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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT5| Our Golden Anniversary Brings Us Hope


I just watched Val's video. I see you with that Gesse Howard theme lol.

So I know there are people who have yet to complete this current trial, but I'm just going to put this out there: Bloody Moon is likely next month. I do not feel ready for that at all.

[JP] Free daily rainbow! Gabranth. I'm looking at his skills and he doesn't look that good. Am I missing something?

Spent a couple of tickets. Got a yellow. Setzer. So tired of off banner yellows. Ended up just wasting a bunch of tickets out of frustration. I don't even think the banner units are good. I just wanted Yu for the TM for Camille.

Edit: I always forget how strong chaining is. Camille and Tidus putting in that work.


I really don't like how the 5 turn world destroyer move syncs up with the turn counter... i had to use a water item and cross my fingers to live since it went off 2 rounds after the previous wd, instead of 5... at least let me potentially lose cause of me... sheesh
I really don't like how the 5 turn world destroyer move syncs up with the turn counter... i had to use a water item and cross my fingers to live since it went off 2 rounds after the previous wd, instead of 5... at least let me potentially lose cause of me... sheesh

That whole move/sequence fucked me up a few times...very frustrating.


So I know there are people who have yet to complete this current trial, but I'm just going to put this out there: Bloody Moon is likely next month. I do not feel ready for that at all.

Reddit JP Bloody Moon thread. Not sure what to think about this fight. Grabbed some bullet points from the info:

* 100% Physical Damage Resist
* Gearing for SPR is more important than gearing for MAG
* Have a unit with Safety Bit and AoE Raise
* Don't use black magic on the boss during Phase 2. If the boss receives any magic, it'll use a strong ability. Use Magic Abilities or even Rikku's Supernova to get around this
* Guard every 3 turns for Phase 2 if you want to survive properly
* If you kill the boss while mobs are still alive they go berserk (uses Snort, revive other mobs)

- So don't bother with phys DPS.
- Level your Zyruses
- Use Ace Jackpot Shot and Tri-Beam & Wild Card (since they are ability and magic damage)
- Rikku needed

Kill minions and boss same time or be snorted:

Reddit comments said:
You have to kill Apostles and boss altogether on the same turn, if one Apostle manage to survive, he will summon another 2 Apostles, blow out 3 of your character, and then they spam element attack like crazy...highly doubt anyone could survive that. Even if you can, you have to pray to rng god and hope they don't blow away your mp battery, dps and healer.

- You can soft reset the game if you get bad RNG at a threshold (AoE Death, snort, etc) until you get better RNG

Ok so its all about SPR & Mag. Kinda curious how Zyruses will handle this. I guess its better to start prepping them when we get raid and Kingtaurs again.
I think I clear BM before Roboto.


6h 10m

noctis, zarg, luneth, tilith, rikku, and friend rem

noctis had an issue at the start when reraising, its like he got up so fast that sometimes physical attacks could hit him and drop him ; ; near the end though, evade tank is super champ. i hope to neveeeeeeer have a battle like that again
for not having anything to do at work today... most stressful day ever >.>

game gave me a penelo for my hard work /smh t.t
The ATK+30% looked real tempting at first, but then I remembered we can make our own everything +40% now! Speaking of which stage 2 complete. Seems like stage 3 will take about 3 weeks.


Considering taking a break from JP. Not that I'm struggling or anything, there's just so much gacha I can take. Between GL, JP, and FE it can just be a frustrating experience. It feels like when my luck is bad in 1 it's bad in all of them.

6h 10m

noctis, zarg, luneth, tilith, rikku, and friend rem

noctis had an issue at the start when reraising, its like he got up so fast that sometimes physical attacks could hit him and drop him ; ; near the end though, evade tank is super champ. i hope to neveeeeeeer have a battle like that again
for not having anything to do at work today... most stressful day ever >.>

game gave me a penelo for my hard work /smh t.t

6 hours...damn. That's crazy. Congrats on getting it done while trying to balance everything else lol.

I got Anzelm as my reward.

Then I rage pulled and got the second Ashe I wanted lol. Wonder what banner we'll get next week. Got a week of savings at least.

Ok so its all about SPR & Mag. Kinda curious how Zyruses will handle this. I guess its better to start prepping them when we get raid and Kingtaurs again.
I think I clear BM before Roboto.

Yeah it's a little crazy. Sin V did it with 2 Ashe, 2 Rikku, Ramza, and WoL. However both WoL and Ramza were enhanced at that time, which I don't think they will be in GL so I'm not quite sure how I'm going to take this on yet. Still, that's for August Alkez to worry about lol.


