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Final Fantasy VII released in North America 20 Years Ago Today


The first time I experienced FFVII was actually watching my older brother play it because at the time he still wouldn't let me play his Playstation (it was only around that time that he let me start playing the NES without him and I played FFI while he played FFVII. The SNES was mine, but we didn't have "FFII" or "FFIII" at the time). It was still an emotional rollar coaster and a ton of fun and I remember it very fondly, but playing it for myself years later cemented it as one of the best games ever for me.


The first time I played FF7, I rented it from Blockbuster and I didn't own a memory card yet so I just kept the game running the whole weekend. I think I made it to Cosmo Canyon before I had to return it.


You're a genetically engineered talking dog? :p
Maybe! (Not me)



Square's entire run from 1994 until 2000 was such a stellar run.

Final Fantasy 6
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario RPG
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy 8
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy 9

Amazing. For a solid 6 or 7 year period Square was consistently putting out GOTY caliber titles.
And you forgot a lot of other games too, aside from JRPG.

Einhander, Racing Lagoon, etc... What a great company it was.


Dot Hacked
Another thing I like about the game is how well put together it feels. Like they really optimized the heck outta it. In an era where load times / screens were all over the place, FFVII doesn't ever really feel like it pauses. Screen transititions are really quick! Plus, in case ya haven't discovered this by now, you can actually still move around before the screen fades back into view or pop open the menu.

An of course I can't leave out how great it is that the spot in the current bgm is "remembered" by the game to continue right on after exiting a battle instead of getting thrown back to the start of the song! So many rpgs including today just... don't. They don't any of this.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Another thing I like about the game is how well put together it feels. Like they really optimized the heck outta it. In an era where load times / screens were all over the place, FFVII doesn't ever really feel like it pauses. Screen transititions are really quick! Plus, in case ya haven't discovered this by now, you can actually still move around before the screen fades back into view or pop open the menu.

An of course I can't leave out how great it is that the spot in the current bgm is "remembered" by the game to continue right on after exiting a battle instead of getting thrown back to the start of the song! So many rpgs including today just... don't. They don't any of this.
I think the PS4 port breaks this? Maybe Steam/mobile too.


It is so tempting to just start another FFVII playthrough, but there are soooo many games to play this year that I don't think I can let myself do so.


Game had a huge impact on me at the time. Especially in terms of music, environments and characters. Never played something similar until I played FF7. My neighbour had it at the time and the German translation for it was even worse than the English one.
The most overrated game in the history of gaming.

This feels like such an uneducated viewpoint. Like, I can understand someone being sick of the game's mention and also feeling as though the reverence for the title is a bit much, but if you actually grew up playing pong (or Super Mario bros., whichever early title you'd like to use as an example) and then you played FF7 in 1997, I feel like you couldn't possibly have this opinion within a firm historical context. You can not like the game, you can despise its stature, but you cannot deny that it was something brand new and groundbreaking in a lot of regards at its time of release. In short, you can have your opinion, but your opinion can still be woefully misinformed.


I can't believe I forgot this anniversary. It was actually Sept 4 for me because the Toys R Us where I had it pre-ordered got the green light to start dispensing fully paid pre-orders the Friday before launch. Still have the bonus t-shirt somewhere. The real anniversary for me is the JP release date Jan 31, FFVII was the first JRPG I ever imported. I just couldn't wait. FFVI made me fall in love with the series and after FFVII was announced there was serious doubt that it would ever end up getting released outside Japan so I kinda made up my mind to import it sometime in the summer of 1996 I guess. FFVII looms large in my life, bona fide flawed masterpiece.


Final Fantasy VIII was the first one I played. I ended up going though FFVII in 2000 once I had tried IX and heard so much about VII.
I really don't like the Materia system. It's the only ability progression system I dislike out of the series. I haven't played II yet, but I heard there's is shit.


edit: Maybe what scanlines are doing for you on the Steam version is massaging the weird way the overly high res polygons and blurry backgrounds mesh together. I hate how it looks on the PS4 version. Maybe I see why you'd want that on Steam.

I think this is basically it. The scanlines seem to soften the image a little and make is seem more natural. When I get home from work I'll post a comparison image to show what I'm talking about. I've been routinely flicking scanlines on and off during gameplay and the games always look better with them on.


I bought the game before I even owned a Playstation. Then I bought the system and didn't have a memory card to save my progress and played the game for 13 hours straight.

Then I went to the store to buy a memory card... came back and my system had turned off.

I was actually not that bummed out. I stayed at the beginning area and farmed most of Barret's and Cloud's limit breaks. Damn man... 1997... I was 13 years old.
My love for the game has fallen over the years (FF9 is my favorite these days I think) but its such an important game to the entire JRPG genre. Without it I don't think JRPG's would have hit the mainstream like they did.
I bought the game before I even owned a Playstation. Then I bought the system and didn't have a memory card to save my progress and played the game for 13 hours straight.

Then I went to the store to buy a memory card... came back and my system had turned off.

I was actually not that bummed out. I stayed at the beginning area and farmed most of Barret's and Cloud's limit breaks. Damn man... 1997... I was 13 years old.

It may not interest any of you guys, but I'd like to share a little (long winded) story of mine.

When I was very young, My family got a NES for Christmas. After that fateful day which would send me on a lifelong love of video games.. any opportunity I had to ask for games, I took it. We would just go to the store and pick out a game by simply looking at the box. My parents would just let me pick something within the price range and go. lol. And obviously, for Christmas I always asked for games too.. but my parents couldn't exactly know which ones I'd like for sure.. but it didn't really matter back then, as I just played anything.

