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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Announced (First on PS4)

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Unconfirmed Member
I think people gotta relax with the whole "realism" thing. If FFXV could get away with some fantastical creatures(I mean, freaking FFII Goblins that looks true to Amano's original art) existing in a realistic-looking world, sure as hell FFVII could.

The Black Mages version is straight up how the song WOULD sound with a real band backing it instead of being purely synth.

They were in Crisis Core as well:

Also, remember one of the first enemies you fight are Hedgehog Pies, strange and unrealistic, but still somewhat memorable(and also in Crisis Core):

Again, people should calm down regarding the whole "realism" thing. I'm sure non-realistic enemies, such as Bombs, Tonberries and Cactaurs will appear, that those are as unrealistic as one can get, so I'm sure others will make the cut as well!

Fighting a goblin is one thing... belief could easily be suspended to make that acceptable. Fighting a Mecha-transformer-house is another. I just don't see how that's going to translate along with some of the game's other enemies.

I still have every intention of playing Remake (so long as it isn't turned into an action game), but I do believe more and more that Squenix has quite the task ahead of them.


Is it "Still More Fighting" or "Those Who Fight Further"?

On the OST it's: "Fight On!" (更に闘う者達, Sara ni Tatakau Monotachi, lit. "Those Who Fight Further")

I have absolutely no idea where the name Still More Fighting comes from.
Fighting a goblin is one thing... belief could easily be suspended to make that acceptable. Fighting a Mecha-transformer-house is another. I just don't see how that's going to translate along with some of the game's other enemies.

Do remember, FFXV is the ONE that's a fantasy based on reality. FFVII never was that, despite how realistic they may make it look. Whether you can swallow it or not is up to you, but FFVII's world is what it is, regardless of that.


( ≖‿≖)
There are much weirder things than enemies that will look out of place if they are depicted as they were in the original.

For example, North Corel being tent garbage town, yet it has the only method of access to Gold Saucer? That needs to be changed lol.


Final Fantasy VIII has the realistic designs too and yet has plenty of absurd and colorful monsters.

Christ people, VII doesn't have to become some dark ugly looking game just because it's going to have a more realistic design.
There are much weirder things than enemies that will look out of place if they are depicted as they were in the original.

For example, North Corel being tent garbage town, yet it has the only method of access to Gold Saucer? That needs to be changed lol.

You will be surprised how many luxury places are by the side of slums.


I really hope they can make its 20th anniversary, think it would be something special to have a game commemorate/celebrate its anniversary. But if it needs to be delayed to make a better product then so be it.

Some of the work is done since this is a remake, like most of the story and all the designs/locations (from the original) are done it makes me think this game didn't have much of a pre-production phase.

I wouldn't say that. Besides the fact that Kitase and Nomura talked about a possible remake on many occasions over the last years ("The talks about making this remake, internally it's been mentioned on and off"), Verendus hinted at it in early 2013 already and then directly addressed it from November onwards at which point he said that it's still in planning stages and has been for a while actually. So we're looking at at least 1-1.5 years pre-production if we assume that full-production started with Nomura around September 2014.

Man, I can't wait for Verendus to come back :D
Oh and: #FreeFalk (wonder how much he has known before the announcement)


I think Tifa saw Cloud as a familiar face that was quite welcome to the slummy Midgar. She lies to him but I feel like she does it because she is quite aware that Cloud is not all there and doesn't want to make him go insane plus she also has doubts herself about the validity of her own recollections of the past because a lot of what he said added up. I wish the actual game went into more detail with this. Do we know how long before the first Sector explosion that Cloud and Tifa met again? Was it right before? Some time in between?

Two Words

Glad to see that the big announcements at the E3 conference are still titles a large group still want. I would imagine Twitter gives you a pretty large pool to examine nowadays.



