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GAF Votes FOTY 2013 Thread: Fail Of The Year


The gaming media for collectively failing to call out EA broken products like bf4 and simcity, and the xbox one debacle where they flew the green flag rather than arguing against anti consumer products.
There's no questioning this, it's Microsoft & the initial ONE reveal. For as much as they managed to turn that system around - the level of fuckery present in that initial presentation & all of the DRM issues.. It's unheard of. Especially on this scale.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
clearly XboxONE will win.

but let us not forget NBA Live 14 and the apology from EA for it lol






Xbox one in general. I thought they were ready to dominate the next generation of games.

What we got was TV, sports, and a whole lotta DRM.
The Wii U

Microsoft may have looked foolish over the DRM scandal, but who cares? They did a complete reversal on their policies, and evidently the masses don't care, judging by the strong launch sales of the Xbox One. On the other hand, Nintendo's home console for the next 3-4 years has been a financial disaster so far, and this is coming from somebody who owns 15 Wii U games.


WiiU worldwide failure charting below Dreamcast consistently. Xbone drm pr is bad, but they bounced back.


Xbox One DRM, without a doubt. Had they not reversed their policies, the Xbox One would have bombed like no other console before it. Wii U sales are an honorable mention, though.


Xbox One DRM.

WiiU sales are of course also fail-tastic, but where Nintendo failed to pitch their machine successfully, MS seemed to be openly hostile towards criticism until it reached a critical mass. Orth was just a symptom, one small-fry twitter dude in a whole shambles of confused spin, where at one point it seemed like we were getting different messages from different MS departments about what it could and couldn't do even on the same day. What a complete clusterfuck prior to the 180.
I think the X1 DRM is the clear winner but I feel like Simcity needs a big mention as well. If that launch had gone silky smooth and the game turned out to be great, I think the X1's DRM reception wouldnt have been slightly less hostile. Instead people got to saw what always online works like very close to the time when the X1 rumors became rampant. The utter failure of Simcity to work kinda threw some shit that stuck on the X1.

Worked out great in the end actually. :D


It's got to be the Xbox One. From Adam Orth's tweets, the disastrous reveal, the DRM policy and reversal, followed by resolutiongate, all of which took place before the console was even released, it was such a tremendous clusterfuck. Finally, the console was released and even then the problems didn't stop. Borked Kinect commands, MIA Twitch service, Skype bans for foul language, a revised party system that reworks the 360 system (which worked just fine) into a confusing, counterintuitive mess, microtransactions in all of the first party games -- the hits just keep coming.

I've been an Xbox gamer my entire adult life so I bought the system anyway, hoping all of the hubbub was just prelaunch complications that would be worked out by the time the system got into my home. Nope ..the bad news just kept coming. Microsoft is hopelessly out of touch and I really can't see how they could manage to maintain the popularity they had last gen. Time will tell of course, but as it stands, the system seems like it will be a wash, and may even cause MS to leave the console space behind.
I'll go with the fail that actually affected me the most, Sim City. Spent 60 dollars on a game that I couldn't play for almost a week.


Neo Member
So difficult to choice (not in order)

1. XBOX DRM issue (incorporating everything from get an 360 to flipping the switch)
2. Wii U sales
3. Battlefield 4's issues
4. GTAO issues
5. VGX
6. Sim City

They all have been pretty bad


Xbox one DRM and its defenders, not only was it a complete brand destroying disaster but I dont think I've ever seen so many people throw themselves on a grenade like that. Really bizarre to see so many supposed professionals line up to lie and insult people straight to their faces.
The Xbox One stuff never came to pass, so I don't know how it personally impacted anyone. It was a fascinating saga, but it's not an outright gamer-impacting travesty like SimCity, Battlefield 4, and the horrid Wii U first half lineup.
Even though i'm excited for the final product, all the missteps of the Xbox one deserve the win

second would be EA as a whole for Fifa 14 vita, Deadspace 3 the two worst offenders Sim city & Battiefield 4.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Easily the X-box 720. From Adam Orth's blunder of the year all the way up to launch and beyond was bad decisions abound.

CouldBeWorse said:
so I don't know how it personally impacted anyone.

Impacted MS's bottom line, plus gave PS4 a LOT of traction.

Failure doesn't have to be exclusive to consumers.


I think its hard to argue with XBONE DRM and everything that followed.

Honourable mentions:

  • Microtransactions, microtransactions everywhere (many guilty parties)
  • SimCity


Battlefield 4 PC
Simcity PC
NFS Rivals PC version
EA as a whole again with microtransactions out of the wazzoo incomplete games and broken games. And throwing out games to pc players like it's nothing again going back to 2005 when i think of it.

And yes also Xbone for sure and delaying it in the netherlands as a tier 2 country hell the distribution center is in the nehterlands how about that! Not going to buy one but man Microsoft fucked it up badly.


Unconfirmed Member
EA for me - shipping unfinished/broken products like Battlefield 4 and Sim City was an utter disgrace. Yes I know this isn't exactly uncommon (and some of my favourite games were a mess on release) but these games were in such bad shape on release to be essentially unplayable for quite a while it shows EA has no respect for their customers, only contempt.

I can understand people choosing Microsoft and their Xbox One reveal DRM etc but at least that wasn't the final shipped product, EA knowingly shipped those clusterfucks not ready for release.

An honorary mention for Aliens Colonial Marines as well, Gearbox only hurt themselves with the circumstances/stories around that one.


Gotta go with XBone.

TV/sports intro
DRM fiasco
E3 spanking
Reversals, more reversals, and reversals of reversals
Hardware deficit

No single game or even a publisher can beat out a major platform shitting the bed.

Honorable mention for games journalism.


What's amazing is that you can't pinpoint a single thing of the Xbox One this year that was so terrible. It's just all of it.

The 180s, the DRM, the price, Adam Orth, 720p, "We have an offline console, it's called the Xbox 360", terrible Kinect 2.0 voice recognition, lack of actual Twitch streaming, even the @Xbox fake tweets from just days ago.

All of it combined makes the beautiful shit sandwich that is Microsoft's Xbox One launch.
Can't say I disagree with this. Throw in Xbox brand/Microsoft privacy issues for good measure too.

Xbox/Microsoft as a whole gets my vote, not just DRM.
I'm voting SimCity because apparently they are still having issues. Also lying that it needs to be always online annoys me.

I'd vote MS but at least they did the 180 and are trying to fix their shit.


Xbone drm easy choice. But they reversed and seem to be doing ok. EA for ongoing screw ups. But that's standard and EA doesn't care.

This pains me as a huge fan of it but it has to be Wii U sales. For 8 months they let this thing crash and burn. Now they are putting forward effort and its showing signs of life akin to a coma patient. This has been one of my favorite years of gaming and its been almost solely Nintendo. But MAN they did not take advantage of it and see getting what they deserve. Here's to a better 2014
  1. Microsoft (for the whole Xbox One fiasco) (incl. adam orth)
  2. Gaming journalism (Sony too*, DRM is not bad, PS4 breaks records but x1 is "fastest selling", what microtransactions?, don't read into sales, etc)
  3. Microtransactions w/ virtual currency
  4. Ouwhat?
  5. GAF members insisting indies "don't count".
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