Yeah it's a little crazy. Sin V did it with 2 Ashe, 2 Rikku, Ramza, and WoL. However both WoL and Ramza were enhanced at that time, which I don't think they will be in GL so I'm not quite sure how I'm going to take this on yet. Still, that's for August Alkez to worry about lol.

Zyrus problem could be that his abilities (+ LB) are single target only. Oh well, I will still level Zyrus or 2 to 6*.


6 hours...damn. That's crazy. Congrats on getting it done while trying to balance everything else lol.

I got Anzelm as my reward.

Then I rage pulled and got the second Ashe I wanted lol. Wonder what banner we'll get next week. Got a week of savings at least.

Ya... way more time then I'd like, but well >.>;; figured I deserved to try it once and see where my shortcomings were. Lot of dancing around in the middle and the end, but clearly I had a groove or I wouldn't have finished on the good side~
So I asked over on Discord but figure I might as well ask the great minds here as well.

I plan on using RedZaraki's strat that he posted earlier. It's based on units I have, which is the first I've seen. I would need to bring a friend Fry or Aileen. Thankfully there are plenty to be had right now (thank you GAF community!!), but who would be the better suited solo unit between them since I don't have one of my own to chain?

I also have a 95% evade Tidus (using Brotherhood) as my main personal DPS unit, but I could switch him out with Luneth (non elemental) who is enhanced and has over 1k ATK. Should I go for straight up ATK stat, or would there be a reason I would want Tidus over Luneth?


So I asked over on Discord but figure I might as well ask the great minds here as well.

I plan on using RedZaraki's strat that he posted earlier. It's based on units I have, which is the first I've seen. I would need to bring a friend Fry or Aileen. Thankfully there are plenty to be had right now (thank you GAF community!!), but who would be the better suited solo unit between them since I don't have one of my own to chain?

I also have a 95% evade Tidus (using Brotherhood) as my main personal DPS unit, but I could switch him out with Luneth (non elemental) who is enhanced and has over 1k ATK. Should I go for straight up ATK stat, or would there be a reason I would want Tidus over Luneth?

I can say this much, Luneth with machine killer @ 1025 did roughly 200k dmg a round, some flux if you had no buff or had 100% zarg buff (150-250k), tidus cant use his water weapon or youll make the boss go haywire. I can't comment on the first half, I don't have either Fry or Aileen and I didn't use WoL, but Noctis instead.


So I asked over on Discord but figure I might as well ask the great minds here as well.

I plan on using RedZaraki's strat that he posted earlier. It's based on units I have, which is the first I've seen. I would need to bring a friend Fry or Aileen. Thankfully there are plenty to be had right now (thank you GAF community!!), but who would be the better suited solo unit between them since I don't have one of my own to chain?

I also have a 95% evade Tidus (using Brotherhood) as my main personal DPS unit, but I could switch him out with Luneth (non elemental) who is enhanced and has over 1k ATK. Should I go for straight up ATK stat, or would there be a reason I would want Tidus over Luneth?

Based on that strategy I would stick with what red did. Fryevia will probably do more damage but he says he used Aileen for occasional MP, which can be an issue in this fight.

On my run buffs were a major help and part of the reason I was able to beat it (before my successful run I didn't have buffs) so I would go with Tidus over Luneth.


So these two new bundles. The 350 Lapis one seems worth it. One ticket and a Giancryst. Can't tell if the other is at $25.

$25 for:
a 10+1 (in tickets, 10 regular and 1 guaranteed 4*)
10% moogle
ATK + 30%
200 NRG in potions

seems pricey to me, but I'm F2P aside from that $0.99 bundle they did that one time... I think it is cheaper than buying straight lapis.

Once I have enough credit from google surveys, I might get the $12 one.


So I asked over on Discord but figure I might as well ask the great minds here as well.

I plan on using RedZaraki's strat that he posted earlier. It's based on units I have, which is the first I've seen. I would need to bring a friend Fry or Aileen. Thankfully there are plenty to be had right now (thank you GAF community!!), but who would be the better suited solo unit between them since I don't have one of my own to chain?

I also have a 95% evade Tidus (using Brotherhood) as my main personal DPS unit, but I could switch him out with Luneth (non elemental) who is enhanced and has over 1k ATK. Should I go for straight up ATK stat, or would there be a reason I would want Tidus over Luneth?

