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GAF Photography 2007 - Q2

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about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
kagete said:
I'm pretty torn right now between a Pentax K100d and the Nikon D40.


I'd say you really have to sit down, get hands on with each, and decide if IS is THAT important to you.

I personally think that given a fast enough lens, and the high, usable ISO power of an SLR, that you'll do much better in lower light than you expect. Plus, think of an SLR as a system. There's a reason Nikon's a big player.

Also, you always have the option for an IS/VR lens down the line.

Anywho, here's a few I snapped while running errands today.


there's a huuuuuge mountain fire going on a couple miles away from my house. took a shot of the smoke cloud directly above my house.


i gotta say, it's pretty awesome. my entire neighborhood is orange. it was like wearing orange tint sunglasses, but not.


pixelated said:
Man, guess, I was thinking of doing that but im too scared to take pics near the airport these days.

This place is right next to a runway. Planes fly right over you. It's a special area thats made just for people to watch the planes come in. Depending on the "terrorism threat level," it may be open or closed.


kagete said:
Hi, I've mostly been lurking on GAF and can't help but admire the excellent photography being showcased in this thread. That being said, I'm currently looking to finally get an SLR, after using several Sony point and shoots and most recently, a Canon S2 IS.

I'm pretty torn right now between a Pentax K100d and the Nikon D40. I've been able to try the Nikon for half a day both indoors and outdoors and I've liked how fun and easy to use it was. I'll end up taking a fair amount of photos indoors so the shake reduction of the Pentax is quite appealing to me, especially since I simply cannot stay steady enough for long shutter speeds.

Any thoughts on any or both cameras? I've noticed a lot of Canon users here but maybe someone had some experience with these specific models or can maybe push me in one direction or another.


I had to make the same choice a few months back (here's my thread about it, in fact), and while I am happy with my K100d, if I had known that Nikon was going to bring out an inexpensive 50-200mm IS lens like they announced when they revealed the D40X (the 10-MPixel version of the D40), I might have gone Nikon instead-based on sample images, I felt the Nikon handled noise at higher ISO's better than my Pentax does. My Pentax also is problematic when it comes to moving objects-I can take 5 jpegs at max quality before the buffer fills up, and having a high-speed card didn't help. It's also a bit pokey in focusing in comparison to other camera's I've seen. I found the eyepiece to be a bit too flush with the camera body-I bought a magnifying eyepiece to compensate. Also, finding lenses and accessories at stores can be difficult at times. Those negatives aside, I was able to get the camera cheaply (I got my K100d with kit lens plus the Pentax 50-200mm ED lens for $550 total through a combination of auctions and rebates), and I've found decent lenses for good prices. And accessories can be found easily enough online (ebay and B&H, primarily). AA rechargable batteries for the camera are like $7 a set at Wal-Mart. Plus, the camera has a good, solid feel to it (I think if I had to, I could club someone down with it). Also, the K100d isn't dependent on the lens having an autofocus motor or image stabilization like the D40 (or the D40x, for that matter). And my picture quality is a lot better than I was getting with my S3-my 100d basically snaps a foot off in it =). I'll admit my 100d isn't the best camera money can't buy, but it's far from being bad. On that note, a couple of shots I took at Stone Mountain over the weekend:



Thanks for the info and thread link grimlock. Right now, the K100d will save around 100$ on average compared to the nikon d40. As it is, i'll be waiting for the results of my bid on the d40 on eBay. Hopefully I don't get beat out again on this one. Is buying a slightly used DSLR not recommended?


My K100d was slightly used when I got it-seller only took about 500 shots on it and had it for about 3 months tops according to the original sales slip. In the same time period, I've taken almost 3300 shots with it, but I use bracket a lot when I shoot.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
kagete said:
Thanks for the info and thread link grimlock. Right now, the K100d will save around 100$ on average compared to the nikon d40. As it is, i'll be waiting for the results of my bid on the d40 on eBay. Hopefully I don't get beat out again on this one. Is buying a slightly used DSLR not recommended?

In so many ways.

Again, an SLR is a system. You can get a few lenses, then upgrade bodies whenever you feel the urge/need. (It'll be an urge, not a need, I'm sure :lol ).

But, again, get some hands on time. The best camera is the one YOU like. If ou feel comfortable with it, you'll use it. If you don't use it, you'll get 0 images.

But, as I said before, there's a reason Nikon and Canon are the 2 big players in the field. Unless you really know you need, for sure, without a doubt, the in body IS, I wouldn't settle. Not that the K100d is bad at all, but just as a long term, and lens selection thing.


