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GAF-Hop |OTXI| Five Year Nation

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tagged by Blackace
It's hard to hate on the Ice Bucket challenge. Even if people don't donate, they're spreading awareness. By design it's great because even those who don't donate are contributing to the cause.

That says, it irks me a bit when I see Bill Gates watching the video on his Surface or people simultaneously promoting their own products, but not really worth getting assmad over.


It's hard to hate on the Ice Bucket challenge. Even if people don't donate, they're spreading awareness. By design it's great because even those who don't donate are contributing to the cause.

That says, it irks me a bit when I see Bill Gates watching the video on his Surface or people simultaneously promoting their own products, but not really worth getting assmad over.
I don't get how they're spreading awareness when some of the videos neglect to even mention the disease, leave out info about where and how to donate, and fail to explain what the disease entails or who it affects. And even the videos that simply say this is for ALS, what exactly does that help. It'd be like if I ate a footlong and was like there's Cancer y'all


tagged by Blackace
I don't get how they're spreading awareness when some of the videos neglect to even mention the disease, leave out info about where and how to donate, and fail to explain what the disease entails or who it affects. And even the videos that simply say this is for ALS, what exactly does that help. It'd be like if I ate a footlong and was like there's Cancer y'all
I'm pretty sure anyone watching these videos does not watch only one improperly tagged one, and will watch at least one that has ALS in the title, and furthermore another that actually explains it's a disease; and boom the ball is rolling. The first step to raising awareness is putting something out there and spreading curiosity. And I think it's successful in doing so, even if some people do it for different self-fulfillment reasons than others.
Dilla's view on Kanye doesn't mean everyone should respect Kanye. That being said, the hate Kanye got from underground dudes when he first came out still makes me lol. I can understand someone not fucking with Kanye as a rapper, but a producer...in 2003-2004? SMH.

Not saying he's anywhere near Dilla's level but come on, Kanye is a good producer. Or was, depending on your perspective.


It's hard to hate on the Ice Bucket challenge. Even if people don't donate, they're spreading awareness. By design it's great because even those who don't donate are contributing to the cause.

That says, it irks me a bit when I see Bill Gates watching the video on his Surface or people simultaneously promoting their own products, but not really worth getting assmad over.

i mean what else is bill gates supposed to watch it on?


Dilla's view on Kanye doesn't mean everyone should respect Kanye. That being said, the hate Kanye got from underground dudes when he first came out still makes me lol. I can understand someone not fucking with Kanye as a rapper, but a producer...in 2003-2004? SMH.

Not saying he's anywhere near Dilla's level but come on, Kanye is a good producer. Or was, depending on your perspective.
He is Dilla level.


That being said, the hate Kanye got from underground dudes when he first came out still makes me lol. I can understand someone not fucking with Kanye as a rapper, but a producer...in 2003-2004? SMH.

The hate had nothing to do with his music or skill. The coldveins of the world hated him because he was Roc affiliated. The enemy of the smart dumb rap fan.
I'm pretty sure anyone watching these videos does not watch only one improperly tagged one, and will watch at least one that has ALS in the title, and furthermore another that actually explains it's a disease; and boom the ball is rolling. The first step to raising awareness is putting something out there and spreading curiosity. And I think it's successful in doing so, even if some people do it for different self-fulfillment reasons than others.

Exactly. Buddy of mine has, his grandma had it, his mom has it. He's fucking ecstatic that folks are talking about it. He did a video of it, and talked a bit on it and it's gone viral for him. So he's totally good with the response.


Dilla's view on Kanye doesn't mean everyone should respect Kanye. That being said, the hate Kanye got from underground dudes when he first came out still makes me lol. I can understand someone not fucking with Kanye as a rapper, but a producer...in 2003-2004? SMH.

real talk, i didn't fuck with online hip hop scenes much in that era (SOHH i wanna say was a mess) but i thought most in that lane were happy with what ye was doing with slum villiage, little brother, cons, his own dropout LP, etc

maybe i'm projecting & basing shit off of what i saw around me, but the only dudes talking shit were one friend who was saying ye's technique/flow was top 10 and i'd still shit on that personally, though i love yeezy's shit regardless. then again that same dude preached lupe saving hip hop right up to about lasers

The hate had nothing to do with his music or skill. The coldveins of the world hated him because he was Roc affiliated. The enemy of the smart dumb rap fan.

i never hated roc but like most weedcarriers found most of their stuff kinda lacking...like i could dig a few tracks from beans & freeway but never a whole album at the time. yeezy felt like a highlight from that camp.