Was going to say Fryevia, but since you have Aileen, it's better to have 2 Aileen chaining than a Fryevia and an Aileen fail-chain.

You've got a pretty balanced team there.

Tilith and Rikku are must haves.

WoL/Rem bait combo.

Tidus as buffer and AoE mana regen.

Also, you might wanna consider going the short route (Body>Right>Left), since your team seems capable enough.


If we look at pulling Rainbows as the sole goal for pulling units (and it isn't always, but let's assume it is for the sake of easy math.

Then a regular ticket = 1/100 chance for a Rainbow.

4* guaranteed ticket = 10/100 chance for a Rainbow.

And a 10+1 pull = Ten 1/100 chances and a 10/100 chance = roughly 20/100 chance at a Rainbow. Roughly.

If that is the case, then 20/100 chance for a Rainbow costs 5000 Lapis. Which means each 1/1000 chance for a Rainbow is worth roughly 250 Lapis. If all you care about are Rainbow pulls.

In that case, tickets are roughly worth about 250 Lapis, and 4* guaranteed tickets are worth 2500 Lapis.

And 5* Guaranteed tickets are worth 25000 Lapis. Not exactly, but let's say average of averages.


If we look at pulling Rainbows as the sole goal for pulling units (and it isn't always, but let's assume it is for the sake of easy math.

Then a regular ticket = 1/100 chance for a Rainbow.

4* guaranteed ticket = 10/100 chance for a Rainbow.

And a 10+1 pull = Ten 1/100 chances and a 10/100 chance = roughly 20/100 chance at a Rainbow. Roughly.

If that is the case, then 20/100 chance for a Rainbow costs 5000 Lapis. Which means each 1/1000 chance for a Rainbow is worth roughly 250 Lapis. If all you care about are Rainbow pulls.

In that case, tickets are roughly worth about 250 Lapis, and 4* guaranteed tickets are worth 2500 Lapis.

And 5* Guaranteed tickets are worth 25000 Lapis. Not exactly, but let's say average of averages.

I'm sorry, but it's 5/100 chance for a 4* guaranteed to turn into a 5*.
Gold->Rainbow. Daily free Lunera. I don't know if I'll use her much, but any non-dupe rainbow is absolutely worthwhile. And hey, not Lightning!

(At this point, my daily rainbow count includes Lunera, Marie, dupe Ramza, dupe Lightning, and Greg.)


I'm sorry, but it's 5/100 chance for a 4* guaranteed to turn into a 5*.

In that case:

regular ticket = 1/100 chance

4* ticket = 5/100 chance

10+1 = 15/100 chance for 5000 lapis

1/100 chance = 333.33 lapis

Ticket = 333.33 lapis

4* ticket = 1666.65 lapis

5* ticket = 33333 lapis

18000 lapis = $100

333.33 lapis * 54 = $100

333.33 lapis = $1.85 = 1 ticket

4* ticket = $9.25

5* ticket = $185.00

10 tickets = 10 * 1.85 = $18.5
4* ticket = $9.25

Total = $27.75
That feeling when you beat the robot trial and forget to invoke ramuh.....I want to cry. Ended up doing it the brute force way but it took about 30-45 minutes.

Tilith 480 mp and vestment of min and one regen tm she never runs out of mana, the shit is beautiful. I can spam the aoe mp regen and have no mana issues lol. Shits crazy.
Ling with rikku pouch and second highest attack running 90% evasion for her to take any extra blows Elza couldn't if she died.
Friend Fry.

Body first, easy. Ling used eccentrick to build lb quicker, aoe break, or mp dance, chainers chain, rikku spams LB, Elza uses spr break and keeps taking blows to the face and gets back up again, what a champ. Body dies, and at that moment is when Rob realized he fucked up. See, I didn't do any damage to the right arm at this time so once the body is dead I have no access to any real lb regen as my Rikku does not have but one lb regen materia and its the +1 materia from COD. She has a shit ton of lb% increase but that doesn't mean shit if you cant generate crystals. In the end I won and forgot to invoke Ramuh. I will do it again for Knuckle mastery but for now, fuck this robot.
I can say this much, Luneth with machine killer @ 1025 did roughly 200k dmg a round, some flux if you had no buff or had 100% zarg buff (150-250k), tidus cant use his water weapon or youll make the boss go haywire. I can't comment on the first half, I don't have either Fry or Aileen and I didn't use WoL, but Noctis instead.

Hmmmm... good call about the water damage. Kinda' forgot about that part. This might make the case for Luneth over Tidus then.