Didn't they say they were porting the pc version of ff7 to the ps4 or something like that? Should I just wait for the remake or should I get the one off of psn, because I've never played final fantasy before and I kinda want to start with this one. If the pc version coming to the ps4 is superior, I'll just wait for that one. Don't have a pc for gaming, thats why I was asking

I've played PS1, PC, and Vita versions of FF7

I don't really notice many differences except for the experience itself as a platform so take your pick what you prefer to play it on (dualshock, keyboard, or handheld)

PC has mods tho but I never used them, PS4 port might have extra options added maybe

edit: this game was made in 1997 so be ready for a downgrade in graphics, it didn't age that well hence the remake


I always assumed Corel being at the entrance to Gold Saucer was symbolism for the gulf between rich and poor, an anachronism to the splendor and carefree world presented by the Saucer. It doesn't necessarily have to make sense, it sends a strong message just being there.


Haha, I wonder if Kitase was deliberately "acting" in this interview with him from February 2014 or if the remake at that point really wasn't yet set in stone:

Last week, to coincide with the release of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13, Eurogamer asked Final Fantasy series producer Yoshinori Kitase - the person who directed Final Fantasy 7 - if it was, finally, time to put the possibility of a remake to bed.

"I can honestly tell you I would love to do that," he replied. "If you simply ask me if I personally would like to do that, yes I would. Definitely. There's no lie about it. But you must believe me when I say it would take a lot to happen."

Kitase mentioned "staff availability and budget" as two major barriers to the project being greenlit. This tallies with comments Kitase made in 2010, when he said in order to remake Final Fantasy 7 to the quality of Final Fantasy 13 it would take three or four times longer than it took to develop the divisive PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game.

But there's another major barrier to the project being greenlit: Kitase's personal motivation to create it.

"Even if I casually say I would like to do that, because it would be a huge project I would have to motivate myself to the level that I really am prepared to take on this huge responsibility," he said.

"I don't know if those three things will happen simultaneously. It has to tick lots of very big boxes. I won't rule out the possibility, but it would take a lot to make it happen.

"But should I ever take it on, it would have to be the biggest project I've done. My life work. So I would have to be as highly motivated as that to end up with something I'm very happy with. It's a huge thing for me."


For example, North Corel being tent garbage town, yet it has the only method of access to Gold Saucer? That needs to be changed lol.

That's part of the story of that arc lol. It's about how the town was destroyed to build a mako reactor and then the theme park is like the nail on the coffin


Im still kinda impressed they have the balls to remake this game. Lol.

We are the customers. Hollywood producers give their customers what they want to watch. It's only logical game companies do the same. After all it benefits everybody. We get the games we want, they get money and Sony gets a better image.
I always assumed Corel being at the entrance to Gold Saucer was symbolism for the gulf between rich and poor, an anachronism to the splendor and carefree world presented by the Saucer. It doesn't necessarily have to make sense, it sends a strong message just being there.

The divide between rich and poor and technologically advanced/modern and old world was always a theme in FFVII. Hell, Midgar represents both, the upper plate is where the rich and middle class dwell, and is elevated over the slums, where the poor reside. Shinra's cities(Midgar and Junon) both act as representations of this(the small town at the foot of Junon, in it's large shadow) and both being hubs of the scientific advancements of the world while those outside(Kalm, NIbelheim, Corel, Gongaga, Mideel, Wutai, Rocket Town; which was science was abandoned) were remnants of the past, a world pre-Mako revolution(despite some using Mako as power, were used and left to their own devices).


ugh why couldn't Kitase direct this? Nomura is not the brainchild of VII, I fucking hate how he was given creative ownership over it.
The divide between rich and poor and technologically advanced/modern and old world was always a theme in FFVII. Hell, Midgar represents both, the upper plate is where the rich and middle class dwell, and is elevated over the slums, where the poor reside. Shinra's cities(Midgar and Junon) both act as representations of this(the small town at the foot of Junon, in it's large shadow) and both being hubs of the scientific advancements of the world while those outside(Kalm, NIbelheim, Corel, Gongaga, Mideel, Wutai, Rocket Town; which was science was abandoned) were remnants of the past, a world pre-Mako revolution.

I hope we get to see more of middle/upper class Midgar. That would be awesome to show off how large the wealth disparities are between the upper plate people and the lower plate.