Exactly. Buddy of mine has, his grandma had it, his mom has it. He's fucking ecstatic that folks are talking about it. He did a video of it, and talked a bit on it and it's gone viral for him. So he's totally good with the response.

see this is cool to hear, i'm happy your boy is seeing the positive side of this & spreading knowledge on it...early on (and still, on my FB) it felt like what des was saying, just dudes dumping ice on theyselves & not donating, hollaring ALS like it's a proxy for WSHH

T Dollarz

Dilla's view on Kanye doesn't mean everyone should respect Kanye. That being said, the hate Kanye got from underground dudes when he first came out still makes me lol. I can understand someone not fucking with Kanye as a rapper, but a producer...in 2003-2004? SMH.

Not saying he's anywhere near Dilla's level but come on, Kanye is a good producer. Or was, depending on your perspective.

100% agreed.


He is Dilla level.


IMO at his best Kanye was like a mainstream Madlib. Master of loops with a great ear for melody. Add in some heavy overproduction and you have Kanye West. His drums have never been noteworthy (and he admits it), he's not really a great sample chopper, etc.


tagged by Blackace
I think Kanye is great at programming drums, and I think he's just being humble/trying to boost people up when he says it. I have never taken issue with his drum patterns once and there are endless examples of them being exceptional. I mean, most of 808s alone is a piece of work.


i live in such a backwards state (and yes, my post actually does reflect something that happened during my school days)

speaking of south carolina, i've been watching aziz ansari specials lately and his jokes on south carolina are probably some of the best i've ever heard from anyone (but i'm from south carolina as well, so that's probably why i laugh my ass off to them)

Buddens continues his streak of beating women

It's so demonic my friends. And to think this pill popping sociopath could have been that dude at one point.

what a piece of shit



IMO at his best Kanye was like a mainstream Madlib. Master of loops with a great ear for melody. Add in some heavy overproduction and you have Kanye West. His drums have never been noteworthy (and he admits it), he's not really a great sample chopper, etc.

Otis was always an ass-tier chop.
Yeah hitting women isn't an L, it just means you're a shit human. Hitting women repeatedly, unrepentantly, is some lowest of the low shit. Fuck Budden. Gets off on controlling his partners because he can't control his failure of a rap/mogul career.

And he ruined Madden too.


Dilla is overrated.

wenis is overrated okay the newjack DILLA CHANGED MY LYFE people getting clowned on here who hype him up off donuts put things outta perspective, but he's legit a fantastic producer & stays in my top 10. don't let fanboys ruin shit for you, or you'll never enjoy emimen again


shame on people deliberately trying to take Dilla down a notch, let it fucking speak for itself

Kanye certainly has good tastes and good vision. My impression is that he just surrounds himself with good producers who can layout the vision Kanye has. Have you seen the credits on his albums? He's a director, a conductor. But I find it hard to give the production glory to him. Maybe I'm wrong in viewing it that way. Personally though, I've listened to like 10% of his output.


Saying Ye is on his level isn't the same as saying he's better or anything. But if weak drums are the only thing Dilla has on him then I feel as people definitely do over estimate Dilla like he was some on some untouchable God level. Y'all are hilarious.


Holy shit if true.

I mean, everyone knows this dude is mentally unstable, but this shit is over the edge. Didn't know he had a history of this besides that pregnancy thing. FOH.
Yeah hitting women isn't an L, it just means you're a shit human. Hitting women repeatedly, unrepentantly, is some lowest of the low shit. Fuck Budden. Gets off on controlling his partners because he can't control his failure of a rap/mogul career.

And he ruined Madden too.
what a piece of shit
that's not even an L. he's just an absolute piece of shit.
jesus, how many does that make? he stays catching L's (like the recent battle rap) and dating the hottest broads in hip hop, only to lay hands on em. can't believe i was a fan of dude during his MM 1/2 era

Shit is unbelievable. I actually got a little physically angry when I read the headline. If what Baxter said was true, Joe Budden killed his unborn child via miscarriage with domestic abuse.

IMO, he deserves to be in jail.


Saying Ye is on his level isn't the same as saying he's better or anything. But if weak drums are the only thing Dilla has on him then I feel as people definitely do over estimate Dilla like he was some on some untouchable God level. Y'all are hilarious.

