more. For this week's FGW Player Spotlight, we will be taking a closer look at the cousin of sleep, DEATH™!

What fighting games do you currently play, what is your all time favourite and why?
Currently playing Tag 2 for serious play, with a bit of other games here and there (Downloaded a bunch of FGs on a PSStore sale and having too much fun while it lasted). Planning to buy other FGs for PC as I love my current PC and I want to support FGs that finally recognize the glorious PC Master Race (lol).

(I want Tag 2 for PC please).
What are your favorite mechanics from the current selection of fighting games and why? What are your least favorite and why?
As much as I might get flack for this by some Tekken players for this, I LOVE THE TAG SYSTEM for Tekken. I love that it’s more pro-wrestling inspired where 1 character dies and you lose, and Tag Rage acts as a hot tag/meter instead of a literal comeback mechanic, while also be able to control it unlike 1v1 rage. Tag system brings a different kind of meter management that I enjoy. I have enjoyed it on both Tekken Tag games. What’s great about it too is that I can control 2 characters. It opens a lot of options for me. I guess I love the things that people hate for some reason lol.

As for least? I’m not hating a system per se, but HOW they are implemented. I hate it when a mechanic was used to hand players advantage when losing. Seems contradicting when liking Tag 2 rage but again, Tag 2 rage wasn’t directly given as a comeback mechanic but as a reward for a successful tag, not to mention that as I can take it away from you multiple ways (movement/run it out, oki pressure so you will tag crash, punish your tag etc.). This wasn’t the case as much in T6 rage and I hope T7 rage won’t be as bad (T7 rage has minimal damage boost + ultra but so far it can be easily neutered).
What got you into fighting games? Are there any other genre of games you play?
There was a lot of arcade cabs in the Philippines when I was young and they are littered in many mom and pop stores across the street. I have played from the early vs. games, alpha, tekken, darkstalkers, gg, kof, last blade, even some obscure ones like rumble fish. What fascinated me and got me hooked as a kid was seeing all of these games/franchises with different settings, characters, fighting styles, and art and seeing them all together in 1 place (the arcade) give a super rich experience. Maybe that’s the reason why I love my games with a large diverse roster lol

As for other games? I played a lot of FPS and RTS games long time ago. Back home we have been playing Quake, Half Life Deathmatches, CS and Team Fortress on LAN and it was awesome (online cannot compare). I also played a lot of Brood War and CNC games (Generals/Zero Hour is so much fun). Right now I could be still playing Starcraft 2 if it wasn’t for college/time constraints. I actually might end up playing that more than FGs in the future if LoTV ends up great, while seeing the ongoing trend of FGs, and if T7 end up disappointing.
What is your favorite fighting game character and why?
Well, look at my avatar (lol).

Aside for my wrestlers, I LOVE STEVE. Steve is the one that hooked me into Tekken. Steve came in the right place at the right time when I am watching Hajime no Ippo (and no, Dudley and Boxer CANNOT compare, nor they are HnI tributes). In T4, he got Mashiba Flicker, Sways, Corkscrew (f+1+2), Dempsey Roll, White Fang (WS 1,2), Gazzelle (DCK 1, DCK f+2), Kimura overhead (ff+2), even a freaking foot stomp (db+3), and now he has Peakaboo, Sendo Smash (WS 1+2) and much more! I love it too that he is designed to be a versatile boxer that can outclass you with textbook boxing but can also brawl and even get dirty if he wants. Most of the FG boxers either go on each polar ends (extreme examples notably Boxer and Dudley) but Steve do not just balance them out, but excels at both, add that to him being so much fun to play and you got a classic char. (Honorable mention to Vanessa for being a unique boxer too).

That out of the way, KINGS OF WRESTLING YO. Being a fan of wrestling, I MUCH LOVE TEKKEN WRESTLERS. Well, aside from VF, Tekken wrestlers give pro-wrestling justice. What I love about Tekken in general is that if they are making a character that’s actually inspired by legit real world martial art/icons, they do it well. I mean, Zangief in comparison looks like Cena who cannot wrestle. If I want a submission artist/technician type of wrestler, I got King. If I want a brawler/shoot-style type of wrestler, I play AK. If I want a powerhouse wrestler, I get Duk. There’s a lot of options for my chars and even each char got a lot of options within them.