Based on that strategy I would stick with what red did. Fryevia will probably do more damage but he says he used Aileen for occasional MP, which can be an issue in this fight.

On my run buffs were a major help and part of the reason I was able to beat it (before my successful run I didn't have buffs) so I would go with Tidus over Luneth.

Or maybe just go with Tidus but not use Brotherhood....

Was going to say Fryevia, but since you have Aileen, it's better to have 2 Aileen chaining than a Fryevia and an Aileen fail-chain.

You've got a pretty balanced team there.

Tilith and Rikku are must haves.

WoL/Rem bait combo.

Tidus as buffer and AoE mana regen.

Also, you might wanna consider going the short route (Body>Right>Left), since your team seems capable enough.

I wish I had an Aileen. I do not have Aileen or Fryevia, and would only have them through a friend unit. Which is why I was wondering which one would be better solo since I can't chain with them.


Put my fully LB geared Rikku with Lv25 LB as a friend unit. She's the MVP and only non-fungible unit for the robo trail.

She has Aigarion Arm/Overdrive/Prodigy's Googles/Mystical Skull/3 x Ignorances equipped, and can use LB every turn while body is up and you're doing damage, and every other turn when there are only arms. I've tried with 4 Ignorances but it'll fill up properly with just 3 if you have Prodigy's Googles.

Gold->Rainbow. Daily free Lunera. I don't know if I'll use her much, but any non-dupe rainbow is absolutely worthwhile. And hey, not Lightning!

(At this point, my daily rainbow count includes Lunera, Marie, dupe Ramza, dupe Lightning, and Greg.)

Congrats! She's a great unit! It doesn't take any 5* TMs to make her into a monster unit.



To those who are having difficulty on clearing Robot without Fryevia and Aileen. Here you go. No 5* base and no premium TMs.

Takes 2 hours to clear.
I haven't even tried it yet. My team just isn't ready.

Setzer, Elza, Minfilia, Tillith, and WoL. All maxed out, but no really good TMs besides Genji Glove on my Setzer. Haven't been lucky these last few banners, and the current one i's not going to be worth any pulls, so I may have to just sit the robot out for now.



To those who are having difficulty on clearing Robot without Fryevia and Aileen. Here you go. No 5* base and no premium TMs.

Takes 2 hours to clear.

I just miss Ling & Tilith, so nogo to me :p
I can replace Tilith with friend but still missing Ling and prolly Emperor can be changed to Ace.

Put my fully LB geared Rikku with Lv25 LB as a friend unit. She's the MVP and only non-fungible unit for the robo trail.

She has Aigarion Arm/Overdrive/Prodigy's Googles/Mystical Skull/3 x Ignorances equipped, and can use LB every turn while body is up and you're doing damage, and every other turn when there are only arms. I've tried with 4 Ignorances but it'll fill up properly with just 3 if you have Prodigy's Googles.

This might change things. I need to start to plan my party. Dont replace it in few days :D


Reddit JP Bloody Moon thread. Not sure what to think about this fight. Grabbed some bullet points from the info:

- So don't bother with phys DPS.
- Level your Zyruses
- Use Ace Jackpot Shot and Tri-Beam & Wild Card (since they are ability and magic damage)
- Rikku needed

Kill minions and boss same time or be snorted:

- You can soft reset the game if you get bad RNG at a threshold (AoE Death, snort, etc) until you get better RNG

Ok so its all about SPR & Mag. Kinda curious how Zyruses will handle this. I guess its better to start prepping them when we get raid and Kingtaurs again.
I think I clear BM before Roboto.

Sounds like a couple TT with magical activation chaining chaos wave would be perfect. Mine's got almost 400 spr without even trying and the magic activation buff is another 80% on top of that. Lunera could also be good if the resistances line up to let her spam light and wind.
Sounds like a couple TT with magical activation chaining chaos wave would be perfect. Mine's got almost 400 spr without even trying and the magic activation buff is another 80% on top of that. Lunera could also be good if the resistances line up to let her spam light and wind.

TT, 2 Emps, Fry is applicable, 2 Zyrus, Exdeath, Rem. Shit I've got quit a lot of mages, really looking forward to this one.