I've always found it to be a disservice to unequivocally elevate an artists to such a height. Take some fucking ownership of your tastes.


tagged by Blackace
shame on people deliberately trying to take Dilla down a notch, let it fucking speak for itself

Kanye certainly has good tastes and good vision. My impression is that he just surrounds himself with good producers who can layout the vision Kanye has. Have you seen the credits on his albums? He's a director, a conductor. But I find it hard to give the production glory to him. Maybe I'm wrong in viewing it that way. Personally though, I've listened to like 10% of his output.
The job of a director/conductor is 99% that of a producer, and probably 100% of what makes that job more difficult than putting a drum loop on and putting a sample over it. The only distinction I like to make in production is between producers and beat makers. Producers go those extra 100 miles in every respect for making a song and beat makers forward beats via e-mail. There is relatively little ambiguity there.

What there is ambiguity in, is in who can chop samples better, who is "better" at drums, etc. That shit largely comes down to opinion/preference and just creates a circle between all of the great producers who are frankly the most qualified to even judge such things. Kanye says Dilla is the best. Dilla says Preemo is the best. Preemo says Marl. Marl says Just. Just says Kanye. (I'm just using names here) You see this shit in all producer interviews, you keep expecting it to just trace back to the origin but some old head names a legend from a newer generation. And then ask them on a different day and get a different name out of the elite hat of producers. If we're talking the elite, Kanye undeniably deserves a spot. If you want to narrow down a top 5, 10, or whatever, it will say more about your taste than it does the skill IMO, because there will always be someone with a milestone in something, or sheer consistency, or that one beat that makes you jayzlisteningtolucifer.gif and form a good counterpoint.


Dilla's a beatmaker's beatmaker. I'm not even talking about production as an overall package, just pure beats.

I think his greatness is a subtle greatness that the average Dilla stan doesn't honestly feel beyond a
"this is nice" level.

I like Dilla beats but Ye beats just grab my ear in a different way.

I can buy the effusive praise from other beatmakers because they actually know what to listen for. Maybe I give them too much credit.


Flying Lotus quiet is kept is one of the greatest producers ever, and yet he doesn't even get quite as much love.

flying lotus though I really would say is on another level of audio engineering
if not that, he is on another level in his music theory

The job of a director/conductor is 99% that of a producer, and probably 100% of what makes that job more difficult than putting a drum loop on and putting a sample over it. The only distinction I like to make in production is between producers and beat makers. Producers go those extra 100 miles in every respect for making a song and beat makers forward beats via e-mail. There is relatively little ambiguity there.

What there is ambiguity in, is in who can chop samples better, who is "better" at drums, etc. That shit largely comes down to opinion/preference and just creates a circle between all of the great producers who are frankly the most qualified to even judge such things. Kanye says Dilla is the best. Dilla says Preemo is the best. Preemo says Marl. Marl says Just. Just says Kanye. You see this shit in all producer interviews, you keep expecting it to just trace back to the origin but some old head names a legend from a newer generation. If we're talking the elite, Kanye undeniably deserves a spot. If you want to narrow down a top 5, 10, or whatever, it will say more about your taste than it does the skill IMO, because there will always be someone with a milestone in something, or sheer consistency, or that one beat that makes you jayzlisteningtolucifer.gif and form a good counterpoint.

fair enough, I think Kanye turned me off for a long because of his behavior. I couldn't buy into it. Though I'm realizing he does have some pretty great production. It's fine to buy into the hubris, though I wouldn't say he exclusively holds it. Fun persona none the less, but it seems to have gone to his head for the worse.


Flying Lotus quiet is kept is one of the greatest producers ever, and yet he doesn't even get quite as much love.

He just doesn't move me really. Dude is cool but doesn't impress me that much. If I want technical or compositional complexity there are tons of guys in the idm (yuck that term) spectrum to feed me better than him, and if i want something with more soul/humanity or that thumps there are better choices for me there too. Flying Lotus the guy that I listen to once every couple years when he puts something out. I'm like
, and then i listen to it 4 more times, then it goes in my external HDD to never be listened to again.

But then again i feel that way about all that left coast stuff 00s chit like madlib, gaslamp killer, samiyam, prefuse 73 etc. It's the type of chit that dudes who frequent and work at record stores jibberjabber about all day long but nah shit just aint doing it for me.