I don’t think I am alone on this. Many friends that I know who practice TKD play Hwo and Baek because of how close to authentic they are, Baek much more. I kinda understand why people are hating on T7 when those characters were replace by the likes of Gigas, Claudio, Lucky Chloe, and to extent, Shaheen, Lars and Alisa. Yeah I know Tekken ain’t realistic, but realistic isn’t necessarily what people are looking for, but believability and authenticity. Balancing chars/moves that authentically do grounded martial arts while peppering them with small amount of over the top stuff here and there. I hope this kinda makes sense.
Describe your style of play, and how do you play (local, online, etc.).
I play extremely turtly, trying to reduce as much variable going to me while adding more variables to my opponent and punish accordingly. I guess that’s the main philosophy in general when playing Tekken, but that was what stuck to me when being taught a bit by the players back home.

I was playing at mom and pop stores on my high school days in the Philippines a lot. My college days, the arcade was on the mall (SM Manila) and of course, they got newer and more expensive games. Couple that from being broke and for me to play 2 games of 5.0/5.1/DR, I have to walk around 2.5 miles from University to my home. And those 2 games are merely around 10 minutes of gameplay as I often get whooped. Ah memories. Now I either play online with TekkenGAF or go drive to play with Forsaken and P.Ling at Sac. But those were much limited due to school work.
What do you feel are your biggest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
Well, I guess I’ll take pride in my movement. Movement is pretty much the ultimate “option select” in Tekken, because Tekken in general is a close ranged game and if you are not on that range, all of the other variables go away. I take pride into finally recracking the code for King’s Wavedash (though in reality Snap takes that cake lol.)

But even with that, I still need more experience. Movement only gives you the tools for spacing, not the instructions on how to use it. There are many times that I get stifled with the most minimal type of pressure, and I can’t get anything when my opponent decides to not bite on setups and don’t give me anything to punish. One of the things Anakin gave me feedback on was to diversify my play.
Best and worst moments in the your fighting game career?
Career? This is a hobby yo.

Maybe I’m getting older, but I guess those little things like playing with friends is enough. I realized in Strongstyle that I do not have to be a top player to enjoy and contribute to the game. This was lost in this current Tekken community that they put much more stress than they should just to win.

Also, I think this moment is more precious than winning a tournament. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTcM0e_c8ts
What do you want from future fighting games?
Honestly, I just want Tag 2 on PC. If I ask for something else, it will be executed sloppily. If I could I’ll make a Tekken PC game with all characters unlockable, and I think Tekken is such a fit franchise to have a game modeled with WoW/DotA 2 model just because of the amount of characters. But that would never happen and if it did, Namco will monetize it so bad like how they are doing with T7 arcade.
Who should be on next week's GAF Player Spotlight?


Since Dahbomb strongly encourages pre-orders, what games do you plan to buy that have been officially announced?
SC2 LotV

About FGs, seeing how the trends are going, I honestly cannot recommend pre-ordering unless the game is, you know, complete? Maybe I’m getting old but I cannot recommend people buying in all the hype just because it’s new, because I have seen everytime people buying in and wearing their rose-tinted glasses until the newness fades away and they rant on the same game they praised before.

I might sound like someone who do not want to support developers but more and more I realized that it’s not our obligation to make those guys afloat. If a game company relies on their fans to stay loyal to stay afloat, you are screwed. I’m realizing more as learning artist is that your art will reflect on who you are, and if you are in it for the money or fame, it will show up on your work. (I’m looking at you T7 with the blatant cash in on the anime community and ridiculous arcade pricings despite lackluster content and bugs). Sorry for the rant that doesn’t make sense but yeah. The time I played T7 and it just screamed “beta” and I really do hope it gets better (it will so don’t be too pessimistic AAK), but darn if this keeps up Tekken 7 will not be the savior of the franchise that many in the community are portraying it to be (don’t suck it up too much Sayah lol).