Question regarding Kelsus tm, Prodigy Goggles. Do they stack? I've got two Kelsus and if they stack my Rikku is about to be OP as hell.
Reddit JP Bloody Moon thread. Not sure what to think about this fight. Grabbed some bullet points from the info:

- So don't bother with phys DPS.
- Level your Zyruses
- Use Ace Jackpot Shot and Tri-Beam & Wild Card (since they are ability and magic damage)
- Rikku needed

Kill minions and boss same time or be snorted:

- You can soft reset the game if you get bad RNG at a threshold (AoE Death, snort, etc) until you get better RNG

Ok so its all about SPR & Mag. Kinda curious how Zyruses will handle this. I guess its better to start prepping them when we get raid and Kingtaurs again.
I think I clear BM before Roboto.

Looks like Ill be using your Ace, My Ashe and Zyrus and ill have to fill in the rest with support i think


I'm finishing up some TMR's. does Ashe benefit from dual weild or is dual cast she'd need to use her crazy magic chain aoe move?
I'm finishing up some TMR's. does Ashe benefit from dual weild or is dual cast she'd need to use her crazy magic chain aoe move?

Well its calling for Ability magic only right?

So yeah no dual weild needed unless you want to stack her up with more magic by adding a rod


Dual Wield (Double Hand and Dual Cast) will be a Mog King reward in the future so don't bother making a third one unless you really need it.


Dual Wield (Double Hand and Dual Cast) will be a Mog King reward in the future so don't bother making a third one unless you really need it.

Lol I just finished my fourth. Probably excessive but I got tired of sometimes wanting a fourth. Any more from the mog king will go towards an eventual arena-only team.

That giancryst bundle got me to 18 power giancrysts. Nice. That's halfway to a second "most expensive" upgrade. Maybe I'll actually start spending them then.

TT, 2 Emps, Fry is applicable, 2 Zyrus, Exdeath, Rem. Shit I've got quit a lot of mages, really looking forward to this one.

Question regarding Kelsus tm, Prodigy Goggles. Do they stack? I've got two Kelsus and if they stack my Rikku is about to be OP as hell.

According to reddit they don't.


Sounds like a couple TT with magical activation chaining chaos wave would be perfect. Mine's got almost 400 spr without even trying and the magic activation buff is another 80% on top of that. Lunera could also be good if the resistances line up to let her spam light and wind.

Looks like Ill be using your Ace, My Ashe and Zyrus and ill have to fill in the rest with support i think

Yupp. Currently my Ace stats.

Esper: Diabolos HP:4680 MP:6170 ATK:1640 DEF:2390 MAG:5460 SPR:3250
Total Stats: HP: 5181 MP: 329 ATK: 329 DEF: 216 MAG: 893 SPR: 305

Depending what is needed / what TM's I get before BM drops, some stats may change.

Dual Wield (Double Hand and Dual Cast) will be a Mog King reward in the future so don't bother making a third one unless you really need it.

Lol I just finished my fourth. Probably excessive but I got tired of sometimes wanting a fourth. Any more from the mog king will go towards an eventual arena-only team.

Been wondering should I make 4th. But this solves it, no need. I have 1 GG so full team off Dual Wielders. Also in the future we should have own layout for Arena.

I tried Roboto. I try it again in the future. Killing Arm takes too long so I did quit.


Put my fully LB geared Rikku with Lv25 LB as a friend unit. She's the MVP and only non-fungible unit for the robo trail.

She has Aigarion Arm/Overdrive/Prodigy's Googles/Mystical Skull/3 x Ignorances equipped, and can use LB every turn while body is up and you're doing damage, and every other turn when there are only arms. I've tried with 4 Ignorances but it'll fill up properly with just 3 if you have Prodigy's Googles.

Wow, nice. That's perfect for the short route. Can I add you?


In terms of BiS Aileen - Would you guys throw her Artisan on without a mastery, but built in earth damage, or would you put Save the Queen + Large sword mastery for the extra bit of attack and staying element free (unless you apply earth through skills)?

I'm looking at her post-Aigiaon stats and not sure how I'd gear her. I dislike micro-managing equipment, so I'd probably go the element-less route with the higher attack.


In terms of BiS Aileen - Would you guys throw her Artisan on without a mastery, but built in earth damage, or would you put Save the Queen + Large sword mastery for the extra bit of attack and staying element free (unless you apply earth through skills)?

I'm looking at her post-Aigiaon stats and not sure how I'd gear her. I dislike micro-managing equipment, so I'd probably go the element-less route with the higher attack.

You could get a higher ATK stat without Artisan, but you won't be dealing as much damage.

Edit: Oh I see what you mean. With another mastery. I think the difference would be that you are losing out on the damage on the turns where you need to apply the element. Without that element you're doing like half damage you could.


Finished my DKC and... HOLY SHIT

100% buff


150% buff

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