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Forza Motorsport 7 E3 4K Trailer (XB1/PC)

Trojan X

From the trailer and gameplay alone this looks better than Project Cars 2. Can anyone prove me wrong for I'd like to be wrong?

EDIT: Sorry, I meant better "Graphics" not gameplay.


From the trailer and gameplay alone this looks better than Project Cars 2. Can anyone prove me wrong for I'd like to be wrong?

Define better, not that you can really determine the 'gameplay' from a trailer, that will come from the nuances in physics and the other features the game has, and that in turn will depend on your personal preferences.


Gold Member
Even something as simple as a temporary fading matte skidmark texture would work wonders.

I know, I know. It's high time I pissed or got off the pot. It's the thought of replacing peripheral bullshittery with PC driver bullshittery that keeps giving me reservations..! ;)

Mascot, don't do this... There is no PC driver bullshittery. I haven't updated my drivers in over 7 months and I can still play pretty much every new game flawlessly*. Golden rules of thumb with drivers, if it's not broken don't fix it (or upgrade in this case).

*With the exception of the very few games that are flat out broken... Rime, I'm looking at you.

From the trailer and gameplay alone this looks better than Project Cars 2. Can anyone prove me wrong for I'd like to be wrong?

I don't know... The latest PCars 2 trailer excited me more. Nurburgring in the snow, the car variety, rally. It also helps that that trailer was shot a lot better.


Define better, not that you can really determine the 'gameplay' from a trailer, that will come from the nuances in physics and the other features the game has, and that in turn will depend on your personal preferences.

pCARS can look incredible, and pCARS 2 looks even better, so until we see OX footage of pCARS 2 and FM7 running side-by-side then it's a tricky one to judge. It'll be interesting to see how well SMS use that extra OX power, because FM7 looks almost effortlessly amazing. It'll be rock-solid 60fps with perfect v-synch too, Dan wouldn't have it any other way.

Mascot, don't do this... There is no PC driver bullshittery. I haven't updated my drivers in over 7 months and I can still play pretty much every new game flawlessly*. Golden rules of thumb with drivers, if it's not broken don't fix it (or upgrade in this case).

It's not just the drivers, it's things like the nightmare reports about getting bad ports like FH3 and Apex running well. I just want an easy life and I'm still not sure the PC can deliver on that front.


pCARS can look incredible, and pCARS 2 looks even better, so until we see OX footage of pCARS 2 and FM7 running side-by-side then it's a tricky one to judge. It'll be interesting to see how well SMS use that power, because FM7 looks almost effortlessly amazing.

It's easy to compare visuals from a trailer, gameplay, not so much.


I didn't notice that all in game footage in th ebottom corner there, very impressive graphics, the lighting in cloudy/rain looks so much more realistic than Forza 6.

Trojan X

Define better, not that you can really determine the 'gameplay' from a trailer, that will come from the nuances in physics and the other features the game has, and that in turn will depend on your personal preferences.

Sorry, I meant Graphics not Gameplay.


Please, please, please Better Wheel support. I have never gotten Forza to feel as good on either PC or XBOX as other titles do. I get a wicked oversteer for some reason with all aids off that I don't have with other titles (R3E, iRacing, AC,etc)
It looks great, but that means little to me if the SP career mode is still as sterile as the previous games. I want to see advancements in that mode before I buy another FM game.


Is there any 4k/60 vids? The Dubai track looked unbelievable, but I've not been able to source the same video in 4k.


It looks great, but that means little to me if the SP career mode is still as sterile as the previous games. I want to see advancements in that mode before I buy another FM game.

The preview reads like it's more like the Porsche and Nascar expansion they have done for 6 which sounds great.


It looks great (would anyone expect anything different?) but I am more interested in what features the game has, looking forward to hearing what T10 has in store, and if they manage to fix/add some of the things that people have been screaming for for years.

Honestly I wouldn't expect a revolution with FM7. FM series has always been very slow on adding new major gameplay improvements and new features. And in this case they have even more reasons to stray away from focusing on improving the gameplay, because their main job will be to showcase the XONE X's power. I expect this to be Forza 6 with better graphics, dynamic weather, more cars, some returning tracks and 1 brand new and revamped career mode.


Dubai mountain circuit + ForzaGAF = hilarious. We can barely make 1 turn cleanly, weaving up a mountain will almost certainly be a disaster xD


I just truly hope Turn10 can deliver on the multiplayer homefront. That and the storefront need a serious overhaul for a more seamless, less buggy experience. I can't even recall how many ForzaGAF meets from F6 that took a bit to get going just due to multiplayer mishaps.

I mean dont get me wrong, day 0 for me especially being on Windows now....just makes a hell of a lot more sense (sorry guys I'll be back to tear that ass up again if there's crossplay).



Dan Greenawalt interview at 6:34:00
- Dodges question about Japanese tracks.
- Bodykits return from FH3, Perhaps New Body Kits & New Wheels coming too?
- Community events to win race suits.
- Dodges question about custom public lobbies.
- New League system.
- Bigger eSports focus.
- "Built from the ground up for PC"
- New campaign: Forza Drivers Cup (championships with points etc.)


The Inside Track
Is there any 4k/60 vids? The Dubai track looked unbelievable, but I've not been able to source the same video in 4k.