EDIT: I feel like I just trolled Pickles.


tagged by Blackace
Madlib is another one of those artists. Some praise him like a GOD, but he hasn't really ever hit me with enough (or any?)
beats that just make me step back and go damn, he really is that dude. Dre did that for me. Just has done that for me. Swizz has done that for me. Puffy has done that for me. Not about to say that Madlib isn't on those dude's levels or something though. Accomplishments vary, but I've never been one to try and give credence because someone is "underrated" or over/under exposed.


Puffy has done that for me.
What? Dude is garbage. Laziest chopper in rap history. The way he reused old hits was so egregiously lifted it actually lent some credence to 90s perceptions that sampled rap was lazy, uncreative and founded upon intellectual theft.

Dude is the only producer of prominence EVER who I bump and I'm like wow, this guy is really untalented trash on the boards. Even guys who I complain about on here like Pharrell or Kanye.

Enzo rule.


Madlib hits w/ volume. 30 beats. 10 of em are decent. 10 of em you wonder how they ever got out the studio. 10 of em are amazing. Add it up over all that he's released and you got a lot of decent to amazing beats.
He delivered on Pinata though.

FlyLo I tend to avoid UTCQ altogether. He lost me on that one. Captain Murphy was a much needed diversion to refresh his music.
Didn't say weak drums are the only thing tho breh. Dilla's chopping of samples is simply on another level, especially given that he was doing it manually before Pro Tools. His chopping sounds like actual loops, it's crazy.

I think Kanye is dope don't get me wrong, but I just wouldn't put him on Dilla or Pete Rock's level. And honestly I'm starting to feel like Alchemist is taking leaps over Kanye...


tagged by Blackace
What? Dude is garbage. Laziest chopper in rap history. The way he reused old hits was so egregiously lifted it actually lent some credence to 90s perceptions that sampled rap was lazy, uncreative and founded upon intellectual theft.

Dude is the only producer of prominence EVER who I bump and I'm like wow, this guy is really untalented trash on the boards. Even guys who I complain about on here like Pharrell or Kanye.

Enzo rule.
Examples of intellectual theft? Educate me.

Swizz is not in my a tier that's for certain. And did puffy really make beats or executive producer them on some khaled shit?
He did both. He was selecting and chopping samples, notably hands-on for Juicy, which is like, one of the most memorable beats of all time.

Didn't say weak drums are the only thing tho breh. Dilla's chopping of samples is simply on another level, especially given that he was doing it manually before Pro Tools. His chopping sounds like actual loops, it's crazy.

I think Kanye is dope don't get me wrong, but I just wouldn't put him on Dilla or Pete Rock's level. And honestly I'm starting to feel like Alchemist is taking leaps over Kanye...
Alc is very good at staying in his comfort zone, Kanye actively avoids having a comfort zone. I would put them both in the top class for different reasons.


Examples of intellectual theft?
Can't post tons up (on mobile rn) but a perfect example is that corny ass tribute song he did for biggie by looping that Every Breath You Take song by The Police. Just lazy as hell. I think sting luckily owns the publishing rights to that one though, so while it might not be literal theft it is pretty shitty production.

I never said it was intellectual theft; I said that there were perceptions of sampled music being that back in the day (aand still are from very dusty theory teachers)


i don't even know who ya'll are talkin about with this "DILLA = GOD" thing since no one here is saying that

Legends are born when they die.

this is also kinda true too

and honestly I'm starting to feel like Alchemist is taking leaps over Kanye...

i need to dive into more of this shit but what ive heard in recent years puts him several notches above his contemporaries, yeah

Examples of intellectual theft? Educate me.

i wish ya'll would've listened to that sampling clinic i linked to forever ago
seriously, assuming you somehow don't know the police, matthew wilder & others: listen to just how esoteric some of those sample uses are - a riff here, a chorus loop there, etc. you always know puffy examples cause they're maybe sped up & a drum loop added, if that.

take hits from the 80's (yeah, yeah) but do it sound so lazy (yeah, yeah)


tagged by Blackace
I wouldn't say Puffy is some sort of sampling god or super complex producer or something, hell I couldn't name you more than 5 songs he produced and I'm pretty sure most can't here either, but looking back that dude has jams under his belt. Not even tryna look at recent examples (though I do like some recent stuff like Angels).

I don't think Victory or Juicy had some out of your mind loops but those are two of those songs I'm talking about that make you stand back and just

Perhaps a bad example because consistency is a factor, but those are some heavy bullet points to have on your resume. And this is the dude that "invented" the remix in the form we see it today. I mean dude deserves some credit for his contributions to the game.
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