One Christmas in particular, I will never forget. I was 7 years old.. an extremely excited little boy getting ready to unwrap one of his Christmas presents, which just HAD to be a game. So as I furiously unwrapped it, inside was this black box case. There was a sword and an axe crossed, with an orb and a castle inside of it. It was a little game called Final Fantasy. I didn't know anything about it. Never heard of it before.. but the case looked REALLY COOL! There was also a Nintendo Power Strategy guide that came with it, and a HUGE map. Man, this was awesome! As with the NES itself... little did I know that this particular game would have a huge influence on my life.

I wont forget that Christmas.. playing my new game with my older brother and cousin. Actually my older brother and cousin did most of the playing.. but I was "helping" with the strategy guide. ;) It was awesome, like we were going on this grand adventure. Obviously, we never got extremely far. This was a different kind of game than anything we had played before... But it was always my prized game for some reason. I simply loved it. I kept the case and guide and game separate from the others. I still have them to this day.. though the cartridge and guide are a little worse for wear lol.

But after failing to beat the game with my brother and cousin. My best friend and I would later take over the duty, and were determined to do it. Weekend sleep-overs, playing Final Fantasy was normal. We thought we pulled off some amazing glitch/feat when we got the class change before fighting Kary. haha..

He was mostly a SEGA guy after the Genesis released, and I was still the Nintendo guy.. we played good amounts of both. It was awesome. We ended up not playing the SNES Final Fantasy games together unfortunately. I played FF6, but he was pretty hardcore into Sega by that time and had kinda lost interest in Final Fantasy. He eventually got the Sega CD, and 32X... But, I stuck with the SNES and was settled on getting next Nintendo system (which I ended up buying because of Mario 64) and the idea that most of the games series I loved, like Final Fantasy, would also be on it.. but, a different, older friend showed me the potential of a system called the Sony Playstation. Resident Evil, Suikoden, Ridge Racer Revolution, Battle Arena Toshinden 2, and Blood Omen: The Legacy of Kain, were the games he used to showcase the system to me... and I was hooked, and got one as quick as I could. My best friend was obviously going to get the SEGA Saturn.

So when the older friend told me one day at school that the next Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 7, would be releasing only on the Playstation.. I couldn't believe it. I had assumed any Final Fantasy game would be on the Nintendo 64. It was a shock. He said that there was a quicktime video that I needed to see. So, one day he shows me this video... it was of FF7's Neo Bahamut summon... I was floored. I was like, omfg. This thing was going to be 3 CDs with these amazing gfx, battles and cutscenes?

Needless to say, I got Final Fantasy 7 when it released. I was 14 years old. I started playing it and was simply in awe. However, this was a game I wanted to play with my best friend. He didn't really know it even existed.. but one day, I said I had a game to show him. I lugged over my Playstation, and I showed him FF7. I'm not sure I've ever seen someone so entranced by a game before.. well, if I could have seen my own face when I first saw Mario 64, I'd imagine it was something like that... But we stayed up all night playing Final Fantasy 7.

That game single handedly got him to ditch SEGA and become a Playstation fan.

The reason why I thought about this from your post Rayge, is because he went out and bought the system and the game as soon as he could, but didn't have enough money for a memory card as well.. so he just left his system on the whole time until I could get mine over to him to save it.. and then he finally got his own. :)

No joke, this series, and this game in particular mean so much to me. The perfect storm of the right age, the right time period, the jump from 2D to 3D, the right hardware, and the right game... and in my case, the right friend to share the experience with.

It cemented FF7 as my favorite game of all time. Happy Birthday FF7 :cheers:


Quick!!!! I'm playing F7 for the first time! Aerith just asked me if Tifa is more like a girlfriend to Cloud! What do I say??? I like Aerith and Tifa!
My favorite Final Fantasy and my second favorite RPG period.

Everything about this game from the music to the artstyle and gameplay is just amazing.

Please please please let the remake be good.

Or you know at least come out at a reasonable time because let's face it they could slap the title on an ant farm and I'd buy it.


One of my all time fondest memories. I was a teenager hanging out with my older brother at his place all summer. We played a ton of this game. It may be nostalgia but it's still one of my favorite games.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Quick!!!! I'm playing F7 for the first time! Aerith just asked me if Tifa is more like a girlfriend to Cloud! What do I say??? I like Aerith and Tifa!

Dang, sorry Flower Girl! I'll make another save for Aerith.

I choose Tifa!

In general, just choosing positive options for Tifa
(like giving her the flowers)
pays off a bit with a slightly different scene quite late in the game. I'd recommend it, and I wonder how the remake will handle it...

Imo tifa best girl for cloud.

Also true.

Still the best game I ever played and probably will be until the end of my time. Atleast to me. Everything about it was just so amazing. The gameplay, the characters, the story, the soundtrack (best in video game IMO). This did for me what the good the bad and the ugly did for me in movies. Thank you squaresoft for this game.


For quite a while after FFVII I named all RPG protagonists Cloud if given the option. My school notebooks were also full of doodles of Cloud, meteor, the buster sword, and masamune.


My favorite game of all time. And to this day, the cast still stands as my all time favorite as well. The heroes, villains, everyone in between.

I replayed VII a few months back, and early on, there's a scene with Cloud and Aerith where he's escorting her home over the junk piles of Midgar. He gets ahead of her, and when she calls for him to slow down, he teases her on an earlier joke she made - about how Shinra was after her as a new recruit for SOLDIER and maybe she's not cut out for them after all. They laugh together, and its a cute moment. I'm looking forward to seeing how these characters I love so much interact and come alive in the remake.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Hopefully OK to bump this thread, got this done for the anniversary but was a little late in painting it up. Figured this thread would appreciate it.

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