We only see the lower plate.


ugh why couldn't Kitase direct this? Nomura is not the brainchild of VII, I fucking hate how he was given creative ownership over it.
I posted about this awhile ago and someone said that Kitase was mentally exhausted after directing Chrono Trigger, VI, VII, and VIII (holy shit at how much I love all of those games) that he never really wanted to direct anymore. I agree. Wish he'd "un-retire" but I don't think he ever will at this point. At least he's still a producer.
I posted about this awhile ago and someone said that Kitase was mentally exhausted after directing Chrono Trigger, VI, VII, and VIII (holy shit at how much I love all of those games) that he never really wanted to direct anymore. I agree. Wish he'd "un-retire" but I don't think he ever will at this point. At least he's still a producer.

I actually really liked the story in 8, my dislike for that game comes mostly from the fact that "Draw" is a thing.


This kind of just occurred to me, but it makes sense now why Nomura was replaced by Tabata for FFXV. It frees him up to finish up KH3 and then go full steam on the remake.
Haha, I wonder if Kitase was deliberately "acting" in this interview with him from February 2014 or if the remake at that point really wasn't yet set in stone:
Yeah, he was. Verendus said as much in the thread that was made when this interview came up. He's been telling us this is happening for a long time.

It's happening. He's obviously not going to give any indication as such though so it hardly matters until they're ready to announce something. His comments make sense. It's a huge project that will take a lot of effort, and demand a lot from him personally, in order to ensure the end result is something satisfactory.

This kind of just occurred to me, but it makes sense now why Nomura was replaced by Tabata for FFXV. It frees him up to finish up KH3 and then go full steam on the remake.

i think SE planned to work on FF7 after Nomura is finished with Versus/15. But since that game had some problems and took/takes longer than expeceted, they removed Nomura from 15 to finally start the work on the Remake

Since it was planned from the start to release this game in 2017 and they couldn't wait any longer
This kind of just occurred to me, but it makes sense now why Nomura was replaced by Tabata for FFXV. It frees him up to finish up KH3 and then go full steam on the remake.

It's actually the opposite. The recent 4gamer interview implies that him being taken off the project, allowed him to be "free" to do other things and that the timing was right for Nojima, Nomura, and Kitase, allowing them to say "let's do it." It's apparently something they've talked about over and over again within the company, but it never really panned out.


Is this remakes combat gonna be turn based or real time like XV? I never played FF7 but I really want too, is it worth it or nah? I'm thinking if the remakes gameplay is turn based to wait it out but if the gameplay is radically changed, I'll buy it soon and play it for the first time.
Have we had the overworld argument yet?

Would we want openworld just a lot of details between towns/story points or go with something like Tales of Xillia's several gameplay areas between towns type deal. Can't decide personally as I'd like the nostalgia of the first yet the added possibility of cool areas of the second would work. Please no "open world" style stuff is all I ask. I just can't do it anymore.
Have we had the overworld argument yet?

Would we want openworld just a lot of details between towns/story points or go with something like Tales of Xillia's several gameplay areas between towns type deal.

Definitely not Xillia style. I want the classic FFVII open world map, except obviously scaled up massively. I'm fine if you still transition when entering a town, too.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The voiceover in the trailer is brilliant. Listening to it again, it's so well done. It's nothing like the FFXVersus thing Uguu voiceover crap. This is really a very playful and smart tease.
On the OST it's: "Fight On!" (更に闘う者達, Sara ni Tatakau Monotachi, lit. "Those Who Fight Further")

I have absolutely no idea where the name Still More Fighting comes from.

People who don't understand

The voiceover in the trailer is brilliant. Listening to it again, it's so well done. It's nothing like the FFXVersus thing Uguu voiceover crap. This is really a very playful and smart tease.

I'm really surprised by these responses, because I thought it was pure cheese.

Two Words

FFX-2 added some details that linked FFX and FFVII as part of the same universe. Do you think the remake will give any other nods to this as well? Perhaps the summon designs?
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