OCT 6  Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax
WINTER Rivals of Aether
MARCH  Street Fighter V
TBD    Beast's Fury
TBD    BlazBlue: Central Fiction
TBD    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
TBD    Next The King Of Fighters Title (tentative)
TBD    Pokken Tournament
TBD    Rising Thunder
TBD    Tekken 7
TBD    Tekken X Street Fighter
TBD    Yatagarasu: Legend of Raven


On GAF we have various members that stream fighting games from time to time too. If you would like to add your channel to this thread, send me a PM.


Often, some fighting games can seem intimidating to players new and old. Below are a bunch of resources that may be of aid to new players, or handy as references.
  • Learn How To Play Fighting Games Free eBook from Shoryuken is a fantastic primer for new players to the genre.
  • Footsies Handbook is a guide to the potentially elusive, but integral part of doing well in any fighting game.
  • NeoGAF's Arcade Stick Thread is the place to go for questions about anything arcade stick-related.
  • Step Up Your Game is an editorial series by Justin Wong that covers a multitude of topics, notably focusing on strengthening your mental game and playing smarter instead of harder.
  • Tips for first time competitors will help you straighten out those nerves and expectations when you head out to your first tournament.
  • Domination 101 is almost a cult classic article in the FGC, which has Seth Killian telling us how he really feels about the idea of "cheapness" in fighting games.
  • Team-building Guide by our very own Karsticles, which helps make it easier to approach team-building in MvC games, and games with similar synergistic elements.

- - -

If you have any suggestions for the OP, please do not hesitate to post in this thread or (preferably) PM me to let me know.


tagged by Blackace


After over 3 years (!!!) of doing so, I've decided as of immediately I'll no longer be making these FGW threads.

This is for many reasons, but primarily because it's just way too time consuming and having recently been accepted into grad school I'm quite frankly trying to strip myself of responsibilities anticipating a pretty heavy work load that I'm easing into now. There were already moments during my undergrad where I had a bunch of shit to do and in the back of my head is oh, right, I still have to transcribe this illegible SRK subforum into a GAF post and push it out by Sunday midnight. I think it sounds like it isn't really a big time commitment throwing up a mostly copy+pasted thread but between updating the OP, counting thread title votes, co-ordinating spotlights via PM (usually frantically when I get them late Sunday evening), making new graphics, summarizing/researching events, formatting, updating release dates, trying to keep up with underpromoted events/streams from subcommunities etc. each week it racks up exponentially and I really do end up spending hours a week on an OP that decidedly most people don't read or use, hours I don't think I longer have the luxury of. Hours spent carefully researching and formatting weekly events just to have, year after year, people asking when events start definitely makes the whole process less fun and has made me confident that the OP isn't apt for what these threads are and that time would be better spent elsewhere. Reading this back makes me sound a bit bitter but I assure you it's not like that as it had it's fun parts too.

I haven't been posting as much, have gotten sloppier at co-ordinating spotlights, and haven't nearly had the time to watch or play fighting games regularly in forever. This combined with me being a known fraud/casual/'11er makes me feel even more unfit to do these threads than when I took over from our big sis USD (and Lost Fragment; NEVAR FORGET). Despite this, I'd like to think I helped this community I love on GAF grow (our biggest thread ever the week before last!) or at the very least helped facilitate discussion from week-to-week in some respect. This doesn't at all mean I'm leaving this community or am going to stop posting here, I love y'all too much for that and am probably the most excited about fighting games since Marvel came back, but I'm done making these threads in any capacity.

I guess it's up to y'all on what happens to FGW next. It can be overwhelming, but I only spent time on all those things because I thought it would help the community grow and not be as insular. Looking back, I think most of that is superfluous, and if someone takes over these threads in the current weekly format I don't think they need to put themselves through all of that unnecessary OP maintenance, but if they want to I can provide them with all my .PSDs, Google Docs and whatnot. Or we can go to Community. Kidding! Or am I?