We'll be able to do captures of the game at the MS Showcase this afternoon (LA time of course), so expect some 4k 60fps goodness by tomorrow :)


Gold Member

Dan Greenawalt interview at 6:34:00
- Dodges question about Japanese tracks.
- Bodykits return from FH3, Perhaps New Body Kits & New Wheels coming too?
- Community events to win race suits.
- Dodges question about custom public lobbies.
- New League system.
- Bigger eSports focus.
- "Built from the ground up for PC"
- New campaign: Forza Drivers Cup (championships with points etc.)

At least that's making a return. Now then, what about qualifying and adjustable race lengths?
Looks like they are doing the thing with the release date again, where if you buy the Ultimate Edition you get it the Friday before, with the standard version releasing the following Tuesday:

September 29: Forza Motorsport 7 – Ultimate Edition - Xbox One
October 3: Forza Motorsport 7 – Standard Edition - Xbox One

Via Amazon description: "The Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition includes early access allowing you to play four days early beginning September 29, the Forza Motorsport 7 Car Pass, The Day One Car Pack, and VIP membership."


Looks like they are doing the thing with the release date again, where if you buy the Ultimate Edition you get it the Friday before, with the standard version releasing the following Tuesday:

September 29: Forza Motorsport 7 – Ultimate Edition - Xbox One
October 3: Forza Motorsport 7 – Standard Edition - Xbox One

Via Amazon description: "The Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition includes early access allowing you to play four days early beginning September 29, the Forza Motorsport 7 Car Pass, The Day One Car Pack, and VIP membership."

Good thing I don't have to buy the ultimate this year because I wont be playing the game until Scorpio releases anyway.
Also, the Ultimate Edition is listed at $79.99, a $20 gap from the standard edition. Forza Horizon 3 Ultimate and Forza 6 Ultimate were $99.99 if I remember correctly.


Looks like they are doing the thing with the release date again, where if you buy the Ultimate Edition you get it the Friday before, with the standard version releasing the following Tuesday:

September 29: Forza Motorsport 7 – Ultimate Edition - Xbox One
October 3: Forza Motorsport 7 – Standard Edition - Xbox One

Via Amazon description: "The Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition includes early access allowing you to play four days early beginning September 29, the Forza Motorsport 7 Car Pass, The Day One Car Pack, and VIP membership."
Could you post a link pls, i can only find the SE.

edit, nvm found it


Looks like they are doing the thing with the release date again, where if you buy the Ultimate Edition you get it the Friday before, with the standard version releasing the following Tuesday:

September 29: Forza Motorsport 7 – Ultimate Edition - Xbox One
October 3: Forza Motorsport 7 – Standard Edition - Xbox One

Via Amazon description: "The Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition includes early access allowing you to play four days early beginning September 29, the Forza Motorsport 7 Car Pass, The Day One Car Pack, and VIP membership."

So it's releasing a month before the XBOXX?


No error. They said the release date during the conference.

No, I meant an error not to wait till the release of the XBOXX, it's not like they need to rush it out to steal sales from PCARS2, but maybe they have an idea of the GTS release date, and reckon they need to beat that?


At least that's making a return. Now then, what about qualifying and adjustable race lengths?

Yeah no reason why they can't include basic options for people who want to set up ~20 lap races or qualify.

Looks like they are doing the thing with the release date again, where if you buy the Ultimate Edition you get it the Friday before, with the standard version releasing the following Tuesday:

September 29: Forza Motorsport 7 – Ultimate Edition - Xbox One
October 3: Forza Motorsport 7 – Standard Edition - Xbox One

Via Amazon description: "The Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition includes early access allowing you to play four days early beginning September 29, the Forza Motorsport 7 Car Pass, The Day One Car Pack, and VIP membership."

Not surprising. I think this is the first Forza where I won't buy the Ultimate Edition w/Car Pass/VIP etc. I mean the ~4 day head-start is great, but when the standard game ships with over 700 cars we're sort of getting to the point where a Car Pass is unnecessary.

They need to have a season pass that includes multiple tracks, not just another 7 cars every month of which 2-3 I'd actually use.

No, I meant an error not to wait till the release of the XBOXX, it's not like they need to rush it out to steal sales from PCARS2, but maybe they have an idea of the GTS release date, and reckon they need to beat that?

Do Polyphony even know about the GT Sport release date? :p

I guess we'll find out tomorrow.


Gotta say, this visually looks great. I'd be looking for major career mode enhancements in 7. Its gotta push the Motorsport aspect more, up to now, its been like "heres a collection of cars, race them on this open track day" it doesn't feel like a motorsports event is going on, maybe PCars2 or GT Sport will push this better.

I have been taking a break from FH3 for a bit and putting in a lot of time into FM6 to complete before FM7 releases, I have been having a lot of fun with FM6 despite its drawbacks.

EDIT: I wonder if they're using the same tech that Playground Games used for the skybox in FH3? It certainly looks like it.


Super pumped for this. We didn't do enough rain races during the GAF league season. We'll do more with FM7. :) Now I just need info on the campaign. I was qualifying laps, I don't want to start a 2 lap race in 12th every time.



Dan Greenawalt interview at 6:34:00
- Dodges question about Japanese tracks.
- Bodykits return from FH3, Perhaps New Body Kits & New Wheels coming too?
- Community events to win race suits.
- Dodges question about custom public lobbies.
- New League system.
- Bigger eSports focus.
- "Built from the ground up for PC"
- New campaign: Forza Drivers Cup (championships with points etc.)

Sweet. I prefer racing games structured like Forza vs Forza Horizon's open world thing. So I'll be picking this up on PC.
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