SnakeXs said:
I was gonna mention before, what gallery software do you use, Kuran? Very simple, elegant, yet functional (from this end, at least).

Thanks, I just build it myself in Golive, so its easy to update but requires some time when I do. I'm a noob with scripts so I had to ask a friend of a friend to help me write the little bit of Javascript thats used.

I'd be so happy if someone could help me make the photographs appear as soon as you select a series. (instead of having to click 'next' first..) I can't get that to work..

Imastalker, thanks for the kind words!








kuran said:
For the type of pictures that I take, would I get any benefit from using a lens other then this standard 18-55 (i think) that came with my Canon 350D?
If you only want to take pictures similar to the ones you do now and don't feel limited by the lens you have, I at least wouldn't be able to justify a $1000 purchase. I guess you could get a better lens with the same range (ef-s 17-55mm f/2.8?), but I can't tell the difference in image quality unless pointed out. I'm sure the 17-55 is infinitely better than the kit lens but not to my untrained eye.

It would be nice to have a wide and tele lens to complement the kit lens, assuming I don't lose interest in photography, but I can't see myself buying one in the near future. My approach is to learn to use what I have before expanding. I've only had my camera for 2-3 weeks so putting prosumer lenses in my hands would probably be pointless. However, I did order an ef 50mm f/1.8 to have as a portrait lens. It was dirt cheap and supposedly takes rather good pictures.


kagete said:
Hi, I've mostly been lurking on GAF and can't help but admire the excellent photography being showcased in this thread. That being said, I'm currently looking to finally get an SLR, after using several Sony point and shoots and most recently, a Canon S2 IS.

I'm pretty torn right now between a Pentax K100d and the Nikon D40. I've been able to try the Nikon for half a day both indoors and outdoors and I've liked how fun and easy to use it was. I'll end up taking a fair amount of photos indoors so the shake reduction of the Pentax is quite appealing to me, especially since I simply cannot stay steady enough for long shutter speeds.

Any thoughts on any or both cameras? I've noticed a lot of Canon users here but maybe someone had some experience with these specific models or can maybe push me in one direction or another.


i went through an S2 IS to a D40. go to the store. hold the cameras you're interested in. use them. which one is more enjoyable?

image quality is basically the same. the big difference is mainly little features (eg, pentax auto iso is totally broken), and ergonomics (D40 is smaller/lighter). the D40 also has some lens compatibility issues, but they're not a killer, unless absolutely have to spend thousands on multiple enses for your 4-500$ SLR.

yah, go use them dude, and the canons too. go with the one that feels best.

oh, rumor has it there are going to be some rockin new nikon lens announcements (all D40 compatible) on the 11th, so you might want to wait until then to see if there's a lens you might be interested in.

remember, photography isn't about gear.
guess, I love your airplane shots! Great lighting, very dramatic!

I'm about 20 miles away from the airport, and every now and then I'll get a low-flyer like this one over my backyard.


20D w/ 100-400 L.


Ugh. The Pentax k100 is ~$490 at Amazon and other online stores right now, with a $50 rebate so it's really dirt cheap for a brand new SLR. I lost yet another ebay auction for a d40 so the k100 is starting to look really tempting right now..

el jacko

I tried to shoot for the assignment, and here's some shit that came out of it. Not all of it works or was even intended to work.


1/2s, f2.8, 36mm, iso200


1/125s, f2.8, 17mm, iso200, edited in iPhoto


1/40s, f2.8, 17mm, iso800


1/6s, f2.8, 50mm, iso800


1/5s, f2.8, 50mm, iso200

there's a few more here, and I plan to upload some more once I take a whirl through Photoshop a bit tomorrow.


Here are a bunch of pics I took in NYC. They range from March 2007 to April 2007. I took these with a Canon Powershot SD550.











Hey, Kagete, I just found this on Fatwallet:


A review of the D50: http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/nikon/d50-review/index.shtml

Could be a decent alternative. I don't think it's geared to be quite as noob-friendly as the D40, but it does have the auto-focus motor in the body, which the D-40 doesn't have. Admittedly, the refubs won't come with the kit lens, but you'd start collecting lenses when you get an SLR-I've got 4 myself, in additon to a teleconverter.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
aparisi2274: I really like those shots of New York. Especially the black and white ones! New York sure is a photogenic city.
aparisi2274 said:
Here are a bunch of pics I took in NYC. They range from March 2007 to April 2007. I took these with a Canon Powershot SD550.