Hate to write an essay talking like I'm giving away my baby or something lol (you were warned!), but these threads have been a little hobby or side project that's grown considerably over time, and in it's own weird way still feels like a responsibility to a lot of people in our little community with how much time I've put into it.

Repulsar blast,
- Enzo



My title made it, but Enzo did not.


Worth it guess it's time for Blackule to step up
Enzo, you have always done a great job with the weekly threads. Thank you for everything you've done. The next person will have big shoes to fill.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
You're the man, Enzo.

Shoutouts to Blurei for overreacting to my shit interim thread and sparking the discussion that led to Enzo taking over.


I'm new to this community, but all the same, it's been very much appreciated what you did, Enzo. Best of luck in your endeavors <3


Slayer of Combofiends
Real talk, you put in hard work Enzo. Rest up and prepare for grad school, we both finally made it fam.


wait, what happened to enzo? i didn't read the op

Who's gonna make the sickass custom banners

Guess Blackule will give us Jordan Emojis so it might be ok

instead of the selection moving between game logos it'll move between emojis
shoutouts to all my day 1's thats rocked with me since my first FGW post

time to take it to the next step and pilot this muthafucka on some denzel flight shit, lets go



Santa May Claus
Your dedication to these threads has been appreciated, Enzo. I don't participate as much anymore, but I do lurk sometimes. The FGW OP is consistently an excellent resource for everyone. Best of luck in grad school.


What guys?
You know... Those people.

real reason is that community can be a grave yard for discussion unless you have super dedicated people willing to discuss everyday.

Besides, I like the fact that since this is not in OT, we get new people to come in and feel comfortable to just to say hi.

I don't think we'll get that as a community thread.

Also, there are tournaments each week and new news for fighting games.

Also, thanks EnZo for all your hard work.


Awww the favorite thing I like to read is the graphic banner and the weekly spotlights. I appreciate the hard work you did each week Enzo.
You know... Those people.

real reason is that community can be a grave yard for discussion unless you have super dedicated people willing to discuss everyday.

Besides, I like the fact that since this is not in OT, we get new people to come in and feel comfortable to just to say hi.

I don't think we'll get that as a community thread.

Also, there are tournaments each week and new news for fighting games.

Also, thanks EnZo for all your hard work.
New people post in community threads all the time. If they want to, they'll find the thread. That reason has never been sound and it never will be, otherwise community threads would never see posts.

New news gets new threads, as well as tournaments, so it's not like those are big points.


Man I'm really hating playing USF4 online. Can't anti air reliably which leads me to losing to jump in shoryuken x 10. Anyone else just not want to adjust to "online tactics" and lose because you play like you do offline? I'm a scrub


Slayer of Combofiends
I would but now that I'm the clan leader of 106 people, I cannot do it.

Yams or Panda.

I vote for God's Beard. He writes some funny stuff.

Man I'm really hating playing USF4 online. Can't anti air reliably which leads me to losing to jump in shoryuken x 10. Anyone else just not want to adjust to "online tactics" and lose because you play like you do offline? I'm a scrub

Online is the eternal struggle. I strictly play offline to train and spar, online I just use whatever character so bad habits don't start forming cause of an unstable environment.


Man I'm really hating playing USF4 online. Can't anti air reliably which leads me to losing to jump in shoryuken x 10. Anyone else just not want to adjust to "online tactics" and lose because you play like you do offline? I'm a scrub
Which character do you play?

I would suggest backing up and let them come to you and feed them fireballs to keep them honest.
Man I'm really hating playing USF4 online. Can't anti air reliably which leads me to losing to jump in shoryuken x 10. Anyone else just not want to adjust to "online tactics" and lose because you play like you do offline? I'm a scrub
Adapting to someone's style of play is important offline or online. Just make a mental note that online play is for kicks, and you'll be fine.
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