Heh, I have a print on my living room wall that looks exactly like that, composition but with different people. And I paid $100 for it.


Grimlock said:
Hey, Kagete, I just found this on Fatwallet:


A review of the D50: http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/nikon/d50-review/index.shtml

Could be a decent alternative. I don't think it's geared to be quite as noob-friendly as the D40, but it does have the auto-focus motor in the body, which the D-40 doesn't have. Admittedly, the refubs won't come with the kit lens, but you'd start collecting lenses when you get an SLR-I've got 4 myself, in additon to a teleconverter.

Thanks for the link. You've managed to cause even more confusion in my decision making process! Hahaha $400 for a (refurb.) d50 body is cheaper than a lot of eBay auctions for the same item. But will buying a refurbished SLR be something I may regret later on?

Hmm seems some sites are offering d50 bodies at around that price range... Too bad the d50 doesn't really appeal to me right now..

Well at Buydig.com and a lot of other sites, the K100d w/ 15-55 kit lens plus a second 50-200 lens goes for ~$750 but has a $150 rebate offered by Pentax USA so the entire package would only be $600. I swear, if only I wasn't so busy with work I'd have ordered this one immediately.


I didn't pay attention to the assignment deadline so I'll just post the picture I was going to submit here instead.


fart said:
eh, just post it in the assignment thread dude. if people care they can not vote for you.


abq said:
I didn't pay attention to the assignment deadline so I'll just post the picture I was going to submit here instead.

Yea, what fart said. Man, that;s now makes three of us who missed deadline!

Thatbox: that first one is awesome. Others good also - nearly makes me want to go back and change my vote... :p Seeing all of them as part of series... well done.

SnakeXs:That tunnerl one is cool

Otthon: I like your last one.

Anyway, the image I SHOULD have posted (thanks fart):

efs17-55IS, 55mm, f4.0, 1/25s, iso100

And a couple others:


efs17-55IS, 23mm, f4.0, 1/40s, iso100


ef70-200f4l, 200mm, f4.0, 1/60s, iso100


thanks fart and mrkgoo

here is a larger size of that image:


This is what the Spanish Aerial car looks like when crossing the whirlpool rapids. I really should update this picture with some green foliage.



Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
That's awesome, LRS.

I like how you took something that would usually use color as a focus (bright, colourful pansies) and removed the colour, forcing us to look at the rest of the photo and the flower itself.


Assignment thread reject:


I hated how my camera (Canon 4MP Z4) limited my ability to take this picture as it was supposed to be seen. So I went out and bought a Nikon D40 w/ both a 18-55mm and a 55-200mm lens included!


ianswoody said:
I hated how my camera (Canon 4MP Z4) limited my ability to take this picture as it was supposed to be seen. So I went out and bought a Nikon D40 w/ both a 18-55mm and a 55-200mm lens included!

How much total for the body and 2 lenses?


The D40 kit should be about 550 (although ritz has run a 530$ special), and the new 55-200mm VR is 250 retail, and new enough that I don't believe you'll get much of a discount on it. I've seen the non-VR 55-200 AF-S going for ~170. The VR shots look fantastic, though, especially for the price.

The current two lens kits I've seen include the old 55-200. The D40x 2 lens kit at costco and amazon sells for a grand even.


Thinking about getting the SAL-1680Z 16-80mm via import. I'll save a shit-ton of cash doing so (466USD). But is it worth the risks you think? Lenses are quite sensitive, and I know how the mail usually handles some packes.

So I dont know if I should go for it. There is no way I'll cough up the cash for the recommended price here in Sweden, which is set to about 1120 USD. :(


The stand-outs from this page:

pixelated said:
switched out photos

otthon said:
Some rejects.

SnakeXs said:
A bunch of really random stuff from today:


LRS said:

And as always, great stuff, Kuran and mrkgoo.

ianswoody said:
Assignment thread reject:


I hated how my camera (Canon 4MP Z4) limited my ability to take this picture as it was supposed to be seen. So I went out and bought a Nikon D40 w/ both a 18-55mm and a 55-200mm lens included!
Nice pickup. Both lenses together should give you a nice range. Also, for ~$100, I highly recommend the Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 lens. It's an absolute steal.


Nice pickup. Both lenses together should give you a nice range. Also, for ~$100, I highly recommend the Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 lens. It's an absolute steal.
this lens doesn't autofocus on the D40/x.


fart said:
this lens doesn't autofocus on the D40/x.
Are you talking about the newer one too? It's the one that comes with the little white plastic rear lens cap as opposed to the normal black one.
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